A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 133: Trust

Chapter 133: Trust

"My sister.. isn't fond of you? What did you do?" Aleksei questioned.

Estelle shrugged at the mention of it, and her imagination reverted back to that day.

"Nothing much. Her expression changed once I mentioned the Goddess in front of her. I also proclaimed myself with the Villarante surname," Estelle answered. "..Although, if you think about it, that is not a small matter,"

"...Hmm," Aleksei hummed, nodding his head in understanding.

"I admit, it was partly just to incite the three of them. To.. somewhat place my position down. I might've acted too rashly. I should apologize later on before anything gets too out of hand," Estelle pursed her lips.

"That would be great. My sister is usually calm, but the Goddess is a sensitive topic. The Goddess.. is everything to her," Aleksei warned.

"I didn't know that because it was my first meeting with her. I will be more careful next time.."

"Now, to Neil, right? I will contact my sister and ask for Neil's whereabouts, you can just rest for a short moment before we depart,"

Acknowledging the man's intentions, Estelle went to separate from the man and sat down by a table.

She looked up to the blue sky decorated with clouds, making up a beautiful scenery.

"..I really made it," Estelle mumbled slowly.

To be honest, she had doubted herself when everything seemed to not be working. The three day agreement. She was too confident and ended up being stressed out over the matter.

Succeeding and confirming her victory took off such a large weight off of her chest that she could finally smile in relaxation, without the thought of failure impending inside her mind.

She couldn't resist the outburst of happiness inside herself as she grinned widely, banging on the table consecutively to express that feeling.

"I feel so great," she held her cheeks, repeating the phrase over and over again.

As she enjoyed basking in the sunlight while celebrating her victory, a figure stepped into the vicinity.

Estelle's senses picked up the newcomer and instantly became wary.

"..Is someone there?" she asked.

Since the place was not accessible to many, Estelle didn't immediately become hostile. If anything, she did not have the full right to be hostile since the place wasn't hers.

It couldn't be Aleksei, because the figure's aura felt different.

It felt more like.. someone she knew for a long time.

"Estelle!" A familiar voice called out her name, exposing the owner's location due to the sound.

She turned her head to the voice's direction and widened her eyes after confirming the attitude of said person.

Then, she instantly frowned.

"...Minerva?" Estelle gaped in shock. "Minerva.. Is that you?"

However, instead of being happy, her first assumptions were to be suspicious and on guard.

Minerva Eire. A close companion to Heine, who hurt her time and time again. The main source of her problems as of now.

Why would the Crimson Witch be here without notice? In Alfheim, inside the palace, which is supposed to be considered a high security place?

The bizarre incidents had scarred her morality. Her innocence, which was originally catered to by a relatively peaceful and easy life was rapidly deteriorating.

The challenges and terrors she had to face, the devastating reveals of things that happened behind her back.

[Minerva.. is not safe until proven otherwise.] Estelle learned this lesson.

Even Heine, who she regarded as one of the most important people in her life grew to betray her in such a horrendous way.

What prevented Minerva from doing something similar?

Estelle knew that their relationship was never fully sincere. In every interaction they had, Minerva always held one constant negative emotion. It was fear.

Fear towards what? Estelle.

Something in Estelle.

Who knew how much Minerva knew? What actions she took because of her knowledge?

[Minerva is still not safe.] She reminded herself again.

One of her closest companions. One of the people the Ruler told her to appoint as a Constellation.

The topic of 'Constellations' was slowly becoming a joke to her.

One of the candidates the Ruler offered up was Heine. And what did he become? A monster, a danger to Estelle's journey.

The man wanted to seek something from within her. Something harmful, something that could strip her away from herself.

Naturally, Estelle was suspicious.

"Yeah, it's me," Minerva gave a playful smile to Estelle, approaching the girl step by step.

Estelle gulped down a mouthful of saliva. She analyzed Minerva's every gesture, trying to figure out her intentions for being here.

