A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 116:

Chapter 116:

Marking Territory (2)


We decided to mark the territory whenever we had the chance. But first, we needed to talk with Porori.

Creating a boundary in the outskirts was essential, but territory was a sensitive issue for beasts.

Overlapping territories could lead to hostility and even escalate into a fight for dominance.

Rod would help prevent that, but it’s better to be prepared for any scenario.

“It would be good if Ratatoskr agrees, but you should also consider the possibility of him refusing. In that case, Sivar, you might have to handle everything.”

“I can manage.”

“Sorry for the trouble. Is there anything you want?”

Something I want. I thought about Rod’s offer for a moment.

I get sweets like candy and cake from Kara and Grace.

I’m well-fed and plan to feast on Usk meat for a while.

I lacked nothing, but there was one thing that concerned me: money.

‘Once Kara finishes the auction, I’ll have a decent amount of money…’

The key issue is how to store that money. A large sum will come in all at once.

Thankfully, this world has advanced nations with banks. Storing money in a bank would be safe.

However, I need personal identification to use a bank. Without it, I can’t deposit money.

‘For now, I’ll have to trust Kara with it.’

The Tatars are a newly established nation, rapidly growing through trade.

Naturally, they are sensitive about money and have accepted banking and finance.

So, it’s best to leave the money management to Kara. She wouldn’t do anything strange with my money.

“Can’t think of anything right now? Take your time. If you want, I could teach you some skills. Interested in learning swordsmanship?”

“Maybe later.”

“Hmm, that’s a pity.”

He subtly tried to teach me swordsmanship. Learning from Rod would be beneficial.

If Luna learned from him, she could improve by several levels.

But learning swordsmanship now is meaningless for me. My main weapon is an axe, and even hand-to-hand combat is tough.

Moreover, Rize men a specific martial art might diminish that advantage.

‘I should only learn the basics.’

I’ll learn only the basics of any weapon, be it a sword or spear.

Usually, focusing on one skill is the way to excel, but I’m an exception. Focusing on one area would diminish my other strengths.

Besides, I don’t have enough time. I undergo berserk control training with Rize every weekend, so adding more would complicate things.

“So, when do you think Ratatoskr will return?”

“He should be back soon. I’ll relay the message.”

“Thanks. Here’s a map of the academy…”

Rod stopped mid-sentence as if he just remembered something.

“By the way, Sivar, can you read maps?”


Of course not. Maps are pointless for me.

I already know all the paths; a map is unnecessary unless I go deep into the Forest of Chaos.

“I can manage alone. I know the way.”

“Hmm… Still, it would be safer with a companion.”

“Rize is with me.”

“Ah, Rize. I forgot about her.”

Rod’s expression softened upon hearing Rize’s name. He hadn’t considered that.

As I mentioned, I train with Rize to control my berserk mode every weekend. I can mark the territory during that time.

Luna would naturally follow me, so I’d have a busy schedule.

“I think we can wrap it up here. We’ll keep this matter secret for now. Once the results are evident, we’ll inform the faculty.”

“Why keep it secret?”

Luna asked, puzzled. Ellie seemed to share her curiosity.

Rod chuckled and sipped his tea before providing a reason.

“I didn’t intend to keep it secret initially. But after hearing Sivar’s method, I changed my mind. What would happen to Sivar if such a bizarre story spread?”

I personally didn’t mind. I had long since thrown away concerns about my reputation.

I was already considered a potential terrorist during the midterms; this wouldn’t change much.

People would just think of me as a wildling, which isn’t new.

“It’s not just about reputation; it’s about human decency. Honestly, I find it unappealing too. We just don’t have a better method right now.”

It was about humanity. His words made me feel like he saw me as a person.

I fel the territory.

“When we issue an official statement, it won’t mention Sivar. It will just say that the area is stabilized.”

“Won’t that raise suspicion? People might think more dangerous monsters are out there.”

Ellie raised a valid point. Stabilizing the outskirts is good, but it could lead to further suspicion.

Porori’s existence could be exposed. I could hide him, but still.

Rod seemed to have anticipated this and replied calmly.

“No need to worry. We’ll just announce that it doesn’t target humans. The faculty will align their statements. They’ll brush it off, saying it’s a good thing.”

He was right. Even renowned scholars struggle to understand nature.

If the outskirts stabilize, it’s good for the academy. They’re likely to brush it off.

Moreover, there’s no environment to foster anxiety. Porori and I will contribute to the stabilization.

We just need to proceed quietly until then. If exposed, Rod would cover for us.

“Any more questions?”



“Sorry for wasting your time. Ah, I’ve arranged for Sivar to have unrestricted access to the forest.”

With the plan settled, Rod dismissed us with some encouraging words.

All classes were canceled due to the Usk incident, so we had nothing to do for the rest of the afternoon.

‘There’s still time until lunch.’

There was about an hour left until the baby Usk was dismantled. I had nothing to do until then.

Neither did the others, so we discussed various things.

“Hey, did you meet with the Principal?”

We conveniently ran into Kara, who was returning from the forge after delivering the blade tusk.

She looked curious as we came out of the Principal’s office. We wanted to explain but couldn’t at the moment.

Ellie suggested meeting Ratatoskr.

