After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 982:

Chapter 982:

TL: 1 chapter left of the main story Its been a very long ride.

In the real world, the off-tanks, or secondary tanks, dont have taunting skills. Therefore, the tank warriors have to physically position themselves between the attacking dargons and their teammates. They have to directly absorb all the attacks from the little dragons to fulfill the role of an off-tank. As a result, they cant kite the dragons around; rather, the dragons drag them around.

The little dragons have to stay close to the off-tanks; otherwise, they will harm the damage dealers (DPS) in the backline. Now that the fire circles have appeared, a new problem emerged.

If the off-tanks dodges the fire circles, who will tank the little dragons?

Everyone suddenly realized the complexity of the situation.

At this moment, the Black Dragon raised its head and loudly proclaimed, Feel the Apocalypse!

Red circles suddenly appear on the ground.

The off-tanks momentarily stopped blocking the little dragons, instead keenly observed their movements. One off-tank noticed a little dragon charging towards an assassin. However, when the assassin quickly jumped out of the fire circle, the little dragon followed him, so the off-tank had to then quickly move in, shouting, Intercept!

A flash of red light passed by, and the off-tank successfully positioned himself between the assassin and the little dragon, also avoiding the fire circle. Those selected by Robb as off-tanks are all top-tier tanks from either the Adventurers Guild or kingdoms like Norma and Gran. Agile and quick to react, they all successfully dodged the fire circles while perfectly tanking the little dragons, protecting all the damage dealers. Cheers erupt from the team.

Keep it up! However, the excitement lasted less than ten seconds. The Black Dragon suddenly swung its tail, spawning another wave of dragon eggs.

The hell, how can this dragon lay eggs just like that?

Godfather said this isnt a real dragon. Its way of laying eggs is different.

Right, these dragon eggs are actually summoned, not laid.

So, like I said, its a male dragon.

The warriors, who had just relaxed, are now tense again. The second batch of dragon eggs hatch with a cracking sound, and a new wave of little dragons charged in. Each off-tank has to tank one dragon

A fierce battle ensued.

Just then, Robb notices that the Black Dragon inhaled deeply once again.

So he quickly shouted, Prepare to rotate clockwise!

Upon hearing this, everyone froze. Rotate clockwise with a bunch of little dragons around? Thats insane.

However, fighting a boss is always this challenging. Players have to adapt to countless scenarios. If they cant overcome even this difficulty, how can they ever achieve a satisfying victory?

Robb had shouted loudly, Drag the little dragons! Everyone, dont use channeled or casting spells; switch to instant magic. Regarding the small dragons, fight them while moving. If you get targeted by a dragon and no one can protect you, you mustnt stop rotating. Even if you have to die, die while moving and dont block the people behind you.

His utterance, Even if you have to die, die while rotating, had immediately suffused the scene with a sense of tragic heroism.

Everyone had understood that when a formation of thousands was rotating, the off-tank couldnt possibly come to your aid if a small dragon targeted you. That was because no one had been able to move freely within the rotating formation. If anyone had moved around with their shield, they might have blocked the path and created a bottleneck, causing who knows how many to fall.

Therefore, if you had been targeted by a small dragon, you had willingly and consciously become tragic cannon fodder.



The little dragon has targeted me; goodbye, everyone. Even if I fall, Ill still cheer for you, one magician had declared.

After saying this, he had left the rotating formation and charged towards the Black Dragon. Because within 50 yards closest to the Black Dragon there had been only a few members of elite squads, there was no issue of obstructing anyone. Falling there wouldnt have impeded anyones rotation or disrupted the formation, causing a loss of life.

In an instant, several dozen magicians, archers, and priests who had been targeted by the small dragons had left the formation, choosing to die in an open space rather than obstruct their teammates.

The eyes of those still alive had moistened. Although they had known that death would be followed by resurrection, the level of tragic heroism had seemed lighter. Nevertheless, it had still been a heroic act, inspiring the fighting spirit of everyone present.

Robb had discovered another advantage in the real world for fighting the Black Dragon; that was that with an infinite number of people in the group, the team had been able to withstand the losses.

If this had been a game, where a 40-player team was fighting a boss, the fall of any single player would have resulted in a significant reduction in combat power. If more than a dozen players had fallen, it would have almost certainly meant a wipe and a restart. However, in the real world, such losses had been entirely acceptable. One could even say that such losses had barely affected the teams overall combat power.


Now, counter-clockwise!

Stop! Medium firepower, clear the small dragons.

The Black Dragons rotating breath attack had finally come to an end. The off-tanks had once again taken control of the small dragons, and the outer ring of the large group had finally been able to stop and regroup. In an instant, arrows had rained down like a storm, and magic had filled the sky.

Robb had looked up to see that the Black Dragon had only 10 million health left.

Buffs had been added to the small dragon, making them even stronger than before.

Robb had roared, All DPS, full firepower! Dont conserve mana anymore. I repeat, dont conserve mana. Full firepower!

The words full firepower had been long awaited by everyone.

Magicians had burst into laughter: Pyro blast!

Frost Orb!

Tornado Storm!

Judgment Lightning!

Archers had also gone all-out: Multishot!

Gatling Arrow!

Deadly Shot!

Berserkers, their eyes glowing red, had unleashed a furious combo on the dragons belly. Assassins had weaved through the shadows and gaps, stabbing their poisoned daggers into the backs of the young drakes.

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