After Transmigrating, She Swapped Bodies with the Tyrant

Chapter 13

Upon returning to the Imperial Palace, Tu Shanjin assigned dedicated female doctors and palace maids to tend to Niu Xiu'er, allowing her to recover from her injuries for a while.0

When a palace maid reported that Yun Yaoyao had been reviewing official documents in Qianqing Palace since the morning court session ended, Tu Shanjin was somewhat surprised. Could it be that this lazy person had finally understood the principle of diligence and good governance?0

Tu Shanjin headed towards Qianqing Palace.0

The guards at the palace gates were not surprised to see Tu Shanjin. Consort Miao was currently in favor and had been granted permission by His Majesty to enter and exit Qianqing Palace freely.0

Without hindrance, Tu Shanjin entered Qianqing Palace, pushed open the door to the study, closed it behind him, and walked towards the desk.0

To his surprise, he found Yun Yaoyao fast asleep on the table, her handsome face squished by her carefree sleeping posture, with a suspicious trail of drool slowly trickling from the corner of her mouth.0

Her entire being exuded an aura of serenity, contentment, and utter foolishness!0

Although Tu Shanjin was accustomed to seeing his own face in various astonishing poses, he still couldn't bring himself to accept this calmly.0

How could there be such an ill-mannered and unrestrained woman... oh no, Book of Life and Death!0

He approached, bent down, cleared his throat, and then whispered forcefully into her ear: "The Underworld is in rebellion!"0

Yun Yaoyao was startled awake, her eyes flying open as muscle memory caused her to slurp back the drool at the corner of her mouth.0

The first thing she saw was her own face, infinitely magnified and bearing a faint trace of mockery.0

Good heavens, she'd woken up too suddenly and saw an identical version of herself!0

When she finally came to her senses, Yun Yaoyao stood up angrily: "Tu Shanjin!"0

"Do you want an oil pancake?!"0

Tu Shanjin, in a good mood, squeezed past her and sat down in the seat, picking up a brush to begin reviewing official documents.0

"Very well, bring the oil pancakes."0

Yun Yaoyao was momentarily at a loss for words.0

Damn it!0

This tyrannical dog emperor who couldn't understand sarcasm!0

After her morning grumpiness finally dissipated, Yun Yaoyao reclined on the dragon couch with her legs crossed.0

"Hey, tell me about what happened at the Yun family residence."0

Tu Shanjin took out a thick stack of land deeds and property contracts from his robes and briefly recounted the events that had transpired at the Yun family residence.0

Yun Yaoyao cradled the thick stack of deeds and contracts, her eyes gleaming.0

She didn't hear a word of what else Tu Shanjin said, only knowing that she now owned many houses, shops, and acres of good farmland, allowing her to live a life of collecting rent while lying down!0

Even if she returned to Yun Yaoyao's body in the future, she would have financial security!0

This even made the dog emperor, who had just been insufferable, seem more agreeable in her eyes.0

At that moment, a palace servant announced from outside that Minister Di of the Court of Judicature and Revision was seeking an audience.0

Yun Yaoyao quickly suppressed her joy, sat down at the desk, and pretended to be reviewing official documents.0

"Let him enter."0

Di Shunzhi entered the room, respectfully completed his formal greetings, and then stated the purpose of his visit.0

"Your Majesty, Imperial Physician Shan's medical skills are exquisite. He has cured my sister's illness, and I am extremely grateful to Your Majesty. I have come to present this Three Purity Bell as a token of my gratitude!"0

"It is said that when the bell rings, it can purify all directions. Legend has it that this Three Purity Bell has the power to summon souls and repel evil spirits, though the truth of this is uncertain. However, it is indeed capable of calming the mind and protecting one's life. I have come to offer it to Your Majesty."0

In truth, it was only because he couldn't refuse his sister's insistence that he was willing to part with this treasure.0

Di Shunzhi opened the jade box. The bottom was lined with soft silk, and in the center lay a bell.0

The ancient bell was densely carved with symbols, divine figures, and scriptures, giving it a rather mysterious appearance.0

When the handle was shaken, it produced a tinkling sound that brought a sense of tranquility to one's heart.0

Yun Yaoyao and Tu Shanjin immediately recognized that this was indeed a valuable item.0

"Minister Di, you are most thoughtful," Yun Yaoyao nodded.0

She then continued to review official documents, her expression troubled, with a lingering frown between her brows.0

Di Shunzhi had originally intended to leave after presenting the gift, but seeing the emperor looking so troubled, he felt that as a subject, it would be remiss of him not to inquire.0

