Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 152: Audience (4)

Chapter 152: Audience (4)

“I want you to become the Dawn of the Empire.”


Ronan furrowed his brow at the mention of the word ‘dawn.’ It was his favorite time of the day, yet something about the word didn’t sit right. Despite attempting to think positively, all he could recall was the recent tragedy at Dawn Brigade in the early hours today.

‘Is this guy really trying to enlist me?’

A shiver ran down his spine. While literally any other assignment would be better than Punishment Squad, now was not the time to contemplate such matters. The Emperor nodded slowly.

“Yes, you must be aware. The organization that has been causing quite a stir in recent years.”

“Nebula Clazier.”

“The darkness that is eating away at the empire. I heard reports of your presence at the scene this morning. Is that true?”

Ronan twisted his lips. The smell of metallic blood seemed to linger with every breath he took. The rainwater streaming down the slope had a murky reddish hue.


“A regrettable incident. Though it was merely reported in writing, I can understand Zaifa’s wrath. Losing nearly half of your subordinates is a significant blow.”

The Emperor clicked his tongue. He explained that all the victims would be posthumously honored with two ranks up and that substantial compensation would be given to their families. He also added that they would promptly form a pursuit team to apprehend the perpetrators of the massacre.

Judging by how the victims were treated, he seemed like a decent person. No wonder with people like him at the helm, the country could endure for centuries. The Emperor spoke in a solemn tone.

“The real concern lies ahead. I can’t shake the feeling that today’s incident is merely the star.”

“The start?”

“Yes. Today’s incident was no ordinary occurrence. As you know, the Bimani Mountain where this massacre occurred is a mere five-hour ride from the palace. It’s essentially a declaration of war.”

A hint of gravity flowed from the Emperor’s words. Ronan nodded in agreement. Clearly, this incident was different from the actions of Nebula Clazier, who had been operating secretly in the background so far.

‘Is the cult leader changing his strategy?’

Unless he went insane, he wouldn’t engage in an all-out war with the Empire. The Protection of Stars used by the members of the cult was so inadequate that it could not even be compared to that of the winged thugs.

Ronan speculated that if the Empire decided to oppress them, the cult would never be their opponent. No matter what anyone says, the Imperial Army was the strongest army unprecedented in the history of the continent, especially with the formidable allies like Navardose and Lorehorn, who could even subdue the giants.

However, what worried Ronan was the potential shift in the cult’s atrocities, becoming ‘vaguely’ bolder. If more aggressive attacks or plots followed this massacre, it would be easier to trace them, but the Empire’s losses would also be much more severe than before.

With only a few years until the giants descended, escalating the damages here would be problematic. Clearly, this situation called for action. The Emperor spoke again.

“I urgently summoned you all for this reason. I feel like I can not afford any further delay.”

“I understand. It was an incident of significant magnitude.”

“Thank you.”

Only then did Ronan realize the reason why the Emperor had gathered them. It seemed they were on the brink of a national emergency. Ronan took advantage of the momentary silence to speak up.

“So… what exactly does it mean to become the ‘Dawn’?”

“Ah, it’s a late introduction. I’ve been observing you for a while now. Even before the Winter Witch incident erupted.”

The Emperor made a significant statement and reached for his waist. He drew a longsword from its sheath. The ornate sheath bore the Empire’s name inscribed in an ancient language.

“I’ve known about your thwarting of the cult’s schemes for the past two years. The Gran Cappadocia, the attack on the dormitory of the Philleon Academy… you even defended the Roman Mountains with Zaifa.”


“I don’t know the nature of your connection to Nebula Clazier. I won’t ask. What’s important is that you’ve repeatedly thwarted them and saved countless civilians.”

Ronan’s eyes widened. He hadn’t expected the Emperor to know everything so precisely. He thought the reports he received were vague and general, having worked alongside various colleagues each time.

“From the first time I received the report, I’ve been observing you. At the time, you were too young for me to make such a proposal, but now that you’ve grown up so remarkably, I believe there’s no need to hesitate any longer.”

The Emperor held the hilt and sheath of the sword with both hands and extended it toward Ronan.

“Take it.”

“What’s this?”

“The Sword of Valon. Originally, it was something that’s only awarded to soldiers promoted to the rank of General. It symbolizes my authority.”

The mention of the rank of General brought a surprise to Ronan. He suddenly recalled a similar sword from a past life, held by Adeshan. He wondered why she carried it when she had no intention of using it, but it turned out to be a symbolic sword.

Regardless, this situation was somewhat awkward. Ultimately, it felt like being told to eat leftovers, but he’d rather not be a noble. After a brief yet profound deliberation, Ronan spoke up.

“I’m truly sorry, Your Majesty, but I don’t have any intention of becoming a soldier yet. I’m far from qualified for such an immense responsibility…”

“Hmm? I don’t have any plans to enlist you as a soldier, either.”


Ronan tilted his head in confusion. This seemed like a strange conversation. Seeing his expression, the Emperor chuckled.

“Haha, I see how that could’ve been misconstrued. Don’t worry. The Sword of Valon is simply a token to prove your eligibility to wield my authority.”

“It seems to have a different role altogether.”

“Indeed. I believe it might be an extremely appealing offer to you. The ‘Dawn’ that I mentioned refers to a covert operative tasked with countering Nebula Clazier, who is emerging as a new darkness in the Empire.”

