A Warlock's Ascent

Chapter 69 Conspiracy-1

Dave wanted to bang his head on a wall, he wanted to bang it till his head is completely smashed open like a cantaloupe, and he could then take out his brains and feed them to birds. He did it again, he got lost in the flow, opened his mouth, and now Hasan knows that he is an Earthian, just like that.

"You can say whatever you want, I know exactly who you are, you a little bitch." Hasan snarled at him, hearing this he couldn't believe his ears, this guy didn't register the fact that he was able to recognize Rambo and Bruce Lee. He had been saved by the grace of lady luck, this guy was an idiot.

"You know I am bitch. You are right. So why you dont you go and scout the area for the tribe of those fucking midgets, Mr. High-level Adventurer, while I will go back and have a drink." He wanted to get the hell out of there before this idiot realizes who he really was, so he then turned around and started moving.

It is Hasan grabbed him by his hand and pulled him back. "You cannot go back. If Igor finds out that you didn't follow his orders, then he will have your head."

He shook his hand and freed himself from the grasp of that giant. "Igor can suck my dick if he wants, I don't own that man nothing. And I am not going to endanger my life because some pompous prick ordered me to do so."

Hasan shook his head, anger from his face vanished, and it was replaced by genuine concern. He then toned down his voice and took a deep breath. "Listen Gilbert, I know that you are upset. But Igor is like an overlord of adventurers. If he finds out that you have disobeyed him, he would make things difficult for you."

"I am not afraid of him."

"Then you are a fool. You do realize that if he blacklists you from the Guild, that means you will be jobless. And then you cant even dive into a fucking dungeon, to earn some wage. His wrath will make a schmuck, living in the streets of this place."

Dave cannot let that happen, the dungeon was important to him. That is the only place that could make him strong enough to survive in this world. He needed to think everything through, before making a decision. "What do you want from me? I am a weak man, I can use a bow, but that won't be enough. Hell, I dont even have a skill. What the hell could I even do to help in this quest?"

"Help me find the hideout of the goblins, then I will take over. I will go in alone and find out what I what, while you can stay safely hidden somewhere.."

"Then why do I have to go? I can stay in the city away from all the carnage."

"No city is not safe. There are many spies of Igor roaming around this place. If someone sees you, then you will be in trouble like me."

He sighed with frustration, there was no way out for him, he had to go. "Alright then, let's go."

"No, not today. Sun will set in a few hours, and we will not be able to get back in time. I suggest that we should start our search tomorrow. That way we will have a lot of time to search for their damn tribe."

"If you say so." Hasan then made a plan to meet here at this exact spot tomorrow, at dawn. Then they will depart for their mission. He agreed to it. But as they turned around, and both started going their separate ways, Hasan stopped.

He then turned around again and ran to Dave and grabbed his hand once again. "What the hell do you want now?" he asked, now clearly annoyed.

"How did you understand my words when I mentioned Bruce Lee and Rambo, just now." Hearing this he could only shake his head and mumble. "Fuck."

"Tell me how?" Hasan said.

As there was no way out of it, he sighed. "Let's have something to drink shall we, in some quiet place?" Hasan just stared at him for a few seconds, and then nodded at his proposal, so they went back to Gendry's…

Both of them occupied the last table of the bar, away from all the chit-chatting adventurers returning from their respective mission. Dave introduced himself with his real name, told few things about himself while editing out a few of the important and delicate stuff,  and told him about all the things that he had gone through.

Hasan on the other hand kept quiet and listened to every word that came out of his mouth. "Man, you had been through a lot."

"Yeah." He was surprised the robotic man seems to have some feelings after all. "Tell me about yourself, how has Midgard treated you so far?"

"Not good. When people found out that I was an Earthian, they captured me. Made me their prisoner. Then I was sold to Barcelma from where I ran away."

"You ran away from Barcelma?"


"Yeah, on the night of beast tide, I got a chance to get away from the beast tide. I hid till the event was over. And now here I am."

"Does anyone from that city knows that you are alive?"

"I dont think so."

"What happened to your friends? Other Earthians? I have heard that Infragillis and Barcelma had a significant amount of Earthians under them."

"Dont be mistaken dude. The people with whom I have survive this far aren't my friends."


"I dont what kind of Earthians you have met so far, but humans tend to show their true nature when pushed to their limit. I have seen friends turning on one another, just for a skill or get favor of some rich merchant. I myself was betrayed by a woman, whom I loved… Earthians of those parts are not trustworthy."

He wanted to know more about his past, but he didn't, it was clear that Hasan didn't want to talk about it. "If you say so."

"Well, lets just forget our past. We have some work to do for Igor, we should start planning about that."


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