A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 102: Law and Fist (2)

Chapter 102: Law and Fist (2)

"Please, take a seat here."

"Excuse me."

Upon arriving at Delphoi's office, Grace settled herself onto the sofa.

Meanwhile, Delphoi returned to his desk to prepare some light refreshments.

During this time, Grace looked around Delphoi's office to see if anything had changed.

His office resembled that of a typical professor, dedicated more to theoretical rather than practical research.

The place for conducting practical experiments wasn't here but elsewhere, somewhere Grace had visited frequently.

This will be my last time here.'

After today's consultation, she planned to conduct research under Godin instead of Delphoi.

Although Delphoi hailed from a renowned institution and was competent in his own right, there had always been something disconcerting about him.

Occasionally calling her over with a sleazy voice or attempting sneaky physical contacts were among the things she had noticed.

Had it not been for Sivar's warning, these might have gone unnoticed. And each time, she rebuffed him coldly.

When she rebuffed him, Delphoi would just laugh awkwardly and refrain from making further unsolicited contacts.

Competence and character are separate, after all.'

The distinction between competence and character was something she had painfully learned within her own family.

While lions reportedly drop their cubs off cliffs to toughen them up, emphasizing the harshness of the wild, they actually possess a strong sense of community. However, the Berche ducal family would literally do so.

The carrot and stick approach they used was sufficient to make one sigh.

Sivar seems to have a bad impression of him.'

Glancing at Delphoi, who was busy preparing coffee after the snacks, Grace pondered.

She had been curious why the professors had restricted Sivar's right to attack but only recently found out.

It was Delphoi who had played politics, imposing the restriction on the pretext that Sivar was too powerful.

Anyone else might have challenged such an absurd condition, but since it concerned Sivar, it was different.

Given his upbringing in the wild, lacking morals and common sense, he was deemed a definite threat.

With such perception deeply ingrained, many professors sided with Delphoi's view.

He's not harmful at all.'

After teaming up with Sivar on several occasions, Grace had realized he was not harmful but rather docile.

Especially when offered tasty food, he would comply with virtually any request. Conversely, if his food were taken away, he might become fierce.

In any case, Sivar was gentler and more docile than any wild animal. The perception of him being dangerous likely stemmed from the incidents he caused.


In the midst of her thoughts, Delphoi placed the snacks and coffee on the table.

Grace eyed the tea in her cup, noticing its overall green hue with some powder settled at the bottom.

"This is green tea, famous in the East. It's known to clear the mind. The powder at the bottom is also tea leaves."

"I see. I'll enjoy it."

With a slight smile, Grace took a sip of the tea Delphoi had prepared.

Delphoi watched her with a meaningful smile, but unfortunately, Grace didn't catch on.

"It has a unique taste."

"It's the distinct flavor of the East."

Delphoi also took a sip, and during this time, Grace ate some snacks.

The snacks, complementing the Eastern green tea, had a peculiarly sweet yet slightly bitter taste.

Grace, satisfied with the harmonious flavors, set down her cup.

"So, after today, you'll be conducting research under Professor Godin?"

As soon as she set down her cup, Delphoi, with a seemingly benevolent smile, struck up a conversation.

To the casual observer, there appeared no malice, but to Grace, it felt somewhat sinister.

Maybe it was the mushroom-like hairstyle that added to the unease, or perhaps it was the smile itself.

However, she maintained her decorum in response.

"Yes. Professor Delphoi is certainly talented, but what I need is theory. Godin's theoretical classes were nearly perfect, regardless of anything else."

Her decision was also motivated by a desire to distance herself from Delphoi, but primarily by acknowledging Godin's capabilities.

Godin was known for compensating his lackluster practical skills with his extensive theoretical knowledge.

His papers were impeccable, and based on his theories, he had achieved numerous successes.

"Thanks to him, I've realized that what's important now isn't practical training but theory. I plan to learn theory from Professor Godin first, then move on to practice slowly."

"Hmm I was wondering why you chose someone like Godin "

Someone like Godin? Grace's expression grew curious at Delphoi's seemingly dismissive remark.

If her expression was anything to go by, she might have misunderstood, but she had heard him clearly. Clearly, Godin wasn't to Delphoi's liking.

Sipping her green tea, she speculated on the nature of their relationship and decided to inquire directly.

"What's your opinion on Professor Godin?"

"To be honest he's probably not that great. Theory is important, but in the Academy, practical skills matter most."

It was the same old subtle disdain. Grace countered Delphoi's view while keeping a polite faade.

"That's strange. Aren't you a mage, Professor?"

"Yes, but?"

"The origin of magic lies in language itself. Even if practical skills are important, without a strong foundation in linguistic ability, it's all meaningless. Considering this, Professor Godin's capabilities are quite exceptional, aren't they?"

Grace's argument was irrefutable. Language is the root, the stem, and finally, the fruit of magic.

Judging Godin's myriad theories and papers as inferior was illogical.

"Right. But good theory means nothing if you can't produce results in practice."

"Well, I disagree. Even if a theory is wrong, continuously verifying it and proving its falsehood is sufficient for me"

Grace paused mid-sentence. Or rather, she was forced to stop.

For some reason, her tongue felt rigid. Slightly flustered, she tried to move her mouth.

"Ah Uhh?"

But her mouth wouldn't move. Starting from her tongue, a paralysis seemed to spread throughout her body.

What was happening? Grace looked at Delphoi in panic.

