Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 219: Elysia (2)

“We need to transfuse the blood of his twin brother, Abel.”

“…What do you mean?”

Ronan furrowed his brows. Even if someone had told him to pick up dirt and eat it, it would have been less perplexing than this. He spoke up, puzzled.

“Why do we have to do something like that?”

“Because the Savior’s wounds aren’t healing due to a lack of blood. And none of the blood from other races matches his. Since it was the Savior himself who said it, there’s no doubt.”

Elysia explained that when Abel attacked the Savior, he used a poison made from his own blood. It was a tactic to weaken his strength and rot his wounds, devised to defeat his brother, who was much stronger than himself.

And the tactic succeeded. The Savior, who had lived for countless ages, fell into a state of imminent death, while Elysia, the Great Spirit Sage, became a mere nurse attending to his illness.

She said she tried everything to heal the Savior. She searched for herbs to make remedies, even delved into healing magic, which she had no aptitude for.

Despite the countless remedies developed over a thousand years, none of them had much effect. She spoke with a somewhat gloomy voice.

“So I was making plans. Plans to obtain Abel’s blood. But no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t find a way.”

Elysia sighed deeply. It was understandable, given that her opponent was the Leader of Nebula Clazier, and a swordmaster comparable to the Savior himself.

Taking his blood was nearly impossible for Elysia, even though she was a powerful Spirit Sage. She couldn’t reveal herself due to her circumstances.

‘It’s difficult.’

Ronan pursed his lips. Despite his perplexity, he felt tremendous dedication. Even if it was his birth parent, he doubted he could be as devoted.

“But, Elysia, why have you been working so hard?”


“You are extremely devoted to the Savior. As if helping him for thousands of years wasn’t enough, saving him seems to have become the purpose of your life. There must be some backstory.”

Suddenly, Ronan became curious about the identity of this woman named Elysia. He realized that he had been preoccupied with thoughts about the Savior and the Betrayer, knowing nothing about this person. Hesitating, Elysia spoke up.

“Hmm. the Savior saved my life literally. I can only say this much.”

“Saved you.”

She awkwardly smiled, avoiding the question. It seemed there was something she couldn’t disclose, so Ronan didn’t press further.

He had taken in too much information at once, and his head was throbbing. His focus returned to finding a cure for the Savior.

Blood. They needed blood. After pondering for a moment, Ronan spoke up.

“Wait, couldn’t my blood, his child, be effective?”

“I did consider that possibility, but the Savior didn’t seem to approve. Even if it did work, he mentioned it would be less effective since the blood would be thinner.”

“Then you’re saying you haven’t tried it yet.”

Suddenly, Ronan rolled up his left sleeve, revealing his muscular arm. He looked at Elysia, who was taken aback.

“Take it.”

“I-I can’t. Besides, the Savior didn’t seem to want to use his child’s blood from the beginning,.”

“He might not be willing, but he didn’t say not to use it even if it means sacrificing himself.”


“Elysia, I need to talk to him. There are piles of questions to ask, and we might find clues to obtaining Abel’s blood.”

Impatience crept into Ronan’s voice. There was no time to waste. Even though they had gained the upper hand against Nebula Clazier, one year was too short.

“And besides, I’m quite capable, you know?”

Ronan briefly explained the tasks he had accomplished so far. Although he didn’t like boasting like this, he had no choice but to provoke her stubbornness.

With each name of the officials he had dealt with – Brigia, Teralnil, Barka, and so on – Elysia’s expression wavered. Having heard about some of the powers vested to him as the Dawn, she raised an eyebrow.

“You can receive support from the Imperial Army? Were you a soldier?”

“Well, it’s something similar.”

“Given your position, it’s certainly…”

Elysia began to murmur to herself. It seemed that she had found hope in obtaining Abel’s blood. After pondering for a while, she spoke slowly.

“Alright. Let’s give it a try.”

Elysia left the room. She went to fetch the tools needed for blood collection and transfusion. Adeshan, who had been watching the situation anxiously, asked with concern.

“Ronan, are you sure about this?”

“It’ll be fine. I’ll be back as soon as it’s done.”

“Huh? I’m okay with you staying a bit longer… after all, he’s your father that you’ve been searching for so long.”

“It’s not my father I had been searching for, but the Savior.”

Ronan glanced at the Savior. Honestly, it still didn’t feel real. Despite all the grandeur about being the Savior and the founder of Nebula Clazier, to Ronan, this man was simply a bastard who abandoned his mother and sibling, and even put a curse on him.

‘My sister went through a lot.’

Ronan remembered the days of struggle during his childhood. Of course, in the Mental World, Ronan fought against Abel in anger over the Savior’s death. But that was when he didn’t know that this man was his father.

