A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 145:

Chapter 145:

Dark History (3)


The final exam proceeded smoothly. Each team moved in a textbook manner.

First, they scouted the surroundings, filled in their maps, and secured supplies from the nearest points.

After gathering supplies, they prepared thoroughly before starting to capture the castle. This happened on the second day of the exam.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

“Abandon the castle and run! We can’t win like this!”

The team that captured the castle first was Kara’s team.

In terms of balance, they were roughly equal, but Kara’s team had an advantage.

Although Sivar was treated as a decisive and strategic weapon, Kara was also a significant powerhouse.

She had fought alongside Hector during the Tatar tribe alliance and had unmatched combat experience.

Even though the academy gathered the best talents from around the world, first-year students were still novices. They were bound to lack strategy and tactics.

Even if they had good strategies and tactics, failing to execute them properly made them meaningless. Kara exploited this point effectively.

“The castle is serving its purpose well. Place archers here and bring some water.”

“What do you need water for?”

“In case someone tries to climb up later. I’d prefer boiling water, but that would be overkill, wouldn’t it?”

Even after capturing the castle, Kara’s command continued efficiently. Antonio didn’t need to plan separately.

th earlier.

Her charisma was so overwhelming that no one had any objections. Thanks to that, the process went smoothly.

“Three people should guard the top of the wall. We’ll need to set up a night watch.”

“Not just the castle, but the supply points behind it also need guards. We’re severely understaffed.”

“Sigh… this is why holding a castle isn’t always advantageous.”

The castle was of moderate size. It was too small to be a fortress and too big to be a mere fortification.

This alone could provide significant advantages, but the issue was manpower. They had to protect two locations, which posed many problems.

“After about three days, everyone will be exhausted. Naturally, our combat power will decrease.”

“Any solutions?”

“Sleeping in the morning. We must stay holed up in the castle.”

Due to a lack of manpower, the team that captured the castle had to focus solely on it. Their strategy was highly restricted.

Sleep is essential for humans. No desire can surpass the need for sleep.

Kara felt this more keenly than anyone else. She had nearly died from lack of sleep once.

In the midst of battle, with spears and swords flying around, staying awake was a struggle. If not for Hector, she’d be dead.

‘The other team will definitely look for Sivar.’

With the castle captured, the other team had limited options. They could either seek siege weapons or find Sivar.

It was an obvious strategy, but the problem was that even knowing it, they couldn’t stop it due to their lack of manpower.

If they went to find Sivar and got ambushed, it would be disastrous. Not just the castle but even the supply points needed attention.

‘Even if we defend well, it’s meaningless without supplies. Thankfully, we have communication devices…’

Kara pulled out a small orb from her pocket. It was a communication device from the supply point.

Communication is crucial in any war. It’s necessary to understand the situation to plan ahead.

In ers before establishing their nation.


Coincidentally, a call came through as she took out the communication orb. Kara brought the orb to her ear.

Communication devices had been invented recently. Though invented in Santiago, they still had many shortcomings.

Still, it didn’t matter. Kara focused on the sound from the device.

[Testing, testing. Can you hear me?]

“Yes, loud and clear.”

[The enemy reconnaissance team has started moving. Two teams of four.]

The other team had finally started moving. They were likely seeking siege weapons and Sivar’s location.

This meant it was time for them to act too. Kara nodded and informed Antonio of the situation.

“We have two options. Either stay put and prepare for defense or send out our own reconnaissance team.”

“The first option is the safest, but it’s pointless if Sivar comes. We need to send a team.”

“But what if we find Sivar? What contract can we offer? We don’t have anything significant.”

“That’s the issue.”

Kara sighed. Antonio was right; they had nothing to entice Sivar.

Gloria had advised not to give up, but now that the situation had arisen, it was challenging.

Using their relationship to bring him over felt awkward. Kara couldn’t figure out what to offer.

‘…Should I do what Ellie did?’

That was the only thing that came to mind. Luna’s needless words kept resurfacing.

