A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 160:

Chapter 160:

Lucky (4)


Let’s rewind a bit—

The freshman banquet proceeded smoothly without any significant conflicts.

No one disrupted the event, and even Kara, who was the center of attention, seemed to be adjusting well.

What helped was the arrival of the Crown Prince, Karas, which somewhat overshadowed the presence of others.

Besides that, there were numerous other notable figures, including Princess Dan Yerin of the Hwan Empire, making it impossible to focus on just one person.

Still, the atmosphere gradually warmed up. With the orchestra playing and the alcohol flowing, spirits were high.

Even those who usually disliked crowded places couldn’t help but get into the mood once they started drinking.

This included Luna, who had gained some popularity as the top freshman. Many people were interested in her.

At first, she was a bit flustered, but with Grace’s help, she managed to handle it.

The problem was that she drank alcohol each time. Although it was a low-alcohol wine, alcohol is still alcohol.


“What’s wrong with her?”

“I think she drank too much.”

As a result, she got thoroughly drunk. Even Grace, who was by her side, couldn’t stop it.

It was Luna’s first time drinking alcohol, so she had no idea what her limit was.

So, she drank without thinking and eventually crossed the line, becoming completely inebriated.

“Sivar, you seem fine? Earlier, you looked like you were drunk.”

“I sobered up.”



Meanwhile, I had completely sobered up. Grace looked at me with wide eyes.

I had been drinking heavily, like Luna, and was giggling foolishly.

But after a quick trip to the terrace, the alcohol wore off.

‘It must be because of my resistance to poisons, right?’

Normally, I wouldn’t get drunk easily, but I had drunk so much that I did get tipsy.

While it’s harder for me to absorb, I also break it down quickly. That’s why poisons and even medicine have little effect on me.

“Luna. Are you drunk?”

“No~ I’m not drunk~”

Regardless, Luna was now at the brink of unconsciousness.

Her pale skin had turned red with the flush of intoxication, and her steps were unsteady.

The final touch was her silly, giggly expression. Anyone could tell she was drunk.

“This won’t do. Let’s get her home. The banquet is ending soon, so the timing is just right.”

“I’m okay, sis. I can drink more~”

“Don’t be a mess before I pinch your nose off. Ellie, do you know which dorm she’s in?”

Kara seemed eager to get Luna out of there, likely worried about what kind of trouble she might cause if she stayed.

I was also concerned that if Luna started talking nonsense, it could lead to major problems. She might even spill our secrets.

Luna’s mouth has always been a source of chaos, and if she made a big mistake, it could be disastrous.

“I know where she lives, but isn’t the problem what she might do after? What if she staggers outside while still drunk? I don’t think I can handle that.”

“Do what?”

“Like wandering out while drunk? I wouldn’t be able to manage that.”

“Ah, shit. I still have to stay here.”

Kara scratched her head in frustration. Despite her dazed state, Luna was still the top freshman.

There was a significant difference in their physical capabilities. If Luna started causing trouble, Ellie wouldn’t be able to do anything.

Kara probably wanted to take her herself, but she had to stay until the banquet was over.

“I have to stay too. I still have a lot to do.”

“Then, Sivar, can you take her? The Holy Warrior is at your dorm, after all.”

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Are you okay with that?”


It was better to leave it to me. As Ellie said, Rize was at the dorm, so it should be fine.

Even if strange rumors started circulating, Rize’s presence would be enough to quash them.

Besides, Luna had been coming to my dorm every weekend, so there shouldn’t be any issues.

“I don’t want to go~ I want to drink more~”

“Oh, for crying out loud. I’m counting on you.”

“Luna. Let’s go.”

“I don’t wanna…”

In the end, Luna was dragged out by Ellie and me. She was so drunk that she didn’t resist.

“Let me go~ Hehehe.”

At least her drunken antics were simple. If she’d started causing a scene, I would have had to knock her out.

I carried Luna on my back and headed for the dorm. Along the way, Ellie chatted with me.

“Is this Sivar?”


“Wow. Your back is so broad~”

She’s usually so stoic, but she becomes like this when she’s drunk?

The saying that a dog can’t become a person, but a person can become a dog, came to mind.

Luna’s actions were really dog-like right now. I mean that in a positive way, not as an insult.

Ever since she climbed onto my back, she kept rubbing her cheek against me, as if she wanted to feel my warmth, showing an unusual amount of affection.

“So this is how Luna acts when she’s drunk. I’ll have to be careful next time.”

“Aren’t you drunk, Ellie?”

“I think I’m a little tipsy, but I’m fine. I didn’t drink much.”

Ellie doesn’t particularly like alcohol. Even if it’s sweet, she hates the bitter aftertaste.

She once said that bitter things should be limited to herbal medicine, and that she’d rather eat a bunch of herbs than drink alcohol.

“I like sweet things.”

“I like sweet things too, but I hate bitterness. And if you only eat sweet things, you’ll get diabetes, you know?”

As Ellie and I chatted, Luna’s drunken babbling faded away.

I glanced back and noticed that she was now softly snoring. She must have passed out.

This was much better than her causing a scene. Thanks to that, we reached the dormitory without any issues.

“Take good care of Luna. The Holy Warrior will help, but still. Goodbye.”


Ellie left for her dorm, and I continued towards mine. There wasn’t much distance left.


‘…What’s this?’

Suddenly, my wild instincts sounded an alarm. My hair stood on end, and I felt a cold chill run through me.

If my wild instincts were warning me, it meant something serious was happening. I looked around anxiously.

But I couldn’t sense anything nearby. Occasionally, people passed by, but none of them paid any attention to us.

