A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 39: Destroyer King (3)

Chapter 39: Destroyer King (3)


A tidal wave made of lightning strikes the forest.

Trees that had once reached high into the sky topple like dominos, and the dense shrubbery disintegrates into dust.

A single attack. When Hector wrapped himself in lightning and struck the ground, the surroundings shattered into nothingness.

The power that reveals why he is called the Destroyer King', and why, despite founding Tatars, his infamous reputation endures.

And Sivar had no choice but to take that formidable power head-on, even receiving it point-blank.



Sivars mouth gapes open as he's flung backward. It's agony, being burned both inside and out by the lightning.

By sheer strength alone, this bolt surpassed even the one Porori had unleashed. He had nearly lost consciousness.

Given that Hector was closer to Gulak's blessing than Porori, this result was unsurprising.


As he hurriedly regenerates his body, the sound of lightning grazing by his ears can be heard.

Sivar, while being thrown backward, tried his best to raise his head and look towards the source of that presence.

Hector, who appeared at some unknown point, stood beside him. Once again, it has to be mentioned that Sivar is still in mid-air.

Then he, tightly gripping the just recovered Ragnarok, brings it down from above in a swift motion.


With a sound akin to chopping wood rather than flesh, Sivars body crashes to the ground.

Hector aimed not for the throat but the chest, which is, however, perilously close to the heart.

In other words, it means the heart is the perfect target to get roasted by lightning. Even the mightiest of men would succumb once their heart is struck


And die.


For a fleeting moment, Sivars eyes flash open, the sensation of his heart frying by lightning vivid in his being.

Desperate to struggle, his body fails to obey due to the thorough shock of the blast.

Stronger than any lightning Porori had thrown, he feels his consciousness fading yet reaches out his hand.


The hand reaches toward Hector's arm, attempting to push him away with all the strength he can muster.

Although the axe buried in his chest continues to jolt him with pain, simply lying there wasn't an option either.

As if refusing to miss this opportunity, Hector forcefully presses down on the blunt backside of the axe with his palm.

Was I mistaken?'

Hector, while strengthening his hold on Ragnarok, thinks to himself. Perhaps he had misjudged the situation.

Surely Sivar must have been on the brink of death, yet there was no sign of the expected frenzy.

Just a human being thrashing wildly to stay alive.

This wasn't unique to beasts onlyit also happened with humans.

Then just to faint'


The moment Hector decides to knock him out, he feels an inexplicable sense of danger.

Rather than a premonition of crisis, its a spine-chilling sensation, and simultaneously, the firmly held axe begins to lift.

Even though he exerted his full strength, Ragnarok rises too easily. Hector glances at Sivar's face, briefly taken aback.


Sivar's eyes, red to begin with, shine even more ominously. Seeing that, Hector can't help but startle.

This is undoubtedly a frenzy. A sign is shown only by monsters or beasts with red eyes.

Although slow to manifest, his sinking feeling had hit the mark precisely.



As soon as he witnesses the frenzy, Hector not only increases his strength but also the output of the lightning.

Despite that, Sivar doesnt flinch at all when pushing the axe away, unaffected as if he couldn't feel any pain.

Hector, without the axe to hold him back, immediately retreats. After all, his lightning remains even without the weapon.


Just as he steps back, Sivar rises from his position, letting out a ferocious roar, causing Hector to shiver.

It reminds him of encountering a giant beast in his youth, that sense of complete vulnerability in front of a true predator.

Hector, only momentarily bewildered by the sensation, readies his response as Sivar lunges at him.

First, to block the approach, he releases a powerful bolt of lightning from his hand.

Its lightning endowed with physical force'; it should at least block an attack somewhat.



Yet, that thought was a misconception. Sivar doesnt halt even when hit head-on by the lightning.

There is no sign of him being pushed back; he charges like a crazed beast, impervious to pain.

The subdued red mana shrouded hand rakes forward.


His speed, already fast, had multiplied since before the frenzy, making evasion nearly impossible. Hector gets wounded once again for failing to dodge properly.

But this wasnt because Sivar had created an opportunityit was just due to Hector being unable to dodge a straightforward attack.

It simply meant that even by attempting to dodge after visually tracking the attack, he could only sustain effective hits.


Before Hector could recover from his shock, Sivar, raising both his arms, smashes them down with force.

Just avoiding it by a hair, the ground alone suffers destruction. The impact was so great that the terrain vibrated as if struck by an earthquake.

I won't even be able to make him faint!'

Every attack was overwhelmingly powerful and also too quick. He wanted to counter but opportunities were scarce.

The only silver lining was that with reason' gone, Sivar's moves were larger. Hector decides to exploit that opening.


