Accidental Love

Chapter 13: “I'll Take You Home”

Chapter 13: “I'll Take You Home”

The venue was crowded with people, but there was no one near Shi Yan.

So his voice was clearly heard by Zheng Shuyi's ears.

She was confused for a few seconds, as she didn't know what Shi Yan would be calling her for.

Does he need something?

What does he need me for?

Everyone around them looked towards Zheng Shuyi.

He Boming also stretched out his neck with eyes of curiousness. Then, he poked Zheng Shuyi's arm.

"He told you to go there."

Zheng Shuyi turned her head to look at him, blinked, and an idea suddenly sprouted from her head.

As she continued to look at He Boming, that idea grew rapidly.

Finally, her eyes landed on their phones with WeChat opened.

There was a sudden boom in her head, as the "sprout" exploded into fireworks.

Shi! Yan's! Uncomfortable!

He! Is! Jealous!

He's! Jealous!

As she jumped happily in her mind, she straightened her hair, stepped on to her high heels, and walked slowly towards the backstage door.

When she reached out and pushed the door, her smile grew even larger.

She was so happy right now. If it wasn't because there were so many people here, she could literally jump in happiness on the spot.

The infield lounge seemed to be a completely different world.

The windows were extremely clean, and sunlight alone could light up the entire room.

Several sofas were placed in a row, and the floor was covered with soft carpets. Around the table stood a few young men and women, dressed in formal attire, holding iPads and folders in their hands, and whispering to each other.

Other than their soft whispers, there was no other noise in the room.

Zheng Shuyi caught up with Shi Yan and asked, "What is it that you want from me?"

Shi Yan didn't speak immediately. He pointed to the sofa behind Zheng Shuyi.


Zheng Shuyi sat down and looked at him with eyes full of anticipation.


Tell me you're jealous!

Shi Yan lowered his head and glanced crossed her face.

He looked at Zheng Shuyi but still didn't speak.

Zheng Shuyi was a little worried.

She had uncoverable pride on her face that anyone could tell with just only look.

"Whats the matter?"

"Where's the female reporter next to you?" Shi Yan looked up and asked back casually.

Zheng Shuyi blinked as if she didn't understand.

Shi Yan repeated, "The female reporter who came with you."

Zheng Shuyi was stunned, feeling her temples jump.

After understanding what Shi Yan meant, her tense nerves snapped.

Did he call me here to learn about Qin Shiyue?

So just now

He was really looking at Qin Shiyue?

Zheng Shuyi took a deep breath.

She clenched her teeth while smiling, "Oh, I'll call her for you."

Hearing her words, Shi Yan raised his eyebrows.

Zheng Shuyi slowly took out her phone, turned her back to Shi Yan, and tried to make her moves look as flawless as possible.

She was afraid that she would tremble with anger.

Without Qin Shiyue's WeChat, Zheng Shuyi dialed her phone number directly.

At this moment, Qin Shiyue was in the cafe outside of the venue. There were a lot of people around, but overall, the environment was clean and quiet.

Sitting on a tall stool, she has been playing on her phone for more than half an hour without any disturbance. This felt pretty comfortable, not a bad way to wait until the press conference was over.

Suddenly, Zheng Shuyi called.

Qin Shiyue's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and even her fingers felt numb.

Is she going to force me back to the press conference?


Zheng Shuyi was about to speak, but when the words reached her throat, she hesitated. Finally, she replied, "Xiao Yue, where are you?"

"The cafe just outside.

Qin Shiyue paused and added, "I didn't leave, it was just crowded inside.

"Oh, ok, you left already?"


"It's okay, it doesn't matter, no need for the extra trouble."


"Mhm, okay, rest well, I'll hang up now."


Zheng Shuyi sighed softly, and when she turned around, she showed an expression of "See, I can't really help it" on her face.

"Mr. Shi, she left already."

"Where did she go?" asked Shi Yan.

Ahhhhhh why do you care where she went?!!!

"She isn't feeling well and went home already", replied Zheng Shuyi.

When she said this, Zheng Shuyi's expression was extremely interesting.

Deep down, she was pissed, but she had to pretend to be calm and gentle.

Shi Yan looked out the window into the dazzling sun. He squinted his eyes and tried to hide the smile on his face.

"How is she not feeling well?"




Why do you care!!

Zheng Shuyi wanted to say that she didn't know, but the more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

"She said she has CEOphobia."


