A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 47: Romance (1)

Chapter 47: Romance (1)

This world has a concept of weekdays and weekends just like Earth does. Additionally, every Wednesday afternoon is scheduled for independent training.

The previous day there was a training session to improve dynamic visual acuity, but I didn't particularly need it. It was too easy.

The training had been conducted under the supervision of Serah, who coolly moved on after watching me breeze through the exercises.

From then on, she mentioned that I only had to listen during her classes in the afternoons; I didnt need to participate in the practicals.

Anyway, back to the main point, Wednesday is the day reserved for independent training.

Its also one of my most preferred days because Kara gives me technical lessons.

"Today, we're going to learn falling techniques. You have an idea of what falling techniques are, right? You would've figured it out on your own by now."


"What about you, Luna?"

After listening to my response, Kara then asked Luna. Luna had also begun learning combat techniques from Kara.

Initially, she was stubborn, insisting she didn't need to learn, but she changed her mind, and Kara accepted her decision without any hard feelings.

"I have a rough idea."

"And you haven't learned it, right?"


"It's a bit awkward to say this, but who on earth taught you swordsmanship? Why did they teach it to you in such a strange way?"

Kara asked with an expression of incredulity. Naturally, she was curious about who Luna's master was.

The falling technique, along with footwork, is a fundamental of martial arts. Even an average person can prevent serious injuries by learning falling techniques alone.

However, Luna had only been taught swordsmanship and nothing else, resulting in gaps in her training.

"Just a strange person. From their background, they seemed to be from the East."

"You don't know their name or face?"

"No. They were so mysterious that I hardly know anything about them. They always wore a smiling mask, so I couldn't see their face."

"That's quite fascinating. Is this what they call kiyeon in the East?"

If it's termed as kiyeon, then so be it. Besides, becoming friends with Kara and learning techniques from her is also kiyeon.

If Luna's teacher laid the framework,' then Kara would be the one to fill it with substance.

From then on, it would be Luna's job to forge her own path. There's a reason her teacher taught her in such an odd fashion.

It must be considering her mental growth.'

There's no need to mature if you start with strong powers. This is especially true in a world where physical strength is paramount.

Even in actual games, sometimes when power is lacking, wisdom is employed to overcome challenges, which is why veterans dominate the scene.

"Well, it doesnt matter. You can start learning now. We'll take combat training slowly and begin with the absolute basics, noting the importance of falling techniques"

Kara first explained the theory. Falling techniques, along with footwork, are the absolute basics of martial arts.

Combat involves a variety of situations, and among them, falling can constitute a dangerous circumstance.

Human bodies are weirdly vulnerable, and getting hit on a vital spot, or pressure point,' can be fatal.

Especially in falls, vital spots are often injured, but falling techniques play a role in significantly reducing the impact.

"Falling techniques are particularly important not just when fighting. Have you heard this Eastern proverb: When luck's against you, even falling backward could break your nose.'"

" "

It doesn't seem like the right occasion to use that metaphor. Unlike me, Luna, who is unfamiliar with the saying, looked puzzled.

Kara's good but sometimes has a know-it-all streak. She's learned well, but her application is off.

Still, she's a great master, so as long as Luna has understood her, it's all good.

"Sister, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Can I learn to keep balance in mid-air, like Sivar?"

"No. Instead of learning that, focus on perfecting falling techniques first. It's possible only for the likes of him; even I can't do it."

Kara responded bluntly. I have exceptional balance to maintain composure in mid-air, but others do not.

It's not a bad idea to train individual balance, but as Kara suggested, it's better to learn falling techniques first.

I couldn't learn falling techniques, which led to my own development in this manner. Consequently, I had plenty of head injuries.

Could it be that I became dumb because of this?'

That's unlikely considering I scored high in creativity tests; it just made my thought process ridiculously simplistic. When your body is too capable, your brain tends to take it easy.

"That's enough theory for today. I emphasize again that the principle of falling techniques lies in extending the impact time, even if only slightly. Watch me closely now."

Kara demonstrated various falling techniques, including front, back, side, and rolling falls. Whatever she could teach, she imparted it all.

It appears quite easy, but natural execution will take time.

"Luna, you should become proficient in all falling techniques, and Sivar, you'll learn grappling. To learn more smoothly, having a partner would be beneficial"

Kara said so while looking around, probably seeking out the excellent educational material (?) that was Elvin.

However, Elvin was nowhere to be seen. He was there until lunchtime, but now he's vanished.

"Where does this guy go wandering off to? He says he's busy with people from that side, but he's barely visible."

Kara grumbled her dissatisfaction. As his guardian, I spend regrettably little time with him.

Elvin has his reasons too. With his high-standing family background, he is often summoned and has obligations.

