A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 90: Getting reacquainted (part-2)

Chapter 90: Getting reacquainted (part-2)

The last couple of days had been trying for him, the continuous bout of the curse at random times had taken a toll on him, gone was his healthy look what lay in its place was a sickly pale look, not to mention the severe fever that was tormenting him.

As such he was forced to lie down and sleep most of the time while being kept at constant watch by either of the healers present but unfortunately his current sleep was being interrupted by shouts from the other compartment where a loud argument was taking place.

'Tch, this is getting ridiculous, how can I rest under such ruckus? I can hear Jessica shouting along with two other male voices, but enough is enough.'

Ryan raised his hand as a small handle morphed up from the wall of the vehicle which enabled him to pull himself up in a sitting position.

Shakidra who was keeping an eye on him was instantly by his side as she spoke, "Your Holiness do you need something."

With a grunt Ryan began to speak, "Yes I would need to silence some ruffian."

"Please Your Holiness there is no need for you to exert yourself, I will send someone to deal with the ruckus, so please lie down."

"No, I will deal with it, all this shouting is making me annoyed and I need to vent some anger, now please help me to stand up or I will find another way."

Shakidra sighed as she helped Ryan to stand on his feet, compared to her species Ryan was short by a foot at least as such she could not lend him her shoulders as such she grabbed onto his hand as she helped him to walk slowly towards the centre of the commotion.

"Your Holiness if you feel ill please, do not hesitate to inform me, there is no need to exert yourself."

Ryan smiled at his concern as he spoke, "Thank you Shakidra and sorry for making you do all the work."

"Please Your Holiness there is no need to thank me or apologize to me, after all, it is an honour to serve someone of your stature."

"Even so Maralyn and you are overworked, while Nikita is still learning from you, looking over a thousand person is too much when there are only two of you who can heal using magic, not to mention you are keeping an eye on me, I feel so guilty on making you work too much."

"Please Your Holiness there is no need to feel guilty we exist to serve your command."

Ryan was silent for a moment before he spoke with a frown, "Hey Shakidra is it possible to increase the number of healers, and with only two of you for a thousand people I think it is a great burden for you and Maralyn."

"Your Highness training a healer takes time, Nikita is doing well and I hope that soon we will have another healer amongst us."

As Ryan stepped in the compartment with Shakidra's help he was greeted by the sight of two people arguing well more like the two people trying to tear each other's throat apart while Jessica tried to mediate between them, but from the looks of it, her word's fell on deaf ears.

Ryan activated his circle before he shouted out, "What the hell is going one?"

His presence seemed to have drawn everyone's attention as Jessica spoke with a concerned look on her face, "Ryan, what are you doing here please go and rest you are not well."

"I would as soon as the current source of disturbance is no longer present", with that his eyes fell on the duo who were arguing as he spoke in a rather calm tone, "So why are you all shouting so much."

One of them person snarled as he began to speak, "Why else, this fellow dirties the toilet every time he uses it, never bothering to use the flush, and he had the gall to argue about it."

The other man gained a bored look on his face as he spoke, "So what this is a free country now, and I can do everything I want."

Ryan gawked at the duo fighting and arguing to the point they were a hair away from using their fists yet the cause of their argument was something that should be fit for children.

Ryan raised his hand drawing their attention as he spoke, "Wait a minute, all this shouting because someone is not flushing the toilet, this is ridiculous.", he then looked at the accused as he spoke, "Were you not potty trained?"

The person in question flushed red from anger as he spoke, "Shut up, you halfway dead idiot, go and die, I will see who makes me clean the toilet, it is something that is beneath me."

Ryan's jaws hardened as he spoke, "Please stop this foolishness, you are an adult act like one, none of us is your servant, so stop acting so selfishly."

"You shut the hell up, you, who do you think you are to tell me what I can or I cannot do, I will do whatever I want and if you have a problem and get out of this goddamn prison of a vehicle, what are we cattle, where is the TV, the lounge, the bar, nothing there is nothing, I want a private room with a shower where is the idiot who made it I will have to slap the idiot hard on his face and then teach him about making something proper for someone of my stature."

Shakidra growled as she whispered out loud, "That idiot, instead of taking pity I should have let him and his gang of five rot, we met them a day before we met you, they are so annoying I should not have saved them."

Ryan smiled at her as he whispered back, "That only shows how kind you are.", his smile then turned to a scowl as he spoke, "But sadly sometimes kindness is wasted on some creatures."

"Are you human or a chimpanzee that became human after the apocalypse?"

"What?", was the ever eloquent answer of the idiot as Ryan began to speak as if he was speaking to an extremely slow person.

"You see some time ago I went to the Zoo, and there I saw a chimpanzee who loved to through poop at others, unfortunately, I do not know if a chimpanzee acts like that in the wild but that was the only exposure to a chimp I had so who knows.", pausing for a breath he continued to speak, "You know you kind of remind me about that chimp, completely unhygienic and ill-mannered throwing its poop all around."