“A covert… operative?”

Ronan’s eyes widened. It was an unusual position that made his mouth water just by hearing it. As if reading Ronan’s mind, the Emperor began to explain the mission of the Dawn.

“Indeed. You will now stand for the name of both the Empire and me, confronting that wicked lot. During operations, if you encounter Nebula Clazier or any individuals or groups associated with them, you’ll have the authority to make independent judgments and take action.”

“Does that mean you are granting me the right to legitimately deal with suspicious individuals?”

“Clearly. That’s another way to put it. If the target is affiliated with Nebula Clazier or in league with them, you needn’t worry about status or rank. You’re free to handle it as you see fit.”

It was a radical, almost shocking proposal. While Ronan had dealt with Nebula Clazier without hesitation until now, the significance of being able to act legitimately was immense. It was essentially an assurance of handling the most bothersome aftermath on his terms.

But the shock didn’t end there. After explaining the mission, the Emperor delved into privileges.

“Firstly, you’ll hold the rank of an Imperial Army General, and receive the same treatment as a noble of Baron rank. You can recruit soldiers, utilize the Empire’s military facilities, and if necessary for the mission, officially mobilize the Imperial Army.”

“…Is it okay for you to grant me such powers?”

Ronan chuckled involuntarily. From his perspective, it was a reward far more valuable than a Baron title.

He’d gain access to quality information from the Imperial Intelligence Bureau, and if the task proved too strenuous alone, he could request support. The Emperor nodded thoughtfully.

“I’ve been sensing this since earlier. You seem unaware of just how remarkable your achievements have been.”

“I just did what I had to do.”

“You’ve made a lot of contributions, so do not worry. The only person who contributed to the extermination of Nebula Clazier in a similar way to you is the current Sword Saint, Zaifa.”

Ronan raised an eyebrow. It seemed Zaifa had captured quite a few. Except for the precarious relationship and volatile temper with the Emperor, that tiger was actually a rather decent fellow.

“Your position will be classified. In fact, this incident is completely unknown to anyone except for me and a few people who are involved. You will have to be very careful about maintaining confidentiality and establishing contacts.”

“Please don’t worry. Oh, Your Majesty, there’s something I’d like to request.”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“I’d like to have capable soldiers before fully embarking on the mission. I’ll cover their pay, but I want skilled individuals.”

Ronan spoke. The Emperor, noticing a much more serious expression on his face than before, grinned slightly.

“Well, naturally, I can arrange that for you… Are you, by any chance, seeking comrades?”

“No, Your Majesty. There’s someone I must protect by the rules. I plan to make them her escort.”

Ronan briefly recounted Iril’s story. For him, her safety was as important as preventing the destruction of the world. The Emperor smiled softly.

“Of course. I’ll ensure trustworthy individuals for you. We’ll take care of the mercenaries’ pay, so don’t worry about that.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m the one who should be grateful. While it may have been an enticing proposal, the position may prove excessively burdensome for you to handle alone. Entrusting the responsibilities and rights of the Dawn Brigade solely to you.”

The Emperor’s tone hinted at some concerned apprehension. Ronan firmly nodded. He genuinely appreciated this reward.

All the rewards he had received so far were considered worthless, almost as bad as dung. This position, however, was outstanding. The Emperor suddenly widened his eyes, as if something had just occurred to him.

“Oh, but I forgot to ask the most important thing.”


“Ronan, will you accept my offer?”

Ronan narrowed his eyes for a moment. He wondered if this old man might have dementia. But come to think of it, he hadn’t explicitly answered whether he’d accept the offer.

Ronan smirked. The answer had already been decided, but it didn’t matter. Sometimes, these formal procedures were necessary. Facing the Emperor, Ronan kneeled on one knee.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


The Emperor chuckled softly. Suddenly, his face turned serious. Between his parted lips, a solemn voice flowed.

“I, standing here now, represent the Empire. The thousand years of history etched in the sky, the grace of those living on this land—all have led to this glorious moment.”

Straightening his attire, the Emperor grasped the hilt of the sword. With a soft sliding sound akin to marbles rolling on ice, the Sword of Valon was drawn out.

“Everyone present in this place will someday perish. Mortals born of the earth shall return to the earth. But by acknowledging our limitations, we seek to ascend to higher realms.”

Carved on the gleaming blade were inscriptions akin to those engraved on the scabbard. Slowly lifting the sword, the Emperor placed it on Ronan’s shoulder.

“Embracing the wisdom of our ancestors that one alone cannot accomplish great deeds, I intend to make you the Sword of the Empire.”

Ronan remained silent, only bowing his head. To the scrappy nobody who roamed battlefields like a lone mushroom, this was an overwhelmingly fresh shock. Lifting the sword again, the Emperor placed it on Ronan’s opposite shoulder this time.

“Ronan. Will you swear your loyalty and become a sharp sword for the Empire and me? Will you become the dawn for those moaning in the darkness?”

No cheering crowd filled the room. There were no knights in armor standing in formation. In the emptied audience chamber, only the Emperor and Ronan remained.

It was the most austere title award ceremony in the world. Yet, it didn’t feel discomforting or lacking. Sensing something boiling within his chest, Ronan finally spoke up.

“I swear.”

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