Absolute Necromancer

Chapter 156

Absolute Necromancer Chapter 156

A long time ago-

A past that is close to the beginning, before time has even passed.

Long ago, before extradimensional buildings called towers were built.

At that time, the world was full of war.

-Tear off the wings of the damn pigeons!


-Let us show that our light does not succumb to evil!


A group of two transcendent beings united.

They always repeated the war of biting and cutting each other down.

However, no one could deny that the devil was always superior to the gods.

Right now-

-…Horrible guys. Eating a dead body.

-Why don’t you eat this good food? That’s why you guys are the ones left behind, you new heads!


This is because demons feasted on not only the corpses of their dead compatriots, but also the corpses of gods who died in war.

The gods were astonished at this sight, and the demons asked why they did not eat this good food.

But the gods did not eat the corpse.

And the results were terrible.

-…What power! Twice as much as last time…!

-Do you now understand how precious what you threw away is? You idiots. How can you throw something that is no different from an elixir or medicine on the ground? Just because it’s disgusting. That’s why you lose.

The demons that feasted showed a clear difference before and after they feasted.

Due to the demons becoming strong enough to easily overwhelm the gods who were on par last time, differences began to become more and more evident on the battlefield –

Right now-

First, a god who feasted on corpses appeared.

After that, everyone started feasting on the corpse.

If you don’t eat, death awaits you, so it was natural.

Of course, at first the gods feasted on corpses like demons, but they ‘reforged’ the corpses in their own way, turning them into pills and eating them.

Just as it is more effective to refine wild ginseng and make it into pills by adding something to it, rather than just eating it, the gods’ method was much better than just eating it.

Thanks to this, the gap with the devils gradually narrowed.



In a world where screaming never stops day after day, there was an opportunity for them to stop the war.

-…What are those?


Extraterrestrial beings who appeared in a world full of gods and demons.

They attacked gods and demons indiscriminately.

– These crazy things!


At first, gods and demons continued their war with each other, but also continued their fight against monsters.

But that didn’t last long either.

-…If we continue like this, we will be annihilated.

-…We have to make a truce.

The monsters were strong.

Of course, it was not as strong as the gods and demons, but it was strong enough to threaten them, and it was even more dangerous to face the monsters after the gods and demons fought each other.

That is why they put an end to the war that had started from the beginning.

Truce and alliance.

It was a contract between God and the devil to drive out monsters.

[God and the devil cannot kill each other.]

[God and the devil cooperate in driving out the ‘monster.’]

The most basic but definite limitation.

They cannot kill each other, and they do not spare cooperation in driving out monsters that appear from outside the dimension in which they were born.

That was their contract.

[The pinnacle of all evil says that the contract continues to this day.]

“…What, even though gods and demons joined forces, they still haven’t been able to drive them out?”

That contract continues to this day.

Jinhyuk couldn’t help but be surprised because he didn’t know what those words meant.

‘…Even before the tower was built. The fact that the contract has not been broken ever since the gods and demons fought in the distant past and the world was devastated…Are those monsters still roaming the world in perfect condition?’

God and the devil

Even though not one or two but dozens of transcendent beings joined forces, even after tens of centuries had passed, they were still unable to form alliances and attack each other.

This means that the power of monsters has not decreased, which is proof that the monsters are that strong.

“But what does that have to do with the other half that was taken away from you?”

But apart from that, what I wanted to hear from Baal was not about the monsters that the gods and demons were still working hard to stop, but about the half that had fallen from Baal.

[He grumbles and tells me to wait a little bit because he is talking about the pinnacle of all evil.]

[It is said that the pinnacle of all evil is that even the stories he tells now are precious stories that cannot be heard anywhere else.]

Well, that’s right.

It was a story from the past that had little to do with what he was asking, but it was definitely an interesting story.

‘Even in my past life, I’ve never heard of a story about monsters struggling with even gods and demons.’

In the first place, everyone who climbs the tower thinks that gods and devils have no enemies except each other.

So, it would have been unthinkable that there could be a being who made the transcendent beings such as God and the devil form an alliance and created the current situation.

However, Jinhyuk focused on the next story.

[The pinnacle of all evil says that from now on, this is his story.]

[The pinnacle of all evil shakes his shoulders at the thought of talking about the past.]

[A nine-tailed fox puts pressure on someone’s shoulders.]

[The pinnacle of all evil opens its mouth with a sullen expression.]

…There was a brief commotion, but Jinhyuk was once again drawn into the story of the past.

* * *

[The pinnacle of all evil asks who he is.]

It started with Baal’s question.

The question of who you are.

Jinhyuk answered as if it were obvious.

“Who is Baal?”


The only being who can be given the monstrous title of the pinnacle of all evil.

But Baal responded with a sneer, as if that answer was wrong.

[The pinnacle of all evil sneers, asking if he would have been named ‘Baal’ from birth.]

“…What is that?”

Jinhyeok frowned at Baal’s answer as if he was laughing at him, as if to express that he was in a bad mood.

However, Baal continued talking, giggling as if he was happy about even that.

[I was a little devil who wasn’t even given a name.]


Jinhyuk was startled by the sudden change in the text in the message window.

Baal’s message, which had never been spoken directly until now, finally became like a normal conversation.

There are three main ways that God and the Devil communicate with climbers.

