After Transmigrating, She Swapped Bodies with the Tyrant

Chapter 6

Yun Yaoyao silently observed the row of remonstrating ministers kneeling before her.

Good heavens, she didn't recognize a single one of them.

But she could be certain that among this group brave enough to admonish the tyrant, there must be forces aligned with Prince Ze.

They sought to prevent the Cloud family's daughter from entering the palace, to avoid the Cloud family becoming unwilling supporters of the emperor.

Adhering to the principle of "speak less, err less," Yun Yaoyao remained silent.

As more and more ministers joined in the remonstration, with some truly on the verge of dramatically shedding blood on the pillars, Yun Yaoyao felt that her continued silence might not be the best approach.

Already irritated by the early morning court session, Yun Yaoyao's tone lacked any pleasantry.


The official who was about to crash into the pillar hastily halted his motion, wearing an expression of brave defiance that seemed to say, "If you don't expel Yun Yaoyao from the harem, I'll continue to bash my head until I die."

Yun Yaoyao was inwardly exasperated but maintained a neutral expression. "If we send Yun Yaoyao out of the palace, Our harem will be empty. Since you're so good at sharing Our burdens, how about sending your own daughter into the palace?"

The official's heart trembled, and he immediately knelt on the ground. "This humble servant is overwhelmed by your favor, but my daughter is uncouth and untalented, far from worthy of Your Majesty. In my opinion, the daughter of the Minister of War is both beautiful and talented. If she enters the palace, she will surely assist Your Majesty well!"

Previously, there had been officials who wanted to send their daughters into the harem, but they either lost their heads or disappeared. After several such incidents, the officials understood the underlying danger and dared not entertain such thoughts.

Moreover, apart from a small number of royalist factions, few were willing to send their daughters into the harem and invite trouble.

As soon as these words were spoken, an official in the front row of the court showed anger on his face, glaring fiercely at the remonstrating official.

Yun Yaoyao understood immediately. Ah, so you must be the Minister of War who's been thrown under the carriage to divert attention.

Yun Yaoyao looked at that official, "Your daughter must indeed be worthy of Us if she's both beautiful and talented."

The Minister of War immediately knelt to beg forgiveness. "Your Majesty, although my daughter has some beauty, she loves nothing more than playing with swords and spears daily. She has no interest in literature. I fear that placing her by Your Majesty's side would only displease you! In my opinion, the daughter of the Minister of Revenue has been raised exceptionally well..."

Before long, the scene had shifted from admonishing Yun Yaoyao not to let the Cloud family's daughter enter the palace to officials recommending their enemies' daughters to each other.

As the argument escalated, the fire spread to the neutral faction, whom neither side wanted to offend.

The neutral ministers broke out in cold sweat, but then had a bright idea: "Your Majesty, it's only three months until the date for selecting ladies from among the common people. Why not bring it forward?"

"The women from various regions of the country each have their own talents and charms. They will surely be able to assist Your Majesty well!"

This way, if the tyrant wanted to behead someone, it would be those common women, and what did that have to do with their carefully nurtured beloved daughters?

Yun Yaoyao gave a cold laugh. "My dear ministers, you certainly come up with ideas on the spot!"

The ministers immediately fell to their knees, their hearts increasingly unable to fathom the thoughts of the person in the high position.

Yun Yaoyao suddenly thought of something and swept her gaze over them, asking about the recent situation of their eldest sons, and if there was nothing pressing, whether they could enter the palace to keep her company for a while.

The ministers' hearts pounded even more anxiously. Their sons? What did their sons have to do with His Majesty taking consorts?

A sudden realization struck the ministers as they recalled a secret incident from the past.

There was a time when a group of young, strong men were sent into Tu Shanjin's bedchamber, only to be carried out later, one after another, bloodied and injured, most with blood staining their buttocks!

Since then, a rumor had circulated that Tu Shanjin was psychologically disturbed, had a penchant for male favorites, and enjoyed collecting young, strong men for torture and play!

Could it be that after favoring the charming consort more than ten times yesterday, his bestial nature had been aroused again, and now he even wanted their sons to keep him company?!

This damned deviant!

The ministers raised their heads in unison, their eyes filled with terror.

Yun Yaoyao's mind had also just recalled this rumor from the novel, that Tu Shanjin had a preference for male companions.

She wondered if this was true, and if perhaps this was one reason why Little Wu Zi had been able to serve Tu Shanjin for so long without losing his head?

Who would have thought, Tu Shanjin, that you actually preferred men!

Thinking of this juicy gossip, Yun Yaoyao's lips unconsciously curved into a playful smile.

In the eyes of the ministers, this seemed like she was savoring the taste of male companionship!

In an instant, no one dared to remonstrate further, fearing that not only might their daughters be inadvertently dragged into this, but their eldest sons, the heirs to their family legacies, might be drawn in as well!

After all, in three months' time, it would be time for the selection of ladies from among the common people. At that time, even if His Majesty didn't want to, he would have to choose consorts!