Sivar would be satisfied with that condition. But she’d have to deal with the rumors that would follow.

‘I don’t mind. Sivar is the issue.’

She didn’t care about any rumors that might spread about her. Already treated as a barbarian, what worse reputation could she get?

The problem was Sivar. With all sorts of rumors already swirling, new ones would only add fuel.

He might not care much, but people would give him strange looks.

Especially since maternal instincts were deeply linked with his image, it could create preconceived notions.

‘Or maybe rescuing Grace will change things.’

She was already getting a headache. What condition could she offer?

But pondering endlessly was pointless. Kara decided to take action.

They needed to gather scattered siege weapons and find Sivar’s location, just like the other team.

“Where’s the paper and pen? I need to draft a contract.”

“Have you decided on the terms? Remember, we need to secure the supply points.”

“If we have Sivar, it’s possible. We can offer the entire supply point.”

“Oh, that works. Got it.”

Ultimately, it all came back to Sivar. Kara received the paper and pen from Antonio and began drafting the contract.

Starting with the basics, she left space for the most crucial conditions.

‘I’ll decide based on what the other team offers.’

To do that, she had to act personally. Kara began her preparations.

She instructed the team to report on the enemy reconnaissance team’s movements, planning to move alone.

The castle could be defended without her, and moving alone would avoid detection.

‘How nice it would be to have a camel.’

While preparing, Kara lamented the lack of transport.

Other countries used horses, but the Tatars used camels for desert travel.

Though upperclassmen would receive transport, she had to endure for now.

“Defend well. I’ll be back before sunset.”

“Sure. Let us know if you find any siege weapons. We’ll bring them back.”

With that, Kara left the castle, intending to explore the outskirts first.

Marlboro hinted that better weapons were found further out. Sivar was likely there too.


After walking for a while, Kara paused and looked back.

No one was behind her, but she sensed she was being followed.

She knew roughly who it was but decided to ignore them, planning to catch them off guard later.

‘Having a map would be ideal.’

It didn’t matter what the other team did. The goal was to bring Sivar.

As she moved toward the outskirts, something caught her eye.

‘Why is there a forest?’

It was a forest, a dense one at that.

It seemed like it was hiding something, unlike the plains dotted with rocks.

Could Sivar be here? She wondered.

[I’m coming to you~]

An odd noise echoed from the forest. Someone was shouting loudly.

Kara flinched at the familiar voice, though it sounded joyful, like singing.

‘Is Sivar singing? No way.’

With curiosity, Kara entered the forest. The voice grew louder as she went deeper.

Following the voice, she witnessed a peculiar sight.

“Your eyes, they captivate me~”


“Hold me close, so I can fully feel you.”

It was Sivar. He was dancing and singing.

Kara couldn’t believe her eyes. She rubbed them, then her ears, but there was no denying it. It was Sivar dancing.

Wearing headphones, he held a knife and a wooden block in each hand. He must have been carving out of boredom.

‘That’s not even in the common language?’

While Kara stood dumbfounded, Sivar kept singing.

The wooden block he carved began to resemble a weapon, looking like Ragnarok.

“Come closer to me~”


Kara hesitated, unsure whether to approach.

Just then, Sivar turned his head and their eyes met. An awkward silence followed.

Sivar seemed as frozen as if caught indulging a private hobby.


Someone’s laughter echoed. The follower must have seen it too.

The laugh was familiar, but it wasn’t the time to dwell on that. Solving the situation was a priority.


Kara cleared her throat, looking at the frozen Sivar.

She was embarrassed too but had to speak.

“Um… you sing well. Who taught you?”

Her attempt to ease the awkwardness backfired.


Sivar, still stiff, only moved his legs.

His knees moved forward, but his body leaned back. It looked like a new dance move.

He retreated into his house in that posture and…


Closed the door softly.


Kara chuckled.



[Faith has increased!]

Stop. I feel like crying.

[Faith has increased!]

[Faith has increased!]

Please, no more!!

[Faith has increased!]

[Faith has increased!]

[Faith has increased!]


End of Chapter

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