“Shall we go see Ratatoskr? We have time until lunch, and we can explain to Kara.”

“Let’s do that.”

We decided to find Ratatoskr. Entering the forest was prohibited due to the Usk incident.

But Luna quickly got permission by mentioning Rod’s approval. Authority has its perks.

We re-entered the outskirts of the Forest of Chaos. The occasional beast roar indicated ongoing chaos.

On the way, we explained what Rod had told us. Kara, initially surprised by the method, found it reasonable.

“By the way, Kara. Did the forge say they could make a weapon from the blade tusk?”

“Yes. They told me to come back in a week. I’ll pay then. The auction this weekend should cover it.”

“Um… Never mind.”

She was probably going to ask if anything was left. Knowing Luna, that was likely.

I was curious too, so I asked Kara.

“What about the leftovers?”

“Leftovers? Of course there are. Even after making my sword and your axe, there’ll be plenty. If necessary, we can use it to pay. Do you want me to convert it to money?”

“Only the intact parts.”

“Got it. I heard the tusk is the most expensive part, worth at least a million silver coins.”

Silver coins are the primary currency here. A fitting currency for the times.

One silver coin is roughly equivalent to 100 Korean Won. So, it’s worth about 100 million Won.

“Is it that expensive? Sivar, you’re rich now.”

“That’s the minimum value. It could fetch more at auction. Combined with other parts, it could be worth 300 million.”

“Then you can buy lots of good food. Just don’t overeat.”

I plan to buy good food and save some in the bank. For now, Kara will manage my money.

With the news of my wealth, various scammers might come for me.

I’ll block them, but if someone useful comes, I’ll accept them immediately.

‘Still a student, huh?’

I remembered a character from a higher grade. Normally, they wouldn’t appear now.

But with this special event, a character who seeks out people with large sums of money will definitely show up. They’ll benefit both me and Kara.

“Where do you think Ratatoskr is? Do you know, Sivar?”

“Why are you calling me, miss?”

While we wandered the forest, a familiar voice called from behind.

Speak of the devil; it was Porori. What timing.

“Ah, Ratatoskr. We need to talk. You need to work with Sivar.”

“Me, work with him? On what?”

Ellie began explaining what Rod had told us. Porori listened intently.

After hearing it all, Porori agreed.

“I don’t mind. All the critters here are weak anyway. But I have a condition.”

“What is it?”

“If there’s a female I like, that area becomes my territory. That’s the condition.”

A reasonable condition. Usually, females within a territory belong to the predator.

But it still requires effort to court the female. Male animals have it tough.

“Do as you please.”

“Well, I guess you wouldn’t care. It’s a good thing we’re different species.”

With this settled, the task would likely proceed smoothly.

“Why aren’t you marking territory over there?”


“Not here, over there. You should mark that territory too.”

He pointed towards the academy.

Porori seemed puzzled why I wasn’t marking territory there.

I was dumbfounded. Was he suggesting I drop my pants and mark the academy square?

“Porori, humans mark territory differently. Even if they do, it’s not personal.”

“Really? I guess it’s hard to claim territory with that old human around.”

Luna’s explanation made Porori nod in understanding.

He then looked at me with pity and tried to offer comfort.

“Then you can’t have any females to yourself. Not unless you take down that old human.”


I was speechless. This was the limit of a beast’s understanding.

The worst part was that I couldn’t refute him. Explaining human civilization’s complexity was beyond my linguistic ability.

If I flirted with various women, not just Rod but even Rize might intervene.

“Well, humans have their own ways of marking territory. But have you picked a female yet?”


“Huh? Really? That’s strange.”

What’s so strange about that? This squirrel…

I wondered if he was referring to Ellie. It seemed ridiculous.

Porori tilted his head and then looked directly at someone. Not Ellie or Kara, but Luna.

He pointed at Luna with his paw, his voice puzzled.

“Didn’t you already pick this female? I remember smelling her strongly of you.”



Both Luna and I were taken aback. He claimed Luna smelled like me.

I often buried my face in Ellie’s chest and sparred with Kara, so contact was inevitable.

But I had hardly any direct contact with Luna.

“Is it because of yesterday?”

I had no idea what misunderstanding was happening, but it definitely wasn’t that. I thought as I heard Kara mutter.

For now, I needed to understand Porori’s confusion.

“Didn’t you pick her from the beginning? She smelled strongly of you, especially this golden girl.”


He was referring to when Luna stepped in my territory. From a beast’s perspective, it was easy to misunderstand.

To clear the misunderstanding, I’d have to reveal that incident. It’s a secret I planned to keep.

“Since when did you mark Luna? From the beginning?”


Ellie’s inquiry made Luna’s eyes dart around. Kara seemed to find the timing odd and stayed silent.

Luna, her eyes darting around, seemed to have realized.

“There’s something… It’s awkward to explain.”

Unable to explain, Luna chose to avoid the question. It felt humane.

I couldn’t avoid Ellie’s sharp gaze. This squirrel is no help.

While I internally cursed Porori, Kara asked.

“Even if it’s awkward, give us a hint. I wasn’t there. What happened?”

“It’s… kind of an animalistic method…”


That mouth brings calamity.

[Your faith increases!]

Thanks, Luna.

End of Chapter

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