Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 180: Aura (2)

Chapter 180: Aura (2)

It had been about thirty minutes since the attack of Lycopos. The intensifying sunset was setting the Holy Land ablaze with its vibrant hues. The crater, dyed in crimson, was personally explaining why it was called the “puddle where light gathers.”

However, despite such a beautiful scenery, the situation was dire. The scarlet contributing to staining the volcanic crater was not just from the sunset. Stains of crimson, formed by blood sprinkled over the snow, remained scattered throughout the Holy Land. Bodies lay among the dense grove of Sword Spirits. Darman spoke.

“I will spare the lives of those who convert, even now. Deactivate your shield and discard your weapons.”

“Shut up.”

“If you accept our persuasion, not only will we spare you, but we will also promise much better treatment than you are receiving now. You’ll even have a chance to be saved on the impending Day of Salvation. Both you and the Sword Saint are worthy of receiving wings.”

“You’re better at wagging your tongue than your sword.”

Navirose growled. Despite being battered and bruised, her gaze fixed on Darman without a hint of backing down.

A translucent shield shimmered between the two of them. The dome-shaped shield encompassed not only Navirose but also all the remaining survivors. It was the Aura of Allogin, one of the Elders. Three Elders and fourteen participants stood in a defensive formation along the inner edge of the dome.

“Why not just kill them? That bitch did this to me.”

*Ajie leaned next to Darman, grumbling irritably. Her left elbow was neatly severed. It was the handiwork of Navirose, taking advantage of a gap where the Protection of the Stars didn’t cover. Darman turned his head sideways.

[*”Ajie” will be changed to “Ajie”]

“Endure it. Alivrihe can create limbs anyways.”

“That’s true, but… I’m pissed.”

Ajie threw a dagger. Clang! The blade struck the shield, bouncing off harmlessly. Darman glanced over Navirose’s shoulder, opening his mouth.

“It’s futile resistance. You must know that old man doesn’t have much time left.”

Instead of replying, Navirose furrowed her brows. It was frustrating, but it wasn’t a false statement. On the rock towering at the center of the dome, Zaifa and Allogin leaned against each other.

Zaifa stirred as if she was having a nightmare. Blood oozed from Allogin’s crimson-stained abdomen, a wound inflicted by Darman.

“…I’m fine, Navirose. Please hold on a little longer.”

“Refrain from speaking. Your wound will worsen.”

“Hehe… An Aura I never used in my life… would come in handy like this… Kuek, this is how it will help…”

Allogin chuckled weakly. Each exhalation seemed to carry the precarious laughter of a soul about to depart.

His Aura was a powerful shield erected using his own or surrounding mana. For someone like Allogin, who had lived a rough life similar to Navirose and Zaifa, this ability was a source of shame and ridicule.

How many times had he been told to hide behind the shield and take cover like a weakling? However, now that ability was becoming a lifeline for himself and innocent bystanders, life truly had its unexpected turns.

“It’s good in its own way… Kugh.”


Navirose gritted her teeth. Although she and other participants were providing mana, Allogin’s time was running out. Once the shield collapsed, most of the participants would likely be slaughtered on the spot.

Furthermore, there was uncertainty about any hope to cling to. The Elders, including Allogin, had mentioned that those who sensed the disturbance at the Holy Land would come to help, but seeing the thick smoke rising from below the mountain, she was halfway resigned. Tragedy had likely already struck below as well. However, there was another issue that shook her heart the most.


Thinking of her disciple’s face, Navirose twisted her lips. Ronan had disappeared after the deafening roar seemed to engulf the world. It seemed like he had fallen below due to the collapse of part of the crater, but there was no chance to go and rescue him. Navirose turned sharply as Shullifen sent a message.

[I will go.]

[Don’t talk nonsense, Shullifen.]

[I can do it. After ensuring Ronan’s safety, I will return.]

[Even if you had two lives, I wouldn’t allow it.]

Navirose firmly expressed her refusal. It was beyond bravery, into recklessness. If only Darman and Ajie were here, she might have attempted something, but unfortunately, the situation was not favorable. A man observing them from beyond the shield spoke with an angry voice.

“Young Master of Garcia, pay attention. Don’t pull such stunts when we’re in the middle of battle.”

He wore a mask devoid of facial features. Sharp and deep slashes crossed the man’s left clavicle to his right flank. It was a wound inflicted by Shullifen’s Storm Blade.

He was one of the fifteen assailants who had taken advantage of the fierce battle. Six men and women wearing identical masks were wandering around the shield. Likely members Nebula Claizer.

