Absolute Regression

Chapter 1

Episode 1: Please send it to the past.

The ghost was staring at the late-night visitor in silence.

As the owner of the ghost gate, he has been through Dosangeomrim (刀山劍林) and has experienced intruders several times.

They were of various types. There were people with great spirit, people who were meticulous, people who were good at fighting, people who were good at cunning. Sometimes, there were people who had good spirit and precision, but also fought well and were good at cunning. Of course, not even he could leave this manor alive.

However, the man in front of me was different from the previous intruders.

As I looked at those tired eyes that had tasted all the spicy and bitter tastes of life, there was only one thought that came to mind.

‘Damn, is today my memorial day?’

The ghost asked calmly, trying to hide his anxiety.

“Are we spherical?”


The man’s voice was soft but really pleasant to hear.

“Then what brought you here this night?”

Please don’t say, ‘It’s a good day to die, you ghost’, in that good voice!

“I came because I had a favor to ask.”

A ghost who had been pushed all the way to the gates of hell asked, feeling relieved.

“Tell me.”

Then, a request more surprising than anything I had ever heard in my life came out of the man’s mouth.

“Send me to the past.”

There was silence for a moment.

The ghost who was staring at the other person with subtle eyes asked softly.

“How can humans defy time?”

“I don’t know. “You, the only one in this world who can practice the Great Law of Return, should tell me.”

The ghost did not deny that fact.

“How did I know I could open it?”

The Great Method of Return was a secret secretly passed down only to one’s own family.

“Seo Jin (徐眞).”

The ghost was overcome with passion at the missed name.

“How do you know my brother?”

“We were colleagues during our Ronin days.”

“Where are you now?”

“He’s dead.”

“iced coffee!”

The ghost let out a deep sigh. The Great Method of Return had been studied and passed down in his family for hundreds of years. Since it was incomplete even in his father’s generation, he and his younger sister worked hard to help their father complete the Great Method of Return from a young age.

And ten years ago, my younger brother ran away from the family at night, saying he couldn’t take it any longer. The ghost understood his younger brother. In the name of her family’s cause, she devoted her entire twenties to research.

“How did Jin die?”

“I took revenge, so you don’t have to worry about it. I asked you to tell me this before she dies. He says he lives a life without purpose. I hope your brother does the same. “I ask you not to live a life of only studying Dafa, but to live your own life.”

The ghost fell into deep remorse.

The man waited until he got his emotions together and then asked the most important question of the day.

“Have you completed Dafa?”

The ghost nodded slowly.

“I see. “I finally completed Dafa in my university.”

For a moment, joy flashed across the man’s face. As he made a bright expression, I could see that he was a very likable and handsome man.

“When can I go back?”

“I can’t decide that. You can go back ten years or thirty years ago. “You can go back to when you were a baby, or if you’re unlucky, you can go back to yesterday.”

“I’m lucky, so I won’t worry.”

“You think you can go back right now.”

Bitterness flashed across the ghost’s face.

“Dafa is impossible. “If it were possible, I would have already gone back.”

“Didn’t you say that you have completed the Great Law?”

“I couldn’t find all the ingredients needed for Dafa.”

“I will get the ingredients.”

“I said it’s impossible.”

“Tell me.”

“Out of the ninety-nine ingredients needed for Dafa, there are five that could not be obtained. You can never get the first one. Have you ever heard of a sound bell?”

“A new item from Pungcheongyo (風天敎)?”

“That’s right. “That’s it.”

Pungcheongyo was the successor to Hyeolgyo and was the most powerful place in the world.

“To implement the method of regression, the sound waves emitted when the sound bell rings are needed. However, that sound bell is a treasure of Pungcheon Bridge and is placed behind the leader’s throne. “Does this mean we can still be saved?”

The ghost couldn’t even ask to borrow the sound bell. If that were to happen, the family would be exterminated by the foul-tempered Pungcheon cult leader.

“I will save you.”

With a firm answer, the man turned around and left without any time to stop him.

“Are you crazy?”

The ghost at the time thought so. I regret not being able to ask more about my younger brother.

It was several years later that the man returned.

One night when he was suffering from insomnia and couldn’t sleep, he disappeared like a midsummer night’s dream and reappeared before the ghost.

He was carrying a large sound bell on his back. The demons carved on the bell looked even more hideous, as if they were angry that they had come all the way from Saewai to here.

“Would you like to try it?”

The ghost opened his eyes wide and looked at the sound bell again and again.

“Unbelievable! OMG! Unbelievable!”

It was hard to believe, but this was a genuine Yulrei bell with the blood energy of the blood religion flowing gently.

“This is crazy! “How on earth did you get this?”

“I am a person who can do anything. What is the next ingredient?”

The man’s simple yet confident eyes showed that his boast just now was not a bluff.

‘You’re not an ordinary person.’

But soon the ghost sighed.

“Even though you were lucky enough to bring back the sacred item of Pungcheongyo, you will not be able to obtain the next ingredient.”

“What is it?”

“It’s the Shino Incense Burner, a sacred object of the Shinryong family. Dafa requires the incense that blooms from the Sinnoh incense burner.”

Shinryongga (New Dragon House).