Giving his blood was solely to fulfill a promise from his past life with the General. He promised to save the world, and to do that, he needed this man’s help. Lost in thought, Ronan waited until Elysia returned.

“The preparations are complete. Would you like to come and see?”

In her hands were various tools needed for blood transfusion, including syringes and catheters. The procedure ended much faster than expected.

Elysia, who had lived as a quasi-doctor for over a thousand years, quickly transfused the blood drawn from Ronan to the Savior. Ronan, who was rubbing his needle mark, chuckled.

“That was fast.”

“It’s something I do all the time. I don’t expect much, but… it would be nice to see some progress.”

Blood was flowing through the catheter connected to the Savior’s right arm. Come to think of it, he had always just spilled blood from injuries; this was the first time he was donating blood properly.

While Ronan and Adeshan secretly hoped for progress, Elysia’s face remained as dry as ever, seemingly unaffected by the anticipation and disappointment she had experienced repeatedly over the years.

As they chatted to pass the time, Adeshan suddenly gasped and exclaimed, taking a deep breath.

“L-Look over there! He’s waking up!”

“What did you say?!”

Both Ronan and Elysia turned their heads simultaneously. Their eyes widened as they looked up at the Savior. His eyelids, which had been closed, were slightly open.

“My… goodness! Are you conscious?”

Suddenly, tears began to stream down Elysia’s cheeks. Her intense reaction gave a glimpse of the hard work she had done so far. Ronan, who had been silently watching, spoke up.


As expected, the Savior’s eyes were crimson. The sunset-colored eyes were eerily similar to his and Iril’s.

As soon as their eyes met, Ronan instinctively realized that this man was indeed his father. Although the Betrayer’s eyes were also the same sunset color, the impression conveyed was different.

It felt awkwardly warm, if you will. It felt like what people would call affection. As Elysia wiped away her tears, she smiled bitterly.


However, that was all. Even after waiting for a while, the Savior only blinked his eyes and showed no other reaction. Even after all the blood drawn from Ronan had been transfused, the situation remained the same. Unable to bear it, Ronan clenched his fists.

“Say something, please.”

But there was no response. It seemed like this was the maximum his blood could do. Elysia, wiping away her tears, spoke in a bitter tone.

“It’s just as he said. It’s because your blood is too thin.”

“Damn it. Can’t we try drawing and transfusing more?”

“…I’m sorry.”

Hearing Elysia’s apology, Ronan gritted his teeth. The Savior’s words were correct. It appeared that his mixed blood, tainted with that of a human mother, was insufficient to fix this monster.


Ronan cursed. The Savior continued to stare at him alone. Although his eyes were barely open, he still seemed conscious.

The two of them stared at each other for a long time. Ronan came to a conclusion before his mind became more complicated. Ronan, who was pondering something, spoke up.

“…Elysia, we’ll go back for now.”

“Huh? So soon?”

“Yes. There’s a risk of being tracked, and… there are still things to be done in the North. We’ll come back later.”

“Oh, I see. Then go ahead. Hyran will take you to your destination.”

[Translator – Peptobismol]

It felt like they were leaving too quickly, but there was no other choice. They had to focus on obtaining Abel’s blood now.

Moreover, if Nebula Clazier, noticing Barka’s death, sent a search party, it would be a disaster. After all, that damn Weretiger was currently holding the position of Bishop.

They had to proceed with the work by sneaking back and forth. Ronan and Adeshan began to prepare to leave immediately. Before leaving, Elysia said,

“By the way, I have something to tell you.”

“Huh? What is it?”

“If you have seen the memories, you should know Alivrihe. I heard that he resides in the Dragon City of Adren. I’m not sure if he’s left the organization like me, but… anyway, that’s it.”


Ronan’s eyes widened. It was a name he clearly remembered. Strangely enough, the dragon, who enjoyed making prosthetics, was also one of the founders of Nebula Clazier, like Elysia. The scene where Abel cut off his left hand was still vivid in his memory.

But whether he would become an ally remained to be seen. Considering that the whip Adeshan was holding was made by Alivrihe, there was a possibility that he was still affiliated with the organization. In any case, this was valuable information.

“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You’re welcome. Shall we head out together? I need to call Hyran.”

The three of them headed towards the exit. Just before leaving the room, Ronan turned his head. The Savior was still staring at him intently.

“Damn it.”

Ronan clicked his tongue., feeling uncomfortable. He should have refrained from looking back. Warmth was still radiating from his sunset-colored eyes. With a slight grumble, he mumbled.

“Just wait a bit longer.”