While not as skilled as Darman or Ajie, they knew how to fight systematically, and quite a number of participants had lost their lives to their swords. Darman spoke.

“How many people died at the hands of the Young Master?”


“That’s quite a toll. We must take these three with us, along with the Sword Saint.”

Darman chuckled dryly, observing Shullifen’s impressive display wielding his Storm Blade. An ability hard to believe for someone of his age. It would be no exaggeration to say that he was undoubtedly one of the most promising youths on the continent, along with his younger brother.

Thud. He raised his hand and tapped on the shield as if knocking on a door. Indeed, it was incredibly strong, perhaps because it was a shield created with the Sword Saint’s Aura. Darman, seeing the survivors’ eyes burning with spirit, licked his lips.

“Very well. Negotiations are off.”

It was a change of plans. It seemed that they would kill everyone except for a very small minority. Darman extended his hand and aimed at the shield. Participants who sensed the danger took defensive positions. His mouth opened.

“There will be a tempest.”

At that moment, a pair of translucent wings spread behind Darman. Shwaahh! A powerful wind, enough to sweep away houses, struck the shield directly. Despite being injured, Allogin spat out blood from his mouth as he displayed his fighting spirit.



The shield flickered like a dying candle. Then, Darman signaled with his eyes. He, Ajie, and the other assailants drew their swords and began attacking the shield. Sounds reminiscent of a mine echoed at a rapid pace. Cracks like cobwebs spread across the dome. Navirose gritted her teeth.


“Kill them all once the shield breaks. Except for the three I mentioned earlier.”

Darman gave a grim order. The faces of the participants turned pale. It was no longer difficult to anticipate the imminent slaughter that would occur in a few seconds. Then, as Ajie was humming and twirling her dagger, she suddenly tilted her head.

“Huh? Who’s that?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Over there, to the east. Who’s coming?”

Darman turned his gaze to where she was looking. Indeed, someone was standing there. A young man leaned against the wall of the crater Darman had demolished, slowly walking towards them. Seeing the familiar contours, Darman raised an eyebrow.

“Already climbing up? Not bad.”


Navirose’s eyes widened. Bathed in the sunset, Ronan, approaching in the setting sun, resembled a sculpture made of gold. In his right hand, something resembling what he usually wielded appeared, but it gave off a completely different impression. Holding her breath, Navirose shouted loudly.

“You idiot… Run away right now!!”

Of course, what mattered most now wasn’t the sword in his hand. If he managed to survive, he should have fled or hidden, not come all the way here. Even his clothes looked ragged. Darman, raising an eyebrow, ordered the masked figures.

“Excellent. Bring my little brother here.”


Then, half of the assailants who were pounding on the shield turned their bodies towards Ronan. The sight of them running in perfect synchronization seemed almost as if they shared the same brain. In an instant, a man who had reached Ronan shouted as he raised his sword.

“Resisting will only make you suffer!”

At the same time, the women on either side drew their ropes and daggers simultaneously, their movements systematic as if performing a group dance. Ronan, who had been observing them quietly, raised his sword. In an instant, his arm disappeared from view. A white line was messily drawn over the bodies of the assailants.


The man, feeling an unfamiliar sensation, blinked his eyes in confusion. Thud! As the white line spread apart, their bodies disintegrated into dozens of pieces. The ground was splattered with blood and organs, and chunks of flesh were scattered in uniform sizes.


Darman and Ajie’s eyes widened. The assailants who had been attacking the shield stopped their movements. A moment of silence descended upon the Holy Land. Tyr, who had been struggling inside the shield, opened his mouth.

“…What did that young man just do?”

Navirose heard but didn’t respond. Although it was just for a moment, she missed Ronan’s actions.

He was slowly approaching, crushing the villainous bodies underfoot. With each step, the sound of organs and flesh squelching spread like a wave.

Despite having slaughtered three people, his expression remained calm. Suddenly, a sensation of unease crawled up her spine. Was that really the disciple she knew? As Ajie stared at Ronan, seemingly fascinated, she made an interesting remark.

“Hmm… Feels like the atmosphere has changed a lot. Am I the only one feeling that way?”

“Something seems different indeed. Perhaps he gained some hidden power like in a fairy tale.”

“Interesting. I’ll be back.”

Ajie smiled mischievously and began walking towards Ronan, ignoring Darman’s warning. She had glimpsed Ronan’s movements earlier, and they were undoubtedly slower than hers. She also had confidence in avoiding his sword, and if worse came to worst, she could use the Protection of the Stars or some other ability to escape.

