A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 21: Lesson (2)

Chapter 21: Lesson (2)

"Everyone, pay attention. Starting today, we will be joined by a special guest. The class will proceed as usual. Keep this in mind."

No sooner than the lesson was about to start, the professor, Marlboro, walked in.

Naturally, my conversation with Kara was cut off, and Elvin, who arrived with Marlboro, moved to the seat behind Luna.

Although there were other seats available for two people besides Kara's, they weren't exactly vacant.

Without a word, Elvin moved his gaze from me to Luna, and finally to Kara.

It was an indescribable expression on Elvin's face. It was very complicated.

After all, it was a bizarre combination a wild man, an admissions top student, and a Barbarian.

"Did you mention it to the professor?"

Luna, sandwiched between Kara and me, turned around and asked Elvin.

Elvin looked a bit flustered but quickly nodded in response.

"Yes I talked to him. The Principal must have informed everyone via a notice, so all the professors should know."

"Oh, I see. You've done a great job."

"You've had a harder time Or should I say-"

Luna is stuck between a Barbarian and a wild man. Elvin understood her situation and stopped himself from speaking any further.

He seemed to realize that any more words would just seem like teasing.

"Lets move on to the news. As you may already know, a contest is scheduled for a week from now. It will take place in a special arena, not the typical one."

Marlboro started the conversation about the upcoming events. A battle was scheduled for a week later.

Considering the Academy's uniqueness, it wasn't just an ordinary fight.

Point system.'

The United Academy has a point system similar to credit hours.

Your points would increase if you performed well in various exams, including the upcoming battle.

Contrarily, indulging in misconduct or crime would result in a significant decrease in points, including your honors.

Various rewards, usually primitive gains, could be obtained based on your scores.

However, the rewards were substantial for the commoners who weren't nobles.

Even for nobles, it's not at all bad as it gives them honor which they value more than their lives.

The greater the efforts, the greater the gain.'

This system attempts to evaluate everyone fairly to prevent any discrepancies.

Growth spurts were quite common among students, and naturally, their grades improved, which attracted the professors' attention.

Even if somebody misuses the system, they get caught almost immediately.'

To put it mildly, it was impossible to get away with deceptive practices. After all, the Principal himself was an extremely strict person.

Many have tried to deceive the system by utilizing illegal methods, but they are all caught immediately by the Principal.

Needless to say, their points then plummeted dramatically, plunging them into despair.

Well, it's not all bad because they got a chance to learn swordsmanship from the Principal.

"The battle is not compulsory. However, many people observe and rewards are given depending on your points gained."

"Professor, do you get more points the more battles you fight?"

"You can participate in up to three fights per person. The more similar the ranks of the opponents, the more points you earn."

The rest of the explanation continued as I remembered it.

If a student in the upper echelon fights with a student in the lower rank, regardless of the outcome, the student from the lower echelon will get more points.

Also, if a student in the top rank designates someone with a significant rank deviation, they practically get no point at all.

"Finally, we get to the designation. Any participant has the right to designate someone. The designated student can refuse, and there will be no point deduction."

However, they will be stigmatized as cowards.

In the game, the "honor" value represents the opposite of losing points.

If the "honor" value falls below a certain level, it will turn into "infamy," which will result in a change in the character's dialogues and make it difficult to receive support from NPCs.

"If more than three students designate the same student simultaneously, the designated student will have the right to choose. If the designated student designates another student, and the student accepts, then the right of first refusal is given."

"Why is it so complicated?"

Kara complained about the unexpectedly complex rules.

To me, it may seem like a small complaint, but I heard it.

After that, there were several rules for fairness, but I wasn't particularly interested.

After all, I might not even participate.'

I am currently going through the adaptation period. I am not a formal student, so I am not in the top rank either.

I have no reason to designate anyone, nor will anyone designate me.

Sitting next to Rod and watching the fight wouldn't be a bad idea.

Besides, the final reward is practically useless to me, and it won't increase my stats.

"Does anyone have any questions?"

Suddenly, someone raised their hand, which was completely unexpected. It was Kara.

She still had her chin up, and her expression was somewhat forced.

"Sure. What's your question?"

"It seems like it would be disadvantageous for students in the top rank if they designate others. Is that true? Or not?"

Kara usually uses informal language, but she quickly switches to formal language.

She is generally courteous to elders, at least.

However, she would switch back to informal language the moment she is insulted as a barbarian.

She wouldn't usually be rude with casual language.

"That's not true. Points may differ depending on the outcome of the match between those in the top rank."

"So, do we have to win at all costs?"

"Well, that's one way, but there are also ways to leave a good impression on the audience."

The duels are one of the important turning points in player "growth."

