A Warlock's Ascent

Chapter 43 Sickness

Silence. Absolute silence

Dave didn't know much about this world, but he did know what a Great City means in this world, it is like a nation that rules and governs a particular domain. These cities have big populations that could inhabit an entire mid-size city back in America. He could only imagine the number of deaths, that would have taken place when a city would have fallen.

It came as a shock to everyone when they heard Grump's comment. As he thought about it, the fall of Cloudhold made sense to him, from what he had heard, Cloudhold is a giant city located on one of the mountains in the area, and this place is a fuck fest for all the monsters.

There are mountains, unexplored forests, caves system, lakes, rivers and an ecosystem in which any animal could flourish, it makes sense to him this city fell to the beast tide. Grump told him that even before the beast tide hit, this city was always attacked by one monster or another, making it a very dangerous place.

Also, when compared to Ravenshade, this city was like nothing. That city almost got onto its knees on the night of the beast tide, even after all those security measures. Compared to that, this city was nothing.

Hamel, couldn't help himself and asked. " What happened, why are you saying things like this?"

Grump shifted in his place. "Well from what I saw, most of the city was in ruins. The guards that were supposed to be stationed on the walls of the city are there anymore. Also, the flag of the city is not waving in the  air."

"That is indeed a very grim sign. What should we do?"

Hearing Hamel's question, Grump raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean, what should we do? We are not going near Cloudhold, so we don't need to worry about what is happening there. All we need to worry about is the path that we will take to the back bridge."

The old man sighed "I understand."

Both the old men then started discussing Mountain Bears. Grump wanted to know whether the Hamel could make some repellent, their journey would become a lot easier if they do not have to worry about their scent attracting those big ugly monsters.

When they were in Ravenshade, Grump told him about those monsters. They are big, strong, and about half the size of an adult Earth Porcupine. They are omnivore creatures who are extremely territorial. If some creature does invade their territory then see to it, that the invaders don't leave alive…

The fish stew was finally ready. He took out some plates and started serving each one of them. Grump and Hamel took their plates and went away from the bonfire, out of his earshot. He was interested in their topic of discussion, but for now, he was too hungry and tired to care about them. So, he went to wake up Ricardo, he figured that the little twerp could give him some company.

The kid was lying not too far away from the camp, from what it seemed, he was asleep. He shook him, but he didn't move. He tried shaking him more vigorously next time, but the kid refused to open his eyes. Now alarmed, he looked at its face, he was clearly unconscious, as he touched the kid's cheek, he found it scolding hot. His body was covered in sweat and no matter how much he shook, refused to open his eyes or make any sign that he was even alive.

He turned around. "GRUMP!! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THE KID!" Both the old men got alarmed by his call and soon came running towards him.

Hamel was the first one to reach him, he immediately pushed him aside, and started checking on his grandson. "He has a terrible fever." The old man mumbled. He then started undressing the kid, checking every inch and part of his body.

When Hamel removed the kid's shirt, it is then they all saw. Blue color veins like spider webs have appeared on the boy's skin. And they seemed to be spreading rapidly from his hand to his torso. Dave didn't know what it was, but he figured that this was the reason for the boy's fever.

"FUCK! That is Lily's bite, isn't it?" Grump exclaimed. Hamel was too shocked to answer. It was then Hamel abruptly got up and pounced at him.

"YOU! YOU did this to him didn't you? YOU LOW-BORN INGRIT! I WILL KILL YOU!" the man started yelling while pushing him.

He knew that the man was suffering. He was in pain, but still, he couldn't just attack him like that. So he did what a sane person would do. He punched the old man in the face.


"Back off mother fucker, before I break your face for good." He said. But this was not the end of the line for Hamel, the old man instantly got up and started conjuring a fireball in his hand. Before he could cast it, Grump barged in.

He pushed Hamel to the ground, breaking his concentration, thus dissolving the fireball once and for all. "What the fuck are you doing Hamel! Get hold of yourself" Grump yelled.

"Get hold of myself? HE TRIED TO KILL MY GRANDSON!" Hamel yelled back from the ground.

"Why fuck would he do that?" Grump asked.