Fortunately, his judgment proved accurate. After narrowly avoiding Sivar's assault, Hector buries the axe into his abdomen.



Instantly realizing his error, Sivar's hand, unaffected by any stiffness, digs deep into Hector's arm.

Given his size, it hit just below the shoulder. But that wasn't the end of it.


Sivar, with his hand sunk into Hectors arm, yanks it back as if tearing it apart. Large chunks of flesh and muscle get ripped out, hanging grotesquely.

The wound is so severe that the bone is almost exposed. The torn pieces dangle off Sivar's mana-infused claws.


Hector, in agony, quickly forgets his pain and summons all his strength.

The surface and insides broil with lightning, searing everything just to suppress him.


Yet, even thats futile. Sivar, apparently immune to shocks like electrocution, continues clawing without pause.

His claws aimed not just at Hectors arm but also the face. Realizing the danger, Hector pulls his head back, but it's slightly too late.

Sivars mana claws barely graze the mouth area, tearing gaping furrows into the flesh.

Moreover, one side of the lips is left tattered, almost completely rent.



Along with a ragged roar, Sivar pounces, as if to smother Hector. Caught off-guard by the face injury, Hector falls helplessly backward.

The weight difference was irrelevant. Sivar's body slam collapses Hector's robust frame effortlessly.

Soon after, Sivar mounts Hector while still speared by the axe in his stomach.


The moment Sivar prepares to strike, Hector barely manages to grab his arm. Hector catches the other hand likewise.

Thus, both of Sivar's arms are blocked, but Hector still struggles with all his might.

What strength!'

Even holding on is difficult. Both mana and lightning are already at maximum, but shaking him off remains a challenge.

Any technique to escape from the mount? Thinking of such things would mean bidding farewell to the world.

During their strength clash, it was Sivar who acted first.


Frustrated, Sivar resorts to headbutting. The collision was so strong that it made such a sound.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

It wasn't a one-time thing. Sivar frenziedly continues to slam his head into Hector's face, over and over again.

Headbutting is an effective technique but it puts a considerable strain on the user. That's why its not often used.

However, Sivar seemed indifferent to the harm to his own body, using headbutting with a singular goal in mind: to kill Hector.

Kwaaang! Kwajik! Kwa-deuk!

The effect was tremendous. Hectors face, which was initially holding out, started to cave in under the onslaught.

His nose bone was the first to be crushed, followed by complete shattering, and ultimately, the bones of his face broke.

Hector increased the intensity of his lightning to its maximum in an attempt to block the attacks, but Sivar ignored it completely.


Instead of feeling pain, Sivar simply used headbutting again. Hector slowly felt his consciousness slipping away.

Losing consciousness here would mean certain death. And without anyone to stop Sivar

"Darn it If only I had known"

One by one, it was all his own mistakes. He had not realized that Sivar in a state of frenzy would be this formidable.

It would have been fine to trust in his ability and observe the situation. His rash nature had invited disaster.

In his life, he had faced death countless times, but at least he did not regret those moments.

Conversely, it means he now regrets it because the face of his daughter, Kara, surfaced in his mind.

"Is this the end"

As his consciousness faded, the strength in his arms waned, and Sivars arms were freed.


With a roar, Sivar seized Hectors face with his now-free hands.

Then he began to exert force, intent on thoroughly crushing the face.

Had things continued like this, the king of Tatars would have met his demise at the hands of a wild savage, but


Suddenly, something rushed in and collided with Sivars body. Its impact sent Sivar flying far away, bending like a bow.

Thanks to this, Hector managed to save his skin even though he was virtually incapacitated for combat.

Having taken consecutive headbutts, his face was in tatters, making coherent thinking difficult.

"Oof. Why mess with someone who's just sitting there? Even a dog walking by would bite you if hit."


At that moment, Hector heard a crisp voice. Simultaneously, something was put into his mouth.

On instinct, Hector chewed what seemed like an herb. A pungent aroma filled his mouth and the pain began to subside.

Judging by the analgesic effect, it seemed to be a medicinal herb. Moreover, vigor slowly returned to his body.

"In human terms, a drug, right? Anyways, that's what it is. The lady said it was one of the ingredients, so take good care of it."

" "

Realizing it contained narcotic elements, Hector understood.

Such rapid effects could only come from such herbs. His consciousness started to return to him.

Eventually, Hector, who could barely open his eyes, turned his head towards the direction of the voice.


What is this? Is what he is currently seeing reality?

Hector found it baffling to see a squirrel standing boldly in front of him. Not anything else, but a squirrel.

Perhaps Sivar had killed him and a squirrel came for him? It was the first he heard of a squirrel appearing at the time of death.


"If you're awake, then get up, you heap of muscles. You caused this mess, now you deal with it."