Depending on the way a player plays and their score, their sponsors and mentors may differ.

Especially Luna, who is the "top-ranked student," would receive the attention of countless people.

However, there is no need to make a choice unconditionally. It's okay to go alone or choose a training method that doesn't suit your personality.

This is merely a recommendation, and the choice is yours. Who will Luna be chosen by?

Being a knight means there are many choices.'

She is already a knight, but she is like a squire.

To become a real knight, she needs to receive more training.

I would like to learn skills too in my heart, but'

Currently, I am just a strong, empty shell.

Even winning against Elvin in a duel was due to my overwhelming physical stats.

Therefore, I wanted to show off in a duel, but I am currently going through the adaptation period.

It is uncertain whether I can participate without any points or rewards to earn.

"Professor, may I ask one more question?"

Suddenly, Kara raised her hand and asked while I was feeling regretful.

She gave me a grin and asked a question with an obvious intention.

"Can someone going through the adaptation period participate in the duels?"


Upon Kara's question, my expression hardened, and Luna looked surprised at her.

Not only them, but the other students also showed no difference.

"Are you planning to challenge that wild man to a duel?"

"What on earth are you thinking? It won't be of any help."

"Your aggressive nature never changes."

Kara was already one of the biggest concerns. Now that I am involved too, it's impossible not to attract attention.

A barbarian challenging a wild man to a duel. It's a combination that somehow seems fitting and yet very odd.

"I'm taken aback."

To be honest, I'm also quite taken aback.

Right now, she should be focusing on Luna, but suddenly, all attention is on me.

It seems as though she has become curious about me since watching the duel with Elvin.


Marlboro silenced the noisy classroom with a yell filled with magic power.

In the quiet atmosphere, he alternately looked at Kara and me.

His expression was quite complex, which suggested deep thought.

"I think I understand why you asked that question, but let me answer first. It's possible."

"I knew it."

Kara smirked at the affirmative answer.

Her face already showed anticipation.

"However, as I just mentioned, the other party has to accept the challenge. I believe that would be the key point."

"Did you hear that?"

" "

Kara looked at me and chuckled. I just stared at her without saying anything.

There was no point in making the excuse that I didn't know what a duel was. After all, I already had an experience of dueling with Elvin once.

Fortunately, Kara shrugged as if it didn't matter whether I was confused or not.

"Judging from your expression, it seems like you don't understand. Can you explain a bit?"

" "

At Kara's request, Luna looked at me. Her expression was exceedingly complicated.

She thought for a while and then expressed a firm denial to Kara.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can."


"Because there's a risk that Sivar might easily resort to violence."

That's a fairly reasonable reason. Presently, everyone, including Luna, thinks of me as a blank slate.

A white paper that could easily be colored in any shade. What she meant was that I could go down the wrong path.

But does she know? I've been steeped in violence for quite some time now.

To survive in the wild, violence is not an option, it's a necessity. I'm already used to killing, even though it was not humans.

Whether Kara knew this or not, she rebutted as if it was ridiculous.

"Do you realize what you're saying? So, do you think violence occurs only when a person hits another person?"

"A duel is different from the violence used for survival. We have to make Sivar realize that violence is not a necessity but a means."

"Then we should have a duel even more. We need to set a direction and if we just say it's not allowed, the resistance will only grow stronger."

The stubborn fight between the shield and the sword continued. It was quite an interesting argument and I found myself listening attentively.

"Stop! The debate should end here! We are in the middle of class!"


" "

However, due to Marlboro's interference, the argument didn't last long.

Both Luna and Kara withdrew with disgruntled expressions.

Judging by their faces, neither of them seemed to have given up. They would probably continue the fight during break time.

"The period to choose sparring partners begins today. Also, from today afternoon classes are replaced with independent training. I hope everyone practices diligently until then."

With that, Marlboro began the formal class. The subject he taught was basic combat.

It might seem strange to teach basic combat in an academy where the world's talents gather.

However, the biggest merit is its practicality. Experience is something hard to come by, even with money.

"No matter what kind of battle it is, always be careful of where you step. Especially, it's best to have a good pair of shoes, even if you know nothing else. Of course, this is to keep you from slipping and falling miserably."

For instance, these are valuable tips even in games.

Other equipment is similar, but especially shoes, they greatly increase agility and evasion.

Moreover, they even improve the basic skill of movement'.

I don't care about footwear though.'

I had already become used to being barefoot. Walking barefoot is much better than wearing awkward shoes.

Although I'm wearing shoes now, honestly speaking, it's uncomfortable. Hence, I discreetly took them off without Luna noticing.

Socks were the same. Fortunately, Luna hadn't noticed till now, as she was focused on the class.

