After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 942:

Chapter 942:

Shisu noticed that the members of the Wujin Sect recognized her but showed no intention of making way. In her mind, she couldnt help but be alarmed, This isnt good! The Wujin Sects strength is below that of our Qiantang Sect. Theyve never dared to provoke us before, especially here outside the city of East Hangzhou, near our Qiantang Sect headquarters. They should be more respectful of me here. Could it be that something has happened at our headquarters?

She remained vigilant internally but maintained an outward appearance of pride and confidence. Since you recognize me, are you still audacious enough to act like this? she retorted.

One of the leaders of the Wujin Sect laughed sinisterly, Whats there to be afraid of? Hahaha! In the past, your Qiantang Sect was mighty, and we couldnt afford to offend you. But now, hehehe without your sect backing you, do you think youre something special, just because youre a woman? Youre just a decorative, and this sword of waves is merely flattery from the martial world, giving face to your Qiantang Sect. But hey, your face is genuinely beautiful. You do deserve the title of East Hangzhous Number 1 beauty. You could serve as a concubine or something, warming the bed, showing various charming poses; that wouldnt be bad. Hahaha.

Another member of the Wujin Sect chimed in, Leader, this woman seems quite wild. She might not obediently become your concubine.

The middle-aged man who spoke earlier grinned and said, Shell submit after a good beating! Women, you see, they always become obedient after a thorough thrashing.

Outrageous! Shisus anger flared, and with a sharp ring, her longsword, hanging from her waist, was already out of its sheath. In an instant, she was in front of the members of the Wujin Sect, her sword gleaming as she moved to strike the disrespectful individual.

Robb watched from behind, thinking, That strike was quite fast, but its power isnt impressive. Its nowhere near the Elder who wanted to kill me a few days ago, let alone the leaders level.

Shisus strike was quickly blocked by her opponent. It turned out that despite his foul language, the leader of the Wujin Sect knew that the Sword of Waves wasnt just an empty reputation. She had some real skills. So, while he was talking nonsense, he had already been on high alert. As soon as Shisu made her move, he drew a knife, and with a sharp clash, he parried her longsword.

Then, the two exchanged several moves in the blink of an eye.

Robb watched from the sidelines, observing Shisus graceful and intricate swordplay. Her movements were intricate and fluid, giving the feeling of ocean waves, one move merging seamlessly into the next, like an endless series of crashing waves.

The Wujin Sect leaders knife skills were far inferior, lacking soul and finesse compared to Shisus swordsmanship. After five or six moves, the leader was already on the defensive, and he quickly shouted, Why are you just watching? Grab your knives and join in!

The nearby members of the Wujin Sect quickly responded, grabbing their weapons and moving in to surround Shisu.

The carriage driver, upon witnessing the unfolding situation, was terrified. Taking advantage of the ongoing fight ahead, he turned the carriage around, attempting to make a hasty escape. He also called out to Robb, Foreign sir, these martial artists have started fighting. We should quickly get away.

Robb smiled and shook his head, replying, I cant leave now. You go ahead. With that, he opened the carriage curtain and jumped out.

The carriage driver didnt dare linger any longer and hastily spurred the horse to the south, heading back in the direction of Boning Port.

At this moment, four members of the Wujin Sect had already begun to encircle Shisu. Besides the leader of the Wujin Sect, there were three other skilled individuals, each armed with different weapons. They rotated their attacks around Shisu, who surprisingly held her ground against all four. It seemed that her reputation as the Sword of Waves was well-deserved.

Robb nodded in admiration!

A few of the Wujin Sect members glanced at Robb, noticing his golden hair and fair skin, unmistakably a foreigner, and didnt bother engaging with him further. They were intent on joining the fight against Shisu.

However, Robb suddenly spoke up, saying, Hey, four against one, and youre still planning to add more? Lets maintain some martial etiquette or at least show some respect as men.

The Wujin Sect members turned to glare at Robb. Golden-haired foreigner, mind your own business and stay out of this.

Robb responded, I was just speaking casually; I can choose to intervene or not. But now, youre telling me to stay out, acting like a threat. If I do back off, wouldnt that mean Im succumbing to your threat? Im not willing to do that.

The Wujin Sect members said angrily, Damn, this golden-haired foreigner doesnt know his place. Someone, deal with him!

One of the members approached Robb, wielding a pair of short staffs. He advanced towards Robb, swinging the staffs back and forth aggressively.

After just a few swings, Robb suddenly pulled a short musket from his coat.


The Wujin Sect member fell to the ground.

Cut it out with those short staffs in front of me, Robb commented. Id love to say hesitation leads to defeat, but that catchphrase is outdated. Lets go with something more in tune with the current trends.

The loud noise from his muskets shot startled everyone. Suddenly, many people turned to look in their direction, even Shisu and the four Wujin Sect members briefly diverted their attention. When they saw that it was a foreigner using a musket to take down one of their own, they returned to their fight, uninterested in this side of the conflict.

The remaining Wujin Sect members, however, were infuriated and closed in on Robb.

This foreigner used a musket to take down one of our brothers.

Damn it, these foreigners love using these underhanded weapons.

Lets kill this guy first before helping the leader.

Everyone, pay attention. When you see him raise his hand to aim, immediately use your agility to dodge. Its not that hard to avoid this stuff.

As soon as these words were spoken, Robb raised his musket, and with a deafening blast, the person who had just advised others to dodge with agility fell to the ground.

In reality, he did try to dodge when he saw Robb raising his hand, and he genuinely moved out of the muskets trajectory. However, the bullets fired by Robb followed the rules of the game, not real-world physics. In the games rules, musket bullets didnt have trajectory issues but were subject to hit probability calculations. After the systems calculation determined that it would hit the target, it would do so regardless of how the target tried to dodge. Conversely, if the system calculated a miss, even if the target stood still without evasion, the bullet would pass by harmlessly.

The unfortunate fellow lay on the ground, groaning and unable to get up.

The enraged bystanders immediately flipped their wrists and shot a barrage of hidden weapons toward Robb.

Robb twirled to his left, then to his right, swaying his neck and hips, dancing in an intricate pattern. With a single leap, he dodged all the hidden weapons effortlessly.

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