After Taken as a Prisoner of War, the Vampire Queen Turned Me Into a Vampire and Made Me Her Daughter

Chapter 227: Can’t you make an exception?

Chapter 227: Can’t you make an exception?

The air above the crumbling city was marked by smoke signals, announcing the arrival of foes. The army of vampire knights, clad in black armor, had orderly organized themselves into a formation and withdrew from the barren, infertile ground in succession.

Although the rear troops were uncertain about the exact reason for ceasing the citys extermination, they understood the importance of obeying orders. As vampire foot soldiers, their only purpose was to act as a sharp blade, with the method of application left to the discretion of their wielder.

Are you planning to return just like this, your Excellency? How will you explain yourself to Your Grace? A clerical staff spoke in worry.

I dont have much of a choice here, do I? I cant defy the Queens order. Jinxuan trailed behind the troops with an indifferent look on her face.

As someone who handled things decisively, she did not fuss over the minor details. After all, ruminating on this matter would only vex her. She would rather ponder on her next steps after her return.

In cases where someone failed to complete the mission assigned by their family head, they would often shift varying degrees of blame to others.

However, it was simply out of the question for her to shift the blame on the Queen or the direct descendants of the Royal Family.

Even though the royal court no longer decided things purely based on the wishes of the royal family, their influence remained immeasurable, whether it was among the populace or the government.

It would not be an overstatement to say they were the spiritual cornerstone of the entire vampire race, with their symbolic importance completely overshadowing their practical contributions.

After all, the vampire race would have a shot at making a comeback as long as they existed. However, were they to disappear, the decline of their entire race would swiftly follow.

Every vampire commoner was intimately familiar with this truth, so why should the nobility be an exception?

Once the authority of the royal family was undermined, self-destruction was all but guaranteed.

Hence, regardless of whether they championed for the separation of power or upholding the status quo, the nobilitys respect and loyalty to the royal family remained unquestionable.

Those advocating for separation were only interested in diminishing the authority and privileges held by the royal family.

Their intention was crystal clear: All the royal family had to do was play the role of a beloved mascot and willingly step into a gilded birdcage. The latter would continue to shower them with the same respect and affection as before.

There was no need for them to worry, whether it was a new palace, exquisite silks, fine tea, or gourmet delicacies. The faction would be committed to meeting their every wish. Even if they could not fulfill them right away, they would still find a way to make it happen.

However, they would have to put aside their authority and privileges and refrain from any political involvement from then on. A life of retirement would then await them and their offspring.

While ideals were always perfect, the harshness of reality proved to be unforgiving. Their desire for a Queen to emerge; One who would heed their advice, willingly let go of her authority, and become a charming mascot had gone unanswered.

Instead, the generations of Queens that followed proved to be even more defiant, delivering a never-ending series of slaps to the decentralization faction.

This resulted in them moving from mere words to concrete actions, as they abandoned passivity in favor of a more proactive approach.

If the royal family had trouble relinquishing their authority and privileges, they would take it away from them, bit by bit.

Sigh The clerical staff of the army shook his head in exasperation.

What do you think was the main reason for our failure this time? Jinxuan brought up this question seemingly out of nowhere.

Id say its likely due to House Lefornos uncanny ability at detecting discrepancies. The clerical staff stroked his chin.

Mhm. While their canine noses are indeed pretty sensitive, thats not the key issue here. An enigmatic smile appeared on Jinxuans lips.

So Does your Excellency believe

We have a spy in our midst.

? You mean that?

Those dogs planted a spy in the Domain Lords castle. Jinxuan grinned, revealing her sharp fangs in the process.

In the outer district of Nolan City.

A stalemate had taken place, as two forces continued to confront each other despite a notable disparity in strength.

The weak and combat-inexperienced Asiatic Cat commoners felt their hearts leap into their throats as they found themselves before an imposing army of fully armed vampire soldiers.

The lives of the entire city now rested in the hands of these vampires. If the opposing side so much as twitched their finger, they would be able to reduce them to dust. That was not hyperbolic but the stark reality that laid ahead of them.

The members of the Restoration Society looked at the dark-silvery silhouette with gazes filled with vigilance and hatred, as if their hostility could take on a physical form and rend him to pieces on the spot.

May I have your attention, everyone? My name is Xun. In accordance with the Duchess of the Scarlet Empires request and the orders of our esteemed Scarlet Queen, Lilias, Ive been entrusted with the jade token of Nolan City and tasked with the responsibility of overseeing it. After briefly settling her gaze on the eccentric knight, Xun moved forward to introduce herself in a manner that was neither overly deferential nor overbearing.

Starting today, every blade of grass and piece of wood in Nolan City will fall under the jurisdiction of House Leforno from the Scarlet Empire.

As long as everyone pays their taxes on time, they will find peace within this city. House Leforno will provide you with fields and homes, and guarantee your safety in their name. If anyone wishes to leave, we wont keep you by force. However, theres one important thing you should remember.

From this point forward, you are all citizens of the Scarlet Empire and Leforno Duchy. Consequently, you are obligated to abide by our laws and our system. Any infractions will be met with severe punishment. Xuns expression remained stoic, resembling an unfeeling judge in a courtroom, as she delivered her judgment to the Asiatic Cats present on the scene.

Once they were certain that the other party harbored no ill intentions toward them, the Asiatic commoners collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

From regaining their freedom and sovereignty to finding themselves plunged back into the nightmare of foreign rule; It was inevitable they would feel utterly disappointed and disheartened.

