A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 19: Education (2)

Chapter 19: Education (2)

The day after the health checkup, formal education began.

Rod started to teach me how to write. Maybe that's why I didn't go out except for meal times.

Even when I went out, Rod was always monitoring me. It was because of the incident when I hit the bell tower with a rock.

I did throw it as a greeting, but to others, it must have looked like an insane act. But, I don't regret it.

I simply ignored the status window showing that my faith level decreased. As long as nothing else is affected, it doesn't matter.

Usually, there's a penalty of stats decrease.'

Threw a rock at the church tower for fun? Then, naturally, the stat decreases permanently.

As it's faith stat, many users who don't have a job related to faith throw it for fun.

And what about me? I threw it out of frustration.

I had to insult the one who made me like this at least once.

"Try mimicking this. Apple."

Anyway, Rod's education carried on normally.

He began teaching words, perhaps after realizing during the health checkup that we could communicate




"Ap. ple."

"Shi. bal."

" "

Just because we can communicate doesn't mean it's easy to grasp the language right away.

Not to mention language impairment, learning to write was hard. Especially, the words were difficult.

It's just fortunate that I could understand spoken language, otherwise, my future would've been bleak.

The grammar is screwed.'

The words are fine. However, what plunged me into real despair was the grammar.

I had to exert great effort, almost bordering on desperation, to barely understand it.

Listening is possible, but reading and writing are hard. I can only pick a few words barely.

"Words can be learned with effort. Let's try again. Do you understand what this is?"


" I've come to realize that I lack a knack for teaching."

Still, Rod focused on teaching as I seemed to be gradually picking up the writing.

He didn't neglect his original work. He likes to play only after he's done what needs to be done.

He was grumbling about teaching me, an activity not fated for him, when he could've been having fun.

"Hello, Sivar! What did you learn today?"

"Shibal (a lot)."

"You're still the same. But you must've learned a lot, right?"

After school hours, Ellie came to visit and taught me how to write. It was a bonus to have Porori along.

While receiving Ellie's instructions, I shifted my gaze to Porori. He was shelling a chestnut he had picked from somewhere.

He's definitely a squirrel, as he gorges on acorns. He looks cute and chubby, but his personality is disgusting.

"Ellie, do you bring that creature even to the class?"

"No. I usually let it out during class. It comes to me on its own when the class ends."

"You don't have to worry since it's a familiar."

They should do that for me too. I'm sure I'll be back when it's time.

As I looked enviously at Porori, its reaction was just outrageous.

"Pooing (Dumb)."

Just look at it, raising one side of its mouth. I feel like smacking it.

But I don't know what would happen if I did it here. Ellie might scold me.

I swallowed the rising anger in my chest and continued with the lesson.

"Wow. You wrote exactly what I said? Already at this level? Sivar, you're a genius!"

A day passed and I managed to transcribe simple spellings and words easily.

"You want candy? That's not advisable. Your teeth might rot."

By the second day, I was not just transcribing, but able to write words on my own.

"It seems like we're starting to communicate little by little?"

"Somewhat. It wouldn't be impossible if you just pick and choose words to say."

By the third day, we were just about able to communicate, albeit with difficulty.

However, sentences were still a challenge. As I mentioned before, listening is easy, but reading and writing are hard.

Nonetheless, the fact that we can communicate is massive progress.

Although the language impediment was still there, it would gradually improve, so there was no problem.

I should gradually reveal that there's poison in the tea.'

I'm not sure if he would believe me, but Rod trusts Doctor Dan enough to make him his primary doctor.

I didn't expect him to believe me just because of a few words I said.

It's better to inject doubt little by little rather than bursting it all out at once.

Then, Rod would naturally notice that a demon is at work.

However, given that the academy's collapse itself is targeting Rod, I must proceed slowly for his safety.

Demons, especially those of the highest rank, are tough opponents even for Rod.

As soon as Rod starts investigating, the demon's side would notice and the difficulty would rise insanely.

Even in the game, I had quite a bit of trouble with this tricky balancing act.

"Knowing words is one thing, but understanding our language is key. You need to know the meaning of actions."

"But that doesn't seem like a problem that can be solved in a short period?"


Having grasped the words was good news, but a more difficult task remained.

That is, teaching me the meaning of actions and basic common sense.

Knowing common sense is essential for a normal life. Without it, one would encounter various embarrassments.

However, even that common sense does not guarantee to nurture social skills.

"How about teaching him what actions should not be done first, regardless of understanding? Sivar is still having difficulty making judgments on his own."

"You're suggesting building a temporary solution first."

"Yes. I've read in a book about a person who grew up in the wild"

Regardless of their conversation, I busily read books. It was a fairy tale that Elvin had brought for me.

