Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 143: Escape (3)


-Puahahaha. Look at your grandfather’s face. He dropped his chin.

Short Sword was enjoying this scenario.

I knew he would be surprised but maybe not this much. He seemed unable to close that mouth and spoke in shock.

“Grand daughter-in-law? W-what do you mean?”

At his question, I sighed.

“Miss Sima. We are still not at that stage right?’

“Uh? We aren’t?”

Sima Young’s eyes widened.

“We haven’t even had a proper meeting and you are speaking about something that is way further.”

“You asked my father for permission. You were so cool back then.”


She was going too far.

I liked her, but this wasn’t an arranged marriage and she was moving too fast.

“I asked permission to continue being with you… And I haven’t asked for your hand yet, right?”

At my words, she bit her lip. One should prohibit women from making such faces.

Seeing her do that made me weak. It was then, my grandfather said.

“Permission? Yah, could it be that you asked Wicked Moon Sword for the hand of his daughter?”


I avoided looking at him while he kept trying to look me in the eye, wanting to know why I did such a thing.

Right! Who would think of meeting the daughter of one of the Four Great Evil unless they weren’t in the right mind?

“Then you falling here?”

“He is testing me.”

“No. Did he just drop my grandson here because you asked permission to see her?”

Grandfather was enraged.

It was natural for him to be angry. His only grandson was dropped into one of the Bans, so who wouldn’t be? But I said, “Grandfather. This is something I brought onto myself.”


“Miss Sima’s father gave me a chance.”

“Do you think this even makes sense! You could have died in here you brat.”


Suddenly, Sima Young knelt down at my angry grandfather.


I couldn’t understand what this was, but she hit her forehead to the ground.

“I apologize for my rude actions. Your grandfather is right. It is true that this time my father’s actions were a bit too much. But it was only because of his love for me. So, do punish me.”




She looked at my grandfather with her round eyes. It had to work.


And he sighed. It was hard for anyone to get angry when they would look at Sima Young on her knees, apologizing.

-Couldn’t it simply be because she is the daughter of Sima Chak?


Looking at my grandfather’s character, he wasn’t the kind to be afraid of someone.

It just seemed like he couldn’t curse her father in front of her and also to help her. Then, I added.

“I was going to tell you. Her father agreed to let us be if I can survive here for a month.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“I entered because he promised to take me out after one month.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“I wasn’t imprisoned here, so do not worry.”

At that I narrowed my eyes at Sima Young and she figured it out.

“How can we leave Young lord’s grandfather in here? I will tell my father and ask him to bring him out.”

“Me out?”

His face darkened. He had been someone who was imprisoned here for 20 years. Hearing that he would get to leave should be a nice feeling.

“If not, grandfather…”

Before she could finish it, I said.

“Miss, there is a problem here. I think you all need to leave without worrying about the deadline.”


“Some parts of the caves have collapsed and the inside is flooding.”


“The water is filling up from inside, and looking at the force, the caves will be flooded in two days.”

Grandfather nodded at this. His eyes were full of life as he had a chance to leave. Sima Young added to this.

“Really? Then it cannot be helped. It doesn’t make sense for me to stay here when such an accident has happened here.’

Her lips were twitching.

-She likes it way too much.

The reason behind it seemed like she had found a just cause to take us with her before one month’s time was up. With that, Mi Yeom arrived dragging the one armed man on his back and more.

“Wolno! Young lord So!”

“They are?”

“The ones who took care of my grandfather.”

I wasn’t sure if this would work but I wanted to take advantage of this situation and get out. Not to mention, they were all too shocked at the beauty of Sima Young.

Come to think of it, there were no women in the cave so it was natural for them to be excited at the sight of one.

But it ended up with my grandfather’s warning.

“She is the daughter of Wicked Moon Sword. Do not think shit.”

“W-wicked Moon Sword?”

Learning her identity, those who were happy were immediately shocked. And I asked her.

“Did your father come down?”

“No. I came in alone.”

She came in alone? How was that even possible?

Continuing, she said.

“To see Young Lord, I got as many ropes as I could and tied them up. Follow me.”

We followed her through the cave. On the way, I was curious as I asked.

“You said you came down alone, did your father allow this?”

“No. I came down without telling him.”



There was no way that man would allow her to come down alone.

“What if you got caught?”

“But I wanted to see you. And even if I get caught all I could get is some scolding.”

Sima Young twisted her body as if she was feeling shy. I always felt it but she was really honest about her feelings and in response my grandfather coughed.


It felt like she was too honest for him too. Perhaps being conscious of this, she turned and smiled at grandfather.

“Your grandson is so nice, that is why I like grandfather too.”


It felt like her blunt words were shocking for my grandfather.