Even so, enduring a life of hardship was much better than dying an honorable death. They were already very content with the opportunity to preserve their lives following their participation in the rebellion.

Nevertheless, they held out hope that the vampires would treat them better than the trolls did and would not just leave them with a piece of dry bone to gnaw on.

A mix of different emotions could be seen on the countenance of the Restoration Societys members. Just as they were about to voice their thoughts, their gaze fell upon the dense crowd of armored soldiers behind Xun, prompting them to wisely remain silent.

Like a calm pool of water devoid of ripples, the scene instantly descended into deathly silence.

Xun seemed to be methodically going through the procedures. As soon as she finished reading through the relevant rules, she made her departure, no longer concerning herself with the Asiatic Cats, who were wearing an assortment of expressions on their face.

Wait a moment. A deep voice broke the silence. Although not loud, it reverberated like a hefty stone dropped into a pool of water, creating ripples throughout the scene.

Is there anything else youd like to ask, sire? Xun turned her head slightly to look at the knight in battered armor.

The insignia of a hunting dog on a red backdrop. Youre the subordinates of House Leforno, one of the great Vampire Clans, am I right? Ji Bai gradually got up to his feet, drawing the diverse looks of everyone on the scene.

Yes. Is there something specific youd like to discuss, sire? Xun remained unmoved.

You two should return to your mother. Ji Bai said after regaining his composure. While slightly gasping for breath, he stroked the heads of the two kittens beside him.

Sir Knight

Dont let your mother worry.

Mhm, alright. The two kittens obediently nodded. They caressed Ji Bais armor with their little claws, as if expressing their reluctance to part with him before scurrying off to their mother with their little legs.

Ji Bai exchanged a deep look with the commoners, all of whom were staring at him, and at Lil Sha, whose eyes remained glistening in tears in Naels embrace. He then made his way towards Xun, who stood just a short distance away from him.

Despite sensing that someone was currently walking towards her, Xun did not turn around.

Swoosh! A fierce blade light halted just beside the edge of his metallic helmet. The swift and forceful wind accompanying it resembled a formless sword as it whipped against Ji Bais face.

I must ask you to stop, sire. Xun warned, her tone devoid of emotion. The tip of her longsword was less than an inch away from Ji Bais neck.

Whether youre attempting to curry favor or dictate terms through force, it wont work. Theyre all going to be futile.

Is there really no room for discussion? Cant you bend the rules a little?

Please leave. Those icy words were all he got in return.

Xun respects your strength and believes you shouldnt meet your end here. Otherwise, shed be more than willing to demonstrate the consequences of defying your superiors in the Scarlet Kingdom. With those words, Xun sheathed her longsword.

I see. Ji Bai slightly contemplated, his eyes fixed on the figure preparing to lead the army into the inner city. Without uttering another word, he grasped her wrist and, capitalizing on her momentary lapse in attention, pulled her towards him until they were face-to-face with each other.

Is there really no way to make an exception?

You Xun was filled with humiliation and anger.

However, as her eyes traveled along the seams of his helmet, the conspicuous scarlet glow which had been deliberately emitting overbearing might, froze her hand that was reaching for her longsword.

Cant you accommodate?

You audacious vermin! How dare you! Ji Bais action infuriated the crowd of vampire soldiers, who unsheathed their swords in succession, intent on tearing apart the insolent offender who dared provoke Her Excellency Xun.

Stay your hand, all of you! Xuns stern voice prompted the group of armored soldiers to halt one by one. They exchanged uncertain glances before directing perplexed looks at Xun, whose complexion had taken an odd turn.

Recognizing that Xun had already caught on, Ji Bai or rather, the individual concealed within the armor gradually released her hand and took two steps back.

Get on your knees! Xun drew in a deep breath before issuing a command.

This The assembly of armored soldiers found themselves befuddled by the situation. Still, they were well aware that disobeying an order was not an option. They didnt dare to be negligent, stowing away their swords and spears in a confused manner before kneeling down on one knee in unison.

Xun placed a hand upon her chest and slightly composed herself. Just as she was about to kneel along with the others, the armored individual intervened in the nick of time.


The armored individual shook their head and gestured towards a nearby corner.

Understood. Xun caught on to the implicit meaning and slightly nodded.

The armored soldiers kneeling on the ground were inwardly gobsmacked. They secretly wondered why their leader had become even more docile than a hamster.

They were curious about the background of this armored individual.

The Asiatic Cats were equally perplexed as well. Due to them being somewhat far away, they could not make out the conversation between the two figures and only saw the group of armored soldiers kneeling on the ground.

Whats going on??

Continue kneeling. Ill be back soon. Xuns chilly order interrupted the armored soldiers thoughts.


Amid the sea of puzzled looks, Xun assumed a role akin to that of a devoted spouse as she carefully followed behind the armored figure, slipping behind a corner that remained hidden from everyones view.

I pay my respect

Stop. The armored figure shook their head, stopping Xun just as she was about to kneel and offer her salutations.

Yes. Xun hesitated for a moment. After thinking that it might be an order from the other party, she stood at ease.

I never thought you would actually show up here. May I ask your highness to punish me for the impropriety earlier Xun stood at the side, a sense of unease gnawing at her. No matter how she looked at it, it felt somewhat awkward to speak with the individual before her.

No matter.

If I may speak, your highness. Your Royal Mother misses you a lo-

Theres something Id like to ask of you. The armored figure quickly intervened and assumed control of the conversation.

How may I be of service?

Is your mistress Tina Leforno, the second young lady of House Leforno?

Your Highness, are you acquainted with her? Xun asked, slightly surprised.

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