"..What are you here for?" she questioned.

"I came here with my sister. The entire Elven Kingdom, including the Royals, have debts towards my sister. She made huge contributions to the establishment of this place's security.. and she's also an important figure considering her status,"

"Ah.. right. I forgot. Yulia put up the barriers around here, right?" Estelle kept up the conversation, hiding her negative emotions away as she settled down.

[It is still too early to judge.]

[But it's never too early to be guarded.]

"En. Different sets of protection. Several for the palace, and more for the entire country. It took her years to complete her job. I still remember her complaining about it while drinking until she couldn't talk straight to me," Minerva's gaze softened as she spoke about her past.

"So.. where is Yulia?" Estelle probed.

She was afraid that as she was speaking with Minerva, another operation was simultaneously happening.

A wicked plan that would push her down the cliff.

She felt threatened.

"Mmm... Sister Yulia.. She went to meet the Queen," Minerva declared, making Estelle be taken aback once more.

"..Meeting the Queen? Shirley? My grandaunt?" Estelle questioned. "That easily..?"

"She has the right to do that. The Yulia you know might not be the best version of her, but she is actually quite the great expert if you dig deeper," Minerva giggled. "But.. you said grandaunt. So it's confirmed that you're.."

"Technically the Princess of Alfheim, yes," Estelle informed. "Silvanna... My grandmother, Silvanna Villarante was a runaway princess,"

"Hmm... it got obvious as time went, but to hear the truth straight up still brings the shock value," Minerva commented. "You too, what were you doing here?"

"I was practicing for a challenge I accepted. It's for my settlement in Alfheim, to prove my worth and my ability to wield the Villarante surname,"

"Are you planning on changing your surname? Clareste?"

"Of course not. It's just for Alfheim. It is beneficial for me,"

"I see... Well, that makes sense,"

They started to engage in small talks, with Estelle narrating what had happened to her during the days she was here in the country.

However, as they continued to chat, Estelle noticed one strange thing about their conversation and Minerva's behavior.

She was avoiding topics about the situation in Alfheim, and talked of nobody other than her and Yulia's condition.

Ignoring one person completely.

One person that made her suspicious of Minerva right now.

As if the man did not exist in Minerva's memory.

[What a joke.]

The fact that she avoided the topic made Estelle even more frustrated rather than relieved.

As her mood started to drop, Estelle began to lose trust in Minerva. She truly believed that the woman was here for a double-sided reason that might not be good for her.

"..Estelle," Minerva spoke up softly, bringing Estelle's attention to her.

Her tone changed.

If before, she was sunny and lively, this time she called Estelle's name with a grave tone, which made Estelle perk up.

[Is she finally going to address the matter?]


That man had a strange relationship with Minerva.

It was hard to describe.

Friends was too little, family was too much, loved one was too out of the world.

They were 'partners'.

And would the two of them not know of the atrocity another committed?

Especially when Heine seemed to be so prepared about his plans?

His craziness, which must have spiked up during the time she was away, chained down to some decrepit space where she struggled endlessly?

"Hm?" the girl tilted her head, waiting for Minerva to continue.

She wanted to hear. What Minerva could offer up.

"I don't know how to say this," Minerva clasped her hands and rubbed her fingers together. "But..."

Estelle became irked.

The way Minerva acted so careful and delicate was more insulting than anything to her.

"Just tell it straight, don't drag things longer," Estelle scolded the woman.

"You might not like this news,"Minerva warned.

"..Haah. I told you to just tell it straight. Judging by the tone and timing, since you've said this, then you must've gotten to know what happened between me and Heine," Estelle glared at the crimson-haired beauty with piercing eyes.

Minerva lowered her gaze, staring at the table as she sighed. "I learned of it,"

"..I learned of it?" Estelle repeated. "I learned of it? Is that all you are going to say?" Estelle broke into a broken fit of laughter.

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