A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 76: The Gift (Part-3)

Chapter 76: The Gift (Part-3)

Marcel huffed as he let out a pained groan, gone was his clean and shaved aristocratic looks he looked more like some homeless beggar by that point.

"Mother, please eat something if you continue like this you will not survive."

Beth opened her eyes as she spoke, "Son have you eaten anything."

"I will eat later on."

Beth tiredly shook her head as she spoke, "No son, you have to eat first, this old fool has done too many mistakes because me your father"

Marcel simply gave her mother a one-armed hug, as he spoke, "Please mother we have escaped from that place we can now find a place to settle down and hide and maybe we can find my sister as well as my son, Ciara is in the army she will definitely survive with the garrison, and as for Ryan, he will and he has to survive, so please till we find them we will have to survive."

"Father is right, grandma, after all, grandpa did not sacrifice his life so that you would die in such a manner, not only because of him my honour but because of him we were able to escape from that accursed place, I always thought army should look after the civilian and help us, but this"

Beth looked at her Ileana as she spoke with a smile, "No, that is not an army but a group of thugs, murderers and degenerates who have banded together to fulfil their sick desires nothing more."

Her face gained a pained expression as she spoke, "I thought I knew him, he was like my brother and yet he betrayed me like that, my husband died because of him, then he tried to violate my granddaughters, I..I.."

Marcel simply rubbed her back as his eyes hardened, while his thoughts were not so soothing, 'The only reason I am even looking after you is that I promised father, I never knew why even after all this he loved you unconditionally, brother yeah right you cannot deceive me, but then the fruit doesn't fall too far after all because of me my son is lost.'

Ryan sneezed hard as he spoke, Seems like I caught a cold."

"But what did you get to show it, show it."

Ryan rolled his eyes as he spoke, "You are like a kid on sugar high."

Michalina narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "Like a certain someone did not dash all the way here to get his gauntlets to evolve."

Ryan's gauntlet's reappeared, but unlike before it was like a glove that covered every part of his hands up to his elbows.

Jessica poked and prodded his gloves before she spoke with a frown, "This glove kind of looks like ladies gloves, which went out of fashion somewhere a couple of centuries ago, though the design is nice."

Ryan simply pouted at her words as Ylerias spoke with a smile, "But even then your gauntlets looks much better than before, who knows with time it would end up becoming something that others will envy."

Michalina nodded with a smile on her face as she spoke, "It is as Lady Ylerias had said the gauntlet of yours will surely become the object of envy over time, but for now be happy it does not have some frills."

Ryan's happy smile disappeared as he let out a groan as he spoke, "Is this pick on Ryan day."

Jessica smirked at him as she spoke, "Of course every day is 'Pick on Ryan day'."

"Why You"

With a slight smile on her face, Ylerias decided to intervene, "Lord Ryan about your new gauntlet, can we see what improvements it has now."

"Of course, Lady Ylerias, let me write down the new status of my gauntlet."


Item: The Gauntlet of Eternal Forge [Soul bound to Apostle Ryan Von Ruinesca

Rank: UnCommon Tier [Downgraded from World Eater Tier]


[  Durability: Unbreakable ]

Special Perks:

[  0 Mana required for creation and destruction when equipped

 Duality  ]

Weapon Slot:

[  1. Pistol {Tier - 10} {Uncommon}

 2. Sword {Tier - 10} {Uncommon} ]

Evolve: 0/20 Material Fragments


Ryan gawked at it for a moment before he exclaimed, "Wait a minute who is this Ryan Von Ruinesca?? Why is my gauntlet bonded to him?"

"Lord Ryan may be you should write it down so that all of us can pool our minds and discuss in great details."

Ryan's sister, as well as Jessica, looked at the piece of paper that contained the details of the gauntlet especially the part related to the ownership of the gauntlet.

Michalina frowned as she spoke, "Is this some type of mistake."

