A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 42: Breeder (2)

Chapter 42: Breeder (2)

As explained before, Breeder events primarily fall into two categories unless certain conditions are met.

The Matra Empire, which values justice and honor, and the Granada Empire, which values strength and practicality.

This is not limited to any specific profession. Regardless of the job sector, it tends to be divided in such a way.

Necromancers are a prime example. While the Matra Empire bans necromancy, the Granada Empire warmly accepts it, so long as it proves useful.

Moreover, in comparison to the Matra Empire, the Granada Empire tends to have a loose sense of morals and ethics.

However, it can't be helped, given that, unlike the Matra Empire, the Granada Empire is not rich in resources.

Due to a lack of resources, they must compete in technology, and ethics only hinder that competition.

In summary, for those on their first cycle who know nothing, it's better to choose the Granada Empire, and for those on subsequent cycles, the Matra Empire.

"Today's lesson ends here. The afternoon will proceed as you have been told, so everyone, stay strong."

As the weekend passes by, a new day of classes begins.

After finishing the class, Godin steps outside with a final word of encouragement. Today, too, was a fruitful lesson.

Although I'm not sure about other classes, I always pay close attention to Godin's lectures. To learn his magic later, I would need to earn his favor.

"From today, you'll probably have a lot of people sticking to you."

Right after class, Kara said this to Luna. It seems she knows what Kara is talking about.

Luna seems to agree, nodding her head and asking Kara in return.

"Kara, what about you?"

"Did you forget I'm a princess?"

"It was just a remark. Hmmm"

Luna lowered her head, seemingly lost in thought. As a commoner and an entrance exam valedictorian, her situation is a bit awkward.

Though she lost to Kara in a duel, the victories she showcased in the subsequent duels were overwhelmingly convincing.

Despite some lack in her basics, she covered it with her raw talent. If polished, she would transform into a dazzling gem.

Both the Matra Empire and the Granada Empire would salivate over her. People will certainly aim to court her.

Luna's level can surely draw the representatives of each nation.'

Representatives for nations in the Breeder system are chosen based on points, as well as performance in duels.

If the points and performance are average, they just throw anyone at the task, but if not, the representatives take charge personally.

Given Luna's current status, there's a very high likelihood the representatives themselves will offer to teach her. Her valedictorian reputation is no empty title.

"You seem to be pondering something."

While waiting for Luna to respond, a familiar female voice reached my ears.

Turning my head, I was confronted with intense purple eyes. Her gaze felt sharp to the point of being fierce.

"Why bother deliberating? Our Matra Empire is surely the better choice."

It was Grace from the Matra Empire. She always exudes an air of loftiness and an authoritative vibe.

Her very presence seemed to oppress, and the sharpness of her eyes brought a subtle sense of pressure.

"The Granada Empire is so focused on power and expedience that it has many ethical issues. On the other hand, the Matra Empire isn't like that. Honor and justice. Don't those words make your heart race?"

Grace elegantly brushed her hair aside, lifting her nation up with pride. Her patriotism overflowed.

Luna displayed an indifferent face before looking back at Kara. Kara simply shrugged her shoulders.

"You like talking about honor and justice, huh? Even the Matra Empire, as noble as it pretends to be, is involved in all kinds of dirty dealings behind the scenes, right?"

Then came a remark that bluntly contradicted Grace's. It was only natural for Grace's brows to twitch in irritation.

The voice came from behind me, and when I turned around, I saw a male student making a disdainful face.

With black hair and matching eyes, his overall appearance seemed sly. His face was closer to that of a rat than a snake.

Ah, that person.'

He looked like a passerby at first, so it took me a moment to recognize him. But his recent statement made it clear who he was.

Ignoring Grace's scrunched-up expression, the male student looked at Luna and casually spoke.

"Rather than that, the Granada Empire is much better, treating everyone equally regardless of their rank. Isn't that right, top of the class?"

"Who might you be?"

"See? They dont even care about those who don't interest them. If you go to the Matra Empire, you'll be trampled like a fledgling sapling."

If Grace and Elvin are from the Matra Empire side, then this man represents the Granada Empire side.

His name is Antonio. A character who is adept at scheming, befitting his sly appearance, and also belongs to the rogue class.

He is also the younger brother of the Granada Empire representative.

"If you're interested in the Granada Empire, just say the word. We would gladly accept you."

"How amusing. Why do you think Luna is interested in your side?"

"We do not discriminate based on status. As long as you have the skill, your rank can change regardless of your status."

The two of them argue like a tiger and a lion. Their debate drew the curiosity of other students as well.

The situation was similar to the one where the attention had been focused on Luna and Kara. For Luna, caught in the middle of it all, it was simply uncomfortable.

