A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 3: Survival (2)

Chapter 3: Survival (2)

Fortunately, there was a plant nearby that was effective for stopping bleeding. The problem was how to use it. In the game, you can just use it and thats it, but its not the same in reality. 

Its meaningless to eat it when blood was flowing profusely from my arm. I had no idea whether I should crush it and apply it like a paste, or wrap it around like a bandage. But I didnt have time to ponder.

For now, I roughly crushed the plant with nearby rocks and applied it to the bleeding area. Whatever the case, I had to stop the bleeding. Fortunately, soon after applying the crushed plant, the bleeding stopped. I let out a sigh of relief.

I guess its somewhat fortunate that its too realistic.

Im talking about the game, not the reality Im experiencing. The reason I could immerse myself in the shabby controls was due to various abnormal conditions. If the bleeding didnt stop, my health would continuously decrease until I died, and if I didnt get enough sleep on time, my overall stats would decline due to sleep deprivation.

In Particular, replenishing water and food was the most important. If I went without drinking water for three days, it was a guaranteed death no matter what.

So, if I cant escape from this hellish place now, I will have to find water without fail.

Whether I get a parasite or whatever, I have to survive.

Getting water in the wilderness is really difficult. Even flowing streams cant guarantee safe drinking water.

Moreover, just after a life-threatening battle, I was already getting thirsty, and even starting to feel hungry too.

Its fortunate that I found a cave.

Luckily, just before it got dark, I found a cave. The humidity was lower and the temperature was moderate compared to outside.

The fact that there are various bones scattered inside the cave was a downside. But still, each and every one of them were old bones.

If there had been a corpse left behind after something had eaten, normal people would have run away immediately. It would be foolish to throw away your life just because you wanted to sleep for a day.

Sigh Damn it.

I spat out a curse, leaning against the cave wall. I still couldnt understand how I ended up in this state.

I never cursed at games like in novels, and I never received any DLC. I was just an ordinary user, as average as they come.

It was a single-player game with very few users, but there were definitely other users. Why were I sent here while they were left behind?

Even though there are more hardcore gamers than me, people who have become even more obsessed, they were left on earth.

Give me a clue or something

I was not just angry, but bewildered. Out of all the people out there, why me?

Of course, someone other than me could have come here too. However, there was no way to know that.

It would have been fine with just that, so why in the world

In other novels, they at least drop you in a city or a town where civilization exists. But I was dropped in this damn forest.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was hit with a sucker hit by a squirrel, and then I was bitten on the arm by a wolf after walking a little.

I also never thought I would ever have to kill something. I did it to survive, but that feeling still lingered in my hands.

I have to survive somehow, at least for now.

This is reality. 

Its not a dream, the pain felt too vividly real for that.

Im not even sure if this place is truly a world within a game. The existence of other players was also uncertain.

After setting my ultimate goal as escape, the primary objective was to survive as long as possible. For that, I need to make a plan.


  • Strength: 13 
  • Agility: 12 
  • Stamina: 15 
  • Magic: 10 
  • Luck: 10 
  • Faith: 8 

[Acquired Traits] 

  • Wild Instinct (???) 

[Acquired Skills]

  • Currently, there are no acquired skills. 

[Acquired Abilities]

  • Currently, there are no acquired abilities.

As I recalled the status screen in my mind, it appeared as I desired. I carefully examined my stats.

After I got beaten up by Porori, my stamina increased by 5. Then earlier, I defeated a starving wolf, which slightly improved my strength and agility, and as a result of insulting the gods, my faith points have dropped, but I didnt really care about that.

In the Soul World, its relatively easy to raise stats in the beginning, but it becomes more difficult as you progress. Above all, blindly hunting without considering the practical aspects was inefficient.

These stats are truly trash.

The most common knight class is much better than my status now. I considered myself a gaming enthusiast, not a real-life enthusiast.

Even my traits and skills were dismal. Other characters have at least 2-3 abilities, but I have nothing.

I just obtained the [Wild Instinct] a moment ago, but Im not sure if it will be helpful.

In other words, its a useless trait if I escape from here, and living in the wild for a lifetime is madness.

But its better than having nothing.

Even Bear Grylls is specialized in Survival, not specifically in the Wilderness.

He managed to survive by eating bugs and moving quickly. But he still could be rescued.

And what about me? I know a fair amount of knowledge, but its limited to the game. Reality is different.