Moreover, there's a test' coming up, carrying substantial points, which keeps him busy as a bee.

Only those in the know are aware of the test.'

Among us, likely no one other than me knows about the test. Conventionally, revealing test details is prohibited.

Nonetheless, as the academy prides itself on longstanding traditions, there's somewhat of a cheat sheet' accumulation.

While written exams change each time, practical exams are largely consistent.

"Now, I'll teach you grappling. Boxing is important, but grappling is more crucial. You dont die immediately from a few punches to your face, but you would if your neck is strangled or snapped."


"Could you come a bit closer? Since teaching technique takes time, I'll start with defense first."

Kara said this and lay down on the well-laid mat, her ample chest slightly jostling with the motion.

I almost fixed my gaze there, but I managed to restrain myself. It's best not to entertain strange thoughts.

"Want to mount on top of me? But dont put your weight on."

Kara tapped her stomach gently and asked. Following her request, I climbed atop her.

To others, it might look like a rather awkward position, but it is a clear training situation known as the mount position.

If one assumes a dominating mount position, the fight is generally considered over. The person trapped underneath has almost nothing they can do.

"This is both a situation you should aim for and one to avoid. If you are on top, you can engage mercilessly, while the person underneath must defend."


"There are various ways to escape from here. If we were to do it more gentlemanly, it would go like this."


Kara's knee, which was rather unbound, lightly hit my coccyx, causing my body to lurch forward instinctively.

I placed my hands on the ground to catch myself, and before I knew it, Kara grabbed my collar and rolled her body halfway.

Our positions flipped, with me now underneath and Kara above.

"Like so. This is for practice only and not real combat, so remember that. Now, back you come."

We rotated back to the original position, and I moved as she requested.

"In common fights, things aren't gentlemanly, so it's likely you would be pummeled from this position. If you can loosen your legs, push away like this."

One of Kara's legs wriggled upwards and slid between my thighs, pushing forcefully against my abdomen.

Kara emphasized that this was the best means of escape.

I was pushed backward, only to return at her beckoning.

"Since you're strong, you could forcibly escape. This method might suit you too. My way of escaping goes like this."


Just as before, Kara's knee struck my lower spine. My body lurched forward automatically.

The actions up to this point were the same, but what followed was different. To prevent me from rising, Kara grabbed my head.

"This way, your hands are effectively disabled. You'll naturally try to push off my neck, and that's the opportunity."

I attempted to push her neck and rise, and as I did, Kara's arm snaked through and blocked mine.

While I had the strength to release myself, this was a time for learning the technique.

"And then like this."

Having restricted my arm, Kara used the twisted balance to roll us half a turn over. Our positions were reversed, much as before.

"To escape from the mount, just learning this should suffice. Unless there is an incredible disparity in strength, it should work most of the time. Is it too difficult for you?"


Honestly, it's quite difficult. Boxing was relatively simple as it's just punching, but grappling was tricky right from defense.

Kara must have expected my answer as she gave a wry smile and reassured me.

"Don't worry too much. This is all about technique.' If you have the strength, you can bulldoze your way through it. No matter what, escaping is the end goal."


"That's it for today. I just wanted to familiarize you with what's necessary. It won't be perfect in a day or two. Besides, the weekend's coming, isn't it?"

Kara concluded with a refreshing laugh, hinting that she planned to continue my training over the weekend.

While I have abundant time, I still feel guilty for taking up hers. Not to mention Luna needs attention too.

"Is that okay?"

"Hm? What is?"


Thats what I asked. If it seemed like they had no personal time.

Kara, quick to catch up, surely sensed the intent behind my words.

Kara blinked initially as she processed the words and then let out a wry chuckle.

"I don't have plans for the weekend either. Training with you and Luna beats lazing around, not to mention playing around too."


"Now that I think about it, when did you start being so considerate? You're a good kid."

Kara gently pinched my cheek as a compliment. Normally, one would be annoyed, but it didn't feel too bad.

Communicating well with her and the considerable time she puts into me, I can allow this much.

We were about to resume training when


A buzzing chatter came from one corner of the training ground. Not just Kara and I, but even Luna, who was practicing falling techniques on her own, turned to look.

Wondering what was happening, we quickly understood.

"Isn't that Lady Gloria? Who's the man beside her?"

"A combination of the Matra Empire and the Granada Empire. It's a rare sight, isn't it?"

"Why did those two come all the way here?"

"I don't know."

As per the last promise, Gloria and Kronos had visited the training ground together.

They approached us, maintaining a peculiar distance that was neither too close nor too far apart.

"Hello, we've met before, haven't we?"

Gloria greeted us warmly first. Kronos substituted with a nod.