"Do remember this. No matter what martial arts you learn, no matter what technique you practice, you should always start training with your movements. And"

Marlboro's basic combat class continued for quite some time.

The more I listened to the lecture, the more I remembered the texts from the games I had seen before.

Could it be because of that? Or could it be because it was a mundane theoretical class?

As I sat still only listening to the theory, before I knew it, the class was over.

"So much for theory today. Does anyone have questions?"

" "

"If not, then we'll finish here."

Saying that, Marlboro left out for the outside. Simultaneously, the classroom became noisy.

The next class would probably be Gordin's magic class. Even his explanations are known to be captivating.

"Hey, hey. The top of the class."

"Please call me Luna. And no, I won't do it."

"Do you know what I'm going to say?"

"Aren't you planning to challenge Sivar to a duel?"

The unsettled quarrel between Luna and Kara continued. Do they really want a duel with me?

As for me, I didn't care whether the duel happened or not. It's best to keep quiet during times like this.

"Then what should I do to get your permission?"

"No matter what you propose, I won't allow it."

"You're quite stubborn too, huh?"

"Sometimes, you need to be stubborn."

Like before, the atmosphere heated up with their rising voices. No one was backing out of the fight.

Perhaps it was because they were both getting a lot of attention. Even other students were looking in their direction.

Although they were pretending not to be aware, I saw everything. The most enjoyable thing is certainly watching a fire from across the river.

I'm bored.'

Elvin, who sat at the back, was also watching the argument between Luna and Kara.

He was pretending not to know because he could be hit with a spark too. It was all too obvious.

I was thinking about going outside when this was happening.

"I'll excuse myself."


An elegant voice whispered in my ear. Not only me, but the two who were arguing also turned their heads.

I knew someone was coming this way, but I didn't expect them to strike up a conversation.

"I thought the argument would not be resolved if we only shouted at each other."

"You are"

Luna recognized the person who had interrupted. Naturally, Kara's gaze followed Luna.

She had neatly cut bangs and long purple hair. Along with it, she had complementing purple eyes.

Objectively, she was quite a beauty, but the shape of her eyes gave off a slightly imposing impression.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Grace Aria Del Verche. Nice to meet you, Princess of Tatars."

"Just call me Kara."

The snippy Kara toned down a bit when she saw the politeness from the other side.

In the meantime, the woman who had introduced herself as Grace, looked at me with a smirk on her face.

Her purple eyes were filled with curiosity and anticipation. I faced her.

Ah. This girl.'

She was the one who suffered greatly at the hands of Delphoi. I remembered her clearly when I saw her face.

If no further action was taken, the woman before me was destined to be humiliated by Delphoi.

After that, she would suffer emotional shock and drop out, and would not appear in the story anymore.

By the bits and pieces I recalled, it seemed like she had been virtually abandoned by her family.

It was a natural consequence for the nobles who suffered humiliation.

Delphoi also attempted to keep her silent by targeting this point but was found out by Gordin.

She's in a terrible situation.'

She was set to be a victim of a man who was capable of causing an international dispute.

Was my emotion showing on my face? Grace stumbled on her words with a bit of confusion.

"What's with that peculiar look?"

"Sivar? Can you come here for a moment?"

I instinctively turned to Luna when she called for me, hiding my expression.

Looking at my face, Luna tilted her head and asked Grace in a curious tone.

"Did Sivar do something wrong?"

"Um uh"

Grace glanced at my face again at her question. I tried my best to look aloof.

Grace seemed unsure, then spoke with a trembling voice.

"I I might have misunderstood. Anyway, let's get back to the point. Are you two arguing over a duel with this person named Sivar?"

"Yes. She won't allow it. She acts as if she's his owner."

"I'm not his owner, I'm his guardian."

The argument seemed about to flare up again.

Looking at the two, Grace gave a smile.

It was a beautiful, but somewhat contrived smile.

Continuing, she clapped her hands together as if she had a good idea and spoke.

"How about you two undergo the duel then? It's simple and easy."


Luna asked in a slightly startled tone. Kara squinted with a reaction.

"Yes. This is the United Academy. The easiest and most comfortable way to resolve conflicts is through a duel, wouldn't you say?"

" "

Luna didn't answer, she just sneaked a glance at me.

Silence is typically seen as an agreement. Grace shifted her gaze to Kara.

Kara stared back at Grace, then shrugged her shoulders and answered in a cool tone.

"I don't care. Even if you have some kind of scheme, as long as I get consent. It wouldn't hurt to duel this one either."

"Oh dear. Do you think that I have a scheme? I'm just curious about your abilities?"

"Sure, you must be. So, are you willing?"

With Kara's engagement, traces of worry spread across Luna's face.

