A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 50: Romance (4)

Chapter 50: Romance (4)

About an hour had passed since I caused a huge mess and was punished by Rod.

I would have liked to cheat or show some defiance, but Rod cut me off sharply.

It might have been different with anyone else, but it had to be Rod. Those who have realized the principles of the heavens and use the blue magic.

Destroyer King, Hector, although inferior to him by one rank, there still exists an immense gap.

I keep saying this, but no matter how crafty I am, if Rod draws his sword swiftly, the game is over.

My head would fly off, floating in the sky, and I'd become a cold corpse without having put up a proper resistance.

Be it defense or anything, he's a man who cuts space' itself as if slicing through tofu. There's a very high chance my solid body would be of no use.

"Yeah, yeah. Did you have a rough time? You can't do that next time."

At least, the punishment didn't last long. Maybe Rod felt pity too, since he only punished me for about an hour.

And right after the punishment ended, I approached Ellie, who had been watching and worrying at my side, and hugged her.

As soon as I rested my face on her soft chest, she patted my back, and it felt as if all my slightly sunken spirits had flown away.

I want to keep doing this.'

Ellie had said before. If I wanted, she would let me touch her chest legally anytime.

However, openly doing so would prick even my conscience(?), so I figured I'd only hug her in situations like this.

Do I not feel guilty? Not at all. It's thrilling and new every time.

How could I give up such a feeling? When times like this come, my wild instincts dont say a thing.

No. Maybe it's the wild instincts telling me to bury myself in this bosom and find some peace of mind.

"But you should also realize what you did wrong, Sivar. You agreed not to deliberately break things, right?"

Ellie admonished me, hugging me against her chest. I just slightly lifted my head and looked up at her face.

Her lightly smiling face and golden eyes that shine as if drawing me in. Along with the fluffy cushion, I feel a kindness like that of a saint.

However, regardless of that kindness, this time I feel somewhat wronged. I couldn't have predicted that the death beam would go off.


"Unfair? What's unfair?"

"It was not intentional."

"Intentional or not, you caused an accident. Even if it was a mistake, you have to apologize when you break someone else's property."

Ellie gently scolded me, stroking my hair. As she said, not every mistake can be forgiven.

Moreover, hadn't The Principal always said that if you apologize and reflect on your mistakes, he would be somewhat tolerant?

But perhaps because I obtained romance, or maybe because I'm used to breaking things, it's hard to be conscious of it.

Even stranger is how the larger the scale of destruction, the more numb I become. Breaking small objects feels more noticeable.

Was it because destroying trees was a daily occurrence when living in the forest?'

When living in the forest, there were countless times I had broken trees and rocks. It was because prey and larger creatures were abundant.

Moreover, when I would fight Porori, it wasn't unusual for the surroundings to end up shattered. When rage burst out, everything became a wasteland.

Usually, large-scale destruction signifies a big fight, and perhaps that's why I didn't notice it.

"You get it, right? Next time you break something, you apologize."


"That's good, our Sivar. Do you want anything to eat?"

Ellie asked while rubbing my face on her cheek. Thanks to this, my face got buried deeper between her breasts.

Still slightly flustered by her affection and the soft touch, I voiced what I wanted, although my enunciation became a bit muffled because my face was buried.


"Absolutely not."

I asked Ellie, but why is Rod replying? His strictness is short of nothing, and he cut it off decisively.

Even Ellie looked like she felt it would be difficult, which made it seem eating candy won't be possible.

"And Ellie, don't you think you're being too soft on Sivar? If you keep coddling him, he might develop bad habits."

"That I know, Principal. That's why you delivered the punishment, right? But after punishment, I have to comfort him like this."

I don't know why, but it sounded like parents arguing. It was those two who often quarreled over my upbringing(?).

Rod had lived as a wild man all his life and had no experience raising a child. Moreover, I am not an ordinary child but a full-grown adult.

My mental age isnt lacking, it's just that my sociability is a little (a lot) deficient. That's why I might feel like a child.

