A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 79: The Journey Back Home(Part-3)

Chapter 79: The Journey Back Home(Part-3)

'Please anyone someone please save me.', was Isabela's thought as she closed her eyes when all of a sudden she felt something warm covering her, followed by the smell and taste of blood, she opened her eyes and was shocked to see her would rapist was cleaved in half and slowly falling apart while spraying his guts and blood all over her.

"Enemy attaugh", another person collapsed with an arrow in his throat, choking on his blood, and his other companions were not far behind.

Catherine's captivators gripped loosened under the enemy attack and that was all she needed, she slammed her hand as hard as she could on her captor's crotch making the person cry in pain releasing her.

"You bitch!", his captor screamed out in anger and that was the last word he could say as Catherine's adrenaline wore out her fear as anger took its place, she picked up the largest stone that lay near her.

Die! Just Die Already!", she screamed at the top of her lungs before bringing the stone over and over again turning her captor's head to paste.

"Enough! Catherine enough.", a pair of wizened hands caught hold of her bringing her back to her senses before screaming as she shakily looked at her hands, as Beth gathered her granddaughter into a tight hug.

Their attention was drawn towards someone shouting as the battlefield had suddenly gone silent.

Basile was bored really bored his uncle had come up with an insane plan to not only weed out the rebellious elements but break their hope permanently, and as such they allowed the people to escape and then send people after them to reel them back in.

To prove his worth to the society he decided to participate, the thrill of hunting down the rebellious people and teaching them their proper place was exhilarating more than he could imagine, and then they decided to wrap up, they had let their prey too much freedom and it was high time they reeled them in.

The only regret in the entire situation for Basile was that he was not the first one to sleep with Isabelle he wanted to sleep with her take pictures and then humiliate Ryan, who despite being younger than him had managed to outdo him in every turn, yet now it was a pipe dream, all he could do was take solace in the matter that Ryan was dead already turned to poop by some creature.

Then everything went wrong his commander was cur into two as well as companions were killed and now stood in front of Basile a monstrous being.

The simple presence of the being sent shivers down his spine, he could not help but shake under the beings glare, and as such he raised his hand and shouted out, "Stay back or I will kill you."

"STAY BACKKK!!!!!!", he shouted at the top of his lungs as fire appeared at the end of his hand but the figure was not dissuaded from the fire as the figure send a powerful kick that forcefully ejected the air from his lungs.

Basile coughed up blood as he looked shouted out in fear, "My uncle will kill you if you harm me he will kill you not even God can save you from his wrath."

The figure stopped upon hearing that and for the first time Blaise noticed the person's looks, an epitome of beauty was what she could be described as even the supermodels looked bland compared to her looks, long blue hair cascaded like waterfall reached her knees, with red cherry lips, and taut cheek, not to mention skin that looked as if it was carved from purest of marbles, her eyes were blue but with reptilian slits.

For moment Blaise was entranced by the buxom beauty, 'no Goddess', he quickly corrected in his head, he looked at the fur-covered buxom beauty as a hint of lust passed through his eyes before they were drawn towards the fact that the woman had horns on her head like some form of a crown.

A sadistic smile blossomed on her face that sent shivers down everyone's spine, before her melodious voice rang, "My! My! What a combination, a heretic as well as a rapist scum, just the type I like to squish like a bug."

Before Basile could speak the person was stomping hard for his ribs to break, as he vomited blood, Basile raised his head in a futile attempt to burn her only for the person to break his hands, before grabbing him by the neck.

"Please please let me go if you do my uncle will"

"Ssh ssh, a dead man should not talk.", the person purred in a seductive tone as she placed her hand over his mouth before she began to tug his head hard and with a loud shout followed by a crunching and wet squelch she tore Basile's head off of his still thrashing body, before casually throwing to her side.

A stunned silence descended on the as the figure dusted her head with a scowl on her face as if she had touched something rather nasty, she then turned as her eyes fell on Marcel making him freeze from fear then it went to Isabella who was curled up by her mother's side, who was tending to her.

