A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 66: Martial Saintess (1)

Chapter 66: Martial Saintess (1)

It wasn't entirely unpredicted. As long as Lize was at the academy, I was bound to run into her anywhere.

Yet I never dreamed we would reunite so soon, let alone at the residence.

I thought she would converse with Rod during class, and return when it was over.

Lize is one of the most free-spirited figures in the world, but even she has a reputation to maintain.

It was all a miscalculation. Upon reflection, Lize is both a knightly saint and a saint, and Rod is a Sword Saint.

In military terms, it's like a top-brass general and a master sergeant meeting personally. Who could possibly interfere?

She only stepped back as class began because it was an official duty. No matter how free one is, work must be done.

"Ah, The Principal and the Lady Saint have met in the past, haven't you?"

"Yes, it was when I went on a pilgrimage at the behest of Chaos. Back then, there was less beard and his hair wasnt white."

"It's a story that's more than 20 years old, isn't it?"

Rod laughed heartily as he sipped his tea, showing no sign of discomfort at Lize's unexpected visit.

Hector could be a nuisance due to political entanglements, but Lize was a different story.

With a status that transcends politics, she was much beyond such concerns.

Moreover, Byzantium is a strictly neutral nation, so there were no troublesome aspects to consider.

"And its not your place to say. You seem to have grown stronger than before."

Rod glanced at a specific area with a smile on his lips. His gaze was directed at Lize's chest.

This wasnt because he was lecherous, but because he knew about her unique constitution and abilities.

If they had been alone, he might have outright stared at her chest while speaking. Although Lize, too, would have been in a different form then.

"Of course. As long as evils do not vanish from this world, neither will I."

"Has the Lady Saint ever encountered demons?"

It was Luna's question. As someone tracking the trail of demons, she naturally took interest in the topic.

Furthermore, Rod had vanquished a blue demon in the past. Her interest was inevitable.

"Of course. While on my pilgrimage, I encountered numerous demons and vanquished them all."

"Did you encounter any demons stronger than blue?"

"Yes. They were splendid for real combat practice. Even better since there was no need to show mercy."

Lize spoke as if she were softening the fact that she had killed them outright. It left the listeners with uneasy expressions.

One might not grasp how powerful blue demons are. It's even difficult to categorically describe their strength.

Just as humans have varying levels of skill, so do demons. Starting with blue, their range of power and abilities diversify greatly.

"How did you manage to defeat them with that body? Its unbelievable no matter how I look at it. Is it because demons are weak to holy power?"

Kara was clearly skeptical. She kept scanning Lizes body.

It's a fantasy world with magic and superhumans, but there's still some degree' of realism to it. Regardless of capabilities, weight class' can still matter.

But Lizes appearance was closer to an ordinary woman, one brimming with maternal grace, much like Ellie.

Kara's physiologic talents from Hector are outstanding, but Lize is no small fry herself.

Just feeling her arms and legs, theyre sturdy as woven steel. I know this because Ive felt them personally.

Those are all toned muscles.'

However, she hasnt seen the knightly mode yet, which is why she's talking like that. The notion of toned muscles applies to Lize.

It's like the principle of mass conservation, isn't it? Even if the weight class changes, the mass itself doesn't.

So even now, her strength must be incredibly great. She could easily overpower someone like Kara.

"We've wandered a bit from the main topic. I've heard from Rod about Sivar, about what kind of person he is, and the traits he possesses."

Is it finally getting down to business? Lize turned to me, bringing out the main issue while looking at me directly.

I shivered under that intimidating gaze, shifting uncomfortably.

Beside me sat Ellie, who, upon seeing me pressed tightly against her, stroked my head reassuringly as if to say there was nothing to worry about.

"A man who overcame the Chaos Woods not just surviving, but thriving. One who uses red magic and has the rampage like a monster. He can certainly be called a suitable brother for Chaos."

"You're not planning to take Sivar away, are you?"

Ellie asked urgently. Even without knowing the full story, she seemed to have a rough idea of the matter at hand.

Then she hugged me tightly. A physical expression telling them not to take me away.

The warm sensation gave me a sense of security and well-being.

"Normally, that could have been the case. However, after speaking to Rod, I sense that taking you with me might cause a lot of complications."

"In that case"

Was she going to step down easily? I gave an expression of surprise and took a quick glance at Lize.

In Soul World, Lize would have seized the chance to take someone away, calling them brother or sister.

Afterward, the atmosphere of the game itself changes because Fist of the North Star is played, and the characters are all influenced by Lize.

"My aim is singular. To help those chosen by Chaos make their own choices. Most chosen by Chaos are grappling with their identity. Ordinary people might call someone diverging from conventional methods and formulas an eccentric."