"Your Majesty, is something troubling you? Is there anything this humble servant can do to assist?"0

Yun Yaoyao put down the document: "Minister Di, the imperial treasury is empty, yet there is a high-ranking official in the court whose wealth rivals that of the state. What do you think I should do?"0

"Oh, and this official is the Minister of Revenue, Lou Jianshan."0

Di Shunzhi maintained a neutral expression, but internally, he was in turmoil.0

Is this for real? Sharing such important information with him directly? Should he even know about this?0

But since the topic had been broached, Di Shunzhi could only press on.0

"As subjects, we should consider the welfare of the state and alleviate Your Majesty's burdens. Minister Lou, in particular, should..."0

Yun Yaoyao interrupted Di Shunzhi's official speak.0

"Lou Jianshan is a high-ranking official from the previous dynasty who has cultivated a large faction of supporters over the years, with deeply entrenched power. Since becoming Minister of Revenue, he has further abused his position for personal gain, engaging in corruption and embezzlement, ruthlessly exploiting the common people and causing them great suffering. This is a major problem inherited from the previous dynasty."0

Yun Yaoyao's gaze grew distant as she recalled the past.0

"Since I first became aware of my role, I have studied the way of rulership. To establish the heart of Heaven and Earth, to establish the destiny of the people, to continue the lost teachings of the sages, and to establish peace for all generations - these four truths are etched in my bones and heart, and I dare not forget them for a moment. Even after ascending to the throne, I would fearlessly enter the dragon's pool and tiger's den alone!"0


"'The rich feast while the poor starve' - what an ironic and heart-wrenching scene this is."0

"I cannot deal with him yet, but for the sake of the common people, I will eventually eliminate this great scourge!"0

As she spoke, Yun Yaoyao seemed to realize her loss of composure. She reined in her emotions and looked earnestly into Di Shunzhi's eyes.0

"I know you have never involved yourself in factional struggles, and I know you to be an upright person. I hope you can maintain this integrity and not be swayed by Lou Jianshan."0

This heartfelt conversation stirred intense emotions in Di Shunzhi's heart.0

Imagine a high-ranking, cunning, and tyrannical emperor showing his most genuine and contradictory side only to you, entrusting you with his trust - how shocking an experience that would be!0

He stared blankly into Yun Yaoyao's trusting gaze.0

In that moment, the image of the former tyrant completely crumbled, replaced by a wise ruler radiating golden light, secretly toiling and worrying for the country and its people!0

While on the surface, His Majesty seemed to be warning him, only he knew that it contained great concern - pain for the suffering of the people, as well as trust in him!0

Di Shunzhi immediately knelt down, declaring his position: "This humble servant only wishes to fulfill his duties and will not harbor any other thoughts. I implore Your Majesty to see this clearly!"0

"I understand, Minister Di. You may withdraw."0

As he was leaving, Di Shunzhi took one last deep look at the emperor, who was bent over reviewing documents, his brow stern and dark eyes tinged with red from fatigue.0

In such a high position, His Majesty must also be under great pressure!0

As soon as the door closed, Yun Yaoyao's soul seemed to leave her body as she resumed her usual lazy and casual demeanor.0

"How was that? Did I play the part convincingly?"0

Tu Shanjin put down his ink brush, his gaze profound.0

While Di Shunzhi had only thought she was warning him, Tu Shanjin saw through to Yun Yaoyao's deeper purpose.0

Although Di Shunzhi was neutral, he still harbored ambitions. Otherwise, he wouldn't have extensively satirized and slandered the "tyrant" in his stories due to the emperor's tyrannical image.0

Now that Di Shunzhi knew Lou Jianshan's true nature and had been stirred, he would surely include his own agenda in his stories, extensively criticizing and exposing Lou Jianshan.0

Given the "Rich Young Master's" reputation among the common people, it wouldn't be long before Lou Jianshan's misdeeds became common knowledge, inciting public outrage.0

"You intend to move against Lou Jianshan," Tu Shanjin said with certainty, looking directly into Yun Yaoyao's eyes.0

Yun Yaoyao popped a grape into her mouth, raising an eyebrow: "Didn't you have the same idea all along?"0

As their gazes met, everything was understood without words.0

Meanwhile, after returning home, Di Shunzhi found himself increasingly infuriated by that dog Lou Jianshan. He immediately began writing a new story, pouring out words with ten times the fervor he had once used to subtly criticize the tyrant emperor!0

He wrote well into the night. As Di Shunzhi lay in bed, every time he thought of how maliciously he had slandered His Majesty in the past, he was so remorseful that he wanted to slap himself twice.0

His former self truly deserved to die!0

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