Humans are social animals for a reason.'

A lack of sociability also means being less of a person. I also fall into that category.

Being somewhat numb to destruction, they probably can't help but argue about it.

"It's okay to comfort him, but"

It wasn't Rod or Ellie who spoke but another voice. I turned my head towards where the voice came from.

For some reason, Kara stood there with an unhappy expression. Hands on hips as if disapproving.

"You're hugging too much, aren't you? Someone might think she's your real girlfriend."

It seemed that me hugging Ellie's chest was too eye-catching. It was a blatant display of affection, admittedly.

"What's wrong with this? I like it, and so does Sivar. What's the harm?"

Yet, Ellie surprised Kara with an answer beyond her expectations. Sneakily pressing down on my head as she said so.

Ellie's indifferent attitude was apparent. In response, Kara's expression became complicated.

"Principal, you should say something too."


Unable to stand it, Kara turned to Rod for help, but he just cleared his throat and looked away into the distant mountains.

"Sivar grew up alone without parents. But it doesn't make sense to say he's lived in the woods since he was a baby. So maybe he's fond of these things as part of recovering his past memories. Just my conjecture, though."


Kara's expression was incredulous at Rod's explanation that seemed both plausible and implausible.

I have parents, and I didn't spend my childhood in the woods. Honestly, it's simply instinct.'

Whether it's a wild instinct or whatever, it's an instinct deep-rooted in men. It's almost involuntary.

"I don't get it. Just hope he doesn't pounce on anyone."

In the end, Kara gave up completely. It seems like she gave up on thinking deeply about it.

Though not entirely unconcerned, she gave mea person leaning on Ellie's chestone more quick glance.

Then, she spoke with a concerned voice, looking at Ellie.

"Can you really handle what comes later? Right now, he may be unaware, but he might awaken to his desires."

"I can handle it. Since I was the one who brought Sivar, it's only natural I take responsibility."

"If that's the case, then it's none of my concern, but"

Kara fidgeted with her cheek. Ellie had mentioned responsibility to her before too.

Clearly inquiring further would only lead to an awkward conversation. It's better to let it go for now.

"I understand. I'll help out a little too."


"Yes. Since I taught him how to use his power. In a way, I'm responsible too. I'll assist from the sidelines."

"Thank you, sis."

It seems warm and harmonious on the surface. Now, I can hug Ellie's chest without complaint in the future.

But there's still something nagging at me.

Did Kara hear that time too?'

It was after the battle with Hector, when I woke up from fainting. Ellie boldly declared that if I wanted to touch her chest, I was always welcome to.

I could feel Ellies strong sense of responsibility then too, but the only one who heard that was Luna.

So there's a high likelihood that Kara could build up a misunderstanding that's not entirely a misunderstanding. This is why you need to listen to people until the end.

"Kara is also busty, so she'll be a big help too, right, Sivar?"

Ellie patted my head gently as she sought my agreement, and Kara gave a puzzled tilt of her head.

That settled it. Kara completely misunderstood what Ellie was implying.

No point in telling her now'

Misunderstandings can be resolved slowly. I just have to keep quiet and that'll be the end of it.

As I said before, my conscience doesnt prick me at all. If I can trade that petty conscience for happiness, I'll gladly indulge.

But I must be careful about Kara. Later, Luna will tell her the whole story.

How would touching Kara feel?'

But curiosity is hard to shake off. My gaze drifted to Kara's bosom, which while not as large as Ellies, was certainly ample.

"Ah. You're here?"


"What did they say over there?"

"Thankfully, the training itself will proceed. But they said it'll be problematic for them too if something like this happens again, so were asked to be more careful."

"Well, that's a relief."

Luna returned just in time, so she didn't notice where my gaze was directed. Thinking enough was enough, I pulled away from Ellie's chest.

Having recovered from the sullen mood caused by Rod's scolding, it was time to return to normalcy.