The man suddenly turned red as he spoke, "How dare you peasant, my father is the Minister of Oil and gas, he is next in line to be President, one word from me will have you thrown out of this vehicle, I know the creator of the vehicle and he is a good brother of mine, one word to him and he will throw you out."

Ryan jaw hardened as he spoke, "Oh really the maker is you friend."

"Yes, he is my friend, I know him since we were children."

"Ho, is that so?"

The man spoke with a triumphant look on his face as he spoke, "Yes so stop trying to anger me if you know what is good for you."

"Ho, that is rich coming from someone who claimed he would slap the creator silly for not getting you a private room with a shower."

"Shut up, you half-dead brat, Mathew beat him for me."

A lanky looking man wearing sunglasses stepped forward making Ryan double-take upon seeing the person, 'Who wears sunglasses indoors and why does he have so many chains hanging from his neck, what is its purpose, ugh, the entire situation is juvenile, no it is something fit for toddlers, I should have tried to sleep and pretend that this never happened.'

His thoughts turned serious soon after as Mathew pulled put a pistol, holding it sideways with only his thumb and index finger supporting.

'They had guns, and that idiot pulled it out casually.' the momentary look of alarm on his face disappeared as it was replaced by a look of relief, 'That idiot has yet to disengage the safety.'

Mathew opened his mouth but whatever he was about to say was stopped as Jessica quickly hold of his wrist with a quick tug had secured the pistol, then bending Mathew's hand he forced him to kneel on the ground, she then pointed the gun towards the original troublemaker as she spoke, "Now do you have anything to add."

The person simply shook as he began to sweat profusely as he raised his hand in surrender before speaking with a whimper, "Please do not shoot me."

"Then get any of our comrades out in the open now!", as Jessica barked out her orders the remaining three of her group stumbled forward, meanwhile Ryan stared at the person who was underneath Jessica's boots when Jessica had disarmed him thee sunglass had fallen off and now Ryan could perfectly see the eyes hidden behind the sunglass.

'I see why he hid them, poor bastard, I do not know if it is because of some mutation, but it is an eye that even a mother could not love', a thought many shared with Ryan.

One of them opened his mouth as he spoke, "Listen, lady, my good brother's father is one of the important ministers not to mention he is a good friend with the creator of the fine.", Ryan had enough as the floor underneath them moved to make the trio stumble and as soon as they were on the ground, floor wrapped themselves around them immobilizing them.

Ryan stepped up by Jessica's side who quickly spoke with concern in her voice, "Ryan please go and rest, I have everything under control."

But, Ryan did not put any mind to her words as he looked at the self-proclaimed son of the minister as he began to spoke, "Oi, Minister's son look at me and tell me do you know me?"

The person looked at Ryan before shaking his head as Ryan gained a predatory smirk on his face as he spoke, "Then how dare you claim to be my childhood friend and then use my good name to con others.", he stopped for a moment as he spoke, "Tell me how many have you conned using my name till now, hmm, one, two, three, I am waiting.", he paused again for a brief moment before he shouted back at him with full force, "TELL ME!!!!"

Ryan snarled out loud as the mechanical parts of his bionic eyes moved to scare the person enough to soil himself.

Ryan face scrunched up in disgust as he spoke, "Pathetic.", he then looked towards Jessica as he spoke, "Can you please see that they do not have any weapons with them, I do not think these idiots should carry any form of weapons, who knows what they might end up doing."

Jessica nodded with an amused smirk on her face as Ryan could not help but ask out loud, "Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing Ryan you remind me Major too much, I had once seen her make someone lose control their bowels just like you did today."

Ryan slight blushed but he quickly controlled himself before he stood up straight as he spoke out loud, "For those who do not know me my name is Ryan, and I am the creator of this vehicle my power lets me create things such as this and no I do not favour anyone in this vehicle, we all are the same, we eat the same food, we drink the same water, and we definitely sleep similarly no one is to be given preferential treatment."

He paused for a brief moment seeing words sinking into the minds of those that joined him after they had left their initial base before he continued with a stern look on his face, "I know these are trying times where we all are trying our best to survive as such please try to be as civilized as possible, after all, we are not animals are we?"

As a couple of heads shook negatively Ryan spoke with a large smile on his face as he began to speak, "Now I will take my leave and if you people further wish to decide on this idiot's punishment then feel free to do so but try not to be violent, there are children on this vehicle and I would love if you all be a proper role model for them during this trying times."

With his piece being said Ryan slowly moved back with Shakidra's help, but unknown to him a figure was standing in the crowd looking at him with wide eyes as she watched him leave she could not help but whisper out loud, "Brother"

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