A Warlock's Ascent

Chapter 66 Skistag-3

The office of the Guild Master was a piece of work, there was a big portrait of the guy himself, hung behind his desk, making him look like some kind of royalty. Seeing that portrait he remembered that this was the same self-centered prick, he encountered him at the back bridge.

He didn't like that guy then, he had a bad personality, and even worse than his personality was his decoration sense. There were several paintings of him doing heroic deeds, one of the posters even had a picture of him fighting Roghorth, which he felt was a fabricated lie.

That man made both of them wait in his office for minutes before he even bothered to show up…

The door of his office fo flung open, and with brisk steps, he marched in and sat down on his chair. "I heard that my top Adventurer wanted to meet me, so I came running." That man said with a big smile on his face.

He then turned towards Dave and was surprised to see him there. "And you are?"

"I am Gilbert, sir. We met at the back bridge"

"Oh now I remember, the young man that helped us bring back our loot."


"So how has your life been here, Gibby?" Dave was angered, didn't he just introduce himself, and yet this prick called him Gibby, who the fuck does he think he was?

"Sir, my name is…" before he could finish, Hasan chimed in. "We dont have time for this, Igor. I found an elite goblin, there might be a tribe nearby the city."

"How did you come across goblins? Isn't that beneath your rank?" Igor asked.

Hasan then started narrating what had happened." You see what happened was that I heard that someone spotted a Skistag…" the giant also mentioned that there was a chance that one of those goblins possess a skill, making them more dangerous. But Igor was not too bothered by that information.

"You saw the tattoo of the goblin, with your own eyes." Igor enquired

"Yeah, I have the body of a goblin as well. You can see it for yourself if you want."

It is then, Hasan moved his hand on Igor's table, probably trying to put the body there, but before he could do so, Igor grabbed his hand. "NO NO NO! This is a pretty good table, I dont want blood stains all over. I believe you."

"So what should we do?"

"Well if we are really facing such a problem, then I will personally see that I.P is dispatched to take care of it."

"IP?" Dave asked.

"Independent Party, it is the strongest party of our guild. You should know, you have met all of them" Igor clarified. "Oh."

It is then the giant shifted in his seat. "Alright, then my job here is done."

"Not so fast Hasan."

"What now?"

"We still dont have no proof that there is actually a tribe around. Nor do we have any idea about where this tribe is lurking."

"You think I am lying?"

"I know for a fact that you are not lying. But if I were to dispatch our strongest party, I need more information. So are you interested in going on a reconnaissance mission?"

Hasan stayed silent, not showing any sort of emotion and then he spoke. "I am not fit for such a mission. I am a fighter, I cannot sneak around."

"I believe in you gentle giant, you will be able to do great things. You can do this as well. And you know what, you will need some help. Take him as well." Igor said while gesturing towards him.

"ME?" Shocked, Dave exclaimed

Seeing his reaction, Igor mocked him. "Who else in the room beside us?"

"But, I am also not capable enough to do a reconnaissance mission. I am barely able to walk silently. And I am a newbie."

"Doesn't matter. In this case, Guild has full authority to dispatch whomever they like. So you two are going. Pack all the things that you have, and buy the things that you would need. Get me a report on that goblin tribe by the day after tomorrow."

While Hasan stayed silent, he tried telling Igor that he was not strong enough to do anything, but he didn't listen. He just wanted results. After Igor dismissed them, they had no other option but to just go back and started planning.

As they came out of that prick's office, he started thinking about his luck, and how bad it is. He didn't poke any hornet nest, nor did he do anything wrong, and yet here he was embarking on one difficult mission after another.

If his partner was Grump, he wouldn't have minded going on this mission. After all, that old man was a monster, and well versed about the knowledge of the monsters found in his hunk of rock, but he stuck with Hasan, a giant who was a half robot in his opinion…

As they came out of the Guild, he turned towards the giant, trying to talk to him about what the plan was, but the giant didn't say anything. He just stared at the crowd of pedestrians, moving along the road.

He tried asking him again but still got no answer. Now he started to get angry, he then clenched his fist and smacked the giant on his shoulder with all of his strength.


The giant stumbled to the side and now was looking at him. "Now can you hear me fucker?" he spared all the manner that he was showing before.

"What do you want?" the giant barked.

"What do I want? I want to kill you! You got me stuck in this situation. I have to go on a dangerous mission because of you. You told me that I would be free to go after I have given my report, but instead what happened? I got sucked into a dangerous mission because of you and that pompous prick!"

"What do you want me to do? We are fucked either way!"

"At least start speaking mother fucker! Your silence is getting on my nerves, making me want to kill you cold-blooded."

"You could try."

"Oh, I will do more than just try. I will fuck real bad homeboy."

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you think you are some sort of action hero from the 80s? Do you think that you are Rambo or some Bruce Lee, you are going to kill me with just one punch, and I will idly stand here."

"Oh, I am better than both of them. I am more dangerous." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized that he fucked up. AGAIN.

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