It was the symbol of a new political faction that emerged after the Murim League Bongmun (封門) and the most powerful family. A force known to be stronger than Pungcheongyo.

“I understand. “I will listen to the third ingredient after I bring the incense burner.”

“You mean just leave the sound bell to me? “What if I run away with this?”

“I will inform Pungcheon Bridge. “You jumped out with the bell.”

After saying that he would give it a try, the man quickly left.

And time passed again.

―Will we really be able to save it this year?

A doubt that arises every year. One fall, when that doubt had been repeated five or six times, the man returned with a Sinnoh incense burner.

“You really brought it!”

Even when the ghost saw the Sinnoh Incense Burner in person, he could not believe it.

“How on earth could you get it?”

“If I were to write every word of it as a book, it would take five or six volumes.”

“Tell me. I would read at least ten books. curious!”

“I don’t have time for that.”

What on earth makes this man change the impossible into the possible? With this ability, you will be able to live well in this life. But what if you still try to go back like this?

“Is the reason you want to go back for revenge?”


“With your skills, revenge would be possible in this life, right?”

“It’s impossible.”

“Who on earth is your enemy?”

A person’s name flowed from the man’s mouth.

“Fire weapons.”


The name that made a sigh come out of the mouth of a ghost.

Hwamugi (華武技).

He has two nicknames. The first is Sambong. A nickname suitable only for a knowledgeable old scholar who is well versed in studies or arts. However, his three peaks are not bud peaks (峰). It’s not even a great bong (奉). The bong of the flower weapon is the bong (封) to be sealed.

The leaders of the three strongest forces that supported the Jeongdo Murim Alliance, Bongmun

Apostolic League, and Bongmun

Heavenly Demon God Religion all died by his hands.

The Murim lord died, the Sado lord died, and the Cheonma died. Their families and all the military leaders who did not surrender were killed.

So his second nickname is Gogeumjeil (古今第一).

The best fire weapon of all time.

The absolute ruler of this era.

After Hwamugi visited three places, he declared his house to be the best in the world, and thousands of masters who believed in him gathered to him. People called him Immortal Martial God because he achieved unification of martial arts.

“oh my god! “It’s an opponent you can’t beat even if you return!”

“I will definitely kill him.”

“How on earth? “He is the greatest martial arts genius ever since the founding of Martial Arts.”

“I grew up hearing about you being a genius.”

“He is a heavenly warrior sent down from heaven!”

“I am also a genius.”

“what? “Who are you?”

“The Heavenly Demon who was killed by that bastard is my father.”


The ghost was greatly shocked by the man’s words. I never dreamed that he was the son of the dead Heavenly Demon.

Now I understand what he has done before. I knew he wasn’t an ordinary person, but I never thought he would be of this status.

“How did you survive?”

Then the man untied the hem of his clothes. The wound left on the chest was so fatal that the ghost shouted, ‘Oh my god, aren’t you a ghost?’

“When I opened my eyes, I was in a pile of sheets. “I crawled out of there right before I was buried alive.”

“It was like that.”

“The reason I can’t forgive Hwamugi is not because he tried to kill me. Not by killing my father, nor by killing my treacherous brother. “If you live a life with a demon, what’s the big deal about being killed by someone?”


“That day, Hwamugi killed all the wives, masters, and children who did not know martial arts. They even killed all the dogs and cats they had. “It wiped out all life in sight.”

“lie! “I can’t believe it.”

“It’s none of my business whether you believe it or not.”

The ghost could feel that the man’s words were true. Because the man I’ve seen so far wasn’t the kind of person who would lie about something like this.

“It doesn’t matter anymore what kind of person he is. In reality, it may be a great association with really great meaning. Some people might get applause for putting the devil’s cult to its roots. But to me, Hwamugi is just an enemy who killed my family and a cold-blooded han who doesn’t even have an ounce of mercy. No matter how much I think or calculate it, I can’t kill him in this day and age, so I have to go back and kill him. I should ask before I kill him. “I wonder if you, who are so strong, had to kill all your children like that.”

The ghost looked at the man with a mesmerized face. I never dreamed that a man could have a story like this.

The man put his hand on his chest.

“My guard died that day when a hole was made while trying to protect me. A friend who has never made a proper friend, let alone got married. For protecting me day and night. So, don’t waste any more of my precious time and tell me. “What is the third ingredient?”

“You really are…”

“You are a busy person. So next ingredient!”

The ghost let out the deepest sigh since meeting the man.

“No matter how much you do, you won’t be able to save me this time.”

“What is it?”

“It’s the inner altar of 10,000 years of fire. The last time it was recorded that the Permanent Flower was discovered 300 years ago. “Maybe it doesn’t exist in this world.”

“This is really fucking Dafa. “Are you going to just cut me down right here?”

“Please be patient.”

“I have to endure it. How did I get here? Please wait. “It might take quite some time this time.”

“Look! Do you know that if you point out a fishing rod, a long-livers will just come up?”

“After all, even a perennial squirrel is a carp, right? It must be underwater somewhere in this world. Please wait. “I will definitely get it for you.”

Watching him walk towards the impossible, the ghost thought that the story about his younger brother or his name, which he still did not know, were not that important.

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