I quietly waited for her decision. If this were a game, it would probably be an event related to honor'.

As I mentioned before, honor is extremely important in human relationships. It's no surprise she's struggling.

What choice will Luna make? Regardless of what decision she makes, the future will change.

" I accept."

After a bit of time, Luna, who had been silent, spoke.

A reluctant acceptance is the impression she gives.

"If I win the duel, the duel with Sivar will be off."

"Sure. Not that I'm gonna lose."

Luna's eyes twitched at Kara's confident comment.

Grace also appeared interested, seeming to have a feeling that this was going to be more fun than she thought.

"You're quite confident."

"Do you have any actual experience?"

"I have experience in hunting monsters and have dueled with my teacher."

"Well then, It seems like I'm going to win."

Kara expressed her certainty as soon as she realized that Luna did not have any actual battle experience.

Of course, Luna frowned at what she perceived to be a taunt. But Kara was always objective.

Unless it's a rematch, Luna is bound to lose to Kara.'

Kara was there to emphasize the importance of skill' to the users.

Unless there was an absurd difference in specs, it was nearly impossible to beat her.

From the past to the present, her combat ability, honed through actual combat, shines until the very end of the story.

Assuming she's not an enemy.'

Anyhow, a big event has been set. A duel between the entrance exam supremum, and the barbarian princess.

Their duel is sure to attract the attention of many people. Honestly, I'm curious too.

I had a rough idea about Kara's skills, but not Luna's. I was curious about Luna's abilities since she was at the top of the incoming class.

"Well then, I hope both of you will do your best."

"Aren't you going to participate?"

"As a mage, I don't prefer duels."

Even though Grace was subtly avoiding it, she wasn't suited for a duel.

She was the type who shined when she had strong support from the front as she invested in firepower and precision, which took long casting times.

"Please both of you have a good match."

Before leaving, Grace made eye contact with me.

Her beauty stood out due to her sharp gaze and somewhat mocking expression.

However, she was not mocking at all; she was merely observing with interest.

Grace then smiled slightly, turned around, and returned to her spot.

I get misunderstood a lot because of that.'

I observed the view of her purple hair flowing down to her waist as she walked away.

Even Delphoi fell for her because of that same impression. Given his prideful personality, he must have wanted to suppress her somehow.

However, besides her sinister side, Grace was just like an ordinary student.

She had received quite a strict education from her family, which is why she showed such behavior.

Moreover, she had a small childlike innocence' which made her even more adorable.

Somehow things turned out the way I'd anticipated.

After Grace left, Kara expressed relief.

Unlike Kara, who had achieved her goal, Luna wore an uncomfortable expression on her face.

She was already feeling uneasy, but now with Grace stirring up the anxiety, she must be feeling even more suffocated.

The funny thing is that it didn't concern me at all. If Luna wins, then everything is all over.


"Just call me Kara. What's up anyway?"

"I dont mind a duel with Sivar, regardless of the result."

For reasons unknown, Luna suddenly changed her mind. Kara looked surprised by her declaration.

I looked at Luna, who appeared to have made some sort of resolution, feeling a kinship with Kara.

"Even if I win in the duel, I will seize the opportunity to duel with Sivar. Isn't that right?"

"You've got it right."

"Let me say this in advance just in case. Don't provoke Sivar's temperament, no matter what."


At Luna's strange warning, Kara hummed peculiarly and looked at me.

I figured out roughly what Luna meant by her statement. She must have watched the fight with Porori from a distance.

However, Kara didn't know about it at all. On the contrary, Luna's warning made her more curious.

"So you're saying it's dangerous to provoke Sivar's temperament?"

"Your life could be in danger."


Was it a blow to her self-esteem? Kara's bright smile faded away.

She must have sensed that Luna's words were not an exaggeration.

But I wouldn't kill, would I?'

I felt a bit awkward. I've taken numerous lives, but I've never committed murder.

Depending on the situation though, I could resort to murder. For example, Delphoi.

Whether it's a person or a beast, there's not much difference; some souls are even worse than beasts.

Even when I was surviving in the forest, I hunted out of necessity, not for sport.

"Is that so?"

Quietly, Kara frowned, her thoughts interrupting our conversation.

Rather than the refreshing smile she wore earlier, it was just a small turn up at the corners of her lips.

She looked at me intently and then spoke with a sense of interest.

"You don't look like that type."


"Well, I'll find out during the duel."

She seems to be sure she'll dredge something up from me. How she will do it, I do not know.

Luna looked at Kara and smiled. With a detached voice, she began to speak.

"Ive clearly warned you. Also, Sivar."


"Put on your socks and shoes first."


I've been busted.

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