Soon he shook his head. And Sima Young came up to our side and said while clinging.

“Grandfather, isn’t it uncomfortable with your eyebrows being long enough to cover your sight? Shall I cut them? I used to help my father shave too.”

“Huh! How can this woman be this grown up and frivolous?”

“Eh? But why is your face red?”

“W-why would this old man have a red face?”

“Didn’t you feel good when I said I would shave it off?”

“I didn’t.”

-He is liking her too much.

Short Sword clicked her tongue.

I too felt a bit shocked at how she was acting. Judging from the voice of grandfather and his facial expressions, he seemed displeased at first, but he didn’t seem to think so badly of Sima Young.

At that, Iron Sword said.

-Wonhwi. My previous owner used to mention that one can tell if the spouse is good by the way they treat their adults.

-Yah! I think I know.


-Right, this is why your previous owner didn’t get married? He knew way too many things that he looked for too many things, so no marriage right? He is the type that women hate the most.


Iron Sword avoided replying to Short Sword’s teasing.

Blood Demon Sword clicked his tongue and suddenly I felt curious.

So I spoke to only to Sima Young.


Hearing that she looked at me in surprise.

[Young lord, I was hoping so, but have you really recovered internal energy?]

[Yes, I was lucky.]

[How did you do it?]

[There was a situation. I will explain it later, but didn’t someone come out of the place four days back?]

Her eyes widened at my question.

[How did you know that?]

[And were that person’s eyes golden?]

[Yes. Suddenly he jumped out of the valley and my father tried to catch him.]

[He tried to catch him?]

Did Sima Chak and the man with the golden eye collide?

And it didn’t last long but I knew that the golden eye man was too strong. It was to the extent that those heavy iron balls failed to deal with him.

[Is your father fine?]

At my words she smiled

[My father is different, he is strong. But more than that, the man with the golden eyes was strange. His arm was cut off by competing with my father but it grew back.]

So they saw that ridiculous healing. What was more surprising was Sima Chak! He was alright even after going against that man.

The fact that he managed to cut down the arm of the opponent itself was too much.

[You must not believe it, but it is true. Just in an instant….]

[I met him.]

[You met him?]

[Yes. The one who was imprisoned here. And he had a strong healing ability. Did your father catch him?]

With the advantage of the footwork, he should be able to do it.

[Nope. His arm was cut off but then he suddenly ran away.]

[Did he follow him?]

[Yes. He said he would catch him and went after him but he was pushed back. Within a second he moved swiftly. It was to the point that my father couldn’t catch him.]

He was about to catch him.

This was what it meant when she said he tried to chase after. She should be worried about her father but here she was, for me.

As if reading my thoughts, Sima Young continued.

[My father is strong, but Young Lord fell with your internal qi sealed. I was worried that something bad had happened.]

[Miss Sima…]

Thanks for saying that. And I really felt lucky that she liked me.

[I hope your father is fine.]

[In case you are worrying, he said he will return before the deadline by figuring out the identity of the man.]

With that, she guessed the next question.

-She is quite extreme.

Short Sword said.

But if Wicked Moon Sword couldn’t catch him, then how fast was this man?

-Take care of the one ahead, human. Do not care about those monsters.


Anyway, this guy Blood Demon Sword was a jerk each time he spoke. But, he was right.

We need to get out of here first. Not long after moving along the cave we could hear the waterfall.

“I had a rope placed and swung in. I tied it to a cornerstone. We can go up from there.”

“It must have taken a lot of ropes.”

“Yes, it took me a whole day to tie them all.”

Actually, the end of the waterfall was too long and to bring a rope would require a lot of time. The key problem was that no one had internal qi here.

Both I and Sima Young were able to climb up, but for the others it would not be easy.

-Wouldn’t it be better if you head up and pull them?

That seemed like a good idea too. I wanted to do it but then I was shocked.


Several people were lying on the ground near the moving torrent. Among them was Gap Chan who was supposed to take care of the tree root cave.

“Look here!”

I ran to wake them up but they were already looking down.


Sima Young pointed with her hand and I could see 12 people climbing up the rope.

They were the other men from the root cave.

“Must have noticed the rope.”

My grandfather stuck his tongue.

Well, the cave was flooding so people must have found their way onto the highest land to survive and these guys were lucky ones.

To find the rope which Sima Young prepared. But what was the reason for killing others to escape?

Then one of those who was climbing looked down at us and shouted.

“Hahaha! We are going out. You can all have your share of fish!”

‘What? No!’

“You people!”

One of us got angry and ran to where the rope was tied to the rock. And as if trying to move, they climbed onto the rope and began to climb it.

“Hahaha! Idiot!”

