Absolute Dominion

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Don’t push the child too hard.”

At Jeong Ahn’s calm words, Jeong Lee-Chu couldn’t respond.

Jeong Ahn, the lady of the Righteous Sword Sect, typically refrained from engaging in external affairs. She was known for her calm nature and her wisdom.

As the eldest daughter of a humble merchant family, she seamlessly transitioned into her role as the daughter-in-law of a martial family, and now, as the lady of the Righteous Sword Sect. Her demeanor earned her the admiration and affection of not only the martial artists of the Righteous Sword Sect but also the servants, maids, and even the local residents.

Although she typically refrained from involving herself in external matters, this situation was different.

It directly concerned her daughter’s safety.

“Cha-Ryun is still young.”

“Eighteen is mature enough.”

“Do you truly believe that?”

Naturally, Jeong Lee-Chu did not think so. Even if she were twenty-eight, his concern would remain.

Among his three daughters, Cha-Ryun was the one who expressed her feelings the most clearly. They say that there isn’t a finger that doesn’t hurt when bitten, and among his daughters, she held a special place in his heart.

“She is a child with strong pride.”

“I am aware.”

Jeong Ahn was acutely aware of her husband’s deep affection for their daughters.

However, Jeong Lee-Chu was soft-hearted. He was a kind and generous soul, someone who didn’t quite belong in the harsh world of the martial arts community, and Jeong Ahn worried about that.

“I hear things even though I only manage the household. The rumors about Young Master Jang are not favorable.”

“When you’re the heir to the Palm Heart Clan, it’s natural for baseless rumors to circulate.”

“It’s not just rumors, it’s scandals.”

Jeong Lee-Chu closed his eyes gently. He understood precisely what Jeong Ahn was referring to. How could he not have heard the whispers about Jang In-Gyeol? Although Hwa-Ryun had been entrusted with this task, it remained a source of unease.

Jeong Ahn, aware of how deeply Jeong Lee-Chu cherished their daughter, thought it was enough to stop here.

“Your complexion doesn’t look good these days.”

She gently massaged Jeong Lee-Chu’s arm as she spoke. He showed her a grateful smile.

“It’s not easy.”

That was his honest feeling.

“I understand.”

Jeong Ahn reassured her husband with a gaze full of trust. It would be nice to have a strong son at times like this. Despite her efforts to avoid such thoughts, Jeong Ahn longed for someone to support Jeong Lee-Chu.

The eldest son-in-law, a genuinely kind person, was not very helpful during times like this. But where could one find such a good-hearted son-in-law these days?

At that moment, Hwa-Ryun entered the room. Her urgent expression softened into a smile upon seeing Jeong Ahn.

“Were you in the middle of a conversation? Should I return later?”

Jeong Ahn rose to her feet.

“No, I should be going. Take care, dear.”

Jeong Ahn also offered some kind words to Hwa-Ryun.

“Don’t overdo it. How can a father and daughter have such similar haggard faces? People might think I’ve been feeding you only gruel and curse me.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

Jeong Ahn left the room.

Hwa-Ryun observed Jeong Lee-Chu’s reaction. She knew better than anyone how uncomfortable her father was with this matter.

“So, what’s the issue?”

It weighed heavily on her mind to deliver bad news, but it was unavoidable.

“Four more martial artists from the Blue Gate have expressed their intention to leave.”

Jeong Lee-Chu frowned and sighed. Recently, the number of defections from the Blue Gate has been increasing. It was all because of a certain rumor. There was talk of a significant conflict between the Palm Heart Clan and the Righteous Sword Sect.

It was evident that the rumor was maliciously spread by the Palm Heart Clan. In the past few months, more than twenty martial artists had left because of this rumor.

The martial artists of the Blue Gate were the entry-level disciples of the Righteous Sword Sect. They were fed, housed, and taught martial arts in exchange for handling the menial tasks of the clan. In essence, they were the foundation of the clan.

The martial artists of the Blue Gate had the freedom to leave at any time. Every year, a few would quit because they couldn’t withstand the rigorous training. Naturally, once they left, re-entry was impossible.

After five years as entry-level disciples, they would undergo a test, and if successful, they would be promoted to the martial artists of the Red Gate. Most passed the test unless they were particularly lazy.