By then, they could insert their own people...

Seeing that the court officials had settled down, Yun Yaoyao knew this matter had been resolved for now.

Her gaze fell upon a minister whose appearance was notably more youthful compared to the other officials.

She remembered a minister described in the novel who had left a deep impression on her: young and accomplished, righteous, with narrow phoenix eyes that were deep and sharp.

After a brief scan, only this person fit the description.

However, what left a deep impression on Yun Yaoyao wasn't his appearance, but his identity and private hobbies.

On the surface, he was the upright and impartial Minister of Justice, who despised evil and passed judgments swiftly. Rumor had it that he was a descendant of the famous Judge Di Renjie.

In private, however, he dabbled in everything, being the most famous storyteller in the Yanchi Dynasty.

Whether it was detective stories, romance tales, or even erotic novels that made one blush, he wrote them all, and each one was a bestseller.

Most importantly, this Minister of Justice had his own agenda. Out of dissatisfaction with the tyrant, in all of his stories, there wasn't a single emperor who was a good person. He subtly criticized Tu Shanjin's behavior and character through the actions of the tyrannical emperors in his stories.

It could be said that half of Tu Shanjin's bad reputation among the common people was due to him.

At this moment, Di Shunzhi, the Minister of Justice, maintained a stern, righteous expression on the surface, while his inner thoughts were already churning actively.

To think this tyrant would take a woman who attempted regicide into his harem, truly a violation of propriety and a disgrace to the dynasty!

After the court session, when he returned to his mansion, he would surely start a new story to ridicule this situation!

The title would be "The Amorous Tyrant Who Overturned the Kingdom for Love." The content would need to be subtle, not too obviously alluding to reality.

He would write about a tyrant who, while traveling incognito, falls for a commoner beauty and abducts her into his harem.

After much forceful taking and grandiloquent giving, her fleeing and his pursuing, even a pregnancy assisted by a prince, a faked death to escape the palace, giving birth to a crown prince outside, and then being captured back to the palace not long after, the two would finally understand each other's hearts.

But just as this happens, because the tyrant had neglected state affairs and focused solely on dallying with women, the dynasty would fall.

The family of three would become ghosts under the Xiongnu's blades. While they might shout declarations of love like "We'll be husband and wife in the next life," the common people would suffer. Not only would they bear the pain of a fallen country, but they would also be displaced and massacred by the Xiongnu.

Di Shunzhi was satisfied with this plot in his mind. Hehe, it would not only earn a flood of tears from young ladies and people of all ages and genders,

but it would also make them curse the tyrant in their real lives.

Excellent, excellent!

"Minister Di of the Court of Judicature." The voice from the high seat pulled Di Shunzhi back to reality.

He hurriedly bowed respectfully, "Your servant is here."

Hadn't everything that needed to be reported today already been reported? What new trick was this tyrant up to now?

Could it be that he had already discovered that the "Rich Master" popular among the common people was him?!

"I hear that the Di household has posted notices offering a hefty reward for folk healers. Is there someone ill in your family?" The voice from the high position still sounded indifferent, devoid of any emotion.

Di Shunzhi's lowered eyebrows turned cold, and he answered through gritted teeth, "It is my elder sister who has fallen gravely ill. She was born with ailments and has always been frail. With the recent change of seasons, the cold has entered her body, and her condition has suddenly worsened beyond control."

His Majesty must have found out that he was indeed the "Rich Master" who used stories to tarnish his image among the people. This was a threat using his sister!

Damn it!

If the tyrant truly harmed his sister, he wouldn't mind learning from that Yun Yaoyao and assassinating the emperor in public!

As for the possibility that the emperor was expressing concern?


This tyrant had only ever used schemes, was deeply versed in the art of checks and balances, and never showed any emotional side to his officials, let alone concern.

However, Yun Yaoyao's next words stunned Di Shunzhi, who was still inwardly cursing the tyrant.

"I see. After the court session, We will have Imperial Physician Shan accompany you to the Di residence for treatment," Yun Yaoyao said calmly. "Imperial Physician Shan is highly skilled; there should be no problem."

Yun Yaoyao analyzed the novel's plot – Di Shunzhi's sister was supposed to pass away during this period.

As a devoted sister complex, this was undoubtedly a major blow to Di Shunzhi.

Yun Yaoyao believed that a reign built on power suppression and manipulative tactics would only make subordinates fear and dread you. At the slightest misstep, they would rise up in rebellion and overthrow you.

Since Yun Yaoyao had switched bodies with Tu Shanjin, she had to take on the responsibilities of this emperor. Based on this foundation, she wanted to add a strategy: winning hearts and minds.

She planned to gradually cultivate genuine respect and affection from the ministers she could win over. With power as the foundation and emotion as the bond, she aimed to form a stable and harmonious relationship between the ruler and her subjects.

In simpler terms, Tu Shanjin was too despised by both humans and dogs. Yun Yaoyao wanted to live more peacefully, striving to transform herself into a universally beloved emperor as soon as possible.

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