According to Ellie, it was a story about a hero battling demons.

In actual history, the hero did defeat the demons, so in a way, it could be seen as a history book.

Although I could only guess the context by combining the words I knew in between, I read it with the mindset of studying.


Ellie called me as I was engrossed in reading the book. I turned my head towards her.

I met her gleaming golden eyes head-on. Her smiling face was charming.

"From now on, I'll tell you what you should never do. You'll do as I say, okay?"

She pointed out with her index finger, seemingly enjoying it much more than Rod who described it as almost a mandatory duty.

I'm not sure whether I should pretend not to know what I already know, or whether I should just comply obediently.

Nevertheless, being friendly with Ellie wouldn't be a bad thing. After all, she was a walking potion, even if she was a pufferfish.

Moreover, with Porori around, I should be safe.

So, I turned myself around as if to say Let's give it a try.'

"First, you must never hit a person without reason. Especially since you're strong, Sivar, you'll have to control your strength well. Understand?"

In response to her explanation, I nodded to show that I understood.

Unless someone insults or touches me first, there's no reason to use force.

Even if I were to use force at my whim, Rod would restrain me immediately. That's why he keeps me around, considering that.

"Well done. And also Right! You shouldn't steal either. You know what stealing means?"

Ellie diligently listed one by one the things I shouldn't do.

Like you shouldn't carelessly say things that can hurt others. Like you shouldn't act as you please, and so on.

Most of them were related to morals, so there wasn't exactly a need to listen. But I did listen.

She was trying hard to explain, although I didn't know why. She seemed to have a sense of responsibility.

After all, she was the one who brought me here, even persuading Luna who was reluctant.

Thanks to her, I had escaped from the monotonous forest, so I needed to reciprocate.

"Hmm Does anything else need to be added, Principal?"

"Tell me."

"Has Sivar been educated about sex?"

" "

Caught in her enthusiasm, even Rod was bewildered. It was decided to take it slow with sex education.

From basic morals to simple common sense was taught afterward. I listened attentively for faster adaptation and story involvement.

Since they seemed to like it when I acted as if I understood everything, which I did.

So, it was about a week after I started receiving education from them.

"Try saying it. Ellie."


"El. Lie."

"Shi. Bal."

Although I was steadily acquiring words, my language disability was not improving. I was trying my best, but it didn't work.

Ellie seemed bewildered by my unimproving vocabulary.

"It's strange. In the book, it says it will improve if you keep talking."

"What book is it? I'm curious about the content."

"It's a story about a man born in the wild who grows up with a bunch of monkeys and later meets an explorer from civilization."

If you listen to it from the outside, it is definitely Tarzan. However, looking at Rod's reaction, there didn't seem to be Tarzan in this world.

"Perhaps it could differ from person to person. Still, since he understands the language, there shouldn't be much problem if he's well-taught."

"It's still too early to admit him?"

"It would still be hard to get him admittedbut if he listens well "

Rod eyed me as he trailed off. I met his gaze as well.

I pondered how to assure them. They seemed to hesitate to admit me because of my language disability.

In that case, I might have to express my intentions by writing them on paper. You can also make a request in the process.

So, I began to write words one by one carefully on the paper with my pen.

Then, I showed the sentence I had finished to Rod. The sentence I wrote was as follows:

[Giving candy. Quietly following. ]

"Ho ho."

Rod chuckled as he read my sentence. His face was full of disbelief but also contained admiration.

My objective is the story participation, not the candy. It was just a move to lead him to think that way.

"So, can he now?"

"Of course not."


Why not. I said I'd listen well if he gave me candy.

Ellie was also surprised by Rod's refusal, just like I was taken aback.

Rod smoothly stroked his neatly kept mustache and provided several reasons.

"Sivar needs to adapt. What if he forcibly gets admitted and fails to adapt? It would be problematic in many ways. For the time being, he will go through an adaptation period through field experiences."

"Adaptation period? Was there such a thing?"

"The princess of Tatars had once gone through that. It's just this year that she formally got admitted."

I remember that setting. Yeah.

Kara was two years older than other characters. That's because of the reason mentioned by Rod.

Even if it was an adaptation period, it was only for about a month, and Kara was able to get admitted because she passed it without a hitch.

Although she's causing various troubles after getting admitted, she's good-natured. Only if people don't bother her.

"The princess of Tatars was initially supposed to get admitted last year. But she delayed her admission because she had some business in her homeland."

"So if Sivar does well in his adaptation period, he can get admitted?"

"There would be more discussions than when the princess of Tatars got admitted. But since he listens well if given candy, it should be fine."

"I thought everything would work if there's the professor's recommendation"

"Only in special cases, we make them go through an adaptation period. Sivar is one of them."