"Now that everyone's here, let's get down to business. Did you say that Sivar uses red magic?"

Now that Luna had joined, Rod brought up the topic of today's eventmy use of red magic.

"It was mentioned before, but when the gods created the world, the first thing they brought forth was a rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. As the first colors to appear in the world, they hold significant meaning."

Like the example of the devil who had all his colors taken, color' occupies a crucial position in the Soul World.

Losing color is akin to losing life. It's why the devils are desperate to regain their colors.

"People like us mostly possess blue magic. But it wasnt always blue. There are those whove degenerated to green, while some evolved to indigo."

"Gloria said The Principal uses indigo magic"

Luna cautiously began to speak. Although her words trailed off, it was practically a request.

Rod seemed to perceive her intention and silently raised his hand to show us.


Soon, magic began to flutter in his hand. An indigo magic deeper than blue.

Only those who have understood the principles of the heavens and can manipulate them at will possess this color.

Everyone, including Luna, looked at it with wonder. I also stared intently, as it was my first time seeing indigo magic.

"There are very few like myself whose magic has evolved to indigo. At most, including me, there would be three people. They are all related to the star.'"

"Then is there someone who has reached violet?"

"There is. Someone who not only dominates the sky but also puts it under their feet."

I know who that person is tooa monster residing in the east.

Unless something unusual happens, there is no need to meet in the early stages, but in the mid-game, he abruptly appears before the protagonist without any forewarning.

It's not an immediate concern, and while significantly troublesome and irritable, he demands attention.

"Violet magic can only be used by gods or those on par with them. You can think of them as primeval beings."

"Primeval beings? Then, can devils use it as well?"

"If there are devils with violet, they can use violet magic. Since a blue devil used blue magic."

Rod continued his explanation and then glanced at me. Red magic stood at the complete opposite of violet.

Where violet signifies primeval beings, red is symbolized as the most vulgar.

Among devils with red color, none of them are significant. They are mundane beasts.

Moreover, they barely possess intelligence,' so unless they are pure berserkers, they cannot even use magic properly.

"But red If were being theoretical, it's considered the most lowly color, but it doesnt necessarily make it lowly. Its the first time a human-like existence used it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Are you aware of the hypothesis that humanity evolved from primates? It's still a contentious issue among scientists and theologians."


Luna responded with uncertainty to Rod's question. The rest seemed to know, though.

Kara was a believer of Gulak, so she would have read related scriptures, and Ellie was always keen on reading.

That doesn't mean Luna is ignorant. It's just that the formal education in this world miserably fails to keep up with the times.

It's common sense to me, but it must be a first for Luna.

After all, those who are uninterested wouldn't care at all.'

As I thought about this, Rod provided an explanation, considering Luna.

"Humans have slowly evolved from primates, and accordingly, the color of their magical power has changed, according to one theory. On the other hand, theologians believe that humans originally looked like this, and as civilization advanced, the color of magic evolved."

"Both sound right when you hear them, don't they?"

"That's why the debate is ongoing. But as for Sivar, rather than coming from primates"

Rod looked at me and trailed off. In the never-ending debate, it seems I embody the creationist view.

"Sivar looks just like us, though. And he's also cute."

".Cute, I don't know, but he certainly looks like us."

Rod chuckled at Ellie's response. It's a bit embarrassing to be called cute when not even being described as handsome.

"Anyway, according to the theory, Sivar supports what the theologians claim Honestly, I don't quite understand. The gods must know better."

"You mean we should speak with the gods? To do that"

"It means you'd have to head to the Byzantine Sacred Kingdom. It's a tough journey, but I'll send you there if the opportunity arises."

The Byzantine Sacred Kingdom, as the name suggests, is a nation where religion is fundamental.

Unlike countries that embrace different state religions, this kingdom believes in all three gods.

It's a country necessarily passed through more to honor the gods rather than dedicating to a specific deity.

"That's roughly the conclusion we've come to. And Sivar."