The first is to express oneself as ‘God 1’ or ‘Devil 1’ without even revealing one’s existence, or to modify oneself as ‘unnamed —’ etc.

This was the method favored by gods and demons because it allowed them to communicate with climbers with the least amount of effort.

The second is to reveal and communicate with one’s nickname, which has been used by Baal, the Nine-Tailed Fox, and the Nine-Tailed Fox.

From here, unlike before, the power consumed increases exponentially.

This means that letting the target know who you are is quite meaningful.

And the long-awaited third and final one.

‘…Direct conversation would consume a lot of energy.’

It was a direct conversation.

Although it could not be revealed, it was literally speaking as if it were a direct conversation, with a voice that was no longer text.

Although the message was the same as before my eyes, in the end it could be seen as similar to talking on the phone with Baal.

Naturally, it couldn’t even be compared to the first and second times, and Jinhyeok had never once directly received a conversation from God or the devil.

But right now, Baal has directly requested a conversation with Jinhyeok.

‘…Does this mean that the conversation from now on is that important?’

Jinhyeok swallowed dry saliva and concentrated, thinking that what Baal was going to say was important enough to choose to have a conversation directly for the first time in his life.

[But I had the power to eat better than others.]

Baal’s voice, profound yet heavy, struck Jinhyeok’s ears.

Just listening to it makes you feel a sense of pressure and even gives the illusion of a weight on your shoulders.

Baal continued speaking.

[Through that power, it started devouring the weakest demons one by one.]

[It was a fun time.]

[What I liked most was the feeling of fullness I felt every time I ate, the joy of learning the abilities and skills of those I ate, and most importantly, the fact that I was getting stronger.]

The words were abrupt, but even Jinhyuk couldn’t help but smile at the joy of reminiscing about the past.

It feels like an old fairy tale told by a grandfather.

The fun continued after that.

[I became stronger.]

[Devil 1, whose name is unknown, gradually became stronger.]

[It was the same even after the alliance between God and the Devil.]

[Demons have always longed for battle, and it was a natural world for the stronger to prey on the weak and become stronger.]

As time passed, his voice gained more power and seemed to show his transformation from the weak Devil 1 of the past to the current Baal.

And when it reached its peak.

[I challenged the ‘Baal’ of that time. Was it the thirty-first time? …It would have been the thirty-second Baal.]

“…Baal is not one?”

Jinhyuk could not contain his surprise.

This is due to the fact that there were not just one Baal, but a whopping thirty-one or thirty-two.

However, Baal continued speaking as if he did not care.

[The guy right below me, the guy below him, and even Bune, who had bumped into you once, wasn’t there at the time.]

[In order to challenge Baal, I ate up all the people under him, so they took up the vacant positions and have maintained them until now.]

An extremely arrogant statement.

Baal says that all the demons that exist below him, from 2nd to 72nd, are the ones who have earned their positions thanks to him.

However, although it was arrogant, Baal was speaking with such sincerity that it seemed natural.


What happens next?

Whether it was the 31st or 32nd battle with Baal.

When Jinhyeok asked about that, Baal answered in a laughing voice.

[I am now Baal, ‘the pinnacle of all evil.’ Isn’t that enough of an answer?]

“…That is correct.”

Baal was now answering with his own existence.

For the thirty-first or thirty-second time, the past Baal was defeated by the present Baal.

[And I ate him. The one who ate the previous ‘Baals’.]

[From then on, I lived a half-crazy life.]


Jinhyuk had doubts when he heard that he lived a crazy life even though he was ranked number one.

The reason was soon revealed.

[Because the power and memories of a powerful being over 30 have ruined me.]

[Sentai Baal couldn’t do a perfect ‘predation’ like me, so he just took power. He couldn’t even get that right.]

[However, I was different. I was able to absorb all power and memories.]

[Thanks to this, I became something that no one could touch, but as a result, I became no different from a madman.]

[So, with the help of ‘someone’, I gathered their memories and powers and separated them from me.]

“…That’s your other half.”

Baal, who suffered from power and memory, chose separation.

A choice I made because I had enough strength and enough memories of battle.

[I regret that decision.]

[I would have had to live forever with the residue that I couldn’t dissolve, or die with it in my arms.]

A voice full of dullness.

Jinhyuk could not say anything because his voice seemed to be choked.

[It ran away as soon as it separated from me.]

[Someone definitely helped him, but I still haven’t figured out who.]

[This was the moment when my plan to erase him went awry from the start.]

[The one who ran away from me took my memories and power and built a force for himself.]

[And he began to persecute humans along with those who shared the same thoughts as him.]

[I roughly know the reason, but…That’s a story I can’t tell you now.]

“…Are you saying that guy is targeting me?”

A being comparable to Baal, whose anger toward humans is unknown.

Jinhyuk had to feel chills at the thought that he was targeting him.

[Yes, but keep in mind that he is no different from us.]

[It is almost impossible for him to interfere directly with the tower. So just be careful of his followers and their believers.]

However, Jinhyeok comforted Baal and said it was okay.

Just a warning to be careful.

“So what’s his name?”

He also knew who was targeting him.

I also knew that the object was a being with tremendous power.

I also knew that he had huge alliances and organizations that not only persecuted himself, but also persecuted other humans.

That’s why Jinhyuk asked the guy’s name.

[Beelzebub. It is a collection of over 30 ‘Baals’ who have fallen away from me.]

Baal told the name openly.

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