A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 86: A small pit stop (Part-4)

Chapter 86: A small pit stop (Part-4)

Ylerias had fallen in love, never in her life, she had ever come to face with such feelings, her heart was beating furiously as her face gained a health flush she began to daydream, of one day owning a vehicle similar to the current one, and then travelling and exploring the new world while exposing the many secrets that it held in its bosom.

Her daydream came to an end when her attention was grabbed by Ryan who spoke with a voice full of concern, "Is something wrong you have suddenly become quite, I hope the way I drive is not making you feel uneasy."

Ylerias hurriedly waved off his concern as she spoke with a smirk, "There is nothing for you to worry about Brother Ryan, you drive splendidly to the point I enjoyed it immensely and judging from the looks on my subordinates faces they do so."

Ryan simply gave a small smile as he spoke, "I glad you enjoyed my driving.", his smile vanished as he spoke in a sad tone, "Not many do so."

A faint gasp was heard as Ylerias spoke with a serious look on her face, "It is criminal for them not to like, I might not have seen too many people driving but compared to them you are driving is excellent."

A bright smile formed on her face as Ryan spoke, "Thank you but wait till you see my mother's driving her driving is a world apart than mine, one day I hope I can drive as good as her."

"Lord Ryan if I may ask you something?"

Ryuu took a sharp turn before he spoke with a shrug, "Feel free to ask anything."

The Elven subordinate spoke in an unsure tone, "Lord Ryan in the morning when you were driving you were quite slow as well as you did not drive in such an exhilarating manner why?"

"Oh, that was because I was tired and it is dangerous to drive in such conditions as a momentary lapse of attention could cause an accident as such I drove like a slug."

Ylerias frowned in deep thought as she spoke, "Brother Ryan I have a favour to ask."

Ryan raised one of his brows as he inquired with a curious tone in his voice, "What is it Lady Ylerias?"

"Can you teach me how to drive?"

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "of course I would be happy to, though I would advise you to wait till we reach our destination, then I can teach you using smaller vehicles."

"I see learning to walk before trying to run."

Ryan nodded before he spoke with a sigh, "In a way, yes, but most importantly because within the next few hours I am going to yell again."

Ylerias's eyes narrowed as she spoke, "Oh and why would anyone do so."

With a dejected sigh, Ryan began to speak, "Even before everything went to hell, the way I drive would not only be counted as reckless but it would have gotten me banned from driving just like my mother."

"Then how do people drive in your world."

'That voice was that Dasyra asking me.'

He cleared his voice while he replied to whom he presumed to have asked the question, "Well did you all enjoy Jessica or my sister's driving?"

A few of them gained a constipated look as Ylerias summarized their thoughts, "Compare to you, it was boring as hell they drove too slow, now if only we could stand out for a bit and feel the breeze."

"My Lady you took the words of my mouth."

"So true if only we could feel the breeze as well."

As one by one the elves agreed with Ylerias, Ryan gained a small smile on his face as he spoke, "Tell you what, when I will be teaching you, I will make sure the car does not have any roof, and I know where you are coming from, you would absolutely love it."

As Ylerias smiled at his words, Dasyra spoke again, "Your Holiness, please do not forget about those motorcycles things, they might have only two wheels but they are equally amazing."

Ylerias nodded as she spoke, "Yes I have seen them, and they also seem to be nice so maybe I will try to learn them as well."

Dasyra smiled towards her as she continued, "Your Holiness, learning to ride them is very easy just you have to maintain your balance."

A wave of excited chatter rose amongst them as Ylerias simply smiled towards her excited subordinates before she spoke to Ryan, "Brother Ryan, you were saying something about your sister's driving style."

"Ah yes, in my previous world the way she drove would be considered as going very fast and reckless."

Pin drop silence descended as Ylerias spoke in disbelief, "You are joking right? Their driving is considered fast!!!"

With a sad sigh Ryan began to speak, "Yes, it is true as such people like us are forced to either give up driving or put our head down and obey the rules."

"That is not fair."

"Ryan nodded as he spoke, "That was why I told you I would be yelled at by my sister for not following proper protocols and speed limits and whatnot, I am afraid after today she will force me not to drive."

Ylerias shook her head "That is so not nice.", a resolute look form on her face as she spoke, "Do not worry Brother Ryan I will support you and we will reach a compromise."

Ryan gave her a small helpless smile as he replied to her with his voice full of gratitude, "Thank you."

Although Ryan's face showed a hint of helplessness inwardly it was a different matter as he was laughing uproariously, 'Hehehe now Michalina how will you act when a portion of the people would exclusively want me to drive, now you cannot force me from the driver's chair.'