"Wow, are you really that popular?"


Kara chuckled and nudged her shoulder, evidently finding the situation amusing. She was, after all, standing back from the drama.

I also found the sight of Luna struggling rather amusing, but unfortunately, it wasn't just her who was attracting attention.

"Well, whatever. You'll make your own choice. But first Sivar, was it?"


Antonio called out to me. Blinking, I looked at him.

Then he seemed to ponder what exactly to say before opting to throw out a casual question.

"Where do you take interest? You may not understand yet, but someone's interested in you. Oh, just to be clear, I'm not discriminating. You got that, right?"

"Sivar, you don't seem to be too keen on joining us? Our empire is always ready to welcome you. Which side do you prefer?"

The focus shifted to me, and just like that, numerous gazes pierced in my direction.

I had not anticipated such a situation. If Luna is a promising prospect, then I am the hot potato.

Hot enough to draw interest, but too scorching to touch frivolously. A high-risk, high-return kind of deal.

Of course, I'm not going to choose either side. I know everything I need to, so there's no desire to make a choice.





And so I picked Kara. Her face showed utter bewilderment as she pointed at herself.

I watched her reaction and nodded. She looked around with a dazed expression, not understanding why she was suddenly dragged into this.

For Kara, it must have been an utterly unexpected turn. She had just been observing from the sidelines, only for sparks to fly her way unexpectedly.

Antonio, taken aback by a choice no one had foreseen, raised his hands up. Then, with a nonchalant tone, he said:

"Well, since you don't know anything about the current state of things, saying it a hundred times won't make any sense. But the desire to harness that power remains."

"That makes sense."

Grace seemed to agree with Antonio's remark. From their perspective, I still remained a wild being.'

A creature barely dipping its toes into civilization, they would think I'm incapable of comprehending the complex political landscape.

I used this to my advantage to choose Kara. There's no one else more suited to be a neutral (?) party than her.

"Anyway, thanks for choosing wisely. The top of the class. My brother is quite interested."

Antonio left those words behind and departed. His flippant demeanor helped to guess his origins.

"I don't know what the Granada Empire is thinking. To even admit someone of incomplete character to the academy."

Grace grumbled disapprovingly, not pleased with what she had seen.

In the Soul World, Grace and Antonio are like fire and water, seemingly impossible to befriend.

The amount of discord between them, whenever they are on the same team, has caused quite some trouble to get under control.


"Huh? Oh, right. Luna. Please, go ahead."

"If one chooses between the two nations, a guide from that nation is dispatched, correct?"

"Yes. Given that you're the valedictorian and you've shown great performance in duels, our representative will likely come forward for you."

"Could you tell me who that might be?"

Caught off guard by Lunas question, Grace had a caught her!' reaction, her eyes widening noticeably.

Her already intense gaze seemed to grow even sharper. Objectively beautiful, but undeniably fierce.

Trying to calm her excitement, she stroked her chest and opened her mouth with a poised tone.

"Of course. Being from the warrior class, you will most likely receive instruction directly from Gloria."


"Yes. An elegant swan, a figure of nobility and unparalleled justice that's what she embodies."

Grace, true to her noble roots, resorted to metaphorical language. Luna blinked, her expression one of confusion.

Simply put, Gloria is a highly respected and skilled individual from the Matra Empire, even bearing the title Sword of Matra.'

"Is she similar to The Principal?"

"Please, compare with someone comparable. You have no idea how powerful The Principal is."

Of course, comparing Gloria to the monstrous Rod is quite a stretch, just so you know. Rod is monstrous in strength, capable of slicing through space like it's cheese. Luna seemed embarrassed, perhaps feeling awkward about the comparison.

"If you're ever interested, please let me know. I also have a connection with Gloria and can speak on your behalf."

"Hmm I understand. Then who teaches you, Grace? I've heard that magicians receive the same guidance."

"I will probably receive instruction from do you know Professor Delphoi?"

"Professor Delphoi?"

Luna looked flustered as Delphoi's name came up. Then, she glanced at me surreptitiously.

Delphoi had given off an unfavorable first impression from the get-go. Moreover, he had reached out his vile hand towards Luna.

That's when I had grabbed his hand and twisted it. Delphoi had badmouthed us afterward.

"Yes, I will most likely be taught by Professor Delphoi. Though it's more like receiving advice than instruction."

"Is it okay to receive that from him?"

"Why wouldnt it be? I must just assist with his personal research in return."

And with that, she would be susceptible to insult. It may not cause an issue now, but Delphoi would eventually seek his opportunities.