"There is no mistake about it, as that is Ryan's name from now, the name granted by the Holy Lord Avtis."

Ryan looked at Ylerias before he spoke with a pout, "I would have preferred Doherty instead of Cahill."

Jessica looked at Ylerias as she spoke with a frown, "Gods give names to others?"

Ylerias simply smiled as she spoke, "No only their apostles they do so, did you really think that Ylerias Lunaveria was my birth name.", as Ryan and his group nodded she spoke with a smile, "Of course not, it was the name that my Goddess granted me."

Ryan's eyes then fell on Ylerias's companion Siora, "Was it the same for you? Did you also change your name?"

Siora bowed as she replied back, "Of course Your Holiness, when we pledged ourselves to serve My Lady, I gave away my birth name and since then I was known as Siora Ylerias."

Ryan tilted his head as he spoke, "Ylerias?, is that not Lady Ylerias's name."

Siora nodded at that as she spoke, "Yes, we all use the name of the Apostle, whose humble servants we are, as our surname."

Ryan simply scratched his chin with a deep thought as Ylerias spoke, "By the way Ryan, I have been something to ask you?"

"What is it Lady Ylerias?"

"I do not want to sound too rude, but your sister and you look nothing alike, there is nothing in common with your looks, there are rare chances that siblings look different but then again you look happy when your surname changed yet at the same time it did not change into something you wanted to."

The siblings looked at each other before Michalina began with a smile, "We do not look like each other remotely because we are not blood-related."

Ryan continued with a nod, "Both of us are adopted actually and our mother's surname is Doherty."

"My parents were a soldier for our country and they both died in the line of duty, I was so young that I do not have any memories of them it was then mother adopted me."

As Michalina spoke with a small smile and proud look on her face, Ylerias looked at Ryan who began with a small laugh, "Oh my is not as heroic and special as Big Sis, my parents forgot to use contraceptive as such I was born, and as such I was unwanted."

"You are a bastard."

"Siora apologize to Lord Ryan this instant!!"

Siora quickly dropped on her knees only to stop by Ryan, "Please please stand up and there is nothing to apologize for something that you did not know, as for me being a bastard, well my birth parents were happily married with their two beloved children and I was the unwanted fifth wheel of their perfect family, so there is nothing to apologize, as far as I am concerned they are strangers who I had the misfortune to know, nothing more nothing less."

Michalina slung her hand over Ryan's shoulder before bringing him to a one-arm hug as she spoke with a smile, "Who cares of those pathetic wastes of spaces you are my brother, my family and nothing can change that."

Ryan simply flashed Michalina a smile before he spoke, "Though the Unbreakable part is nice maybe I can use it to block some attacks when necessary."

Ylerias nodded at his words as she spoke, "Yes you may block attacks using your new gauntlet, but I am afraid, only Physical attacks because Magical attacks would bypass it easily. Why I had heard a story of a certain King donning a flameproof unbreakable armour challenging a Dragon, the battle lasted for a moment, neither the Dragon nor the Armor had a simple scratch on them but the King died can you guess why?"

Ryan's face scrunched up for a moment in deep thought before he spoke up with a dazzling smile on his face, "The heat the armour was not heatproof so the King might have..", his face gained a slight sickly greenish tint on his face as he came to a realization.

Ylerias continued from where Ryan left off in a bored tone, "Yes the King was cooked because of the heat as such being unbreakable might not be as great so, do not rely on it too much."

Ryan nodded solemnly before his eyes sparkled with great joy, "You said Dragons, your world had Dragons!"

Ylerias was taken aback seeing such excitement in his voice as such she simply nodded in confirmation.

With a whoop of joy Ryan literally, danced on the spot as he spoke with unhidden glee in his voice, "Can we find them? Can we find them?"

Michalina somehow managed to clam her brother from his sudden bout of overexcitement as she spoke, "Calm down brother why do you wish to find a Dragon."

"They are cool."