Lize continued her calm explanation while sipping the tea Rod offered her. Of course, it was a different kind of tea.

The herbs themselves weren't from a hospital but given by Ratatoskr. They break down accumulated toxins in the body.

"However, eccentrics hold their own beliefs. When they shine, they can evolve not just themselves or their surroundings but the whole world to a new level. Unfortunately, more are lost without realizing their own beliefs and identity. I serve as a proxy for Chaos, offering help to those people."

With that said, the world is full of geniuses, born out of their time, whose brilliance never came to light.

Most people are quick to criticize them. If they never shine, some even resort to posthumous mockery.

You might know the story of a scientist whose theory was only acknowledged after death. People didn't believe at the time, but it turned out to be accurate.

"But I only open the doors to possibilities. It's up to each person to bear fruit."

"Other than yourself, Lady Saint, is there anyone who has borne fruit?"

"Of course. The founder of the scientific nation, Santia, is a follower of Chaos."

Santia stands as a nation where science and engineering are drastically more advanced than elsewhere. While other countries linger in the medieval era, this place is akin to the modern age.

It also provides various surprises as a place where magic, like arcane punk, is integrated.

Of course, where there is light, there are shadows too. But that's a story for another time.

"Other examples include a theologian who proposed evolution, and an astronomer who proved the earth is round, among many others."

That's the setting, though the game is a bit different. Chaos has a rich randomness, but the conceptualist' certainly makes a choice.

A prime example is a mage of strength, a wizard who doesn't invest in magic but boosts strength and agility like crazy.

This essentially turns them into a warrior, but Chaos kindly allows magic to be used exclusively.

Furthermore, getting special training from Lize? It's not just a mage of strength in jest, but one could become a real Gandalf.

"Sivar is quite a bit different from that, isn't he?"

"Indeed. Few exist whose rational and instinctual sides are as opposed as Sivar. But he perceives himself as a human, doesnt he?"

Lize answered Luna's question and looked at me as she asked. I heard the question and wordlessly nodded.

Eyes as red as flaming embers, prone to fits of rage, and the red magic to accompany it.

Based on that alone, one might deem me closer to a monster. In fact, many have treated me as such.

However, I am indisputably a person, complete with reason and intelligence. After all, the fury only erupts in moments of crisis.

If such situations do not arise, he could live just like a regular person. The problem is with situations that trigger the rampage.

"I can help you. I can teach you to control your true nature at will."


This was somewhat unexpected. I looked at Lize with wide eyes in amazement.

At present, my rage has reached an Ex' level, changing from passive to active, which seems nearly impossible to alter.

I'm holding on by sheer willpower; I had almost given up on it.

Yet Lize claimed she could assist me. The reward offered was remarkably tempting.

"Yes. Do they call it a qi cultivation body in the East? You could say that Sivar's energy pathways are misaligned. In a way, it's similar to my past."

"You were similar to Sivar, Lady Saint?"

"In my case, my physical condition was severely out of balance. It caused me a lot of concern."

"In what way exactly?"

Kara muttered with skepticism. She was not the only one; the others felt similarly.

Lize's physique is far from ordinary. Not the rocky hardness but a figure signifying abundance.

It got to the point where even Ellie, upon looking at Lize's chest, tilted her head in bewilderment.

She, being similar to Lize only in terms of physique,' would certainly know how uncomfortable it could be.

"I'm not sure what Kara has said, but going by everyone's reactions, you seem bewildered. Understandably so, it's hard to believe given my appearance."

"Isn't that quite uncomfortable? I'm on the larger side too, so I have an idea of the discomfort."

Ellie carefully posed her question, her hand resting on her chest, a high degree of empathy present in her tone.

In response, Lize gave a slight smile, then rose slowly from her seat. She then locked eyes with Rod.

Rod seemed to understand the intent behind her gaze and reassured her with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"These are not students to be talked down to. There is nothing as convincing as this appearance."

These were words Rod could say, knowing the true essence of Lize. Lize gave a nod of thanks and moved her steps.

She moved to the seat right next to the table, and our gazes followed her.

"I once pondered, what truly is support? Is it just about helping those who have been harmed physically or mentally?"

Lize started in a serene voice. From ancient times, clergymen have served as robust supporters.

However, Lize had questioned the essence of being clergy and pondered deeply.

"One day, after being chosen by Chaos and decades of pilgrimage, I realized something. If the fundamental cause is not addressed, it's all meaningless. Treating injuries is also a virtue of a clergy, but preventing the injuries' source in the first place is most crucial."


With that statement, a sudden burst came from Lize. The explosion was not large, akin to a puff of popcorn popping.



