Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 249

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 249: Clash (2)


The Red Dragon Bnihardo muttered, her words disjointed and delirious.

Her body was covered in the viscera and fluids of the outer-space monsters she had slain. Various colorful fluids dripped from the tips of her wings, sticky like the saliva of an overheated cow.

Yet, her red scales still shone beautifully. Even covered in filth, they retained their brilliance like rubies fallen into the mud.

This was evidence that she bore the blood of Navardose. The elf next to her, Irainiel Lemation, tilted her head.

“Adren, suddenly? Feeling nostalgic?”

【I never said I wanted to go. It’s just… something feels ominous.】

Bnihardo nodded. She didn’t know why her homeland, usually of no concern to her, suddenly came to mind. She had only spent a short time there during her youth.

“If it bothers you that much, take some time off to visit. We can hold things down here.”

“You speak as if it’s a simple thing. After seeing all this, how can I leave?”

Bnihardo scoffed. Her gaze swept across the battlefield. A vast, translucent barrier separated them from the depths of space, protecting them from the threats beyond—the Armor of the Stars.

Inside the barrier, the corpses of countless monsters piled up. The grotesque remains were heaped so high they hindered movement and visibility.

【How long will this go on? Even if it’s a request from the Mother of Flame.】

“Well, it’s a great way to spend our long lives. I’m still enjoying it.”

“Lorotaruta, give me a cigarette.”

The immortals, primarily composed of dragons and elves, were taking a brief rest. They were stationed at the fortress of Drimore, erected at the border between the sky and the beyond. This stronghold, the only defense against the outer-space invaders, was having another busy day.

The Armor of the Stars was thinning. With the increase in cracks and monsters, at least a dozen people had to stand guard at all times. More were needed when Navardose was asleep.

‘I wonder if that kid is doing well.’

Bnihardo chuckled as she thought of Ronan. He was a human who could easily handle the work of several people on the front lines. She wondered what he was up to now.

Her gaze drifted down to a star glowing blue like a pearl. The homeland of all immortals and mortals. She wondered what drew so many creatures to it.

She was lost in thought when someone shouted.

“They’re coming again!”

【Damn it.】

She clicked her tongue and looked forward. In the distant darkness of space, a black tide was surging toward them. The relentless wave was a mass of countless monsters.

“The numbers are substantial… Shouldn’t we wake Lady Navardose?”

【No need. She deserves some rest.】

Sighs echoed from all around. It was the largest wave they had seen in a while. They could handle it, but it would be a struggle. Bnihardo was already estimating how many times she would have to breathe fire. She was still calculating when she noticed something.

‘…What’s that?’

Her eyes narrowed. Something shiny was rapidly approaching the black tide.

It looked like a comet with its long, white tail. Initially dismissing it as a natural phenomenon, her eyes widened as she observed further.


Even from a distance of what seemed like a hundred thousand steps, she could see it clearly. The horde of monsters was scattering. Like sheep fleeing from a wolf, they moved in a panicked yet orderly fashion.

‘They don’t even run from Lady Navardose’s fire.’

It was an unbelievable sight. She wasn’t the only one puzzled. The renowned immortals gathered from all over the world were also captivated by the comet’s strangeness. A mustachioed man stepped forward.

“I’m curious. I’ll go check it out.”

“Wait, shouldn’t you be careful? We don’t know what it is.”

“I am Taklamakan. Elf.”

As Irainiel tried to stop him, the man retorted. Irainiel shrugged and stepped back. She was brave, but not brave enough to face an Earth Dragon who had once destroyed two nations single-handedly.

Earth Dragon Taklamakan stepped outside the Armor of the Stars. With cracks everywhere, he didn’t need to find a passage. Just as he was about to polymorph into his true form, a bright light caught his eye.


Everyone turned their heads. The light from the comet was growing stronger. The eerie white light swallowed all other celestial bodies, creating a concept of daytime in the black space.

Bnihardo felt a surge of unease and tried to speak. Boom! A shockwave burst from the comet, expanding in a circular flash like ripples on a lake. Monsters caught in the wave were torn apart.

【What the…!】

There was no time for dying screams. Bnihardo gasped. The expanding shockwave reached the armor. Boom! The invisible force struck the Armor of the Stars.


“Damn it, what’s going on?!”

The world shook. Cries of confusion erupted. Overwhelmed, the guards couldn’t call out for their comrade beyond the barrier. As the light subsided, an eerie silence fell, so quiet they could hear the moon turn.

Bnihardo was the first to speak.


One by one, the guards opened their eyes and froze. Taklamakan had transformed into his true form and was dead outside the Armor of the Stars. A giant spear of light was impaled deep into his chest.

“A giant…?”

Irainiel murmured. A giant, white from head to toe, stood atop Taklamakan’s massive corpse. The four wings sprouting from his back were as beautiful as a sculpture. The same white light emanated from his body as the comet.

