After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 882: Something Feels a Bit Off

Chapter 882: Something Feels a Bit Off

Chris and his group began to excitedly clear the Demon King City, brushing through layer by layer, ascending one floor after another.

This was what all adventurers had dreamed of, so they proceeded with particular caution. In the dim corridors, they took a few steps forward, carefully opened a door, and peeked inside. A demon was sleeping on a bed.

The assassin moved silently and stealthily. While Suofa had no interest in adventuring, assassinating demons was her job, so she followed closely. The two assassins positioned themselves beside the demons bed, gestured, and then both plunged their daggers into the demons vital points simultaneously.

At the same time, Chris approached from the side and covered the demons mouth. Gorda also followed, delivering a heavy shield strike to the demons head.

The demon, under attack in its sleep, was jolted awake by the critical strike of the two assassins. Upon waking up, it was already seriously wounded and realized someone was covering its mouth. Shortly after, it was struck on the forehead with a shield, dying in a bewildered state.

Ha! Dealt with a demon!

The eight adventurers were overjoyed. Normally, dealing with a demon is quite challenging, but here in the Demon King City, demons dont even have any defenses. Hehe, we easily took down one. If we stay quiet and make our way to the top floor, we might just wipe out all the demons in the castle. Amazing! This could be recorded in the adventurers epic tales.

Coming here was the right decision after all!

My entire body is boiling with excitement!

What are we waiting for? Lets move to the next room quickly.

Suofa calmly reminded them, Dont be foolish. Arent we here to find evidence of collusion between the Church of Light and the Demon King? Dont rush to the next room. Take your time to search for any letters or clues here. We cant afford to miss any room.

Her reminder cooled down the groups excitement a bit, and they quickly searched the room. However, they didnt find anything. Yet, this didnt discourage them. If they couldnt find a clue, they would move to the next room, searching room by room. Maybe they would stumble upon something eventually.

Moreover, this evidence might not even exist; it might be impossible to find. Such situations were common in adventurers long careers.

With caution, the group continued their adventure.

Suofa stealthily opened the door of the next room. Inside, two demons were sitting at a table, drinking and feasting. The room was filled with the aroma of alcohol and the bloody scent of meat. It seemed to be the flesh of some kind of beast, and the smell of alcohol and blood masked the scent of humans. Otherwise, when Suofa opened the door, their human scents might have been detected.

She signaled to the other assassin, and the two of them stealthily entered the room, carefully approaching behind the two demons.

Given the demons strength, its easy for them to detect human stealth, but these two demons were somewhat intoxicated, their eyes drowsy and ignorant of their surroundings.

Suddenly, they heard a clank sound as Chris kicked open the door.

Both demons turned their heads to the door, and as a result, the two assassins behind them simultaneously thrust their daggers into their vulnerable backs.

Suofas dagger was made of Titansteel, delivering a blow that seriously wounded the demon. However, the other assassins dagger was of poor quality. Despite being highly skilled, their damage was not as high as Suofas. The demon took the hit but wasnt seriously injured. Its alcohol-numbed brain paused for a moment, unable to react.

Chris charged forward, using Shield Strike, Heroic Strike, and Fatal Strike. Meanwhile, the hunter and Jike, shot a few arrows into the demons body.

On the other side, the heavily injured demon opened its mouth to scream, but the priest holding a staff cast a silence spell. Remarkably proficient, the priests silence spell actually affected the demon, rendering it unable to produce sound. The demon clutched its throat, its face filled with frantic urgency.

Next, the priests staff struck its forehead, and Gorda swung his sword at it.

The Fire Magician shrugged at the door. I dare not intervene, it would make too much noise. Good luck, everyone.

No need for luck, its already done!

The two demons had turned into lifeless bodies. This group of nine was truly impressive in battle. Chris and his team were all high-level professionals, boasting tremendous combat prowess. And Gordas team was equipped beyond belief. Taking down two demons so swiftly was a surprise even to themselves.

They searched the room once more, finding no evidence. However, they didnt lose heart and continued onward

They evaded a small demon patrol, defeated two more demons, and finally ascended a floor.

Opening a room, they found a spider demon. The Fire Magicians enchanted their weapons with fiery damage, and the group swiftly dispatched the spider demon. Then they continued their search, evading patrols, and pressing forward

They climbed another floor, opened a door, and faced a Doomsday Guardian, which they defeated.

Climbing yet another floor, they encountered an Iron Hook Marauder, which they defeated.

Another floor up, a Void Caller, defeated.

Continuing upwards, they confronted a Stoutfoot Imp, which they defeated.

As they progressed, Xuelu suddenly felt that something was amiss. Unable to hold back, she turned to her teammates and said, Have you all noticed that the higher we go, the lower-ranked the demons we encounter? Weve climbed several floors now, and were facing even lowly imps. Theyre complete pushovers! With our strength, we can easily take them down in a single hit. Theyre nowhere near as challenging as the demons we first encountered.

In fact, everyone had already sensed this, but no one had voiced it. When Xuelu mentioned it, Chris couldnt help but say, Yeah, the higher we go, the easier it gets. Now that I think about it, the demons we encountered initially, then the spider demon, the Doomsday Guardian Huh? Exactly, with each floor we ascend, the demons levels seem to decrease.

Damn it! Gorda exclaimed, Could it be that the Demon Kings Castle is the opposite? The deeper we go, the closer we get to the Demon King?

Well thats entirely possible! Chris said, somewhat embarrassed. Demons are creatures that naturally dwell underground, and its quite possible the Demon King resides in the lowest level.

Right we just need to go up one more floor, to the top floor, and if we find that the entire top floor is filled with imps, well know for sure.

Normal imps are the lowest-ranking demons, even below Stoutfoot Imps.

Chris took the lead and ascended the stairs, with everyone following suit, rushing upstairs.

As soon as they reached the next floor, they spotted a skinny little imp, gazing at them with curious eyes.

Damn it! Its indeed imps!

Lets head back down. The Demon King must be below!

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