A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 57: Before the Encounter (4)

Chapter 57: Before the Encounter (4)

Honestly, it made me wonder. Perhaps they were underestimating me too much.

Most of the students are reality defeated by Luna, who hasn't even solidified her basics.

And Luna was overwhelmingly defeated by Kara's prowess, and Kara, similarly, was overwhelmingly defeated by me.

Through this, they should also realize that I possess absurd strength. Yet, with what confidence, they attempted to ambush me.

To call it an ambush is almost embarrassing, as even someone less sensitive than me would have noticed their obvious preparation.

"Bracelets! Just destroy the bracelets!"

"Quickly knock Sivar out, then it's just between us!"

So that was their idea. I nodded at the outcry of those ambushers hidden in the bushes.

Direct confrontation is challenging with me, so it seemed they planned to knock me out of the competition by damaging my bracelet.

They attempted a kind of compromise, but they made a huge mistake. First, there's the problem with the bracelet itself.

I can barely take this off myself.'

Given the bracelet's design, it's hard even to remove directly. It's more efficient to break it than to try removing it delicately.

Secondly, there was the failure of their ambush. If they wanted to ambush me, they should have done it before I noticed. It's meaningless now.

Otherwise, they should have moved the moment I first showed signs of surprise.

With the ambush botched, frontal confrontation was the only answer.

And thirdly, the most important thing.

"Just tie him down! Stick to the plan!"

All strategies and plans become meaningless in the face of overwhelming strength.

I took in the sight of the charging students. Some wielded swords and shields, others spears, and axes, and so forth.

Various ranks of warriors lined up in the front, with those adept at long-range support like archers and mages backing them up.

"Tie him up!"

A female presumed to be a mage directed her staff toward me and shouted. Magic is a skill activated by words.'

Along with her command, a subtle energy was felt, and soon I sensed an odd sensation around my feet. I immediately glanced down.

Looking down, blue magical energy formed tight bonds around both my legs, as if they were bound by cuffs. It seemed to be a temporary binding spell.

I'm seeing magic for the first time.'

Though I had seen Rod's ability to slice through space several times, this was my first encounter with magic. I never had the chance to see it before.

As I curiously inspected the magical binding around my feet, the warriors had already reached my front.

Absolute prohibition of murder in practice, and if one inflicts severe injury, immediate disqualification.

Since the professors were monitoring in real time, they could process disqualification.


Of course, as resilient as I am, there's no need for such mercy on me. A sharp spearhead thrust toward my face.

Knowing my sturdiness through the altercation with Kara. It's to the extent that I've shattered even Elvin's sword with my teeth.

Comparatively, their attack was slow, so simply tilting my head was enough to dodge.


I could just grab it. I seized the spear blade firmly with my bare hand.

The spearman was startled by my action and pulled back hastily, but it was futile.

Meanwhile, I sensed a presence not from the front but from behind. Naturally, running head-on charge like the warriors would be a foolish act.

The feeling was of someone sneaking up quietly, not charging openly. It seemed like someone from a rogue line.



Reacting quickly without even looking back, I grabbed the face of the person sneaking up from behind. My hands were wide enough to grasp it entirely.

Then, turning my head, I saw a familiar face. A man with a sly look about him.


It was Antonio, who had teamed up with Luna. The younger brother of Kronos and a rogue skilled in devising stratagems.

If Antonio was involved, then Luna must have participated as well. I couldn't help but question it.

Why Luna?'

Of all people, it was Luna. A person aware of Porori's presence and Hector's battles.

She should realize how futile this plan is. Yet, she seemed to have taken part.

As I was grappling with this question, Antonio rummaged through his pocket and threw something at my face.

A spherical object, overall round. My dynamic vision was so strong that my focus was drawn to it.


Before I could even dodge, a bright flare ignited right before my eyes. A light intense enough to cause involuntary blinking.

Even for someone like me, any attack to the eyes will cause hesitation. No matter how sturdy, the eyes are the most sensitive part.

"Now's the chance!"

Thinking they had an opportunity as I stumbled, Antonio yelled out. Simultaneously, I felt an odd sensation from my limbs.

It was expected that the legs were magically bound, but there were people forcibly holding onto my arms. Not just one, but both arms.

And there were others desperately clinging to my legs, thrashing about.

"Hurry and break it! His body's so tough; it should be okay to break it!"

"I know!"

With that shout, someone made a gesture to raise their weapon high. I could sense it even though my eyes were closed.

It seemed they intended to break the bracelet manually. A splendid plan indeed.


Then the weapon swung down toward the bracelet. Sensing this, I took action immediately.

My bracelet was fitted on my left arm. And there were people hanging onto my left arm, including Antonio.

Apparently, they were struggling to immobilize me, but it was all in vain.



I moved my left arm, the one with two people hanging on, hitting against the weapon. As a result, Antonio took a direct hit on top of his head.

Antonio tumbled to the ground immediately after being struck. The weapon wielder looked shocked.

However, that fleeting moment was enough to free me. Now it was time to shake off the parasites clinging to my body.




As I swung my arms as if shaking off dirt, those clinging to me were thrown off. Given how hard they hit the trees, they'd be incapacitated for quite a while.

Next were the legs. The spell that had been cast on them had disappeared at some point.

I kicked off the person who had clung to my legs as if they were a soccer ball.


