Absolute Dominion

Chapter 27

◈ Absolute Dominion

Chapter- 27

Cha-Ryun found herself surrounded.

The beings surrounding her had bodies and faces that were pitch black, with eyes that were completely white, like shadows.

They swung their long claws as they attacked like beasts. The shadows were clearly a mix of males and females, although there was no distinct way to tell them apart—it was just a feeling.

Each time their claws scratched her body, a numbing pain surged through her.

Her body felt as though it was being shredded apart, her blood seeping from countless wounds.

In the distance, far beyond the beasts, she saw a figure standing.

It was Jeok Lee-Gun.

‘Here, over here!’

Cha-Ryun called out to him desperately.

“What? What did you say?”

‘Why are you just standing there?! Come help me already!’

“I can’t hear you well. Try saying it again.”

‘Help me!’

“You need to get up for me to help you.”


At that moment, Cha-Ryun’s eyes snapped open.

The fragrant smell of medicine tickled her nose. Her entire body ached as though she had been beaten.

Damn it—such a horrific dream.

She had tossed and turned until dawn before finally falling asleep. The memory of the battle with Kwon Hyuk-Gi had plagued her, keeping her awake. The scene of Jeok Lee-Gun carrying her and singing suddenly came to mind.

Just thinking about it made her face flush.

Then, a voice from beside her broke the silence.

“So, what is it that you need help with?”


Cha-Ryun slowly turned toward the voice.

A bowl of medicine was being held out towards her.

“Drink it.”

Jeok Lee-Gun was smiling slyly as he handed her the bowl of medicine.

Cha-Ryun took it without thinking of anything else, only to be struck by yet another realization.

This is my room… and I’m in bed?

Her jaw dropped in shock.

“Don’t scream, or you’ll spill the medicine.”

Instinctively, Cha-Ryun yanked the blanket beside her, and wrapped it around herself.

She hurriedly looked down at her body. There was nothing wrong—or at least it seemed that way.

Jeok Lee-Gun added shamelessly.

“If you’re wondering how I got in, it’s simple. The door was open. From what I saw yesterday, your skills aren’t that great either. Make sure you lock the door next time.”


Cha-Ryun shouted angrily.

“First, drink this, then do whatever you want. You can decide whether to draw your sword later.”

“What is this?”

“Your body hurts like hell, doesn’t it?”


“It’s because you used muscles you don’t normally use while in a tense situation. If you don’t relax them by the next day, you’ll damage your muscles. For a martial artist, that’s a fatal mistake.”

Jeok Lee-Gun spoke with such seriousness, that he almost sounded like an actual doctor.

Cha-Ryun stared at him for a moment before gulping down the medicine he had given her. She expected it to be very bitter, but it tasted better than she expected.

But that was that, and—


As soon as she put down the bowl, Cha-Ryun slapped Jeok Lee-Gun hard across the face.

Jeok Lee-Gun, with a handprint on his cheek, looked pitiful.

“…It hurts.”

“I slapped you so it would hurt. You should remember it with your body. Coming into a woman’s room without permission and watching her sleep—that’s a bad thing.”

“I get it.”

Jeok Lee-Gun’s feigned pitiful expression made her feel sympathy for him. This guy could really become an actor if he wanted to.

“Get out now!”

Jeok Lee-Gun left, looking utterly dejected.

How long had he been here?

So, the sounds I heard in my dream… were they real?

Ugh, I can’t stand this.

As a woman, having someone watch you while you’re sleeping… is really unpleasant. Cha-Ryun shook her head, but at the same time, she felt strange for only getting this angry.

If it had been another man, she would have drawn her sword without question.

Could this be called… affection?

Cha-Ryun sat back down on the bed.


What happened last night felt like the fragments of a fleeting dream. She lowered her gaze to her right hand.


Even if Jeok Lee-Gun was the one who actually killed him, which still wasn’t entirely clear, she was still an accomplice in yesterday’s events. Kwon Hyuk-Gi deserved to die, but murder is still murder.

Is this how everyone’s first experience is in the martial world?

It was a strange feeling. A mix of calmness and excitement, of regret and satisfaction at having survived. These contradictory emotions made her heart race.

Splashing cold water on her face seemed to clear her mind.

Upon returning to her room, freshly bathed and more composed, she found Hyang Lee busily preparing her garments for the day.

“Good morning.”


“Oh, by the way, did you know that Young Master Jeok spent the entire night brewing medicine for you?”


Cha-Ryun was taken aback and turned to look at Hyang Lee.

“He even went to the doctor himself to purchase the ingredients. He said it was because he couldn’t sleep without doing so.”

Cha-Ryun stood there, dumbfounded.

“He didn’t leave your side even once until you woke up. He was very dedicated to helping you recover.”

“Is that really true?”

“Yes. I saw it with my own eyes, and so did the men in the courtyard.”

If I had known that… I wouldn’t have slapped him.

What an incomprehensible guy.

As she was about to put on her white martial arts attire, Jeok Lee-Gun’s words flashed through her mind.

—White martial arts attire is impractical. It looks terrible if blood splatters on it, and you’re easily spotted when you’re trying to hide. But… it does look beautiful.

Cha-Ryun hesitated, her hand pausing before the garment. Instead, she opened the wardrobe tucked away in the corner of the room.

“Miss, why are you looking there? Those are just your old clothes.”