So, I have to get through a month well. Honestly, it's ambiguous.

I don't know what criteria they'll set for saying that I have adapted. I plan to commit some misconduct that can be termed improper conduct in between.

To clear the first branching point, the collapse of the academy, without a hitch, I have no choice.

I should act as normally as possible.'

While I was making such a resolution in my mind,

Rod, who had been sizing me up, nodded and opened his mouth.

"The decision for him to become a combatant is final. We now need to find someone who can keep an eye on him"

Soon, that well-known person was brought here.

"Although I can understand the senior's case, why have you called me?"

Elvin, who would become my excellent shuttle in the future, was also bundled with the senior.

The expression on his face indicated that he didn't understand why he was here either. He probably thought Luna would take care of something like this.

"But you know Sivar best of all. We thought it might be too much for Luna to handle Sivar alone. Am I right?"


Luna, the first to arrive, didn't reply but only offered a bashful smile.

Unlike Elvin, she didn't seem flustered, perhaps having anticipated something like this.

She grinned at me once, then replied with a bitter smile.

"I'll try my best."

"Good. Good. What about you, Elvin?"

"I will follow instructions."

Rod looked between Luna and Elvin with a pleased smile.

"If he completes the adaptation period, I'll personally teach you two some useful techniques. How about that?"

"Is there anything else you need?"

"I will do as instructed."

They won't be able to resist that. They both responded to Rod's proposal with determination in their voices.

I almost laughed at the sight of them falling for it so easily.

"Now that we have the guardians we need a professor to report to"

"Can't they just report to the principal?"

"I'm not always free. We have to consider when I'm unavailable. Who would be good"

Rod looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought. There didn't seem to be a teacher that came to mind.

"Maybe you should ask Sivar?"


"It's easier if it's someone Sivar already knows a little about. Professor Marlboro has even scrubbed Sivar clean before."

Ellie suggested a reasonable suggestion. It's a pretty good compromise.

Rod seemed to approve, immediately looking at me. Everyone's eyes turned towards me simultaneously.

"Did you hear that? Which professor would you choose?"

"Sivar doesn't know the names of the professors?"

"He should remember their faces."

I knew them very well. They all had memorable, distinctive faces.

Upon being prompted to choose a professor, I gave it a moment's thought. This could be a chance to get closer to a professor.

Obviously, it's Godin.'

The professor who gives out more rewards when you're even slightly kind. As I was about to write his name in crayon, I hesitated.

Had I heard the professors' names? I was unsure.

This would have been difficult to explain if it were any of the other professors. But Godin has clear characteristics.

I put down the paper and pen, then put my index fingers on the corners of my eyes.


To symbolize Godin's feature, I stretched the corners of my eyes. It should look like slits by now.




But the reactions were a little off. Not only Rod, but everyone else also looked startled.

I read the atmosphere and dropped my hands. What on earth is the problem?

In the somewhat strange atmosphere, it was Elvin who spoke first.

"Fortunately, there is no one from the East here."

Then Ellie spoke up.

"Sivar seems to be Eastern, wouldn't it be okay since his skin is white but his features are close to Eastern?"

Finally, Luna rebuked Ellie.

"Ellie, this isn't about race. That's something you should never do. If anything, we need to teach her properly about racial discrimination."

Oh, right. Racism exists here too.

I know it was expressed in the text, although it wasn't implemented in the game to avoid controversy.

If I make fun of Easterners by teasing them for their eye shapes? It wouldn't be surprising to be confronted with life-threatening situations at once.

Besides, there are also racially offensive gestures towards Westerners, which are non-Easterners, in other words, Caucasians.

"Sivar, you should never do something like that to people like us. Look, like this."

Ellie put her hands on her cheeks and pulled them down. Her cute face looked ridiculous.

Easterners, who age relatively slowly and have little change in facial features, are different from Westerners, who age faster.

The action she took was a gesture that belittled that feature. It's funny.

I quietly listened to Ellie's words, then wrote what I wanted to say on the paper and showed her.

[Discrimination. Beat them up. Possible?]

Because racial discrimination is a new word, I couldn't write it properly. But if I can understand it, that's good enough.

Ellie read what I had written, then nodded and forcefully responded.

"Of course, it serves them right to get hit."


"What? Those who can't learn shouldn't be allowed to attend the academy. The Principal thinks so too, right?"

At Ellie's question, Rod shrugged and said,

"I don't know if Sivar will understand, but I can accept that. Anyway, as soon as someone discriminates racially, they'll be expelled."

"Did you hear?"


Luna sighed deeply. She must have intuitively thought there would be trouble.

Unless someone provokes me, I won't cause trouble.

As long as they don't provoke me.

It's going to be tough.'

Even by my standards.

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