"He was the one that touched him. He took him on his back, he is the one that poisoned him!"

"The fuck…" he was too speechless to say anything. Before it goes further, Grump pointed his ax toward him.

"Are you trying to say that, my party member over here is trying to kill your grandson? That is a very heavy accusation. Speak your words carefully you noble scum." His threatening voice was enough to make Hamel shut his mouth.

While these guys were bickering, he couldn't help but look at the boy's condition, he was suffering. "Grump, how can we cure the boy?" he asked. He was pissed at the boy's grandfather, but he still could not let him just die. He had to save him. He and the boy had formed a bond in this journey, and he could not just sever it.

"We will need to make a potion. But I am afraid, ingredients would be hard to come by."

Hearing Grump's remark, Hamel's eyes bulged as he realized something. "NO! We have everything we need. Give me my trunks sewer rat!"

The tone and the language of the old man, although pissed him off, he reluctantly gave them to Hamel. The old man instantly grabbed two of the trunks and opened them up.

Both these trunks were filled with small cup-size wooden barrels, stacked neatly, covered with blue colored weird symbols that he understood. All these barrels were properly labeled as well, the old man fished a few barrels out, but it is then he realized something crucial

"FUCK! I don't have one crucial ingredient with me."

"Damn!" he cursed. "What can we do now?" Grump asked.

"CLOUDHOLD! We can get Lily's bite antidote from there." Hamel mentioned.

Hearing him, Grump looked as if he was seeing an idiot. "We cannot go to Cloudhold! Even if that city is fine, we cannot go there. If we go then the mission would go to waste, and then we all be dead."

"Maybe I cannot, but you can. You are an adventurer." Hamel mentioned.

"No, I cannot. My face is recognizable. If I appear in Cloudhold, especially after your disappearance, Carlin would hunt me like a dog. Also, there is Angela Stross in that city. I would never be able to come out of there alive." It was then, Hamel turned towards him.

"You! You can go. I have never seen your face, nor would the people of Cloudhold would have. You can easily blend in, get the potion and get out of there." Hamel said.

He had no words to refute. Although he wanted to save the young boy, going alone in a big city, with a secret like his, didn't seem like a good idea to him. He wanted to back out, but it was then Grump chimed in.

"Okay, he could go. But we will need extra compensation." Grump haggled.

"EXTRA COMPENSATION! My Grandson is dying there!"

"So? We would need some extra money, or you could go there yourself."

"FINE! I WILL GIVE YOU GUYS ANYTHING YOU WANT. I just want that potion. Or i need that one ingredient."

"Then we have a deal. I will stay here, protect you guys. While my party member over here would go to Cloudhold to get the potion."



It was decided that he had to go Cloudhold, without even asking for his opinion. They could not stay there, so they decided to split up. Hamel gave him a stone, it had a magic needle on top of it. The needle would always point towards its other pair, which was in possession of Ricardo.

Originally, the old man made the pair for himself and his grandson, in case they ever get separated from each other. But now, he had to make use of it. As Grump cannot leave a sick child and the old man, for their own protection, he decided to stay behind with them…

Grump sat him down, and started telling him their plan. "We will not be staying here. We would keep moving and cross the domain of Cloudhold. You need to run as fast as possible, buy the antidote, and travel through the road to the back bridge and meet us there. " Grump said.

"Can't you make camp here? It would be easier for me to find you guys."

"We cannot. This forest had become very dangerous, Staying out here would be suicidal. So we need you to go and pick up the antidote or the get yellow tail flower."

"But… I don't know anything about Cloudhold. How the hell am I supposed to find the antidote there or that flower? And what if I get cheated? How the hell am I supposed to do then?"

"Don't worry about it. The man I am sending you to would give you the right thing. Just tell him that Grump says 'hello' and he would understand that you are my man."

"Alright… what was the name of the man again?"

"His name is Kuku. He is a potion dealer, he is a good friend of mine and he is alive. So would not face any problem while dealing with him."

"Alright. Can you tell me something about that man's appearance? How would I find him?"

"Don't worry. Just ask around. He is a quite famous potion master of Cloudhold."


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