There was no response. That was to be expected. He was leaving to hear that answer. After bidding farewell, Ronan stepped out of the door. With the sound of the wind blowing, the iron door closed.




Outside, it was cold and dark. Under the star-studded night sky, green auroras seemed to pour down like stars. Adeshan, who was looking up at the eagle the size of a house, spoke with a trembling voice.

“Can I… I mean, can I really ride on his back?”

“Of course. Hyran is my friend. He said he can handle any favor.”

“Then, I’ll be grateful…”

Adeshan took Ronan’s hand and climbed onto Hyran’s back. When she saw how much higher it was than she had thought, she gasped again.

Although Elysia had provided a saddle, she still felt uneasy. Elysia, smiling, waved her hand.

“Come back again. Oh, you have what I gave you, right?”

“Of course.”

Ronan revealed the scrolls tucked in his pouch. Each rolled-up piece of paper was inscribed with a space teleportation spell that could take them directly to the Sea of Ghosts.

Elysia mentioned that they could use it if something happened or if there was progress. She also handed over a bundle of documents containing information she knew about Nebula Clazier, which, when combined with the information acquired from Barka, could reveal something significant. Whispering while touching foreheads with Hyran, Elysia said,



Hyran flapped his wings in response. Adeshan, startled, hugged Ronan’s neck tightly. Just before takeoff, Ronan remembered something and snapped his fingers.

“Oh, Elysia.”

“Yes? What is it?”

“I didn’t actually hear the Savior’s name.”

He almost missed it. Elysia’s eyes widened.

“Oh, really? It’s not a difficult name.”

“What is it?”


It sounded like she didn’t think much of it. It was clear, just like when he could finally see his face. Cain. It was indeed a simpler and more ordinary name than expected.

“Thank you. We’ll come back.”

“Th-Thank you… ahhh!”

Instead of answering, Elysia waved her hand. At the same time, Hyran took off. Kwaahhh! The Prince of Storms soared towards the distance with just a few flaps of his wings. The howling wind in their ears was fierce.

“This is killing me…!”

“Kyaaah! Ahhhh!”

It was a ride reminiscent of Itargand. Adeshan screamed while clutching Ronan’s neck. It was hard to tell which one between Hyran and her was the bird.

In the far distance, a faint flickering light was visible. Whether it was Jaeger’s subordinates searching for the missing commander or the light from Rundalian’s city reaching here, it was impossible to tell. Under the slowly flapping wings, the icy sea below swayed.


The sky was clear. In the place where the auroras and the clouds disappeared, only transparent blue light remained. The morning sun rising from beyond the sea bathed the world in its light.

“Ugh… we’ve finally arrived.”

“Th-Thank you. Thanks to you, it was a comfortable journey…”

The two of them arrived in Heyan at dawn. They were delayed a little longer because they had to recover the body of Aradan Turkon from the Sea of Ghosts.


After dropping off Ronan and Adeshan, the Storm Prince returned to Elysia without even looking back. Watching his rapidly disappearing figure, Ronan nodded his head.

“It feels so refreshing. Maybe because he takes after his master.”


Adeshan said with a voice dripping with fatigue. What happened last night felt like a dream.

From the seed repository to the light emitting diodes, to Ronan’s father in a glass tube. They were all unrealistic stories that wouldn’t even appear in novels. Suddenly, her eyes fell on Aradan and she muttered worriedly.

“We need to find a place to bury his body before it decays.”

“That’s right. Still no contact?”

The body of the Weretiger boy was slumped over Ronan’s back. It didn’t matter much due to the cold here, but if the temperature rose even slightly, the body would soon begin to decay. Adeshan, upon hearing the word “contact,” shook her head.


“Why, didn’t I write a letter while coming here…”

Ronan was about to say something. Feeling a familiar aura, both of them turned their heads at the same time.

In the distance, the outlines of two figures were approaching. Although there was a significant difference in size, the aura emanating from them was equally intense. Ronan’s lips curled up slightly.

“Aha, His Majesty the Emperor, as merciful as ever.”

The outlines soon became clear. Adeshan’s eyes widened even further. The voice, faint but distinct, reached here from the smaller silhouette, which was none other than Navirose.

“What a mess because of you, Cat.”

“Have we finally arrived?”

Zaifa casually stretched. It was unclear how he had managed to come here when he couldn’t set foot in the North. Ronan, after taking a deep breath, stepped towards the two of them. With the body of the son of the Sword Saint on his back.

[TL/N: Mommyrose is finally here again :33… also the author really named them Cain and Abel, but the order seems like it’s the opposite hmm]

[Translator – Peptobismol]

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