Sivar and Rod, having somewhat anticipated it, were alright, but the others could not help but be surprised.

Luna gasped, Ellie shrieked, and Kara's body jumped.

Particularly, Ellie's strong embrace instantly calmed my mind.

I wished time would stop right then, but regretfully it did not.


With the explosion, a great silhouette in the white smoke started to slowly reveal itself.

The size completely dismissed any sense of perspective. The Saint, Lize's natural size is quite normal.

But look at the silhouette within the smoke. Hector had a tremendous stature, but this figure was even larger.

"I realized that it is better to prevent the plague before it becomes severe rather than treat it afterward. For that, you need great power," the voice also seemed thicker than before. Not a delusion, it had indeed deepened.

But it had just dropped in tone, the voice still rang with a young lasss purity.

It was like comparing a finely bred lady to a knight toughened by the battlefields.




Eventually, as the smoke slowly cleared, Lize's figure began to appear gradually.

As more of Lize came into view, the reactions of the group grew more incredulous by the moment.

Their eyes widening until they looked at her in sheer disbelief.

In contrast, Rod continued to drink his tea leisurely, appearing to overlook the situation entirely.

"Therefore, to lead by example among all clergy, I sought and received from Chaos what was lacking in body.'"

If just before Lize manifested the broad heart of the earth and the lush bounty of the forest, now it was the complete opposite.

The rough storms of the seas and the majestic grandeur of towering mountainsshe exuded the pure essence of roughness.'

"This is indeed the blessing given to me by Chaos."


Then, she slowly turned around, and simultaneously, Luna gasped.

The habit that had snugly fit her body had stretched, possibly made of rubber, and in place of a plush chest was now a broad pair of pectorals.

Her slender arms and legs now appeared as sturdy and solid as chiseled rock.

Especially, one blow from those cauldron lid-sized fists would probably allow you to meet the King of Hell.

Earlier I said Kara's muscles felt like interwoven wires. What I am seeing now is beyond description.

Even swords and spears seemed like they would prove futile. Surely, Lize possessed an Iron King' characteristic.

And certainly, her rank was likely higher than mine. If memory serves correctly, that is how it is.


Lize tensed her body and took a pose, a common one held by bodybuilders.

With that, every muscle in her body seemed to make a statement as they moved dynamically. That must be what a muscle monster would look like.

"This is it! The true strength!"


Instead of a lush chest, rock-solid pectorals twitched. I had said before,

The chest size of Saint Lize and Knight Lize is the same.

Its as if Knight Lize was vertically compressed to become Saint Lize. They interact with each other.

Truly, it's a very fantasy-esque setup. Who cares about science, really.

"Sivar, brother, you too can do this. Pure intellect and savage nature! How fitting for Chaos, right? I will assist you by your side!"

Shibal. The mood is edging dangerously close to switching to Fist of the North Star. Or maybe it's more like Baki.

For starters, the difference in her style alone is already striking. It's as though she's defined by a different genre altogether.

"It's definitely Knightly."

Even Kara, who had been doubtful of Lize, quickly conceded, overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

In the meantime, Lize confidently squared her shoulders and extended her hand to me. Her hand was as big as my face, shibal.

"So, how about it? Will you not follow me? Like me, you, too, can control your true nature as you desire."

As for the true nature, well. Your real form is the Saint mode, isn't it? But since its claimed as true nature, let's go with that.

"The Principal? Is this agreed upon?"

In the midst of the confusing situation, Luna quietly questioned Rod. The circumstances were not much different from the morning.

To this, Rod shrugged casually and responded in an easygoing tone,

"It's ultimately Sivar's own decision. And while I wouldn't trust anyone else, I would entrust it to Lize."

"Based on what?"

"The fact that she is stronger than me. That's sufficient."


The argument carried considerable weight. Ultimately, Luna had no choice but to cede the decision to me.

But if you look closely, even Rod's response was akin to silent consent. If it were not so, he would have objected much earlier.

Lize, with her headstrong personality, would withdraw when it was time to do so. Had Rod openly refused, she would have retreated.

Do I really have to be taken away?'

The ability to freely control my fury is an enticing merit.

If it weren't for the worry of not fulfilling the necessary events, it would be a concern weighing heavily on me.

As I was trembling with these thoughts in the safe haven of Ellie's embrace, an unexpected voice rang in my ear.

"Ah, no way!"



It was Ellie. She hugged me even tighter and exclaimed.

Then she buried my face into her chest and said,

"Sivar is clearly terrified. You call it an invitation, but isnt it basically coercion?"

Whatever else,

"Who would willingly accept such a proposition? Please become friends with Sivar first, then offer your invitation."

In that moment, Ellie was truly like a saintess.

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