"Whenever she sees an important CEO like you, she would feel nervous and have trouble breathing.

Chest tightness and shortness of breath.



Zheng Shuyi held up her hand, raised her chin, and said confidently, "But I'm different."

"Every time I see you, flowers are blooming in my heart.

I get excited.

Full of happiness."


At this moment, Chen Sheng knocked on the door and leaned his head in.

"Mr. Shi, the press conference is about to resume."

Shi Yan glanced at his watch, and when he walked out, he glanced at Zheng Shuyi meaningfully.

More than an hour passed, and Qin Shiyue still hadn't returned yet.

Zheng Shuyi was not surprised at all.

The only thing in her mind now was the questions Shi Yan just asked.

He Boming, who was next to her, tried to talk to her several times, but she didn't realize that at all. She just stared at her computer blankly.

At end of the press conference, during the final interview stage.

The reporters all went up and placed their microphones densely in front of the desk.

In the audience, Zheng Shuyi's lonely figure appeared very abrupt.

She was silent, her eyes drooping, her face frowning, seriously doubting life.

Did she receive the scripts for cannon fodder1Characters in a story or plot whose existence doesn't matter. They are not important and the author could discard them anytime?

She tried so hard to seduce Shi Yan. She put in everything she had but now, Qin Shiyue was the one that took his attention.

When she got back to reality, she stood up and looked towards the desk.

Shi Yan was no longer in the crowd.

He had already left some time ago.

Zheng Shuyi stood sullenly for a while, then walked out with her bag.

With the crowd of people in front of the podium, there was no way she could squeeze in.

So right now, she seemed to be the only person who left the press conference. The sidewalks were still very empty outside.

Because of this, Zheng Shuyi saw Shi Yan at a glance.

And he was standing right in front of Qin Shiyue.

The freezing cold wind almost knocked Zheng Shuyi out.

She didn't expect that fate would really play with her like this.

In broad daylight, with so many reporters, Shi Yan was standing in a square hooking up with a woman.

How! Are! You! Not! Embarrassed!

Do! You! Want! Women! That! Much!?

On the empty square, a gust of wind blew by, and the scattered leaf on the ground reached the two's legs.

Zheng Shuyi saw Qin Shiyue's hair being blown by the wind in a distance and saw them talking to each other.

After a while, the two of them finished talking. Qin Shiyue nodded and turned to her car.

Shi Yan didn't seem to want to look at her back at all as he turned and went in the opposite direction.

Zheng Shuyi was standing on the stairs, watching this scene.

Far away, Zheng Shuyi couldn't see Shi Yan's expression clearly and didn't know what to say.

She was afraid that when she opened her mouth, she would want to ask herself why her life had to be so miserable.

Shi Yan took a few steps, paused, and then looked over.

The moment their eyes met, Zheng Shuyi turned around and left.

After all, it was still embarrassing running into Shi Yan at this moment.

The only sound on the square was from the car horns in the distance. One could even hear the sound of the wind blowing over a building. So comparable, this was still a quiet environment.

But Zheng Shuyi didn't hear any footsteps behind her.

Shi Yan, did he leave?!

She slowed down and turned back slowly.

Shi Yan didn't leave, he was still standing there, but his car also appeared next to him out of nowhere.

He was leaning against the car. Wide shoulders, long legs, and his figure neatly outlined by his suit.

The only thing that didn't look so serious was his look. He was looking at Zheng Shuyi lazily.


Zheng Shuyi felt as she was being fished.

No, the script shouldn't be like this.

Zheng Shuyi looked away and continued walking as if she didn't see anything.

As she walked, she wondered what Shi Yan meant.

He didn't leave, yet he just stood there looking at her, as if waiting for her to turn around and walk back first.

No way. In your dreams!

But as soon as the idea came out, she suddenly stopped.

At the end of this street, there was a wall blocking!

In front of her stood a wall, and behind her was Shi yan.

Zheng Shuyi stood there blankly and motionlessly.

After a while, she finally heard footsteps behind her.

Then, Shi Yan's voice came, "What are you doing here?"



After a short silence, he continued again, "I'll be going."

"Bye, She said as she continued to look at the wall stubbornly.

Until she felt her wrist being pulled.

"I'll take you home."

  • 1Characters in a story or plot whose existence doesn't matter. They are not important and the author could discard them anytime

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