"Why are you acting like that? Could it be that your mouth is paralyzed, or your body isn't moving?"

"Uhh Ahh"

"Ah, so your body is paralyzed"

Delphoi's smile vanished in an instant. With a chilling expression, he remarked,

"So, you can't do anything now, can you?"



Whether her entire body was now paralyzed or not, she collapsed involuntarily. Despite her efforts to move, even flicking her fingers became impossible.

The same applied to her magic. Even as she tried to circulate the mana within her, her body remained unresponsive.

"Rotating mana will be futile. The drug is specially formulated. You'll feel everything."


"Why? I've disliked you for a while. Looking down on me with those judgmental eyes. Now, those eyes will change, which is sufficient."


Delphoi, with a sly grin, laid Grace properly on the sofa.

Had she closed her eyes, she might have appeared to be sleeping peacefully. However, Delphoi's crime didn't end there.

"Why does everyone underestimate me? Even that damn wildling ignores me now. I just couldn't stand it anymore."


"I'm not afraid of your family at all. Rather, you should fear your family. Right? If it isn't discovered, it's better for both of us. And even if it is, you'll disappear too."

Purity' is crucial for women, regardless of the era. Losing it carries a tremendous cost.

Especially for a lady of the nobility, even more so for a ducal house, the impact would be significant. Grace felt her heart sink at the thought.

Could he have considered this and acted accordingly? She could easily imagine the family's reaction.

Above all, her wounds would remain forever. Family or not, she couldn't show herself in public ever again.

"Just endure a little. The pain is only temporary, and soon, you'll feel good. Heh heh heh."

"Ah Uhh"

"Shall we start by changing those dirty eyes?"

Delphoi slowly moved his hand down from Grace's face, reaching the buttons of her top.

As he unbuttoned one after another, leaving only one shirt underneath, a white t-shirt matching her uniform.

Without this t-shirt, all that would remain is a single layer of underwear.

"I'll just have to cut it. Let's see what kind of underwear a noble lady wears."


Struggling became futile; her body didn't respond. But could her tear ducts still work?

As Grace felt a surge of panic, tears slowly began to form in her eyes. Why had it come to this?


Before she could curse the world, Delphoi cut her t-shirt in half.

Grace closed her eyes tightly. As she did, tears flowed down, wetting the sofa.

"Ha! Quite mature underwear. Is it because of your mature figure?"

Having split the t-shirt aside, Delphoi was pleased. Truly an excellent figure.

A figure well-nurtured and well-rested, typical of nobility. And the purple underwear that concealed it.

All that was left was to freely fondle. Delphoi licked his lips, wearing a vile smile.

"Just think of it as bad luck, lady. Don't even dream of being rescued."


No. Someone will come. Someone will come to save me.

Her purity remained unviolated. Grace desperately prayed for someone's arrival.

She prayed to gods she seldom believed in, wishing her life wouldn't end this way.

Please anyone'

Is there really no knight in shining armor? Would her last fragment of childish innocence shatter?

As Grace's heart darkened, Delphoi's filthy hand neared her chest.

Just as Delphoi was about to relish the ripe fruit

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Someone, perhaps heeding Grace's prayers, knocked on Delphoi's door.

Delphoi, irritated by the timing, glanced towards the door.


He clicked his tongue and distanced himself from Grace. At that moment, Grace felt as if a ray of hope had shone upon her.

She hoped the visitor would realize the situation, but Delphoi wasn't so naive.


He only slightly opened the door, enough to block the view. If things continued this way, the visitor might leave without suspicion.

Grace struggled to move her barely responsive mouth. Sadly, even that was difficult.

"Who are you?"

"Where's Grace?"


"Yeah. Is she here?"

This voice it was Sivar. Hearing his voice, Grace's eyes widened in astonishment.

She couldn't understand why Sivar had come here, but she had never felt so relieved.

She tried to scream. Though her tongue wouldn't move, she had to scream.

"Ah Uhh"

"She's not here. What do you want?"

But that feeble sound was smothered by Delphoi. A glimmer of hope was fading, replaced by despair.

If things remained this way, Sivar might leave. Grace hoped he would notice something was amiss.

"Not here? I smell her."


"Yeah. Grace's scent."

"She just left. And why do you remember a woman's scent? You're weird."

At that moment, she wanted to tear his mouth apart. Just moments ago, he had attempted to violate her purity.

Filled with both anguish and rage, Grace wished to topple Delphoi.

"That's enough. Now go. And don't come back."

"Got it."


However, those feelings soon dissipated. Sivar had obediently followed the instruction and closed the door.

Grace felt as if the last ray of hope had vanished, leaving her heart heavy with grief.

"Hmph. Good senses on that guy. Almost got caught."


"Alright, now that the nuisance is gone, let's continue where we left off, lady."

Approaching Grace with a sinister smile, Delphoi readied himself. Grace clenched her teeth, then relaxed her body.

There was nothing more she could do. Tears fell as she moved her lips.


"What? Can't hear you?"

Still mocking her, Delphoi. Grace, resigned to her fate, continued.

She could speak, albeit very softly, perhaps because the paralysis had slightly eased.

"Help me"

"Sure. I'll help you. Now"


Delphoi's words were interrupted. The door to the office was blasted open, flinging it far into the room and creating instant chaos.

Startled, Delphoi looked towards the door. There stood the face he had seen before, now boldly present.

"I heard."

Hearing that voice, Grace smiled faintly as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Your voice."

There was indeed a knight from the stories.

Though a slightly unusual one.

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