A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 10: I’m Sivar (3)

Chapter 10: I’m Sivar (3)

I almost died for real. As soon as I regained consciousness after the battle with Porori, that was the first thought that came to my mind. It wasnt an exaggeration, Porori has become unbelievably strong.

Based on recent records, I was clearly winning, but it almost got turned around. Whenever we invaded each others territories, we fought as if we wanted to kill each other. Most of the time, we ended up in a draw because we both ended up unconscious.

Before awakening [Crimson Magic], Porori had a higher winning rate. However, after awakening it, I boasted an overwhelmingly high winning rate. And just like Porori did, I didnt forget to leave a sign of victory.

Dont call it dirty. It was him who started it first. I had no regrets whatsoever.

Today was different. I quietly looked down at Porori, whose life force was fading away. Normally, as always, I would have left a sign of victory, regardless of who saw or heard it.

But I regained my senses thanks to Ellie. I didnt know what she did, but she managed to barely hold on to my fading consciousness. Although Ive developed resistance to both medicine and poison, it wasnt entirely useless. In such a close call to death, even a slight stimulation had a significant effect.

After that, it was all about recovery through [Regeneration]. A considerable amount of magical power was consumed, but as long as I eat well, itll be fine. In other words, it was a matter of coincidence. At least Ive received someones help, unlike Porori.

Its an unbearable amount of unfairness.

I didnt want to let it end like this. Id rather have a hateful relationship than finish it like this. With that in mind, I carefully embraced Porori with both hands. It was slightly bulky, about the size of a large dog.

Then, passing Luna, I approached Ellie. I had a favor to ask her.

Ellie blinked for a moment as I approached, and when I extended Porori towards her, she pointed at herself with her finger.

You want me to take it? Dont you want it?

Thats not it. First, to express the liquid that was sprayed on my body, I pointed at myself. I poked the still damp chest area.

Ellie tilted her head at my body language and then spoke with a questioning tone.

A potion? Are you talking about a potion?

Saying that, Ellie rummaged through her bag. Then she took out a glass bottle with a shimmering red liquid.

Overall, it was round like a sphere, and the opening is long. The opening was sealed with a cork stopper.

A commonly seen health potion in the Soul World. She was called a Potion Shuttle because of this. She always carried potions with her, and as the story progresses, she acquired various potions.

 Since it was the potion I wanted, I nodded my head. Then I glanced at Porori, who was on the verge of dying, while asking Ellie to save it.

You werent trying to kill it? Why are you trying to save it? 

Never give it to that. Itll fight again if it wakes up. 

Before Ellie could clarify her doubts, Luna expressed a negative opinion. Her words also made sense. If Porori consumed the potion and regained her consciousness, it might fight again. I might actually die this time.

However, Porori was a divine beast. Itll know that I showed mercy, so theres a high chance itll retreat obediently. 

But its Sivars request. They seem like friends, lets help him. 

Friends dont risk their lives for each other. Only enemies do. 

Luna remarked. It was an accurate observation. I have never considered Porori a friend. However, I didnt want to end things like this, just out of dislike or mere sentiment.

Swiftly, I extended Porori once again toward the hesitant Ellie. Ellie glanced between Porori and me. Deep traces of contemplation were evident in her eyes, shining like golden gems.

Lunas blue eyes, watching over it, were filled with worry. How much time has passed? Ellie, with a determined expression, spoke to me. 

If we save this kid, you wont fight again, right? Just tell me that. 

It was a difficult question to answer. We will probably fight again next time. 

Of course, it was hard to see my face because it was covered with my hair. Eventually, Ellie sighed. 

Fine. If we give this kid a potion, it should be fine, right? Like with you earlier. 


Dont worry too much. Sivar will protect us anyway.

Its a response that showcases Ellies optimistic personality. Of course, if Porori behaves recklessly, I will immediately intervene. 

Anyway, the decision has been made to save Porori, and what remained was action. I carefully set down Porori, who was barely clinging to life. Pororis arms, legs, and even the tail are bent in an abnormal direction. 

However, if we pour the potion, everything will be restored. Porori also had regenerative abilities like me. As the former ruler of the domain, our regenerative abilities were certain. 

Drip, drip, drip, drip 

The red potion was sprinkled over Pororis body. I also put some in its mouth, but I mostly spread it all over its body.

In terms of level, it was comparable to a beginner or a decent lower-tier potion. However, the healing ability imbued in the potion was important.

And as expected.