From within the wardrobe, Cha-Ryun pulled out a dark blue martial arts uniform.

Hyang Lee’s puzzled expression made her smile.

“Sometimes, a little change is necessary, don’t you think?”

“Wow! That looks amazing!”

While Jeok Lee-Gun exclaimed in admiration, Cha-Ryun could still see the print on his cheek from when she slapped him that morning.

Please, don’t draw attention to yourself until that mark fades. Just standing next to you is making me feel embarrassed.

Jeok Lee-Gun was marveling at the women performing a dance on the stage. The women were moving elegantly, their steps in perfect harmony with the music played by the musicians.

He was so enthusiastic that people around them giggled while they glanced over.

Maybe I should start wearing a mask whenever I’m in public with him.

Without pausing for breakfast, Jeok Lee-Gun had dragged Cha-Ryun away, insisting there was somewhere they needed to be. They arrived at the Northern Sky Clan’s Wuhan branch, where a lively festival was underway.

A festival was being held to celebrate the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament that would take place the following day. The Wuhan branch had opened all its training grounds and even turned the outer grounds into a venue for the event.


Cheers erupted from a nearby crowd.

The Northern Sky Clan’s martial artists were performing a group martial dance. The spear techniques that they performed with precise movements drew cheers from the onlookers.

“Tomorrow is finally the day.”

Was it due to the atmosphere? Cha-Ryun’s heart began to pound with excitement.

This would be her first time competing in the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament, and the thought of what awaited her made her heart race with anticipation.

Off to one side, some of the top masters of the Four Great Conquerors were showcasing their skills.

Spectators let out exclamations of amazement as they saw swords slicing effortlessly through solid stone.

Peddlers were selling various goods while trying to avoid the eyes of patrolling martial artists, and young men flirted with the female martial artists. In one corner, a group of old martial artists sat together, chatting in the sun.

Despite it being morning, over a thousand martial artists had gathered. It was a lively and joyous festival.

In the midst of it all, Jeok Lee-Gun was busily searching for something.

“Ah! There it is.”

Jeok Lee-Gun quickly scurried off.

He headed straight to a place where food was being served. Dozens of tables were set up, inviting anyone who was hungry to sit down and eat.

The tables were laden with alcohol and a variety of hearty dishes. Behind them, chefs and housewives who had been invited specifically for the event bustled around to keep up with the demand.

Jeok Lee-Gun sat down and claimed a seat.

“Ugh, you came all the way here just to eat?”

Despite Cha-Ryun’s scolding, Jeok Lee-Gun remained unbothered.

“Festival food is always delicious.”

Cha-Ryun quickly snatched up a piece of meat that Jeok Lee-Gun was about to devour.

“Just eating meat is bad for you. Here, eat this.”

Cha-Ryun handed him a vegetable dish made from mountain herbs.

Jeok Lee-Gun pouted.

His expression was so adorable that Cha-Ryun had to stop herself from bursting out in laughter.

“But still, no more meat for you!”

“You’re so mean.”

Nevertheless, Jeok Lee-Gun reluctantly chewed on the vegetables.

Cha-Ryun stared at Jeok Lee-Gun intently.

“Hey, you.”


“What’s your true identity?”

“Why are you asking that all of a sudden?”

“Just tell me properly.”

Jeok Lee-Gun was anything but ordinary. Anyone with common sense could see that. Even during her battle with Kwon Hyuk-Gi yesterday, the advice Jeok Lee-Gun had given her was something only a true master could offer.

Jeok Lee-Gun’s expression became a little more serious.

“There’s nothing to tell.”


“Since meeting you, I’ve never hidden anything about myself. You probably just don’t believe me.”

Cha-Ryun was momentarily speechless. Could it be? Was he actually telling the truth?

Could Jeok Lee-Gun really be aiming to conquer the martial world, winning both the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament and the Heavenly Dragon Tournament?

But that doesn’t make any sense, does it?

Just then, Jeok Lee-Gun spotted someone in the distance among the crowd.

“Let’s go.”

Once again, Jeok Lee-Gun grabbed Cha-Ryun and pulled her along. By now, she was starting to get used to being dragged around without knowing where they were going.

I’m not supposed to be this easygoing!

“I want to introduce you to someone.”


“You’ll see when we get there.”

Jeok Lee-Gun led her to the opposite side of where the food was being served. There, an improvised pavilion made of tents had been set up.

In one corner of the pavilion, three people were seated.


Cha-Ryun gasped in surprise when she saw them.

It was the same three elders she had encountered on the road some time ago.

Among them were Yang Hwa-Young, the Supreme Demon Empress; Naeng Lee-Sang, the Thunder Sword; and Cheon Mu-Ak, the Sword Demon, all sitting together dressed as humble villagers.

They also seemed surprised to recognize Cha-Ryun as the one Jeok Lee-Gun had brought along.

“Oh-ho, so this is the friend you mentioned?”

“Oh? Have you guys already met?”

“Hehe, it seems we were fated to meet again.”

Yang Hwa-Young chuckled, but her small eyes gleamed with curiosity. She wasn’t surprised; rather, she was intrigued by the inevitable twists of fate that brought them together again.

As soon as she saw Yang Hwa-Young, Cha-Ryun bowed deeply out of respect.

The three elders watched her intently with unreadable expressions.

Once Cha-Ryun finished her bow, Yang Hwa-Young’s voice broke the silence.

“Why did you bow?”

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