The reason I was able to defeat the starving wolf earlier was because I used my wits. However, there are much stronger opponents everywhere.

My future is really gloomy.

A hollow laugh escaped in the midst of a bitterly dark reality. My heart felt gloomy already. 

But theres no choice but to soldier on. I must somehow survive and find traces of civilization. Moreover, if this forest is truly near the academy, the chances of survival are higher. 

Someone might come looking for me. Whether its about the games plot or my survival, the latter takes priority. To achieve that, thorough preparation was necessary. 

Do I have to wait until Im back in good shape?

Even my left arm was in no condition to hunt. Besides, I doubt Ill be able to hunt in the first place. Im no survival expert like Bear Grylls, and I dont have any suitable weapons either. 

The only consolation is that there are bones scattered inside the cave. I have no idea what kind of animal or monster inhabited it, but there were some bones that could be used as blunt weapons. 


The bones themselves can be used as effective bludgeons. I roughly selected a usable bone and swung it around. 

It felt strange, as if I had truly become a primitive being, but what else can I do? Humans need tools in their hands to demonstrate their true capabilities, especially in the wild like this. 


A sudden wave of despair overwhelmed me. No matter how much I think about it, I cant fathom why I have to endure such suffering.

I heard that sometimes, animals or monsters might resort to eating feces. Just imagining it makes me want to vomit.

While I was gnawing on a hefty bone, a crucial fact suddenly came to mind. 

How do you start a fire? 

Since the cave has become my base, fire was essential. However, its tough when your arms are in such bad shape.

Its better to expand the range of action around a secure base rather than moving blindly. I keep emphasizing this, but unlike some, Im not a survival expert. Im just an ordinary person.

As I proceeded, the situation became increasingly difficult, and my mind got more tangled. It truly was a frustrating situation where I could only sigh.

For now, lets endure until my arms get better.

To make matters worse, Im left-handed. I struggled quite a bit when I had to use my right hand to grind the plants earlier. I dont know when my arm will fully recover, but it will probably take at least a few days.

I hope nobody ambushes me before I can fully recover.

I should get some sleep first.

My body and mind were exhausted from the sudden change in circumstances. I exerted too much strength during the life-or-death crisis earlier. I have even bled.

I chose a bone that could serve as a makeshift pillow and rested my head. It may be uncomfortable, but its better than having nothing.

I hope I wake up in my own room.

With fervent prayers, I slowly closed my eyes.

It feels like my sense of smell and hearing have become stronger as soon as I closed my eyes, maybe because of the [Wild Instinct]. I wonder if Ill be able to sleep like this. Nevertheless, I tried to close my eyes as much as possible and surrender myself to the silence.


Chirik! Chirik! 

Kyaaang! Kyang!

The howling of wolves. The chirping of grasshoppers. Unidentifiable sounds. Various noises from outside the cave pierced into my ears. It was bothersome, but not enough to wake me up from my slumber.

The same goes for smells. I have already adapted perfectly to the damp odor unique to the cave. If any other scent mixes in, it might indicate a problem, but I could still sleep in peace.

Chirp! Chirp!

As time passed, I heard a sound resembling a sparrow. Just listening to it brought about a sense of peace. By the way, sparrows usually dont wake up until morning. Nocturnal birds wouldnt make such sounds.


With a curious mind, I slowly opened my eyes and realized what had happened. The outside of the cave, which was dark before I closed my eyes, was now filled with light. As a result, the interior of the cave has become vivid.

With a puzzled mind, I gazed outside the cave and belatedly realized that the dark night had receded, giving way to a bright morning.

I had my eyes closed the whole time? 

I could hear the sounds and smell the scents. 

I truly had only closed my eyes, but morning had come. The funny thing is that my bodys fatigue was completely gone. Although my left arm was a bit stiff, the pain was less than yesterday. 

I spent the night sleeping like a rock. It may sound strange, but with my limited expressive ability, this is the best I can do. 

Whats going on?

Startled, I held a bone in my right hand and stepped out of the cave. I could see a forest that was illuminated by the morning sunlight through the trees. 

The forest was filled with the chirping of birds and the fluttering of wings. The sound of grasshoppers was much fainter than at night. I wandered around the forest for a while and scratched my head. 

It was eerie. 

But a bigger problem had occurred. 



I was hungry.

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