Delphoi is outwardly known as a professor of exceptional talents. His character, worse than a beast's, is unbeknownst to all.

Occasionally, when he does slip up, people simply assume it's an arrogance borne from an elitist professor. His backing may not surpass Grace's, yet it's formidable nonetheless.

"If you also have an interest in magic, please let me know. I could aid you."

"Ah, I'm alright. For now, I'm overwhelmed just focusing on martial arts"

"Is that so? That's too bad. Then what about you, Sivar?"

Grace naturally turned to make the offer to me, her purple eyes shimmering with subtle anticipation.

But I know everything, and I'll refuse, of course. With Godin around, I have no reason to learn from Delphoi.

But I could at least give a warning. With that thought, I responded to Grace, who was hopeful.


"Delphoi? You're asking if I'll learn magic from Professor Delphoi? Of course, that person is"


My firm rejection caught Grace mid-sentence, her face showing a mix of surprise and confusion.

Then I launched a warning.



"Delphoi. Bad."

What I meant was


It meant to stay away from someone worse than a beast.

Others might not understand, but Luna should get it. Indeed, her expression turned ambiguous after hearing my words.

"Do you understand what Sivar just said?"

"Well? I'm not really sure myself."

No! It was my mistake!

Just as I began to feel a bit defeated for having too much faith in Luna, Kara, who had been quietly observing, spoke up.

"It seems like he's saying that Delphoi person is worse than a beast, right?"


"Don't go near him; he's a bad guy."

How did Kara, not Porori, interpret my words?

When Kara saw me looking at her, understanding I meant it that way, she flashed her characteristic refreshing smile and asked.

"Right? Doesn't it sort of add up to that?"


"See. But what made you say he's bad?"

To Kara's question, I gave a short and to the point answer.


I couldn't explain any further.


After warning Grace, what next? It's the enjoyable mealtime.

Elvin was still uncomfortable accompanying us, or maybe he had a separate meal due to being a noble of the Matra Empire and thus having a busy schedule.

Thus, Luna, Kara, and I visited the buffet. As I said before, the buffet is the only answer to cope with my appetite.

Chomp, chomp, chomp.

"Eat slowly. Nobody is going to steal it from you."


She responded well while eating. "Here, have some juice."

As I vacuumed up my food, Kara placed a cup of juice before me.

I poured the juice into my mouth without delay upon receiving it, mixing it with the meat that filled my mouth.


Eventually, I swallowed the meat I had chewed thoroughly. It's always what I thinkthis buffet is really great.

Both the quantity and the quality are at an exceptional level. Indeed, worthy of being associated with the academy.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

"Again, again. Youre chewing the bones, too. Sivar you're not supposed to eat the bones."

In the middle of chewing even the bones, Luna chided me. I looked at her with an annoyed expression.

It's said that not even a dog gets bothered while eatingisn't this too much? Kara intervened as if reading my mind.

"Just let him be. No food waste, so thats good."

"What if he breaks a tooth doing that?"

"It'll grow back, right? Didnt dad say his grew back?"

"How does a tooth grow back?"

Luna looked at me with a face half-full of wonder and half-full of incredulity. Of course, I paid it no mind.

If there's one thing I focus on, its mealtime. Its the same as when I lived in the forest.

If you ask why, it's because of the Digestion' trait. Concentrating on eating makes digestion and magic recovery much more efficient.

If I ate casually like a snack, digestion would be slow, and the recovered mana would be insignificant. Plus, eating this way saves time.

More than anything, my body doesn't give me a choice. Even a single hunt requires a significant amount of energy, hence the improved digestion function.

"May I interrupt for a moment?"

A strange man's voice then intruded on my ears. Munching on a chicken leg down to the bone, I lifted my head.

Looking up, I was faced with a man of gigantic stature. Not quite as big as Hector, but still quite sizeable.

And he had a fearsome appearance to boot. A chiseled face, a straightforwardly shaved forehead, and finally, a scar etched horizontally over his left eye.

I immediately realized who this person was.

"I apologize for disrupting your meal. I wouldnt have had another chance to talk."

"You are who?"

Luna seemed more curious about the man's identity than the interruption of her meal. Kara didnt say anything, but she appeared to feel the same.

Although I was slightly annoyed at having my meal interrupted, seeing the man eased my feelings.

"I should have introduced myself earlier. Allow me a formal introduction. I am Kronos of the Granada Empire."

"Kronos? The force of Granada?"

Kara recognized the name and mentioned that she knew him. To which Kronos responded politely.

"Princess of Tatars is aware of my name, I see."

"Would be weird if I didn't. You fought with my father."

It then hit me; Kronos had fought Hector. That scar by his eye must have come from that battle.

