Absolute Necromancer

Chapter 184

Absolute Necromancer Chapter 184 – English Novel


The pain of having your nose bent and your face crushed.

Hetz let out a groan in pain.

However, even as his face was crushed, Hetz’s eyes were looking at Choi Kyung-hoon.

“If you don’t have a salary…I will split your head open, eat the brain inside it, and absorb your memories.”

Madness about non-payment.

That’s what kept Hetz’s spirit alive.

Choi Kyung-hoon stuck his tongue out at the sight of Hetz aiming to improve the skills he had learned even in the face of excruciating pain.

“Wow, that’s why there are more people with more money. “Isn’t it funny that you guys are trying to learn ‘martial arts’ that were created to fight against guys like you?”

“Shut up…! As long as it’s to become stronger, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a technique created to kill me or anything else. “After killing you, I become stronger!”

An angry voice.

Of course, it was not Choi Kyung-hoon who could not notice the joy contained within.

That’s why Choi Kyung-hoon sighed, clenched his fists, felt his toes tense, and kicked out of his seat.

“Let’s finish this, I’m so tired.”

A searing pain felt in the area attacked by Hetz.

Choi Kyung-hoon found it absurd that the place he had worked so hard to heal was injured again, and that both wounds were caused by the Four Emperors, but he still had to finish what needed to be done.


Choi Gyeong-hoon’s new brother moved in an unconventional manner to slit his head.

* * *


Dozens of fists occupying the space in front of you.

Hetz’s complexion turned pale when he saw that.

‘He still had this kind of power left? He is indeed a climber who deserves the nickname ‘Mushin.’

It was not an attack that combined Baekbo theocracy and regime control just before.

However, what was important was that the fists that rained down like a shower at very close range were not ordinary fists.

‘This is a no-go, that is a no-go. Even stepping lightly is martial arts. I even think that if there was a person who was made of martial arts, wouldn’t he be something like that?’

muscle movement.

Fist movement.

Everything you breathe, every step you take.

Everything about Choi Gyeong-hoon was like martial arts, to the extent that it was difficult to find something that wasn’t martial arts.

‘…Can I swallow that?’

It was natural for Hetz to think this way.

If he were to devour a being made of martial arts, even down to his breathing, and try to use martial arts based on those memories, would he be able to do it?

‘…Nonsense – no matter how strong one is, he is only human. There is no way that I, a demon and one of the noble Four Emperors, cannot digest it. Even if it is a honed martial arts skill, it is nothing more than a weapon created by humans to defeat us. There is no way that I, a demon, can’t wield the weapons that humans wield.’

Hetz denied it.

He denied the truth that it was impossible for him to incorporate martial arts techniques into all his movements like Choi Kyung-hoon did.

That’s why Hetz smiled.

“I am becoming stronger – Choi Kyung-hoon!”

Because he was confident that this battle would lead to his victory and that he could quench his thirst with the sweet fruits of that victory-

Of course, no one knew that Hetzmann thought so.

* * *

Quad deuk-

Choi Kyung-hoon’s foot, which blocked Hetz’s fist, was pushed away, creating a furrow.

‘It’s worth stopping. As expected, my strength and magical energy are slowly fading away.’

The tingling sensation was still there, but as much of the destructive power and demonic energy contained within it disappeared, Kyung-Hoon Choi was able to block Hetz’s attack more easily than at first.

It was natural, as the shock and demonic energy penetrating inside were more bothersome than the pain.

‘We can be a little more aggressive.’

Choi Gyeong-hoon has always shown himself to be crazy about battle, even his brain is made up of muscles, but when it comes to fighting, he has shown the ability to be called a specialist.

Even now, you can tell how competent he is just by immediately understanding Hetz’s current status and immediately deciding how he should continue the battle.

But Hetz was also Hetz.

A member of the demon race, one of the four races of the Four Emperors, and a being who has reached the fourth stage of ‘Qliphoth’, A’arab zaraq.

He was no pushover.

Wood clatter!

He suppresses the pain of his body being destroyed with demonic energy, and uses that pain as fuel to push Choi Kyeong-hoon.


As the sharply forged magic blade repeatedly struck the fighting armor worn by Choi Kyeong-hoon, the main body, Hetz, stretched out his fists and swung his legs like crazy.

Attacks that break rocks and split forests come pouring out in the span of a single breath.

An ordinary person would be turned into a blood clot without even being able to properly block these attacks.

However, HETS’ opponent was Choi Kyung-hoon.

Among climbers, he is almost the only one with the nickname ‘Mushin’.

“Become strong.”


A sound like a knock on a steel wall.

Although the fist that hit Choi Kyung-hoon was numb, Hetz did not stop attacking.

“die! die! “Die!”

Arms and legs stretching out like crazy.

Even in the face of the power of destruction contained in limbs that seemed to contain no strength or skill, Choi Kyung-hoon could only calmly recite the name of the skill.

“Strengthened version, Geumgangbulgoe (金剛不壞).”



A strange sight where the person who hit is injured.

