After Taken as a Prisoner of War, the Vampire Queen Turned Me Into a Vampire and Made Me Her Daughter

Chapter 222: The Army Descends onto the City

Chapter 222: The Army Descends onto the City

In the underground base beneath Nolan City.

“Fishbone, are you keeping something from me?” Nael took a deep breath. Her ears stood up while her limpid eyes narrowed slightly, giving her the appearance of an angry kitten.

“Why would I ever do that? What reason could I have to keep secrets from you?” Fishbone turned his head to the side as he spoke.

“Why are you lying through your teeth? I could hear the large commotion above, not to mention the sentries on duty! Yet, you’re still claiming that you’re not hiding anything from me??”

“…It’s nothing urgent, so there’s really no need to report it to you.” Fishbone replied, shrugging to convey his nonchalance in response to Nael’s relentless interrogation.

“Are you telling me that a significant incident that has the entire city in turmoil and known by its inhabitants doesn’t count as urgent?”

“Shouldn’t our main concern right now be to conserve our strength, so that we can deliver a lethal blow when our foes least expect it? Casualties are naturally inevitable in a war. Even in the field of therapy, addressing the root cause of the ailment is more important than simply tending to surface symptoms.” Fishbone was unshakably confident in the righteousness of his stance.

“Commoners are no different than weeds sprouting in the desolate countryside. Remove a handful, and more will inevitably replace them. But once an opportunity slips through your fingers, it’s lost forever.” He stated calmly, devoid of any apparent emotion.

“Fishbone, the way you think is too extreme and heartless.” Nael’s face darkened.

“Reality is inherently harsh. If one wants to adapt and thrive, they need to be cruel as well. Such is the way of nature.”

“So, where’s Mr. Ji Bai? Where did he go?”

“There’s no need to concern ourselves with that human. He’s taking on more than he can handle.” Fishbone said with a cold harrumph. “He’s just a frail human who can’t even protect himself. What right does he have to pity us? If he enjoys playing the hero so much, he can share a grave with those commoners. Given the trolls’ body count, his death won’t change anything.”

“Fishbone, you…”

“Thud!” The abrupt sound of a door opening cut off the words which were just about to leave her lips; A petite golden-figure had scuttled out of the room with great haste.

“Your Highness Sha?!…” Nael was momentarily taken aback. With no time to lecture Fishbone, she promptly exited the room to chase after her.

“Kang, do you know where Her Highness Sha went??”

“No idea. She has whizzed past me like a wisp of smoke. Seems like she’s making a beeline for the basement entrance.” Kang’s expression was clouded with confusion. It was clear he was still trying to make sense of the situation at hand.

“This is bad… Reach out to all divisions and give them the command to attack immediately!”

“Huh?? Are we moving up the plan?”

“An unforeseen development seems to have unfolded in Nolan City… We have good reason to believe that Her Highness Sha’s abrupt departure could directly expose her to threats. We must swiftly locate her and investigate what exactly happened on the surface.”

“Okay, I understand.” Kang recognized the gravity of the situation from Nael’s somber demeanor. However, just as he was about to leave to inform the others, a hand blocked his path.

“Fishbone? What the hell are you doing?”

Ignoring Kang’s question, Fishbone turned his gaze towards Nael. “If we were to inadvertently alert our enemies, the groundwork we’ve laid for so long will be in vain. The trolls will surely intensify their scrutiny, leaving us in a precarious position. Miss Nael, I implore you to think carefully about your actions. Your decision could reshape the fate of our Asiatic Cat race!”

“Fishbone, what do you mean by that? The people outside are your fellow comrades too. If anything untowards happens to them, are you planning to stand by and let them meet their fate?” Nael’s demeanor instantly turned chilly.

“As long as we successfully rescue Her Highness the Princess, it should be sufficient. The others are of secondary concern, wouldn’t you agree?” Fishbone approached Nael. “Calm down; We’re the only ones who can save this country. As I said earlier, war is no game and sacrifices are an inevitable aspect of it. I’m sure everyone understands that as well, so…”

Nael struck Fishbone’s outstretched hand with a sharp motion, before addressing Kang with a cold tone. “Continue with the plan and give the order to attack. I’ll take responsibility if anything goes wrong.'”

“For people who prefer not to join, they’re welcome to stay behind.” She added.

“Y- Are you really planning to go ahead with this?” Fishbone’s voice instantly turned chilly.

“An outsider is capable of drawing his sword for a race unrelated to him, yet their compatriots are unconcerned about their plight. This realization truly fills me with shame.” Nael no longer bothered with Fishbone and took the lead to rush towards the sluice gate of the underground base.

“Wait, Miss Nael! We’re coming with you!” A group of restless Asiatic Cats, who were geared up ready to move, rushed to catch up with the young woman.

“Her Highness Sha… This child…” As she thought back to the series of rashless actions that Lil’ Sha had taken, Nael shook her head helplessly.

‘It’s one thing for Her Highness Felina to do this, but why are you following suit too? You’re all acting impulsively for the sake of a human…’

“Hmph! You’re all acting irrationally!” Fishbone harrumphed in frustration as he surveyed the room. Realizing that it was empty except for himself, he slammed his fist against the wall to release his pent-up frustration.

“He is just a human! Is it really that hard for you all to recognise who your true compatriots are???”


The sound of clashing metal grew silent, revealing a devastated landscape of fields and houses. All that remained were a fishy liquid oozing into the earth and horribly disfigured troll carcasses.

Within the incomparably damaged houses, heads burrowed out of the disheveled straw piles and surveyed their surroundings. The descending silence filled the hearts of their occupants with anxious anticipation as they concealed their presence and retreated into hiding.