There was a distressing noise, unlike the sound of those who had been hanging onto my arms. It sounded serious, like something had broken upon hitting the tree.

The tree wasnt broken, but it seemed like the impact seriously injured someone's back. These people aren't as durable as Hector or myself.

Even if they could use some sort of body-strengthening technique, the urgency of the situation seemed to prevent its use.


Perhaps thinking it was a crisis, the mage shouted out urgently. The clear delivery of her command suggested she had some skill.

Meanwhile, the archers maintained their composure and shot arrows toward me. I saw the flames and arrows approaching and stretched out my arm to one side.

There was still one warrior left by my side. The one who, trying to smash my bracelet, instead whacked Antonio.



I grabbed his neck and pushed him forward. Shortly after, flames and arrows struck his back.

A perfect human shield. If the students who launched the attack had any sense, they wouldn't have increased its power significantly.


While the shield screamed, trying to survive, I flung him powerfully away.

My target was the mage. The archer may be one thing, but I needed to deal with the problematic mage promptly.


The heavy body of the warrior and the frail mage collided with each other. I put enough force into the throw; they should have been knocked out.

One person remained, the archer. Alone in the forest, filled only with the sounds of nature, the archer looked bewildered.

Especially since the mage right beside him had just been knocked out by flying human debris.

Hence, the archer was left with only one choice.

"Damn it!"

To flee. As the archer turned and hastily retreated, I simply watched nonchalantly.

It's a decision that fits the theme of survival, but I doubt it will earn me a good evaluation from the professors.


So you too, pass out alongside me.

I picked up a pebble that had been rolling on the ground and hurled it at the archer.

I regulated my strength because throwing it too hard could have smashed his head.


Though lightly thrown, the pebble hit the archer's head with precision and he collapsed onto the hard, dirt ground.

Assessing that the situation was mostly handled, I looked around. Most of the students were either groaning in pain or had passed out.

Leaving them as they were could prove to be a nuisance later on, so it seemed better to eliminate them beforehand.

How do you unlock the bracelet?'

I don't know. Just tear it off.

It's more efficient to force it open than to unlock it one by one.

I slipped my fingers beneath Antonio's bracelet, who was a victim of friendly fire, and pulled it apart.


The bracelet broke apart too easily as soon as I pulled on it, triggering a change in the rogue.


A blue curtain enveloped Antonio, transforming into a cocoon shapea protective shield activated in case of emergencies.

From what I remember, once the shield activates, you cant see or hear anything.

Plus, a sleep spell automatically triggered by the bracelet causes the wearer to pass out.

Its supposed to prevent claustrophobia, but I dont quite understand that.

Crack! Crunch!

Then, I unlocked the bracelets of those who hadnt passed out but were only groaning. The last to be unlocked was the archer who had been caught while trying to flee.

By numbers alone, at least three groups or more had been eliminated. There seemed to be about 6 or 7 groups left.

It still feels strange, no matter how I think about it.'

Surrounded by cocoons, I looked around, feeling puzzled.

No matter how good the human wave tactic is, it's too faulty. It was good that they had hindered my visibility with the flash grenade.

But it only worked to a point. If they wanted to restrain me further, they would have needed a larger number to rush in.

Do they think I'm a fool?'

Maybe. Though I used to live in the forest, they could have seen me as a strong but foolish wild man.

That seems the most likely. But I hope this event changes their minds.

I might struggle with language, but I'm not a fool.

Or maybe they'd treat me as an even stronger fool?'

Either way, it doesnt matter. I just had to do my job, and that was it.

Anyway, now that I've dealt with all the attackers, all that's left is to return to Grace and Yeonhwa.

"Ah. You came at just the right time."


Just then, a familiar voice reached my ears. I turned towards the direction of the voice.

A beautiful woman with blonde hair and clear blue eyes, Luna appeared. But her expression was one of relief, unlike the seriousness of the situation.

I thought for sure she would have been part of this plan, but it seems she wasn't. Or perhaps there was something I didn't know.

"Sivar. Did you take down all these people?"


Luna nodded at my response, indicating she had anticipated all this.

Unlike Antonio, who combined forces to spring an ambush, she arrived much too late.

And it was a good kind of late because she didn't show herself until I had finished tearing off the bracelets.

What was she thinking, showing up at such a perfect timing? The fact she was gripping a sword was a sure sign she was prepared for a standoff.

"Sivar. It would be best if you went to Grace right now. The other teams have decided to target her, thinking she might come to your aid. I came here because I was anxious."


Was that it? It felt as if we were sparse in numbers and too sloppy.

But why was she informing me about this? I was puzzled and tilted my head.

Luna then slowly grasped her sword, taking a stance. It appeared she intended to fight me for real.

"I'm well aware that I can't beat you. But I still want to try."

" "

"And I have something to tell you."

"Something to tell me?"

Luna's words that she had something to tell me were quite intriguing.

Then, as if contemplating, she hesitated for a moment before carefully starting to speak.

"Let's talk after this is over."

" "

"It's really important to both you and me."

She knows they are listening to all this, right?


Just as Sivar had predicted.

"Does anyone have popcorn? Even a bag of potato chips would do."

"Sorry, but we don't have such things. We didn't anticipate this either."

"This is quite thrilling. But are such feelings already burgeoning?"

"With Sivar's face, it might just be possible."

The observing professors also began to watch with interest.

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