However, anyone who knows what Geumgangbulgoe (金剛不壞), which can be seen as the martial art and state practiced by Choi Gyeong-hoon, is nodding that it is a natural thing.

‘A diamond never breaks.’

And the supreme state of saying that such diamonds are like one’s own body.

It was obvious that no matter how well-trained the body, the strength of the demons, and the added magical energy were, it would not be enough to pierce the adamantine bullion.

Unless a demon much stronger than Hetz comes.

A being that can destroy the unbreakable.

At least that wasn’t a person who existed on the 100th floor.

The same goes for the 300th floor where Hetz stepped in.


The sight of Hetz, suffering from pain and pouring out black blood over his broken body, was even pitiful.

Hetz was envious of a level he could not reach and wanted a martial arts skill that he could not master.

In the end, he neither reached an unreachable level nor achieved martial arts.

“…Oh evil. “Am I wrong?”

After saying those words, Hetz collapsed on his seat.

Hetz’s appearance, with his head down and black blood flowing out, resembled that of a loser.

Defeat and death that I never expected until I came here.

Hetz laughed at that.

“hot…Hahaha! Okay, I lost. Choi Kyeong-hoon! It is clear that you are worthy of being a martial god. “I, HETS, will recognize you!”

“…What are you saying? I didn’t want or want your approval. Hehe!”

Choi Gyeong-hoon, who spat bloody spit on the floor, slowly approached Hetz with his fists clenched.


To end all these battles-

‘It’s a bit ambiguous, but I think I’ll have enough strength left to help Cha Jin-hyuk.’

A power that has been pushed to its extreme limits.

No matter how much he was Choi Kyeong-hoon, he could not preserve much power even after fighting a life-threatening battle with demons, especially those who were carefully selected elites.

Therefore, Choi Kyung-hoon raised his fist to finish off Hetz, thinking that he was too strong to help Jin-hyuk.

“Good and evil in the top of the tree! Mai in charge of the lower part! Hetz, the feeble demon that forms the lower part of the tree, begs you to come here now with his body!”

“…This bastard is trying to commit suicide-”

Even if we leave aside all the rhetoric he heard earlier, the word ‘advent’ that marked the end made Choi Kyung-hoon instantly gather all his strength.

‘The fastest attack. ‘What was the fastest attack?’

My hair is turning completely white.

It feels like my brain, which provided the best attack route at any moment, has stopped working.

In response, Choi Kyung-hoon gritted his teeth and roughly used any technique.

“Cheolsango (鐵山靠)!”

An enhanced version of Push, Cheolsango.

A technique where you take the opponent with your shoulder.

As the name suggests, leaning against a mountain and pushing it away was a simple but effective technique.


“Tsk…Tsk tsk tsk…It’s late…all!”


Hetz, who was letting out a deep laugh, burst out from his body and the enormous magical energy became a wall, blocking Choi Kyeong-hoon’s Cheolsango.

Choi Gyeong-hoon sighed and cursed at the fact that Magi, who had not even descended properly but was merely a remnant of Advent, completely blocked his attack.

“…X, that’s it.”

* * *

A blood-red palace covered in thick magical energy.

It was a space that would have been astounding to demons if they had seen it, but when they saw the scenery, the interior was so miserable that even demons crazy about demons would stick out their tongues and stick out their butts.

“Hmm, how long has it been since we last contacted you? “I was bored these days because the kids didn’t sing to me.”

A woman with an alluring face smiled as she sat on top of the mummified corpses on the floor.

She smiled as she saw the ‘Kanglim’ call message sent to her and tapped on the message window.

“Let’s see~ The opponent is…Oh my, is that my taste?”

A handsome man with strong muscles and thick lines.

She burst out laughing over the corpses and eventually stood up.

“I will accept it. “I need to eat something fresh instead of something that hasn’t been offered for a long time.”


At the same time, black magic energy swirled in the blood-red palace, creating a door leading to the tower.

It was inevitable because the space where she, who reigned like a queen over the corpses, was located was far from the tower.

A huge amount of magical energy was consumed, and even when she went down, she was unable to fully use her original power, but it didn’t really matter to her.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been hugged by strong muscles and sucked out energy~ I don’t like the idea of ​​a male body, but that’s okay, I can change it~”

A woman who doesn’t even consider who calls her and doesn’t hesitate to say that she will even change her gender.

Eventually, she opened the door created by a mixture of her magic energy and the other person’s call, and took long strides inside.


When the door made of demonic energy closes with a heavy sound and the blood-red palace is immersed in silence.

“de…You’re finally gone! Damn it, how do I get away from here?”

One human who survived the garden of corpses muttered as he got up from the corpses with a distorted face.

“Escape from Asmodeus’ palace…I have to find it.”


Taking advantage of the absence of the demon of lust and pleasure, he began to wander through the blood-red palace, trembling.

Of course, I didn’t get far before I was caught by a security demon and turned into a meal.

An entity that drives people crazy just by its presence, and if caught, has their vitality sucked out, turning them into mummies and causing them to die.

Asmodeus, this happened while she was moving through the magic passageway to where Hetz, who had called her, was.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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