Among those who were climbing up, the lowest one hit the rope with a sword.


The rope didn’t get cut because it was wet.

Mi Yeom ran ahead and shouted.

“Jong Baek! Get down! They are trying to cut the rope!”


The man who was climbing up was terrified and began to climb down the rope but it was too late. The third blow to the rope cut it and the man fell into the rapid torrents.

“Jong Baek!”

Mi Yeom tried to jump into the water.


But I stretched out my hand and shouted, the silver string wound around my wrist stretched out and entangled itself to the drowning man.


When infused with qi, the body was pulled back. A little late and he would have been dead.

“Huk, t-thank you!”

The man was pale as he coughed water.

“It is fine.”

The problem wasn’t even this. The route for us to escape was missing. It seemed like I wasn’t the only one angry.

“Those bastards!”

“To think that people in here would do such a thing to survive.”

The men burst into anger and Sima Young clicked her tongue.

“That rope. It was tied up so it wouldn’t be holding many people. Moreover, the lowest part isn’t fixed right and moving on it will be dangerous with waterfall.”

As soon as she finished speaking, screams sounded.



All the people climbing up the rope began to fall down. They struggled wanting to get up and move to land but the water was pulling them down. And something like a wooden plank fell onto their legs.



The boards tied to the rope at intervals fell down heavier than expected.


“Damn it!’

“H-help me!”

The men swung at them and they shouted looking at us.

But who would try to save those who cut the rope to live alone?

Everyone just looked at them with cold expressions as they got swept away in the current.


Then I ran to where the rapidly flowing currents were.

“Will you help them?”

My grandfather seemed shocked. He was someone who had an upright character which meant wrong doers need to be punished.

“Here! Here!”

“T-thank you!”

Those who were swept away by water shouted as If they thought I would help. I stretched out my hand throwing out the silver string and what I pulled was the rope in their hands.



The men who were being swept away were shocked at this.

I felt bad they were disappointed but I had to get the rope to survive. The men on my side who thought I was helping them sighed in relief at my actions.

But this wasn’t the time to care about the wrongdoers.

“I got the rope, but I have no way out.”

At those words their faces darkened. It was because their hope vanished right away. Sima Young came up to me and asked.

“Young lord, could it be possible to attach a dagger to the string and drive it around the wall like when we first met?”

“Phew. I have tried it but it gets weaker when the water hits it.”


The first thing I tested as soon as I got my internal qi was that. I wondered if I could leave and gave it a shot.

But the string lost its rigidity and turned slippery.

Although it was back to its earlier state after a gap of time, it felt useless.


“What does this mean?”

Everyone fell into despair.

Water was gradually filling in with no way out. And it was a moment when everyone felt lost

“Young lord. There is something in the water over there.”

Sima Young pointed at something.

It was where the rapid currents were moving, something was moving in the opposite direction that too fast.

The water looked dark and like a black shadow, it was large and as it approached everyone was puzzled.


Something emerged from the water.


“S-snake monster!’

Everyone behind us was surprised. And it was none other than the Human Face Purple Eyed Snake.

-How did this beast come here?

That was what I wanted to say.

I thought it could only come in that one cave so I didn’t even think about it, and the snake had come to the land.


My grandfather was clenching his hands as if he was too shocked by this.

He must have heard that I was close to this beast, but he seemed too shocked to know.

“M-Monster! Young lord!”

Sima Young too began to protect me and I told.

“It is fine. It isn’t dangerous.”

“This isn’t dangerous?”

As if to prove this, I approached Jaso.

“Young lord!”

Sima Young was surprised and pulled the clothes but I reassured her it was fine. Jaso bowed its head.


I placed my hand on its forehead.


The sticky feeling on the scales wasn’t a nice one and when I rubbed, it liked the sensation and seeing this, Sima Young’s eyes widened.

“Didn’t I say it was fine? Will you touch it?”

Sima Young shook her head right away.


And Jaso turned its head and looked at the water filling in.

It was like it wanted to relay something. Moving the head it continued to point at the hole water was coming in and crawled to the ground

“Jaso! W-what are… huh!”


It dug the ground and then raised me onto its head.

“…I want to get down.”

My grandfather mumbled from behind, his body was too stiff behind. The men were all staring at me anxiously.

“Wait. Grandfather. You? What is it?”

At my question, Jaso looked at the water and the hole.


Only then did I come to know of its intentions.

“You… want to take me out?”

And it moved its head up and down. Riding on top of its head, I felt like this would be a feeling different from a horse.

I looked back and forth between the water and Jaso.


Deep in thought I arrived at my decision and said.

“Staying here will be the death. Would you like to take this chance with me?”

At my words, everyone looked like they had just one thought.

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