“Hey cutie. I’m your big sister.”

Ajie waved her hand playfully, her short white hair fluttering in the wind. Hearing the word “sister,” Ronan tilted his head.

“…Big sister?”

“Yeah. If Darman is your older brother, then I’m your older sister.”

Ajie giggled. Despite her playful demeanor, it was only superficial. Through the slit between her crescent-shaped eyes, she scrutinized Ronan’s vulnerable points meticulously.

‘Honestly, he doesn’t seem like anything special. When it comes to speed, Darman is definitely superior.’

Indeed, the mana emanating from his body was even less than average. As she prepared to leap forward, a sudden flash of light erupted from Ronan’s sword.


A crimson flash engulfed her. The light was so intense that Ajie instinctively closed her eyes for a moment. When she reopened them, she froze in place. Despite being fifty steps away just moments ago, Ronan was now standing right in front of her.


Ajie’s eyes widened. There was only about half a step of distance left between Ronan and herself. Despite boasting exceptional eyesight, Ajie had failed to detect Ronan leaping or rushing towards her. She couldn’t comprehend what had happened. As if staring at an insect, Ronan uttered a single sentence.

“I’ve never had a sister like you.”


Of course, this wasn’t the most important thing at the moment. Ajie, hastily assuming her fighting stance, gripped her dagger. However, Ronan’s sword was already flying towards her.


Although Ajie, with her keen eyesight, could vaguely see the path of Ronan’s sword, it didn’t mean much as her body couldn’t keep up with his speed. Despite her best efforts, it was futile. The sword smoothly glided through her right arm and right thigh simultaneously. Then, it rose like a swallowtail butterfly, slicing through her left thigh as well.

She didn’t even have time to activate the Protection of the Stars. She felt the sensation of skin, muscle, and bone being severed. Ajie’s face contorted in agony. A crimson line appeared where Ronan’s sword had passed. In the midst of her attempt to cry out…


Swoosh! The severed limbs flew into the air. The body, with only the torso and head remaining, collapsed to the ground. The delayed pain tore through Ajie’s body. Her agonized screams echoed through the Holy Land.

“Kyaaaaahh! Araaaggh!”

It was a chilling scream that made everyone in the Holy Land recoil. Ronan, without a word, kicked her face aside forcefully. Thud! A sound that should not come from a human face rang out, simultaneously, six white teeth sprang out. Ajie, who had slumped to the ground, went limp.


Ronan kicked her away as if she were trash and continued walking. Darman, with a mixture of admiration and astonishment in his voice, muttered.

“This is amazing. What on earth happened at the bottom of the mountain?”

Ronan didn’t respond. His silent and resolute demeanor exuded a sense of madness. Darman, raising an eyebrow in a witty provocation, attempted to say something, but in an instant, Ronan’s figure blurred and vanished from sight.


Reacting reflexively, Darman swung his sword, but at the same time, a fierce metallic sound resounded right in front of him. Clang! Despite exerting all his strength, he was pushed backward.


“You managed to block it?”

Ronan remarked dryly. His strength and speed were incomparable to before. He continued to wield his sword, and contrary to earlier, Darman found himself being pushed back relentlessly. Clang! Clang! Sparks flew as the harsh metallic sounds reverberated. Darman’s lips twisted.

‘This is getting dangerous.’

Cold sweat dripped down his temples. Whatever Ronan had done, he had completely transformed. Darman felt an overwhelming feeling, similar to the one he felt when he received his sword from the Leader during the initiation ceremony of Lycopos.

‘I need to assess the situation first.’

Muttering to himself, Darman activated his power. Once again, a pair of wings unfolded behind him. Shwaaaah! A powerful gust of wind erupted, enveloping Ronan, and at the same time, Darman’s body flew backwards. He spat out in an exasperated voice.

“Ha, can you withstand even this?”

However, Ronan didn’t get pushed back. He stood firm with his sword plunged into the ground, resisting the gale. But it didn’t matter. The objective was to create distance, and that had been achieved. At that moment, Lamancha’s blade emitted a brilliant light once again.


It was a crimson flash reminiscent of a sunset. A cluster of light stretched out like a hand and wrapped around Darman. For a moment, Darman felt a powerful force pulling him from behind. A voice echoed in his ears.

“Where do you think you’re going? Older brother bastard.”


Darman’s eyes widened as he realized Ronan was standing right in front of him. Without a chance to react, Lamancha’s sword flew in and pierced through his chest.

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