Slapped by a squirrel, Hector mumbled with a dumbfounded expression, not able to make sense of the situation.


But soon, he realized it wasnt the time to be picky about cold or hot meals upon hearing the sound of a beast.

Suppressing the pain that pierced to his bones, he pushed himself up. There in front of him, Sivar, fully alert, appeared ready to kill him once more.

Lurking like a beast with his hands and feet on the ground, he gave off the impression he could charge any moment.

"You seem to be quite strong by human standards, huh? Not as much as that old man, though."

" "

Hector, barely holding himself up, glanced to the side. A squirrel the size of a large dog stood with its arms folded, standing erect.

It was bizarre enough seeing a squirrel as big as a large dog, but for it to speak fluently? He couldn't tell if he was dreaming or alive.

There was only one thing he could guess.

"Mythical being?"

Its hard to articulate with torn lips. Fortunately, his teeth remained intact despite the headbutting.

The squirrel, Porori, responded with a shoulder shrug and its characteristic nimble voice.

"That's one way to put it. Humans call me Ratatoskr, so keep that in mind. Although that guy calls me Porori," Porori said, pointing to Sivar who was still lurking with both hands and feet on the ground, ready to pounce at any chance.

Are you on guard?'

When they were fighting, Sivar charged without a second thought despite being electrocuted by lightning and getting hit with the axe.

But ever since this squirrels arrival, hes been watchful. Whether it's simply due to the squirrel or the increase in numbers isnt clear.

Hector, guessing the latter, spread his hands and the axe embedded in Sivar's abdomen was pulled out, returning to him.

Despite the weapon being removed from his stomach, Sivar didnt even blink.

"In that condition, he won't stop until his regeneration is complete. Unless you knock him out in one hit, you'll have to beat him nearly to death."

"You sound like you've fought him a few times."

"I have, actually. He's really a bothersome creature."

Porori shook his head as if he hated even the idea of it. The problem was that the nightmare had become reality.

Fortunately for Hector, he had landed a few major blows. He nearly lost his life in exchange, but that didnt matter.


"Remember this. Knock him out in one go or until regeneration ceases. Otherwise, theres no solution."

" Ill remember that."

As Porori's whole body flickered with lightning, Hector, although confused, replied. What in the world was this mythical creature doing?

It was astonishing enough that there were mythical beings at the academy, but it seemed to know Sivar well. He couldnt quite grasp the situation.

But he had no time to ponder. Sivar, who had been on the defensive, made his move.



Sivar struck the ground with his arms once more, with both laden with red mana.

Shortly thereafter, web-like fissures spread out in all directions, reaching the spot where Hector and Porori stood.

The two of them, no, the two entities, reacted to the fissures immediately. Both retreated.


Not long after, a massive burst of red energy erupted from the fissures. Hector felt a chill go down his spine.

Was Sivar truly human? The things he was doing seemed more befitting of a monster.


In the meantime, Sivar charged violently. Initially leaping like a four-legged beast, soon he was running on two legs.

Yet his speed didnt decrease. On the contrary, he was even faster, narrowing the distance in the blink of an eye.

Sivar's target was clearly Porori. It appeared he considered Porori, full of energy, a greater threat than Hector, who was nearly dead.

Whong! Whoong! Kwadeuk!

Sivar fiercely swung his mana-infused claws toward Porori. Swinging downward due to the height difference, gouging out the earth each time.

Porori easily avoided the attacks while gesturing to Hector. It was a signal to seize the moment.

Not being a fool, Hector immediately leaped into action. The open opportunity made it all too convenient.


First aiming to disrupt the balance, he targeted the lower body, specifically the area where the Achilles tendon would be.

No matter how numb to pain, the sense of balance shouldnt be lost.


Hector's judgment was spot on. Sivar, unfazed by pain, found himself down on one knee.

Just as Sivar turned his head back to glare at Hector, Porori went on the offensive.


Leaping slightly, Porori struck Sivar's chin with his lightning-laden tail, sending him tumbling.

"O heavens!"


As Sivar fell, Porori raised both arms and cried out. A thunderous boom resonated from above.


Immediately after, a thick bolt of lightning struck where Sivar was flung. Hector hadnt remained idle either.



He struck the ground with his axe, generating a far thicker bolt of lightning than Pororis.

Porori, looking on in amazement, lightly nudged Hectors legs with his elbow, acknowledging him.

"Youre also in the heavens' good graces, huh? How long has it been?"

"Been a while."

"Really? Me too"


Porori's words were cut short.

Sivar had picked up one of the fallen trees and flung it outright.

Porori, agile as ever, dodged with ease, but not Hector.


Being already battered, he took the hit directly. Thrown a great distance by Sivars throw.

