A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 165: Ominous Eye

Chapter 165: Ominous Eye

Raising an eyebrow at the man, Estelle questioned what his words were all about. "...Is there something wrong?"

Aleksei approached Estelle and gripped her hand. "I don't know if this makes sense or not, but I've always had a.. special ability to sense an incoming trouble? I guess you could say it like that," he explained. "The sensations I feel towards the danger will worsen accordingly to the danger's severity,"

Estelle knew not to make light of Aleksei's words because of his previous bad feeling that had manifested in the form of the grim energy ball situated in the forest. Now that he had a much worse expression painted on his face, how different would it be from what she had just experienced?

"...You are saying that you feel really bad right now, which means that a huge danger is approaching?" Estelle asked. The man nodded with a grave face. With each passing second, his face paled more and more, making Estelle worry with both the man's condition and the danger's identity.

"Something in the forest. It's coming. It's.. moving really fast to this town. It- It must've been the thing I told you about before. This.. feeling makes me sick. Rae.. I think something dangerous is inside there." Aleksei clenched his hands. Suddenly, he fell down to his knees and covered his mouth. His stomach churned and he was almost about to vomit, but he restrained it. He choked several times, banging on the ground to bear it.

"What.. on Earth?" Estelle hurriedly supported the man. Before, about the sinister energy ball, Aleksei only showed frowns of distaste. That energy ball was not that potent, but it was still quite dangerous for a normal persons' caliber. Considering the severity of the reactions, how bad was this incoming disaster going to be? "Sei! Aleksei, get a grip!" she shouted at the man who was now scratching at the ground to endure some sort of indecipherable pain.

Due to the screaming, the townspeople also began to take notice of the condition Aleksei was in and came to investigate, asking questions towards the couple. "Is he alright? Why did he suddenly collapse?"

"I don't know.. but something bad may happen very soon, so it's best that you all take cover. Be prepared for the worst," Estelle warned, not wanting to take light of the situation.

The townspeople were all very confused and distraught, hesitant whether they were supposed to follow the instructions or not. They had doubts, thinking that it might just be a false alarm and they would be worried for nothing. But the one warning them made it hard for them to disobey. This was Estelle, or more specifically known as the mysterious, omnipotent girl 'Rae'.

She wasn't someone who would give false alarm triggers. Not to mention, the couple's state was far from ideal right now, making them think that something really was about to happen.

Sure enough, just as they rushed to follow the instructions, the so called 'danger' predicted by Aleksei arrived just in time. It all began with a thundering sound from the skies. It was a large belching sound.

"Oh shit." Estelle cursed, covering her mouth as she looked up to the sky, where she saw a disgusting creature pop up and begin to spew out black, gooey matters. "That thing is.." she was uncertain.

It was an eyeball. It wasn't attached to anything, but it had veins covering its surface all over. Black, purplish veins that seemed to move about and vibrate from time to time. The eyeball moved, looking down at the town. Estelle couldn't tell what it was thinking about, but she knew that this was the danger Aleksei mentioned. Which meant that the creature would be dangerous. Which was bad, obviously.

Her danger sensors spiked up as she raised her arms up high and began channeling her mana, preparing for a large sized coverage for whatever the creature was about to do.

As if responding to her actions, the creature began to turn around, tumbling in the sky for some seconds before stopping. Then, it's bottom area began to rip. From the ripping part, goo began to spurt out in high amounts, scattering all about.

Immediately, she cast defensive spells with her accumulated mana and aimed it towards the incoming barrage. Due to the goo having high momentum and velocity, Estelle's barrier casting speed was not enough to cover the whole city. The disaster was processed by her mind way too late, and damages began to occur as Estelle looked around the city with worry.

The method of casting magic was inefficient in some ways as it required mana to travel from her bank to whatever she was trying to pitch in reality. This caused Estelle to not be able to keep up with the attacks, because the monster seemed to be shooting these things as if it was a part of its own body that was integrated into him and not a magical attack. It was akin to a natural ability. Of a monstrous creature like this caliber.

Effects of the goo also began to show itself to Estelle.

The places that she didn't manage to cover began to melt down and rot. The ground became pitch black, the buildings practically dissolved into liquid in mere seconds. The town was already half asleep at this time, and the adults who began to discover the changes panicked. Screams resounded throughout the entire town. Those who were notified previously reacted much faster as they already heard Estelle's instructions. They went inside the buildings to shout and alert everybody of the danger.

And worst of all, the barrage of that corrosive goo was still coming down from the eyeball creature. The situation could only escalate and worsen if this continues. Estelle cursed, as she threw away all of her previous careful actions and rose up to the sky. She wielded the full capacity of her magic and started lashing protections towards the town. Stacks of barriers were made. However, once the goo came in actual contact with these surfaces, one layer of the barrier would disperse. It was that potent and poisonous. She had to stop the continuous attacks somehow.

Estelle had to keep stacking up her barriers. After recognizing this phenomenon, she immediately drew a conclusion on what this attacker was. Or at the very least, what it's powers were. It was the Destruction Magic, something she had loathed for so long and tried so hard to overcome. That was why her barriers melted. Because it was the Destruction Magic.

"Again.. Destruction Magic," Estelle sighed, rolling up her sleeves and gearing up for battle.

"Alright.. Let's do this, shall we?" Estelle grinned in the air as she felt her blood pressure rise from the tension. Her heartbeat was pumping in an extremely fast rate as she flew with an inhumane speed, charging towards the eyeball. She created a golden staff and wielded it as her weapon, aiming to stab at the eyeball.

Naturally, the opponent avoided. They began to engage in aerial clashes. The eyeball had an incision on the bottom of its body, and it was from that exact hole that the gooey liquid started to come out from. From that same hole, it drew out a long tongue. It was as if the tongue had a life of its own. It was bending at strange degrees, ones that disobeyed the structural integrities of a normal tongue. With that organ, it began to lash back at Estelle.

Not only was the tongue moving at a high speed, but it also scattered more goo from its skin's surface. If the tongue hit her, Estelle herself wasn't sure whether or not she would be able to keep calm. It was direct contact with this filthy element. How would she deal with the damages?

Whilst replacing the barriers and fighting the creature at the same time, Estelle started to rack her brains up on what methods she could utilize to deal with this disgusting creature. The first thoughts that came to her mind were the ones she had just researched earlier, but none of it would successfully 'kill' this creature.

However, she still opted to try out those methods as it could minimize the damage dealt. She began to create balls containing the purest energy form of Creation Magic, and shot them towards the creature. She had the capability to create several of this potent energy at the same time due to her intact divinity, which she didn't have in the Surface.

She didn't want to come down to this kind of showcase, as it was sure to draw in the attention every single person who could even catch a glimpse of it no matter how far away they were located at. Not to mention the nature of Estelle's magic, which would saturate the environment and leave a mark on it for the rest of eternity.

At the same time, she realized something flawed in her way of thinking.

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