Crack! Crack! 

Just like I thought, Porori began to recover at an incredible speed.

The broken arm, leg, and tail returned to their original state, and even the minor wounds healed cleanly.

Only the nail marks on the chest remained as scars. Severe wounds like that dont usually heal easily.

The small scars on my body were also because of this. Most of the scars are from when I was living as a wild man.


When its body fully recovered, Porori gradually regained consciousness. I took a few steps back, afraid that it might attack if it saw me.

Luna also took cautious steps like me. As a result, Ellie stayed near Porori alone.

Ellie. Snap out of it

Are you okay? Are you awake?

Before Luna could finish her sentence, Ellie asked about Pororis condition.

Luna and I could only be shocked by that. Luna, with a pale face, shouted at Ellie as if whispering.

What are you doing! Get away quickly!

Seems like youre awake. Are you hurting anywhere?

In a positive light, she was optimistic, but in a negative light, her judgment was poor. This was a fandoms evaluation of Ellie.

For some reason, a nearly forgotten memory came to mind. The reason Ellie was included in the death squad was because of her carefree personality.

Perhaps she had a lack of concern for her safety as a passive trait. There were too many cases where she recklessly died after saying shes fine.

It seems like the current situation is one of those cases. I silently gathered my magical power and clenched my fist.

Just as the red magic was about to surge in my hand, a scene that made me doubt my own eyes unfolded.


You look really cute like this. Are you really that squirrel from earlier?

Ellie quietly hugged Porori, then she lightly tapped its cheek as if to say it was cute.

Porori seemed bewildered, with a dumbfounded expression. However, it didnt seem like she disliked it.

Nyeeeng. Ngg.

No, it didnt dislike it. On the contrary, it burrowed further inward. Does it think its a real puppy or something?

The ill-tempered Porori was gone, and only a docile squirrel remained. It seems like its head got hurt during our earlier fight.

Regardless, Ellie gently stroked Pororis head and giggled softly. Indeed, if you only look at the surface, its cute.

It seems like she sees me as her savior.

It seems so.

I felt just as dumbfounded as Luna. Not only did it not show any cuteness, but every time there was an opportunity, that jerk came and pooped on my face.

As I quietly gathered my magical power, the guy whose ear had burrowed into Ellies bosom perked up. Seems like its instincts didnt go away.

Then, with a startle, it turned around and our eyes met directly.



It turns out it was that rat bastard I knew. As soon as Porori and I locked eyes, it jumped out of Ellies embrace and was on high alert.

Seeing sparks flickering subtly, its clear its the Porori I know. But something felt off.

With arms outstretched, its as if it was standing in front of Ellie, protecting her, or more like treating her as a savior of its life.

That rat bastard?

I was so dumbfounded that no words came out. In my heart, I wanted to scream at him to stop fooling around and attack.

In the midst of all this, Ellie shouted at Porori, who was on guard with lightning crackling.

Dont fight! You both fought as if you were going to kill each other just now! Why are you trying to fight again?

I didnt do anything. That rat bastard started this nonsense first.

It seems that Ellies remark had an effect, although it felt somewhat unjust.

Dont fight anymore. You can get along, right? 



Me and Porori reacted to Ellies nonsense at the same time. 

It was astonishing to find that they were on the same wavelength for the first time in their lives, but Ellies words were nothing more than empty talk.

No, even before that, is Porori capable of understanding human speech? Judging by how its eyes narrowed, it was almost certain.

If we return to the academy, you wont be able to fight like this. So lets reconcile and live quietly. Understand?

Wait a minute, Ellie. Are you seriously going to take this squirrel with us?

Yeah. Is it not allowed?

Do you know what kind of existence this is?

A cute lightning squirrel?

Lunas expression showed that she didnt even know where to begin explaining in response to Ellies answer. It was no wonder, as Porori had evolved into a divine beast. If this fact were to spread, the entire academy would be turned upside down.



When Luna started explaining to Ellie, Porori, who was standing confidently on two feet, called out to me. I had a certain level of wariness, but I didnt show hostility. It seemed like it didnt come here to fight, just as Ellie had said.


Porori pointed at Ellie and spoke. Even though it could only make animal sounds, I understood everything.

It was asking if I would follow Ellie. I looked towards Luna and Ellie.

Divine beast, a divine beast Just its existence alone could put you in danger!

Why cant a squirrel I picked up in the forest be trusted? The Academy allows the entry of pets. Some people even fight alongside animals.