So what was triggering this sense of danger? It was getting darker, which only heightened my unease.



Then, I heard a disturbing sound. The problem was that it was way too close.

It was Luna making the noise. As soon as I heard it, I had a bad feeling.



Not here. Absolutely not here. It would be better if she did it at the dorm.

My chest tightened as I picked up the pace. I had to get to the dorm as quickly as possible.

If it came to it, I’d just lay her down on the ground. After all, it’s not me, but Luna, who would suffer…



Damn it.

She finally vomited a rainbow-colored mess from her mouth.


After Luna threw up on my back, I rushed to the dorm.

I wanted to walk slowly in my frustration, but it was so disgusting that I just wanted to wash up.

Moreover, Rize would probably be there, so I could leave the task of cleaning her to her. I might as well do the laundry too.



But something felt off. That was my first thought upon entering the dorm.

Usually, when I reular form.

But it was eerily quiet. I wondered if she’d stepped out for a bit and looked around.


Then I noticed a piece of paper on the table. I picked it up.

[Hello, Brother Sivar. This is Rize. An urgent matter came up, so I had to return to Byzantium. I’ve already informed Rod, so you can visit with him later.]

“…Ha, this is bullshit.”

Could the timing be any worse? She left at the worst possible moment.

I couldn’t blame her since she’s a Holy Warrior and has her responsibilities. Even though she’s free, she still has duties.

I let out a long sigh in frustration. I had no choice but to take care of the inebriated Luna myself.

‘First, I’ll have to take off all her clothes… Damn it.’

Both Luna’s and my clothes were recently bought. Now that they’re covered in vomit, it might be better to just throw them away.

I should ask Grace how to deal with this later. She’ll probably recommend tossing them as well.


“For real…”

As I undressed Luna from her vomit-covered dress, a wave of despair washed over me. I wanted to give up right then.

What exactly makes this woman any better than a wildling? Being taken care of by a wildling… That’s something special.

Finally, I managed to peel off the dress drenched in rainbow-colored vomit, revealing Luna’s bare body.

If Kara’s body felt solid overall, Luna’s form was much more curvaceous. The line from her waist to her hips was particularly impressive.

‘I had no idea because she always wore clothes that covered her up.’

Despite her delicate appearance, she had enough feminine charm to stand out. There was a definite advantage that others lacked.

But whether it’s her hips or anything else, first, I needed to clean her up. After vomiting so much, she seemed completely unconscious.


“Ugh. Seriously… Ugh.”

I stripped both of us completely and began washing Luna. I was so exasperated that I couldn’t help but sigh, regardless of her body.

Is the cleaning.


Finally, I made sure to dry her thoroughly so she wouldn’t catch a cold. I couldn’t do much about her hair, so I just left it slightly damp.

Then, I put her back in the underwear she’d been wearing earlier, just her panties, and laid her in bed. She hadn’t even worn a bra, probably because of the dress.

With my tasks done, I hastily hand-washed both my vomit-stained clothes and Luna’s dress.

Although I had items with built-in cleaning magic, hand-washing felt much more thorough. I had to do it myself because it was too gross.


Finally, after thoroughly washing myself, I stepped out of the shower.

When I came out, I saw Luna soundly asleep in my bed.

While I was struggling, she was sleeping comfortably. It was enough to make anyone furious.

‘Should I draw on her face?’

That thought crossed my mind. I wiped the water off my body with a towel and approached Luna.

I hadn’t noticed before since she usually kept her hair tied up, but with her hair down, she looked quite stunning.

With her naturally pretty face, she couldn’t help but look good. It’s just unfortunate that she spewed chaos and vomit from her mouth.

Squish— Squish—

“Hey. Are you asleep? Are you?”


When I squeezed her cheeks in discontent, she made a weird sound. She reminded me of an animal, but I couldn’t remember which one.

Seeing that, I sighed again. Although the bed was spacious, I figured it would be more comfortable to sleep elsewhere.

There was a bed that Rize used to sleep on, but it seemed she had taken it with her when she left.

I was contemplating sleeping on the floor when—



Just as I was about to turn away, Luna grabbed my hand. I wondered if she had woken up, but that wasn’t the case.

Her eyes were still closed, and her breathing was steady. It seemed to be just sleep talking.

“Don’t leave…”


“I don’t want to be alone…”

Even her sleep talk was pitiful. Her expression was scrunched up, as if she were having a bad dream.

Given that she was using polite speech, it was likely about her teacher or someone from her village. Maybe it was homesickness.

Having lived in one village all her life, moving to a foreign place must have made her unknowingly lonely. This wasn’t something unique to Luna.

“Hug me…”

I looked down at Luna for a while before carefully getting into bed.

Then, without a word, I hugged her. I could feel the soft sensation against my chest, but I didn’t pay it much mind.

‘She’s had it tough too.’

As the protagonist, she would face countless fates she didn’t want to. It was inevitable.

Her body and mind would surely be battered and bruised. It was a trial too difficult for one person to bear.

“Hehe. So warm.”

As I held her, Luna smiled brightly. Come to think of it, I hadn’t seen her smile much.

I patted her back, helping her relax and sleep more comfortably. Gradually, she loosened up and drifted off.

‘She’s going to suffer from a hangover tomorrow, isn’t she?’

I was just wondering what kind of food would be best for curing a hangover when—



No, please. Don’t.

Before my wild instincts could even issue a warning—


“You fucking bitch. For real.”

I cursed out loud.

Is she marking her territory or what?

[Faith decreased!]

Come on. Can’t you cut me some slack on this one?

End of Chapter

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