Once they ascended to the martial artists of the Red Gate, they could no longer leave freely. They officially became martial artists of the Righteous Sword Sect. As martial artists of the Red Gate, they even received a modest monthly stipend. The Righteous Sword Sect became their lifelong workplace.

After another five years as martial artists of the Red Gate, they could undertake a test to become martial artists of the White Gate. The martial artists of the White Gate were tasked with training the entry-level disciples of the Blue Gate and managing various affairs of the clan. These were the elite of the Righteous Sword Sect.

At present, the Righteous Sword Sect boasted seven martial artists of the White Gate, thirty martial artists of the Red Gate, and two hundred martial artists of the Blue Gate. Compared to the prosperous times of the past, the number of elite members had dwindled, while the amount of entry-level disciples had swelled. This shift was attributed to Hwa-Ryun, who had diligently bolstered their numbers while overseeing military affairs. A few years prior, the Blue Gate had fewer than a hundred martial artists.

Regardless, the reduction in the number of Blue Gate martial artists signified that the foundation of the Righteous Sword Sect was shaking.

“Those despicable bastards!”

Jeong Lee-Chu slammed the armrest of his chair. He wanted to challenge the head of Palm Heart Clan to a duel, but he lacked the confidence.

‘I have only mastered the Red Silk Sword Technique to the ninth star.’

He lamented inwardly. Jeong Lee-Chu had stagnated since achieving nine-star mastery in his forties. The chasm between the ninth star and the tenth star was more formidable than the cumulative progress from the first to the ninth star. He regretted not working harder when his father was still alive, but it was like crying over spilled milk.

“If we decline this request, their oppression will only intensify.”

“But I don’t want to force your sister into this.”

“Leave it to me, and you can just feign ignorance.”

“I can’t do that.”

Jeong Lee-Chu was deeply troubled.

“It’s not that difficult. It’s just about attending the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament with Young Master Jang. It’s not like we’re asking her to marry him. She can do that much for the family.”

“I’ve heard Young Master Jang’s reputation is unsavory.”

“Those are merely rumors.”

“But I still don’t like it.”

“It might be beneficial for Cha-Ryun. She is so engrossed in martial arts that she could miss her opportunity to marry. She needs to encounter other young masters within the martial world.”

Jeong Lee-Chu’s heart wavered slightly at those words. Hwa-Ryun spoke with a calm demeanor.

“Father, we have no choice. We can get our revenge when our sect gains strength.”

At that moment, Lim Mu-Yeol burst in. Lim Mu-Yeol was the most skilled among the martial artists of the White Gate and had been a loyal member of the Righteous Sword Sect for a long time. The three daughters affectionately called him Uncle Lim and treated him as family.

“Sect Leader, have you heard the latest news?”

“What is it?”

“Cha-Ryun has flat out refused Young Master Jang’s invitation to attend the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament together.”


Jeong Lee-Chu and Hwa-Ryun were taken aback. Hwa-Ryun asked urgently.

“Uncle Lim, where did you hear this?”

“Young Master Jang, who is now furious about it, is causing a scene at a brothel while intoxicated. A close acquaintance who works as a guard there informed me.”

Hwa-Ryun shook her head in disbelief.

“That can’t be true. It must be a false rumor.”

It was hard to fathom that Cha-Ryun would act so recklessly. Or rather, she refused to believe that was the case.

“I’ll go out and gather more information.”

“Please do.”

With a serious expression, Lim Mu-Yeol hurried out once more.

“If the rumor is true, this is a serious issue.”

Jeong Lee-Chu slammed the armrest of his chair again.

“Perhaps it’s for the best.”


“If they wish to fight, let them. Inform all the disciples. If they want to leave, they should do so now.”

“Father, this is not something to handle impulsively. We need to ascertain the truth of the rumor first.”

At that moment, a voice spoke from behind.

“There’s no need for that, because it’s true.”

Cha-Ryun strode into the room. Hwa-Ryun, overwhelmed with anger, shouted.

“Have you lost your mind?”


“Sorry won’t fix this!”

At that moment, Hwa-Ryun noticed Jeok Lee-Gun trailing behind Cha-Ryun. Jeok Lee-Gun was looking around the room like a country bumpkin seeing a painting for the first time.

“Who is this…?”

Hwa-Ryun inquired, and Cha-Ryun hesitated before responding.

“…He’s the one who will accompany me to the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament.”



Jeong Lee-Chu and Hwa-Ryun were astounded. Their eyes widened as they exchanged glances.