Where do you find a squirrel as big as a large dog?

Its not strange to have a gorilla as big as an ogre, right?

But thats a monster! My point is

Luna must be having a hard time. Judging from the atmosphere alone, its certain that Porori will be taken along.

I might also follow them. Ellie wants it, and my home has disappeared.

Its going to be tough to find a hiding place again, and Im sick of the forest. My desire to come into contact with civilization was blazing.


Nodding in a positive manner, Porori solemnly crossed its arms. It meant it understood.

Seeing it crossing its arms like that, I seriously doubt if theres a human soul inside it.

Kyaang. Kyang.

Then it pointed at Ellie, who was still in the midst of an argument, and pointed to itself.

Based on its actions, it seemed like it was saying, Shes mine! But thats not the case at all. Its saying that I should not interfere because it will take care of her.

Hes being ridiculous and getting carried away.

As if a rat could protect anything. I almost burst out laughing.

It seemed like he was determined to consider Ellie as its savior. It turned into a divine beast and became a knight.


While I was having such thoughts, it reached out its hand towards me. It was a kind of negotiation for a truce.

If Im going to the Academy, I should stop fighting with it. This negotiation should be enough.

Slightly bending my knees, I extended my hand and grabbed its. A handshake with a squirrel, it feels strange.

Ha! I dont know. You figure it out. Ill help you with Sivar, as Im also curious about him, but that squirrel is solely your responsibility. Got it?

Yeah! I got it!

Sigh. Why did I get involved in this kind of thing

It seems that Luna and Ellie have reached a timely agreement, just at the right moment. Of course, its more likely that Ellies stubbornness wasnt really resolved. 

Ellie tends to be quite stubborn, in fact. Nevertheless, we  have reached a ceasefire and made a truce. What remains is for us to follow along and venture outside the forest.

Now then, lets go outside. But before that, what should we name this little one? 

Since youre the owner, you should come up with a name. 

Hmm Since its a squirrel, should we call it Darami? Darami? 

Ellie called Porori with a clear smile. At the same time, Pororis face started to crumble.

By the way, this little one is a male. Despite being male, he was given a feminine name, which is why his face looks distorted.

(TL: Until now there wasnt a gender so I referred to Porori as it. Fuck. I corrected so many pronouns and now you drop it? Aint fixing past chapters.)

Oh? You dont like this name? Then what should we name him? 

Shouldnt we be amazed that he understands our words first?

If you dont like Darami, then what should we name him? Jwidori(Rat)? Chuchu? Rattata?

Whats Rattata?

Whether Ellie was serious or not, Porori shook his head from side to side, expressing his disapproval of all the names. Around the time Ellie was deeply contemplating a response, I chuckled and mumbled quietly.


It meant retard. Honestly, it doesnt really matter if I just call him retard.


The Popori who understood my words came running towards me, with his fingers raised like claws. What kind of situation is it where the one who initiated the truce was the first to attack?

I was taken aback, but I responded as well. Since there was no lightning flashing, it seemed like he wasnt serious.

Hey! Why are you guys fighting again? Didnt I tell you not to fight!


Porori protested as if feeling unjust. It seemed like he was saying, But this guy started it. Honestly, it was quite unfair.

Of course, Ellie wouldnt listen. She warned Porori, who was making a counterargument.

If you fight again, Ill call you Darami. Got it?


He was completely defeated. I secretly laughed at him.

As such, a series of incidents unfolded, and Pororis name was designated as Ratatoskr according to Lunas recommendation.

Honestly, its a pity that Porori ended up with such a normal name. In the first place, Porori was just a nickname among users. The actual name given by Luna was Ratatoskr.

Ill just call him Porori.

But why do I have to be called Sivar for fucks sake?

It felt like Im being discriminated against. If I had acted like a primitive, would I be called Uga?

While I was having these idle thoughts, Ellie, who had finished preparing to leave, shouted.

Alright, lets go back now! The academy is a really fun place, so Im sure youll like it too! 

But before that, should we buy clothes for Sivar? 

Oh, right. Exactly. As a side note, we should also get his hair neatly trimmed.

I dont mind cutting my hair, but I really dont want to shave my beard. I grumbled inwardly. 

And so, after a long and arduous life in the forest, I was able to set foot in the civilized world I had missed. 

First, I need to study writing. 

The future may still be uncertain, but at least I have some idea about it. 

Itll be fine, right? 

I believe it will be alright.

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