"Shakidra, tend that young girl over there, her hands has been broken."

Another person with horns stepped forward bowing towards the speaker as she spoke, "As you wish My Lady.", with that she went towards the frightened mother and daughter duo.

As Shakidra went to heal Isabela, the blue-haired beauty turned towards her subordinates as she commanded again, "These people look almost starved to death, prepare something for them eat and some water for them to quench their thirst, while one amongst you all please go, and tell others to prepare the camp."

At her words a couple left after bowing towards her, she then looked at the deceased people, those killed by her and her subordinates before she barked another order, "Cut off the head and then put them on the pike for the world to see and then burn their bodies."

Another couple left as the person's eyes then fell on Marcel, who shook with fear from her gaze, and it did not help the fact that she was easily touching six and a half feet mark thus towering over Marcel making him even more intimidating.

"You sprawled on the floor, speak who are these people, where we are and why were they attacking you, and do not lie or else"

Marcel gulped at her words involuntarily shaking as he blurted out everything he knew as well as an answering a few questions she had.

Meanwhile back with Ryan, he let out a sigh of satisfaction, as he looked at his creation even some of the residents of their base had gathered to look at the large structure.

Cai Bai whistled in appreciation at seeing the large structure forming in front of his eyes as such he could not help but approach Ryan who was busy checking over his creation.

"Impressive as always Ryan, no matter how many times I look at it, it always manages to amaze me."

Ryan looked up towards Cai Bai as he offered him a small smile as he spoke, "Please this is nothing as there are so many things I have to work on, this just the basic chassis."

"Even still to create something so large would take weeks if not months to accomplish, from mining raw ore, then converting them to various products which are further used to create this nineteen large chassis, I do not think it is something that one can create within a few hours even at the height of our technology."

The duo became quiet for a moment before Cai Bai spoke, "So what do you wish to do in the future?"

Ryan frowned in deep thought for a moment before he spoke, "Future, huh well before everything went out of control I wanted to one day become an astronaut."

As he spoke he looked up towards the now sky that was more purple than blue, as it was slowly returning to normal with each passing day, a large smile broke out on his face as his eyes were lit by an unholy fire as he spoke, "But now I will not only become an astronaut I will make my own rocket to travel to space."

Cai Bai smiled at his enthusiasm as Ryan went back to work when one of a sudden one of the residents spoke with a frown on his face, "Hey Ryan why are you crying?"

His words drew everyone's attention towards Ryan who was looking at the speaker with confusion on his face, "What are saying?"

Cai Bai looked at Ryan as he moved towards his side before gently wiping out the tears streaming over his cheeks showing it to him while he spoke, "You are crying rather profusely."

"Wha..", was the only sound he could make before his voice choked as a gut-wrenching sadness and anger hit him full force.

Seeing his behaviour many were worried only to be shoved to the side as a red-eyed Ylerias bulldozed her way towards Ryan.

"Move out of the way."

As the people moved out of the way Ylerias finally managed to reach Ryan, she quickly held his hand before dragging him away from the crowd.

As she left Cai Bai spoke with confusion, "Did anyone noticed the lady's eyes I thought they were as if she was also crying."

One of the residents with a nod replied to him, "You are right I also noticed her eyes were red as if she was crying what happened?"

But all Cai Bai could do was shrug as did many others they were completely clueless about the incident, one moment Ryan was happily chatting with them then all of a sudden he broke down in tears even Ryan himself was taken aback when it was pointed out to him.

Cai Bai suddenly spoke out loud, "Hey did anyone see his older sister.", as a couple of shook their heads making Cai Bai speak with a frown, "Then it is imperative that we either find his sister, or her group and inform them about him something is fishy."

Meanwhile, Ylerias had dragged Rayn with her to the top of the base, where she was trying to console Ryan from his sudden unsuspected and unexplained breakdown, while she herself tried to pull herself up.

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