Luna responded to the greeting with a nod, though her expression seemed somewhat uncomfortable.

Despite the foreseen situation, being the center of everyone's attention was likely a bit daunting.

"Hello, Lady Gloria and Lord Kronos."

"Its an honor that you remember us. Anyway, like I mentioned before, the results of our sparring bout are out."

Gloria said, with her consistently superb acting skillan engaging smile on her face.

Kronos didn't say a word, but maintaining his poker face was already something.

He's horrible at acting, delivering lines rigidly as though reading from a textbook, so he sticks to the taciturn persona.

Actually being reticent and blunt, no one had any suspicions.

"The sparring result was a draw. And, having to choose between Luna and Sivar for our exceptional talents, we concluded that we would both teach the students and choose later."

"Is that, is that really okay?"

You're terrible at acting too, I realized as I noticed the accent of Luna's voice rising awkwardly at the end.

She was clearly exuding awkwardness, but to someone unaware, she might appear merely tense.

No grounds for suspicion there. Considering the couple's high status, everyone would likely accept it.

"Yes, of course. There's nothing to be gained from conflict among ourselves. Its fairer this way."

"Okay, okay. Understood. What about you, Kara sister?"


"Is it okay if I learn from them?"

"Go ahead. We've got more time than just today, right? I might as well take some personal training time."

Surprisingly, Kara casually acquiesced. Though not fully transmitted, it could indeed be a situation that might have upset her.

Luna seemed to realize this too, as she apologized with a truly sorry face.

"I'm sorry, sister."

"What are you sorry for? Youd be a fool to miss this chance. And Sivar."


Kara called to me. I faced her with a questioning look.

Kara watched my face, chewed on her lips, and then with her typical crisp smile, she said,

"Make sure you learn a lot. Dont just come to me needlessly. Like I said earlier, this kind of opportunity is rare. Got that?"

Clearly, she was worried I might follow her instead of them.

To be honest, the sentiment wasn't completely absent, but the chance was not there.

The Sponsor Events are only valid until the test,' and if not learned by then, they are lost forever.

But I can rely on Kara.'

I glanced back and forth between Kara and the secretive couple. Contrary to Ellie, who tends to blab, Kara can be trusted.

Strictly speaking, she isn't even interested in keeping secrets; it's that lack of interest that leads her to forget about them.

People often claim she's tight-lipped, but with Kara, she simply forgets the secret, leading to the misconception that she's discreet.

I took it lightly even in the Soul World.'

Kara doesn't care what relationship the Matra Empire and the Granada Empire have. What's most important is her own country.

Sometimes she might forget due to her authoritative nature, but after all, she's a princess of Tatars.

Moreover, she's not one to use such things for political maneuvering so she can be trusted.

"What are you doing? Go on. I'm not troubled at all, so hurry up."

Seeing me hesitating, Kara pushed at my back with a smile still fixated on her face.

However, I could see it. Although she was saying one thing, a sliver of disappointment bled through her smile.

If Luna and I were to leave for training, Kara would have to train independently and forlornly.

Not knowing much else, she doesn't take solitude well, so I couldnt leave her alone.



"Let's go. Together."

And so, I acted a bit naive. If Kara had been one to spill secrets, I would have left.

The Kara I know doesnt disclose secrets. She's someone who forgets them because they simply aren't in her field of interest.

"Sivar, Kara sister is"


Luna attempted to say something, but I immediately responded. Then I grabbed Kara's hand that had been pushing at my back.

Next, I pulled her hand, turning her to face Gloria and Kronos.

I could feel Karas surprise, but I didn't care and made a plea to the two of them.


It was a request in speech only.

"Let's go."

In truth, it was tantamount to an unspoken threat.

It insinuated that if Kara wasn't brought along, I would reveal a secret.

Of course, it wouldnt really do. It was closer to a plea than a threat.

I wouldnt blurt out a secret potentially ruining relationships with them.

Such a fact was unknown to them, so I could make this apparent but not real threat.

As Kronos appeared troubled, Kara hastily let go of my hand, shouting,

"No, no, no. I'm fine, okay? You go on without me. I'm really okay."

Kara was flustered, holding the hand I grasped with her other hand, her previously confident face now only showing bewilderment.

Even her sun-kissed skin began to redden to the point it was visible. It's remarkable for her darker complexion.

If it had reached this extent, maybe it was inevitable. Just when I was half-convinced to give up,

"That's fine. Kara, you come along too."


Gloria, not anyone else, had breezily given her consent.

Even her partner, Kronos, was taken aback and looked at her in surprise.

"But I do have something to say once we go inside."

Regardless of the reason, the look on Gloria's face, having consented, was like,

"You understand, right?"

As if she had just stumbled upon a new toy.

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