Left alone by circumstance was Porori, who clicked his tongue and grumbled.

"That useless"


Only briefly interrupted, Sivar let out a roar and charged. Porori nimbly dodged his grasping hands.

It may not have been noticeable, but Sivar's movements were significantly slower. His regeneration of energy had decelerated.

Slow regeneration meant the end was in sight. The effects of Hector's beating were now manifesting.



Sivar, while passing between his legs, caused Porori to freeze in surprise. The reason being Sivar had caught hold of his long tail.

His actions were clearly slower, so why did he catch the tail? Until just before he hadnt been able to.

But before he could dwell on that thought, Sivar started to swing Porori around freely

Again, not hitting but flinging him this way and that.

Kwaaang! Bang! Bang!

Sivar, holding onto the tail, tossed Porori around as if flapping a piece of laundry. After slamming him thrice, he briefly checked if he was still alive.

Bang! Kwang!

Once confirming he was alive, he threw him down two more times. Porori was embedded deep into the ground but was not dead.

Rather than making him dizzy, the breathtaking shock had Hector feeling completely disoriented. Nevertheless, he was just as stupefied.

In the next instant, Sivar raised his foot, aiming to stomp on Porori.


Sivar was knocked away by a tree that came flying out of nowhere, the same fate Hector had suffered.

Of course, it was Hector who had thrown the tree, returning the favor Sivar had given him.

"Are you alive?"

"Who are you to talk?"

At Hectors inquiry, Porori stood up, shaking off the dirt. This was nothing to him.


During this, Sivar kicked the tree aside and rushed forward.

His movements showed no sign of tiredness, but they were noticeably sluggish. Hector could avoid them just by watching.


Feeling the end approaching, Porori drew up lightning to its utmost limit. Hector did the same.

Then, the two of them, rather both, unleashed all the lightning they could gather upon Sivar.



Sivar, unaltered, walked through the lightning, albeit slowly.

He was nearly spent, but still he kept advancing until the very end.

With a roar, Hector felt a shiver through his entire body.

But now it was the end. Hector exchanged a glance with Porori and temporarily held back the lightning.

At that moment, Sivar charged. Now with a nearly faded mana claw, he swiped at Hector.


Sivars sluggish movements were slow enough that Hector could avoid them. Porori took advantage of the moment and passed between Sivar's legs.

Porori was aiming for Sivars foot. He lashed out with his lightning-filled tail.


Sivars balance was broken, and he was forced onto one knee. This naturally created a perfect angle for a strike to the face.

Hector didn't miss the opportunity and swung his axe at Sivars face with all his might.

Since he had to knock out, not kill, he used the blunt, hammer-like side of the axe.


As soon as he hit the jaw, Sivar collapsed to the ground. If he had been in fine shape, he would have immediately gotten up and charged.

"Huff. Huff."

Hector breathed heavily as he looked down at Sivar. Truly, the phrase animalistic' fit perfectly.

If not for this mythical being Porori, he would have been in real danger. Now everything was over



Seems it wasn't over. As Sivar showed signs of getting up, Hector let out a sigh of disappointment.

Soon, Sivar managed to barely lift his head and glared at Hector, mouthing something.



Sivar spat out something pearly white. It was a cleanly extracted molar.

All of Hector's effort in swinging had only managed to break one tooth.

"What are you doing! Muscles! Hit him more, quick!"


Porori shouted as soon as he saw it, but it was too late. Sivar had already jumped back, retreating.

Hector was too slow to react. His physical strength and mana were drained, and the effects of the drug had worn off.


Meanwhile, Sivar had retreated and opened his mouth wide, aiming at them. The missing molar had been neatly regenerated.


Before his open mouth, red mana slowly began to condense. It seemed like he was gathering any remaining mana he had left.

Seeing this scene, Porori panicked and shouted at Hector. It was a rare expression of alarm.

"Hey! Get ready to do something, quick!"

" It's already my limit."

"You incompetent fool! If you can't handle it, dont start something!"


Porori burst out angrily, stretching his hands up to the sky. Weak thunder rumbled, gathering lightning.

It was apparent there would be a colossal clash of forces. Hector, lacking any energy to evade, simply observed.




But then an unexpected turn of events occurred. Sivar, who was gathering mana, toppled forward.

With no warning signs, Hector and even Porori were left with no choice but to be greatly surprised. They wondered if he had fainted.

"That should be enough, I reckon."

Then, from behind Sivar, came a familiar voice. The two looked towards the fallen Sivars back.

"Hector, dont even think about getting treated at the hospital. Just patch yourself up with a potion."

Sword Saint, Rod, stood there, with his sword in hand.


[Your faith rises!]

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