Kronos brushed his scarred eye upon hearing Kara's words, then glanced at me.

I just made a face as I continued chewing. His interest in me was evident.

"Would it be too much of an imposition to join your table?"

"Ah, of course. Its fine. We're finished with our meal anyway. Sivar, however"

I shoveled the remaining food from my plate into my mouth. I was just about to finish anyway.

Finally, after thoroughly chewing for good digestion, I looked at Luna. She has an awkward smile and said to Kronos.

"Looks like we've just finished in time."

"Hmm. Understood. I apologize again for the rudeness."

Kronos apologized once more and took a seat opposite us.

The three of us had sat side by side, so there was no need for anyone to vacate a spot.

Swish, swish.

I wiped the crumbs and sauce that had settled on my mouth with a napkin as Kronos took his seat.

Considering I had inhaled my food, I was quite clean, but it was necessary to observe manners.

"Is it truly okay for me to be here?"

"If its not inconvenient, it's fine."

To Kara's murmuring, Kronos readily agreed. Ending the meal midway would have been awkward, after all.

During this, I looked around. A few eyes noticed us and turned our way.

But soon they dismissed it, concentrating back on their meals or their own business.

Still, rumors would circulate. Like how the representative of the Granada Empire directly sought out Luna.

"So, what brings you here would it be strange if I asked?"

"If you're suggesting we get straight to the point, then let us do so."

"Please, go ahead. All this is quite new to me."

"Understandable. We hope that you would accept our empire's insignia."

A straightforward recruitment offer, an event where each empire selects its breeders.

If accepted, you receive the nation's insignia. That insignia signifies your affiliation.

If you visit the nation with this insignia, you receive various benefits.

But if you step into an adversarial nation, instead of benefits, you're faced with rip-offs.

"This applies to you as well. We desire the power you've displayed."

After Luna, Kronos's call to me came next. The power I showed in the duel was surely enough to entice the Granada Empire.

On the other hand, the Matra Empire might be somewhat hesitant. While attracted by the power, living in the wilds makes me less appealing.

From my standpoint, the Granada Empire would be suitable. But I would not make a choice.

The reasons would soon become clear. Now that Kronos was here, that person would also appear before long.

"Our empire doesnt consider one's status, only talent. If you have strength and ability, you can achieve what you desire."

"And how can you guarantee that?"

"I am living proof."

Kronos came from a commoner background. Yet after joining the army, he showcased such talent that he rose to the rank of general.

For the Matra Empire, which regards status, such a story would be unimaginable. So, if one seeks progress, the Granada Empire is more fitting.

Indeed, among players, the Granada Empire tends to be the popular choice. After all, in the game, ethics and such aren't a concern.

"Of course, you might have heard the unethical side, that we lack morality. But we have to fight"

"Oh my, what are you doing here?"

Kronos was in the midst of explaining when a melodious female voice sliced through the conversation.

I thought inside, the person who shouldve arrived had come.

"Dont start cutting in line now, General."

Click-clack, click-clack, click-clack.

A voice dignified yet distinct from Grace, followed by the clear sound of heels clicking.

I turned towards the direction of the sound and saw a woman approaching us.

The first thought that struck me: sheer whiteness.

From her ponytail to her dress. She was dressed entirely in a bright white palette.

The woman, reminiscent of a pristine swan, opened her mouth with a mischievous smile.

"Why is someone as esteemed as a general here in such a haste? I'm curious too, may I join in?"


Kronos scrunched his face, calling out her name as if this was a nuisance. Luna looked at the woman with astonishment.

A graceful swan-like figure a testament to what a noble' is.

The Sword of Matra, the sought-after breeder, had arrived.

"Your concern is not needed here. Kindly return from where you came."

"What if I don't want to? It seems like an interesting conversation is brewing; please include me."

"Is it acceptable in the Matra Empire to intrude rudely like this?"

"Rather than being rude, may I suggest it as an appropriate visit?"

Neither backed down an inch in their confrontation. While they conversed politely, their intentions weren't so cordial.

For Luna, caught in the middle, it must be agonizing. And indeed, she looked to be sweating with nervousness.

But she need not worry. Although the conversation sounds fraught with danger,

That's until the secret' known to those involved is revealed.

Goodness gracious.'

The Sword of Matra and the Force of Granada.

Two renowned rivals publicly known to be like water and oil, presumed never to be friends.

Looking at it now, it all makes sense.'

They are secretly in a romantic relationship.

Havent I said there's no need for me to choose? This is why.

What a stark contrast to what I've seen in the game. Just look at the corners of their mouths lifting.'

They would teach me as a way to keep me quiet about their secret.

Both of them, together.

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