A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 83: A small pit stop (Part-1)

Chapter 83: A small pit stop (Part-1)

Finley ran as hard as his legs could carry, he could feel the rancid breath of the creature behind him, 'Just a bit more, just a bit more and I would reach their base, I would be safe, what a fool I was trying to oppose him, screw the Gods what good did they do to me, at least I will live even if I have to change my religion.'

A large crash came to his ears as he pressed forward the constant hum of engines greeted him making his to widen in shock, 'That sound there is no mistaking it is the sound of a machine, an engine a rather big one, I am saved I am saved.'

He broke through the foliage stumbled into the clearing his head moved left and right before he spotted the back end of a big vehicle that was moving further and further away, 'Are they leaving?'

The mere thought of it made a cold pit to develop in his stomach as he watched the vehicle already disappearing from view, as such he could not help but shout out as he chased after it, "Stop stop please wait for me."

But alas he failed to see the branch that was lying on the ground causing him to trip on the ground hard, he spat out the mud from his mouth as he looked up he let out a heart-wrenching cry as he watched the vehicle disappear behind the thick foliage.

"Did they leave, no no it might be a scouting party or something like that, yes yes, after all, why would they leave so fast, they have to try to convince rest of us to join them, yeah that is what should have happened."

His loud monologue came to an end as he froze upon hearing a growl from behind him, Finley did not even have the chance to turn his head as he suddenly felt a bone-crushing weight on top of him which was followed by unimaginable pain as the creature bit his shoulder hard.

Ryan meanwhile frowned as he looked at a particular part of the giant screen surrounding him, seeing him frown Michalina could not help but speak with a frown on her face, "Is something wrong?"

Ryan shook his head as he spoke, "I think I saw something appear behind us, just as I took the turn I think something stumbled out of the bush."

Michalina frowned as she spoke, "Must be some beast, drawn here because of the commotion."

Ryan nodded before he spoke with his eyes narrowed while leaning forward, "Hey sis if I remember correctly that part of the rail was too close to the pig fort, so if we follow it there is a chance that they might see us."

Michalina smirked as she spoke, "Why don't you draw their attention then after all it is bad manners to simply leave without waving our neighbours goodbye."

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "You are right sis, you are absolutely right."

He slowed the vehicle, before pressing a button which caused the rather loud horn to blast out in all its glory drawing the attention of the citizens of the fort towards them before Ryan sped up leaving them behind.

One of the citizens of the fort snarled as he glared at the rather large vehicle as he shouted out, "That bastard he, he, how dare he mock us like this."

One of the citizens could help but cry out as another snapped at him, "Shut up and pay attention to the surrounding he might have just drawn the attention of every creature in the vicinity to us, that bastard."

Meanwhile, Ryan drove away without care as Michalina looked at the screen in front of them as she spoke, "Ryan can you explain to me what is what."

"Of course sister, I hope that I do not have to explain those numbers that are continuously changing, they are showing the speed of the vehicle.", as Michalina simply gave a nod Ryan continued, "Now those line at the left and right as long as they are green, it means that the vehicle can safely move forward, but if it turns red collision is imminent on whichever side it is red, and the one below shows that ground in front is safe if it turns red it means the ground in front is hollow and is not strong enough to support out the weight."

Michalina could not help but let out a small whistle of appreciation at that as she spoke, "Impressive and now I wish to repeat what Jessica said before, 'Could you not make something that could fly better.'"

Ryan's only response was to roll his eyes as he pressed on the accelerator hard making the vehicle to sprint forward at a steady pace.


Meanwhile back in Fort Genesis, a closed-eyed Ciara had a look of intense frown on her face as one of her new acquaintances, who was busy teaching them how to wield magic.

"Can you feel the energy that is swirling in yourbody? Now pull out that energy surrounds yourself in it, feel it, embrace it, and then become one with it."

Ciara felt her mana rushing through her veins, a refreshing feeling that felt to her as if a part that has been missing is now being fulfilled.

"Stop stop Ciara control yourself, you are pushing too much out, it would cause mana deficiency which might even kill you, so stop."

Ciara was brought out of her mana induced euphoria as she blinked before suddenly rolling back but before she could hit the floor a pair of hands held her as the person spoke with a sigh, "Relax, easy I got you."

Ciara sighed as she looked into the eyes of her 'teacher' as she spoke with a sigh, "It was so euphoric never have I felt something so pleasantly addictive."

The person simply smiled as she spoke while helping Ciara to seat up, "I simply taught you to effectively draw your mana nothing more, and if you already feel so euphoric I do not know what you might do when you begin to learn higher level spells."

Ciara sheepishly smiled at her as she spoke, "Sorry, it was so overwhelming that I ended up losing me."

The person simply smiled at her as she spoke, "Of course it would be to you because unlike us who are accustomed to such feelings it is something completely new to you."