As Ryan was scheming Ylerias simply looked at him as a small smile formed on her lips, 'I do not know how many lies you have told me, but you are a hundred years too early to fool my subordinates and me, though I will have to teach you that next time you are scheming does not show that smirk on your face, I will pretend that I did not catch on to it and see where this leads on to.', as that thought passed through her mind she simply gave a discreet nod towards her subordinates who returned her one in kind.

Meanwhile back with the other passengers, Andraais had a look of awe as he found himself floating in the air, 'Is this Zero-G feels like? The feeling of floating like this in the air I like it.'

His serene smile disappeared in an instant as he was slammed hard on the floor by the cruel mistress known as gravity.

Tears formed in his eyes from the pain as he mumbled out, "My back.", but that was not the end as he soon found himself kissing the side of the vehicle as multiple bodies suddenly slammed on him, 'I should have let those zombies eat me, this is madness.'

Michalina stood up trembling, getting slammed hard was not fun, not to mention the inside of the Alpha Raven 2.0, was like that of a washing machine with the passengers being treated like clothes, 'Enough is enough his actions are hurting others I have to control him if he wants to help these people he needs to understand that he cannot hurt them, especially the children as their parents might go to any length to protect them and I do not want him to run afoul of them.'

As such with great difficulty Michalina made her way to the driver compartment or as some of them were dubbing as the cockpit, she slammed the door open before she bellowed out loud, "Ryan, stop driving immediately so recklessly are you trying to kill us all."

Ryan frowned as he spoke, "I told you all to hold on to something, and given the circumstances, we needed to move fast so what is wrong with my way of driving."

Michalina growled and she would love to stomp up towards her brother but the shaking of the compartments prevented her from doing so, in fact even standing was a great deal difficult for her.

"Ryan now!!!", as she shouted once again the others present in the cockpit beside the siblings frowned at that.

Meanwhile, Ylerias finally realized the reason behind Ryan's scheming, 'He loves to drive and drive in a fast pace yet others restrict him, no others restrict his freedom as such he wanted us to intervene on his behalf and help him out as a third party since he is not confident enough to go against his sister, even if the current him is stronger.'

As such she promptly turned and then peering from behind his seat Ylerias spoke to Ryan, "Brother instead of arguing like this I think you should stop the vehicle so that all of us can agree.", and as Ryan looked like he was about to protest, Ylerias raised her hand to prevent him speaking as she continued, "You yourself said you need to pay attention to the road while driving so please stop it."

With a grunt, Ryan slowed down the vehicle until it came to a stop before he stepped out of the driver seat, then folding arms he spoke in a stern tone, "I stopped the vehicle now what do you want to speak about."

Michalina growled as she spoke, "What have I told you about your driving, there are children with us they would have been injured."

"And did they not hear me telling them to hold on to something, I might not be able to provide them with a proper bed but I have surely provided them with enough safety harnesses so why did they not use it, it is not my fault."

Michalina rubbed her forehead in exasperation as she spoke, "That may be but you have to have some consideration about them, they have never seen or faced something such intense so you should have toned down your driving."

As they spoke the sibling slowly moved towards the centre as they glared at each other with an equal intensity none of them trying to back out.

"I did what was needed Sis, did you even see the horde properly? Did you not notice anything different about the horde?"

"Oh, and what would that be."

"Plenty even excluding the fact the sheer number of normal Tier 1 zombie I spotted no less than three Tier 8 hidden amongst them, maybe more as such I drove so earnestly so that we could shake them off."

He took a deep breath as he continued, "Now do you understand why I drove so earnestly, and if someone has a problem with it, we are not too far from the horde they can try their luck at zombification."

Ylerias nodded as she spoke in support, "It is true, what he said is absolutely true there were some incredibly powerful ones not to mention a few abominations so I support his actions and if I am not wrong we are not that far from the horde as such I suggest we move on."

Michalina sighed as she spoke, "I will try to speak with them and "

Whatever she was going to say came to an abrupt halt as Ryan suddenly grabbed the nearest elf flinging her away while kicking Michalina as far away from him as possible stunning everyone, but before any of them could react, a large figure suddenly broke through the right side slamming him hard before barreling out of the cockpit.


A horrified scream tore throw Michalina's throat before she dashed towards the hole on the wall as did Ylerias only to see a horrific sight of the creature with its long sword-like finger piercing through Ryan's body lifting his lifeless body from the ground while his life fluid slowly began to coat its rather long metallic arm.

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