"As much as possible, try not to use magic. Physical enhancement is fine, but don't let it manifest outwardly."


That's a bit off-putting. I understand, but it's like telling me to give up romance.

How do I resist shooting a death beam out of my hand? Even Rod can't expect that.

" It'll just cause trouble for you and for me. Nod your head while I'm still asking nicely."


But in the face of power, we are all equal. Let's willingly give up things like romance.

I'll have to resort to showing off in the forest when I'm occasionally bored.

Knock knock knock-

Just as the conversation was wrapping up, I heard a noise. Not the door, but the sound of knocking on the window.

Turning my head, there was Porori, standing in the window, with an acorn clasped to his side.


Porori knocked politely(?) and then opened the window. He then hopped over to us.

"What were you all talking about? Include me too."

He settled on Ellie's knee naturally. With an acorn in his mouth, he leaned his head against her chest.

Ellie gently stroked his head and tail and then spoke in her soft voice.

"We were talking about Sivar. Speaking of which, Ratatoskr, did you know Sivar's magic is red?"

"Huh? Didn't you all know? I thought it was obvious."

Crunch- Crunch-

Chewing the acorn, Porori replied nonchalantly. I wonder where he gets such large acorns to be able to tuck them under his side.

"Do you know what red magic signifies, Ratatoskr?"

"I just know it's an absurdly powerful force. That beam that comes out of his mouth, especially."

".Out of his mouth?"

Ellie looked puzzled at the mention of beams coming out of a mouth. Everyone, including me, felt the same.

I only learned yesterday that I could shoot a death beam from my hand. But shooting it from my mouth is new to me.

"I didn't know Ah. It makes sense you wouldn't know. He only used it when his eyes turned redder. Every time he was about to pass out, he'd shoot from his mouth."

"A dragon that shoots magic from his mouth or what?"

"It's usually a dragon's breath, not a beam. Is he really human?"

Kara was incredulous and Luna was seriously contemplating. Finally, Rod seemed lost in thought.

"Amazing. Ratatoskr, can you do it too?"

"I can't. It's something only he can do."

And as for naturally talented Ellie, she had no qualms. She just accepted it as it was.

Meanwhile, the revelation of the ability to shoot lasers from my mouth excited me slightly. A death beam alone is romantic enough.

But shooting lasers from my mouth? How can I resist that?


"Hm? What?"

"Is it true?"

I asked again for confirmation. Is it true that lasers come out of my mouth?

Porori, seeming indifferent, munched on the acorn and replied straightforwardly.

"It's true, alright. Why can't you believe what I say? Try it out later."


"Just don't do it here. If you're not careful, you might turn everything to ashes."

Lasers! Coming out of my mouth! How am I supposed to hold back!

My eyes sparkled at the fact revealed by Porori. I've learned metallurgy, so it might be possible.



I was excited when Rod, who had previously been deep in thought, spoke up.

His tone was no different than usual, but the atmosphere within it felt completely different.

How to put it As if he was pressing down his momentum, it felt like he was threatening me. My instincts were telling me that too.

"If I hear. A sound. From the forest."

With every word Rod spoke, I felt an indescribable pressure.

A terrifying pressure that I hadn't even felt from Hector. A formidable presence that only someone who could wield indigo magic could display.

Then Rod, looking at me now stiff with fear, uttered his final words.

"Expect another punishment if it happens again. Got it?"

" "



Looks like I have to give up on romance for the time being.

"That old man really is scary."

I couldn't agree more. I hung my head down, feeling disheartened.

Wait a second.'

A sudden thought flashed across my mind.

If I mess up, I'll get scolded by Rod, and then, won't I be comforted by Ellie?

Ellie would wrap me in comfort as a reprieve from Rod's punishment, and I could just embrace her, claiming the need for emotional support.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I looked at Ellie embracing Porori. She wore the kind smile of a merciful saint.

Right now, Porori is enjoying that abundance, but soon, it might be me taking that place.


I've acquired an opportunity to catch two birds with one stone.

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