A Warlock's Ascent

Chapter 41 Tag Team-1

The creature that he had encountered was extremely fast, and strong as well. That monster only took a few seconds, now he was on the ground, witnessing his death, the creature was descending from the sky, in slow motion, about to kill him.

It was game over, he thought that he would be able to survive the world, but he was wrong, now his body will be chopped off into equal parts. This was the end. At the time he was not sure whether it was a hallucination or not, but he could swear that he saw the light coming from clouds, calling him, his time has come.

He closed his eyes, ready to give a warm hug to death, but it is then he heard a noise, something flew from above him taking away the beast with it.


He opened his eyes, to the sound, something has crashed into the trees. Curious about what had transpired, he looked around and saw a hulking figure of a man, standing beside his body. He could see the face of his savior, the sun was obstructing his view, but the black armor and long beard gave him a clue about the person's identity

"Grump?" he asked in disbelief.

"Do you know that you look like shit?" Hearing the familiar voice of the old, he couldn't help but bloom a smile on his face.

"I know." he groaned.

"Then what the hell are you waiting for? Get up." the old man gave him a hand, and he gladly grabbed it and pulled himself up. Now standing on his feet, he could a stinging sensation coming from his rib cage, and it was getting worse by every minute.

It was pretty easy to figure out that the beast must be cracked on his ribs. From the pain, he could tell that he was in no condition to fight, or run. He clenched his chest tightly and turned towards the old man…

"Grump, I think my ribcage is broken."

As if stating the obvious, the old man shook his head with annoyance. "Well, that is what you get when you try to fight the Tribal Chief,"

He knew something wasn't right here. He fought the Tribal Chief and won. What he couldn't understand was what the thing that attacked him was, if Grump says that this thing is Tribal Chief, then what was that 8-foot-long monstrosity?

He wanted to say something to the old man, but he intently looking in a particular direction. Following his gaze, he saw the creature that had attacked him earlier was getting up from the debris of a broken tree.


The creature screeched, sending a signal to all the Kongs, that were hiding in the canopy of the trees, they all started jumping down and circling both of them. He started gritting his teeth, this was basically bullying, they were two, while they were at least 12-13 fully grown monsters. He didn't like these odds.

"You still got my ax, Davy? You better not have lost it, I would kill you right here" The old man lightened the mood.

"No I have it, but I lost my sword. And my rib cage is broken. I am in no condition to fight."

"FUCK!" The old man clenched his fingers, after looking around their enemy's strength, he handed him over a red color potion. "The cost of the potion will be taken from your paycheck," It was pretty evident the old man didn't want to hand over the potion to him, but currently he didnt have a choice.

The potion was very potent. As soon as he drank it, not only the left side of his face but also his ribcage started healing. The warmth of the potion decreased his pain, and also give him a burst of energy as if he had drank a red bull.

It took him a few seconds to get into his topmost condition once again. The peculiar part was the Kongs, after circling them, they all just stood glued to their place, waiting for him to finish the potion, even the big monster didn't make a move. It was like the big monster wanted to fight them in their peak condition…

"Take care of the rest, I will take care of that one." The old man said while gesturing towards the Tribal Chief.

He took out the old man's ax while turning towards the small Kongs, they all also started moving, trying to get close to him. He was fed up with these fuckers, he had been beaten silly by these bunch of stupid apes, but now he had it with them, it was time to show them he was not a pushover.


With a war cry, he lunged toward the group of apes, they did the same. One of them rushed towards him from the side, trying to tackle him to the ground, but he saw its approach, he dodged its tackle with ease by stepping back, and then slammed the ax while the Kong was still in the air. The ax got stuck on Kong's head, killing it immediately.

It is then another Kong came rushing towards him, and it managed to tackle him successfully. He fell on the ground, with a kong on him, it on top of its screamed while sitting on him, trying to intimidate him, but he was not having it, he immediately took a small knife from the inventory and shoved it in the ear of that ape, killing it in mere seconds.

After shoving the carcass of the ape aside, he got up, he was surrounded by a bunch of more apes, they all glaring at him, screaming and making noises, trying to frighten him. But he had it enough, before they could make any move, he acted, brought his shield out, and lunged towards the kong on his right.

He slammed the shield in the ape's face, making it stagger back, as he had planned. The ax was towards his right, still stuck to the ape that he killed first. He had to get his hands on a weapon, or he will be sitting ducks when they would start getting more aggressive. Thus he formulated a strategy.

All the kongs came running after him as he went for the ax. He didn't look back, his eyes were towards his front, on his price, the ax, he had to acquire it no matter the cost. As he came close to it, he slid down and went past it while grabbing it from the corpse.

Now with an ax in his hand, he didn't stop to confront them, instead, he got up and started running away. He knew that he would not be able to take them on if they come on him together, so he made a strategy in his mind.

<AN- Come on him together… Get it?>

He ran towards a tree, full speed ahead, as he came close to it, he immediately jumped on its bark, using his trunk to propel himself back, in the air he swung his ax, lodging it into the kong which was right behind him.

The ax got stuck in the skull of that Kong, again, irritated by it, he left it there and brought out his spear. As soon as another Kong came to his vicinity, he lodged the spear into its torso. It is then another Kong jumped on his back and kicked him, making him fly away a few feet.

Although the blow hurt, his adrenaline and anger suppressed the pain. He immediately got up and lunged towards another Kong beside him, piercing it with another spear that he took out…


'This fucker is very fast!' Grump thought as he narrowly avoided the blade of the Tribal Chief.

The beast before him was as strong as him, and they were evenly matched. When they traded the first blow, he understood that there was no way that this would be an easy fight, the winner or the loser of the fight will be determined by the first person to lose their focus. And based on how tired he was, he had started to wonder whether he would die that day.

He had been a single moment of rest since yesterday, he was hungry and he came here after fighting hordes of Goblins and Kobolds. He was not in his peak condition. He couldnt tell how much time had passed since they had started fighting, but he could feel fatigued catching up to him, his breath was becoming heavy with every moment, and he could feel his muscles aching, while the beast on the other hand was looked like it could still run a Marathon…


The monster screeched and attacked once again, it lunged towards him, slamming its greatsword on him, he avoided the attack by jumping sideways, but at the last moment, that fucker changed the trajectory of its sword, and swung it in his direction.

With no other option, he had to use his kukuri knife to block the incoming attack…


When the blades connected, making a very high pitch noise. The force of the blade sent him flying away. He crashed into a tree nearby but soon got up, dusted himself up, and was ready to fight again. But it is then he saw, his Kukuri knife was done for, he saw spider web-like cracks on his knives, seeing them he understood that they were done for, one more clash like that and they would be destroyed.

He threw them away, only to see the smug face of the monster, he hated that face. He immediately reached out for his bow, only to find that his bow and quiver were crushed when he hit the tree before, now he didn't have anything to defend himself. And from the looks of it, the monster knew this as well.

He decided that he would crush the smugness of that monster, even if that is the last thing that he would do. He reached into his pouch and brought a bunch of knuckle buster. He put them on his knuckle and lunged at the monster once again. The monster also ran at him.

As they came close, the monster immediately swung its swords upward, the old man avoided the strike, then punched the sword which went up, increasing its momentum. He knew as this was a great sword, it must be very heavy, he just needs to shake off the balance of the blade to make the wielder stagger back.

His plan worked, the monster wasn't able to handle the increase in momentum, using this opportunity, the old man stepped inside the monster attacking range, and then threw the meanest left hook on the monster's chin. The attack connected, thus making the monster fly back.

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