The thick, enveloping dark clouds that enveloped Nolan City began to thin and dissipate. The scorching sun reemerged in the high sky like a beacon in the darkness, casting its rays upon a blood-stained dark-silver armor, causing it to gleam brightly.

The knight caressed the hilts of his swords tucked in his scabbard before slightly looking up at the blazing sun in the sky.

As a refreshing wind swept through, the dark-silver armor began to crumble away from his body like fine powder.

“Did we win??” A puzzled commoner gazed at the endless pool of fishy liquid around the knight’s feet. His dazed expression seemed to suggest that he was still struggling to comprehend the situation.

It was not just him; It seemed that everyone had simultaneously come to a collective halt, as they grappled with their disbelief at the tranquility currently enveloping them following their decisive victory.

“We did it…” Only when they finally heard their peer’s soft murmurs did the realization of victory set in for everyone on the scene.

“We did it! The trolls have been driven out! It’s our victory!” The scene before them, which resembled something out of a storybook, filled the Asiatic Cats with fear and an unparalleled sense of excitement.

The oppression and exploitation had finally drawn to a close on this day. The Asiatic Cats, who had been no different than walking corpses and treated like livestocks, could finally straighten their backs and hold their heads up high!

The scene unfolding before them was beyond anything they could have ever imagined in their dreams. Despite happening just inches away from them, it felt overly surreal.

The steadily increasing cheers drowned out any lingering doubts, as their hearts, which had been suppressed for so long, were completely liberated in that instant.

With emotional tears glistening in their eyes, the Asiatic Cats huddled together and eagerly gave each other hugs. As people who understood the value of gratitude, they naturally did not forget the human knight who had helped them achieve their freedom.

“Sir Knight, we’re victorious! Though this is a short-lived victory, we’re grateful for your assistance. The Asiatic Cats will never forget your kindness!” An Asiatic Cat youth passionately came forward and enthusiastically shook the knight’s hand.

He was not a fool incapable of comprehending logic. Likewise, the rest of the Asiatic Cats were the same; They naturally understood their own capabilities. If it were not for a formidable expert protecting them, it would have been practically impossible for this minor skirmish to even make a dent in the trolls’ defenses. Instead, it might have provoked their anger and yielded the opposite result.

To phrase it generously, the actions undertaken by the unarmed and vulnerable residents could be considered a form of assistance. But in reality, their contributions amounted to little more than nothing.

“Honorable Sir Knight! If the Asiatic Cats successfully break away from colonial control and attain their sovereignty, your name will undoubtedly go down in history as the hero of our race! May I inquire about your distinguished name?”

“Sir Knight, um… Please forgive my bluntness, but I can’t help but wonder if you’re really just a human? I mean, they’re clearly just a first-tier species… Oh, please don’t misunderstand; I have no intention of disrespecting you!”

The eyes of all the teenagers encircling him lit up with a peculiar gleam. As they elevated the knight to a revered status in their hearts, curiosity irresistibly arose within them.

“Names are just labels; there’s no need to make such a big fuss about it.” Ji Bai shook his head.

“Is that so? …Alright, since Sire is not comfortable revealing his name, we won’t insist.” The Asiatic Cat youth heaved a sigh.

Ji Bai remained silent as he shifted his gaze to the crowd behind him, whose exuberant cheers seemed to go on without end.

The multitude of smiling faces beneath the brilliant sunlight had inexplicably made his heart beat faster.

The knight’s creed was not what drove Ji Bai to come to the aid of an unfamiliar race. Rather, it was the desire for redemption in his heart that had spurred him forward and resulted in the heartwarming laughter playing out before him. Despite that, his heart remained as tranquil as water, devoid of any trace of regret.

“Would someone be kind enough to explain what happened here?”

As cheers filled the air, a group of armed figures wielding a mishmash of weapons, approached in silence.

A bearded Asiatic Cat man furrowed his brows tightly. Having been exploited for so long, the genuine smiles on his compatriots’ faces had long faded into obscurity. Yet, their presence seemed so commonplace at this moment.

“…Ji Bai!” A single glance was all it took for Lil’ Sha to make out the awkward figure who appeared distinctly out of place in the crowd.

Despite the noisy surroundings, Ji Bai still managed to pick up on the familiar voice, which was tinged with worry. He then turned around to face the golden-haired girl swiftly running towards him while leaving a trail of smoke in her wake.

“You meanie, meanie! Why do you always do things that make me worry? I absolutely detest you…” In one fluid motion, she jumped into Ji Bai’s embrace and used her bun-sized fists to hammer away at his chest.

“…” Ji Bai stayed silent, embracing the girl in his arms and letting her pound on his body.

Instead of causing him pain, he actually found it to be rather therapeutic.


“Why do you insist on apologizing after everything is over, obscene middle-aged man!?” Lil’ Sha harrumphed before promptly snuggling up against his chest.

“Are you hurt?”


“It’s fine as long as you’re all right…”

As he looked down at Lil’ Sha’s face pressing against his armor, Ji Bai found himself in a dilemma. In the end, he settled on stroking her supple golden hair.

“Is all this your doing, Mr. Ji Bai?” After sweeping her eyes and assessing the devastated landscape, Nael, leading the members of the Restoration Society, approached Ji Bai with a complex expression on her face.

The city had been guarded by several troll formations, and their collective combat prowess far outmatched their own forces, yet they were…

Ji Bai pondered for a brief moment before nodding.

“So, Sire Knight goes by the name Ji Bai? And who are these…” An Asiatic Cat youth was somewhat puzzled as he looked at the group of kinsmen who had suddenly joined them.

“Hmph!” Even though Fishbone was watching everything unfold in the distance and felt extremely dissatisfied, he could only pout and emit a cold harrumph with his arms crossed.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, a vampire army bearing the crest of House Setis on their flags had already made their way to the city walls…

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