“What… what is that?!”

“Defend the barrier!”

Chaos spread like wildfire. They had slain the outer-space monsters, but this newcomer was clearly not an ally.

The immortals quickly assumed battle positions. The mysterious giant remained silent, watching them. Irainiel spoke softly.



Bnihardo nodded. There was no need for words; they both knew what needed to be done. The hesitant immortals began to charge the giant one by one.

【Summon Mother. Immediately.】

She commanded. The giant’s body slowly floated into the air. Light particles gathered in his outstretched palm, forming a long spear.


[Translator – Peptobismol]

【You think I’ll let you!】

Orsay roared. His voice reverberated through Adren, shaking the very air. With his four wings fully spread, he looked like a flower blooming in the sky.

“They’ve reached the top of the tower!”

“How did they get there?”

The dragons guarding the perimeter turned their gaze. They had never imagined anyone would breach the tower from within. They hurriedly redirected their flight toward the Sky Tower, but Orsay had no intention of letting them interfere.

【I’ll kill you!】

Orsay twisted his body in the air and began a vertical dive, resembling a hunting raptor.

Ronan and the others gritted their teeth and crouched low. The fierce wind felt like it was tearing their faces off. Ronan’s lips curled into a grin.

“This is intense…!”


The situation was dire, but Ronan couldn’t help but laugh. Aselle’s desperate screams were swallowed by the wind.

The gap between them and the tower’s summit was closing rapidly. The Dragon King roared in anger upon seeing them.

【Grovel on the ground-】

【You insolent wretch!】

The Dragon King’s three heads simultaneously opened their jaws. Three suns formed inside their gaping mouths once again.


The third head declared. The suns disintegrated, and three beams of light shot toward Orsay.

This time, they had the chance to evade. Orsay twisted and turned, narrowly dodging the beams. The light brushed past them, illuminating the night sky brightly. In front of the power of Azidahaka’s breath, Aselle’s ice armor was like cotton candy in comparison.

【Like a rat-】

【Running away!】

No matter how powerful, it meant nothing if the attacks didn’t land. Orsay dodged the beams with paper-thin margins.

The Dragon King, growing impatient, changed tactics. The three heads focused their gaze, and the beams merged into one. Paaa! The intensified light engulfed their field of vision.

“…This is dangerous.”

Shullifen gritted his teeth. It was the same technique that nearly hit them earlier. Aselle’s screams intensified, but Orsay didn’t slow down. He increased his speed, charging directly toward the beam.

“Gyaaah! We’re going to die!”

“This madman, what are you trying to do?!”

Ronan cursed, seeing no time to carve out an escape. He was about to lament his decision to ride this lunatic when the surroundings suddenly changed.

“What the…?”

“This is…!”

Ronan’s eyes widened. The breath was gone, and the Dragon King’s massive neck and body filled their vision. A sudden lightness in his stomach hinted at the use of spatial magic.


Aselle gasped, realizing what had happened. Orsay had teleported them a short distance. The rushing light passed just above their heads.

【Dirty tricks…!】

The third head looked down frantically. Orsay was already at his throat.

Aselle muttered an incantation, wrapping them in a thick barrier. Boom! Orsay collided with the Dragon King with the full force of his dive.


The Dragon King staggered. Blood spewed from his three heads simultaneously. The size difference between the dragons was as vast as between a human and an elephant, but Orsay’s brute strength negated the gap.


Their world turned upside down. Thankfully, they had braced themselves, avoiding biting their tongues. Three of the five protective barriers shattered upon impact. Ronan shouted.

“Shullifen, jump off!”

Shullifen complied without a word. Ronan followed immediately. The ground was about ten meters below, but it was manageable.

“Aselle, hold on!”

“Ugh… Y-Yes!”

Aselle nodded quickly. Unlike the others, he did not jump off Orsay’s back. Instead, he fused his shoes to Orsay’s neck with ice, increasing his grip.

This was part of their pre-battle strategy. Orsay was strong, but the Dragon King was a formidable opponent. With Aselle’s support, they had a better chance.


【You dare-】

【Make me bleed!】

Six wings and four heads tangled like vines. Orsay bit into the neck growing from the right side. The Dragon King, initially staggered, regained his balance and fought back.

The battle of these two colossal dragons was beyond the realm of mere swordsmen. Ronan and Shullifen landed almost simultaneously. Nebula Clazier’s white-robed followers surrounded them.

“You impious wretches have come…!”

“Hope you wrote your wills.”

They were furious, not because their goal of completing the ritual was achieved, but because their work had been interrupted.

Ronan and Shullifen naturally stood back-to-back. Ronan spoke.

“Don’t fall behind this time.”

“That’s my line.”

Shullifen replied calmly. Wind swirled around his drawn sword. Ronan smirked and gripped his hilt.

The swordsmen had their own battles to fight.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

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