"Yes Lord Ryan I can agree to that they are majestic and how you put it, ah cool, but at the end of the day they are not only strong to the point that a few of their brethren can go toe to toe with gods but at the same time they are arrogant, vain and territorial I do not see why you would wish to find one."

Ryan looked at Ylerias with his eyes sparkling which made her take a step back as he proclaimed with his fist raised high up in the air, "Why you ask? It is simple I want to ride one."

Ylerias gawked at him for a moment before her eyes fell on Michalina who promptly gave a small bow as she spoke, "Please forgive your Holiness, from time to time he suffers from a bout of madness."

Ylerias gained a sympathetic look on her face as she spoke, "There is no need to apologize for him, I understand."

"Oi, what is that look you are giving me."

At his antics, even the ever stoic Siora had a twitch on her lips while Jessica simply giggled as she spoke, "Well Ryan I believe it is time for you to show us your weapons."

Ryan nodded at her as he spoke, "Sure why not here let me show you."

With that, he pulled out a generic-looking pistol, which he then showed it to others.

"Hmm, Micha does this weapon not resemble the Desert Eagle? It has quite the recoil if I remember correctly."

Ryan beamed at her as he spoke, "If it works like Desert Eagle it would be great."

Michalina shook her head as she spoke, "No brother despite having great firepower it is too slow compared to other 9mm such it is only popular with gun enthusiast."

"What do you mean by too slow, sis?"

"Well the desert Eagle you cannot fire as fast as a normal 9mm, by the time you would have put 3-4 shots a normal 9mm would easily shot 10 rounds."

"You forgot about the recoil."

Michalina gave a small nod of acknowledgement towards Jessica as she spoke, "Ah thank you for reminding about the recoil, the normal 9mm used by the forces are suitable for us to use even when we are moving but such is not the case for Desert Eagle, if you are not holding it steadfast it can hurt you greatly as such you cannot shoot it accurately while running not to mention its ghastly weight."

Michalina then looked at the gun as she spoke with a frown, "Curious there are a few components missing, and may I take a look."

Ryan was about to hand his weapon to his sister only to be stopped by Ylerias, "Stop, what are you doing? Lord Ryan I told you before weapon of an Apostle is only meant for the hands of the said apostle anyone else touching it would suffer severe consequences."

Ryan gave a sheepish smile as he spoke, "Sorry I forgot."

With a disapproving glare, Ylerias spoke, "Forgetting such vital things is beneath your station Lord Ryan."

Ryan looked severely chastised as Jessica quickly diffuse the situation, "Ryan don't you have another weapon to show."

Ryan nodded before a sword took the place of his pistol which disappeared, as he looked at his sword that appeared in his hand he could not let out a startled gasp.

Meanwhile, a certain God was thumbing through a book while laughing uproariously scaring any God that dared to venture to close to him, "I hope the brat likes the gifts, I am so inspired by this literary marvel known as Manga, I based most of his stuff on that, nowhuh"


As everyone ran away from fear, Avtis closed the manga as he let out a low chuckle, "No one can prevent me from knowing the next part, no one, and I will then have that author's soul and make him finish the manga for me, hahaha I am such a genius."

He spread his hands with his head held high laughing and scaring the deities even more before he stopped with annoyance in his face, "Tsk, that annoying idiotic brat screaming and complaining about something small, he should learn his place soon in the pecking order."

Back with Ryan as his group, Ryan held up his sword high up in the air as he shouted out, "What the hell is this, give me a rapier, a sword that I can use you not this you idi.."

As Ryan shouted the injustice towards the heavens, while Ylerias was trying in vain to shut Ryan up, a bolt of lightning appeared out of blew without even a cloud present before it hit Ryan.

A figure fell on the ground twitching a bit as Ylerias let out a mournful cry, "Why do I have to deal with him, why does he not listen he might just be the first apostle that was killed by their patron God, why do I have to mentor such rascal, My Goddess please save me!!!"

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