Jeong Lee-Chu soothed the enraged Hwa-Ryun and spoke with composure.

“Invite him in.”

Jeok Lee-Gun strode in with confidence and greeted them with a fist salute.

“I’m Jeok Lee-Gun.”

If only he could maintain that demeanor.

“I’m Jeong Lee-Chu, Cha-Ryun’s father. In the martial world, I am known as the Generous Hero of Wuhan.”

“Wow–your home is exquisitely decorated.”

Ah, of course.


Jeong Lee-Chu was taken aback. Typically, people would express it as an honor to meet him or mention his renowned reputation. Even if it was just a formality.

Hwa-Ryun shot a piercing look at Cha-Ryun as if to say, ‘Who is this guy?’

It’s no use. I don’t know either.

Jeok Lee-Gun swiftly moved to one side.

Then quickly ran to another side. Ah, he can’t stay still even at this moment.

“Wow! This is a piece from Zhejiang, isn’t it?”

Jeok Lee-Gun admired the sculpture, which was made by a famous craftsman from Zhejiang known for his woodworking. Few people recognized it, but Jeok Lee-Gun did at a glance, surprising Jeong Lee-Chu a little.

“That’s correct.”

“It looks like it was crafted by a highly skilled artisan. The balance is remarkable. Oh, and feel free to speak casually with me.”

“Alright, I will.”

“Wow! This is porcelain from Fujian, isn’t it? Truly a masterpiece. How much did you pay for it? One hundred and twenty nyang?”

“I paid one hundred and fifty nyang.”

“That’s unfortunate. If I had been there, I could have gotten it for one hundred and twenty nyang.”


“My knowledge is impressive, right? I’ve traveled a lot. This is my first time in Wuhan, though.”

Jeong Lee-Chu quietly asked Cha-Ryun.

“So, how did you come to know Young Master Jeok?”


As Cha-Ryun hesitated, Jeok Lee-Gun, who was admiring a painting on the wall, swiftly interjected.

“We encountered each other at an inn.”

“What? An inn?”

Jeong Lee-Chu was taken aback, and Cha-Ryun hurriedly explained.

“It’s not what you think… I was hungry and happened to go to an inn…”

Ah, this girl really has a knack for exhausting people. She could have just said they met by chance. Why mention an inn?

“Were you drinking alone?”


Jeong Lee-Chu experienced a whirlwind of emotions upon learning his daughter had gone to drink alone. He wondered how troubled she must have been to do that. On the other hand, Hwa-Ryun’s main concern wasn’t that she went to a tavern.

“Did you encounter Young Master Jang there?”


“And you refused his invitation to attend the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament?”

Cha-Ryun nodded, her face full of regret, with her teeth clenched.

“That man, he really has a loose tongue.”

Hwa-Ryun’s expression hardened completely. It was evident she was genuinely angry.

Cha-Ryun spoke to defend herself.

“I’ll participate. But I absolutely refuse to go with him.”

Hwa-Ryun remained silent. Even Jeong Lee-Chu looked troubled.

“If I win at the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament, the Palm Heart Clan won’t dare to look down on us, right?”

“That’s right.”

That was certain. The Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament was a festival of the martial world that all of the Central Plains paid attention to. If the Righteous Sword Sect produced the winner of the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament, young heroes from all over would flock to the Righteous Sword Sect. Growing the clan several times over wouldn’t be a problem.

“But how?”

Hwa-Ryun gazed at Jeok Lee-Gun, her eyes questioning if she truly believed they could win with him.

In fact, Hwa-Ryun didn’t think Cha-Ryun could win even if she went with Jang In-Gyeol. The candidates for victory at the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament were young dragons who could easily defeat mediocre masters.

“… ”

Cha-Ryun couldn’t answer.

Hwa-Ryun turned to Jeok Lee-Gun with a question.

“Young Master Jeok, to which sect do you belong?”

She anticipated that he might not be affiliated with a reputable sect. However, his response was even more shocking and absurd.

“I don’t belong to any sect… My parents sell fruit near Yumen Pass.”


Jeong Lee-Chu, Hwa-Ryun, and even Cha-Ryun were taken aback, staring at him in disbelief.

Jeok Lee-Gun squinted his eyes, glancing at the three of them in turn.

“What, do you have some kind of prejudice against fruit sellers?”

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