Ciara nodded in agreement as she spoke, "So, what is the verdict?"

Lierin smiled as she spoke, "Sorry but it seems that you are a general type."

"Excuse me, but what is a general type?"

Their attention was drawn towards Zhan as Lierin spoke, "Ah, I remember sister you were patrolling and as such you missed the lecture but do not worry I will repeat it for you, but please tell me do you know about the core?"

Zhan nodded as she spoke, "Yes I do."

"Excellent, now when a person first harnesses their mana, two things will happen, first of all, the person either shows sign of an element or the person does not, in case a person does not show any particular any element like any of you, then that person is called a general type, whereas those that showed some elemental magic may be either a savant or general type."

She took a breath as she continued, "Careful tests are conducted to see if they are either a savant or a simple general type, now general types can be said that they are the jack of all trades but master of none, that is they have an aptitude for every kind of magic, whereas a savant will have an aptitude for one type, and that one type no general can no matter how much they try at the end of the day a savant is the true master."

Zhan frowned as she spoke, "You have seen a few of us exhibiting elemental magic, what of them?"

Lierin frowned as she replied to her, "Except Donna, the rest are general, they are slightly more inclined towards a particular element, as such they are using that element, but when I made them use different elements they did struggle a bit, but they finally managed to except Donna."

"So, Donna will never be able to control anything other than earth."

Lierin smiled as she replied back to Zhan, "Well sorry it seems I chose my words poorly, she will be able to use another type if she trains like a madwoman for the next couple of decades then maybe she might be with great difficulty produce a small spark or a spoonful of water."

Zhan nodded as she spoke with a sigh, "I see, but what about others like those 'Beast Masters' out there."

Lierin's eyes widen as she spoke with a gasp, "There is a Beast Master here."

Zhan tilted her head as she spoke with a frown, "Yes that Virion person was telling us how he is a Beast Master."

Lierin deadpanned towards her before she spoke in a serious tone, "If ever that braggart even tells you that he is a Beast Master kick him in his nuts and tell him that I told you to do so, he is simply trying to take advantage of your ignorance."

Ciara frowned as she spoke, "Is there a difference between them?"

Lierin nodded as he spoke, "Yes there is a large one, anyone who learns the taming skill is a called a Beast Tamer and anyone can learn it so there is nothing spectacular about it, but Beast Master's, on the other hand, are very rare and you can say they are savant on taming beasts and are on another level."

Zhan frowned as she spoke, "Please elaborate."

"Well, there are many differences like a Beast Master, can not only tame a beast but can utilize the beast's abilities in combat, in fact, can take the form of the beasts amongst many other things, on the other hand, a tamer cannot do so, they are vastly inferior to them in every sense."

"I see.", with that Zhan submerged herself in deep thought as Ciara spoke, "How do you know that none of us is Beast Masters?"

Lierin simply pointed towards a bucket containing a small fish, "It did not react towards you, and animals are much friendlier to a Beast Master than others."

"I see."

"Excuse me Lierin.", as Lierin paid attention towards Ciara she spoke with a frown, "I just remembered something what about those that can control the zombies."

Lierin looked as if she teleported directly on Ciara's face as she spoke with a panicked look on her face, "Where have you seen such ability, do you know someone with that blasphemous ability."

Ciara pushed her away from her as she spoke with a frown, "Please move from my private space and as for the ability user, there was one whom we had killed."

Lierin let out a sigh as her panicked look disappeared before she spoke, "They are called necromancers and are the heretics of the highest order, once it is known that someone is practising such vile art they are immediately put to death by the laws of every kingdom, in fact, they are so much despised that the sooner or later even Apostles would come after them to dispose of them."

Zhan frowned at that as she spoke, "They would kill children, it is not their fault that they awakened such powers."

For a moment Lierin was confused before her eyes widen with understanding as she spoke, "No no, you misunderstand, necromantic powers awaken in only the vilest and twisted of beings that use their magic for such nefarious purposes, and no way someone as innocent and pure as children would ever awaken such vile power."

Zhan relaxed at her words as Ciara spoke, "Lierin you mentioned the Apostle, who are they?"

After a long and lengthy explanation about them, Ciara spoke with a sigh, "I see, I hope one day we might be lucky enough to meet them, but for them to arrive in this place in the near future is unlikely."

Zhan nodded in consent as Lierin spoke, "So true, it is not like an Apostle would suddenly waltz in this place."

A long-distance away a certain someone whose name was Ryan sneezed hard before he rubbed his red eyes as Michalina spoke in a stern tone, "Brother if I remember it is time for your rest."

Ryan nodded as he let out a yawn as the vehicle slowed down considerably as he spoke, "You are right it is getting difficult for me to stay awake anymore, so please excuse me I would like my sleep very much.", with that he left his seat to Jessica as he left to occupy his sleeping area.

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