Against the Clock: The Team Leader’s Pursuit of Glory

Chapter 124 - Calling for Help

"So, what you're saying, Guild Leader Kang, is that you have mana poisoning and you're vulnerable to mana? And without that syringe, your life is hanging by a thread? Wow, don't you have a thrilling life."

"Since you also gave me a potion, I could have a seizure at any moment. If I'm lucky, I might last a few days. Or things could gradually get worse."

"And if you're unlucky?"

"In the worst-case scenario, my symptoms could flare up, and I could die today."

Hyun Junggeon mouthed a silent 'Wow.'

He wasn't amazed by the tragedy of someone who'd devoted their life to hunting monsters being struck down by a fatal disease. What astonished him more was Kang Mu-hyuk's calm demeanor in the face of a terminal illness.

'How can someone with a fatal disease be so unfazed? Even if he has medicine, the syringes he needs are all broken, and the place is crawling with Chinese Hunters looking for us.'

Kang Mu-hyuk picked up a small plastic case from his belongings on the bedside table and continued speaking.

"At least there's a silver lining. I have this oral medication left. It won't completely control my symptoms, but it'll help me manage the immediate crisis. Though, without the syringe, it's only a half-ass measure, so it's still pretty risky."

"So, you think it'll buy us some time?"

"Normally, we'd prepare for the worst-case scenario. But right now, if we don't stay optimistic, we can't even have this conversation. Let's assess the current situation first and then decide on a course of action."

Hyun Junggeon nodded and extended a finger on each hand, wiggling them as he spoke.

"Good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

"Is there even any good news in this situation?"

"There is. The good news is that all of your injuries are healed. Your broken arms and legs, and your head injury, are almost fully treated thanks to the potion."

"And the bad news is that the potion might kill me?"

"That's part of it, but the immediate concern is that communication in this area is cut off."

"This area, meaning Sinuiju?"

Kang Mu-hyuk tilted his head in confusion.

"No matter how influential the Chinese Hunters are, Sinuiju is technically Korean territory. Shutting down an entire city to catch two people seems excessive."

"When I said 'this area,' I meant just this prison village."

"I expected it, but this is indeed the only place we can hide after all. So, this is your hideout?"

"Did you know I was here?"

"I heard you talking to Zhang Zhongxun earlier."

"When did you learn Chinese?"

"I have an interpretation artifact. The tie clip on the table there. It's sponsored by the World Hunter Federation."

"The Federation?"

Hyun Junggeon feigned a calm response but was inwardly shocked.

Since the Great War, the Federation had had no ties with Korea. There were rumors that a Hunter Association Chairman had been active once, but officially, Korea was a peripheral player in the global Hunter scene. The Federation's influence was on a completely different level.

The idea that Korea's C-class guild was associated with the Federation was shocking.

'If Guild Leader Kang is connected to the Federation...'

It was reasonable to suspect that something significant, involving the entire Korean Hunter community, was brewing behind the scenes.

Reading Hyun Junggeon's thoughts, Kang Mu-hyuk added, "It's not like we're pushing some grand project because it's the Federation. I met them through Chairman Han Byung-gu's introduction."

When Kang Mu-hyuk mentioned the words 'project' and 'Han Byung-gu,' Hyun Junggeon's thoughts became even more complicated.

Big or small, it meant there was a project with the Federation. And Han Byung-gu, of all people.

Despite the rumors of him being a washed-up, toothless tiger, his status in the Korean Hunter community and his symbolic presence to the Korean people couldn't be denied.

'Usually, this is something you'd hide. If he intended to show off, he'd have told the media already. Why is he telling me this now? What's he plotting?'

As before, Hyun Junggeon felt uneasy, still unable to grasp Kang Mu-hyuk's true intentions. He was thinking Kang Mu-hyuk might just have all the fun himself before he could even get the chance. There were times at Titan he stabbed him in the back.

But of course, Hyun even considered that to be part of an entertaining game. Fundamentally, he had a unique moral code that blamed the victim.

"We got sidetracked for a moment. Let's get back to the communication issue. Is this kind of communication disruption common in the prison village?"

"It's not common, but it's not unheard of either. This is the most underdeveloped area in Sinuiju, which is notorious for its poor infrastructure. Cut a few cables and turn off some base stations, and it's back to the Joseon Dynasty."

"Then let's go Joseon style. How about sending someone to contact the outside world? Get a message to Iron Will from a place where communication works."

"You think those who cut off our communication would let people slip through? These Chinese guys are very thorough. The prison village is in chaos right now. They've blocked all routes and are controlling movement."

"Controlling movement means..."

"No one from the village can get in or out."

Kang Mu-hyuk, puzzled by the situation, asked, "If they block traffic, supplies will be cut off too. Are the people here just going to stand by? As far as I know, even the Chinese Hunters don't dare mess with this place lightly."

"They don't. The people here are like mad dogs. Once they bite, they don't let go."


"Even mad dogs have families. They're not afraid to fight, but they fear their parents and children getting hurt. In a big battle, it's always the civilians who suffer. So, they won't fight inside Sinuiju unless absolutely necessary."

"Showing strength while avoiding conflict? A good strategy."

"In our terms, it's a reasonable compromise."

"It's also the excuse of the weak. Just scraping by today. If China really intends to take over Sinuiju, this mindset won't last long."

Kang Mu-hyuk's assessment sounded like a jab, but it was just a straightforward statement.

Hyun Junggeon pointed out a more pressing issue.

"We might be the ones to fall first."

"What does that mean?"

"I went out to look around and heard something. Zhang Zhongxun warned the prison village. If they don't hand over you and me, he won't lift the siege. They have to choose between starving to death or capturing us and turning us over."

Kang Mu-hyuk's expression became more serious than ever.

"Looks like merely hiding won't be enough to get out of here alive. We need more information."

While Kang Mu-hyuk was trapped in Sinuiju, North Pocheon was also having a rough day.

Ju Se-ah was stuck in North Pocheon, unable to trace Kang Mu-hyuk's whereabouts since he went out of contact overnight.

"So, what do those White Tiger Guild people want?"

"They want the Hunters we have detained in our guild's basement."

"The ones Team Leader Kang captured?"


Hearing Jang Deuk-goo's report, Ju Se-ah rested her chin on her hand and fell into deep thought.

'Why didn't they do anything when Eulji captured them if they were going to cause such a fuss now? This seems suspicious no matter how I look at it.'

Last night, the White Tiger Guild suddenly occupied the entrance to North Pocheon, expelled the management office staff, and staged a show of force. By dawn, they even crossed the barbed wire fence and approached the guild headquarters, posing a threat.

Although Jang Deuk-goo and Hunter Lee Jin-joo led the reserve expedition team to repel them, it seemed more like they were trying to show they could come in anytime rather than being intimidated.

Ju Se-ah thought the White Tiger Guild's movements were somehow related to Kang Mu-hyuk's sudden loss of contact. There was no concrete evidence, but the timing of their show of force was too perfect.

"It's like they know something and have tied me down."

"So you think it's related to Guild Leader Kang after all?"

"It's suspicious enough when you run into trouble in a hunting ground, let alone when a Tier-ed guild as significant as them acts this petty."

"It's the White Tiger Guild after all."

Ju Se-ah nodded at Jang Deuk-goo's comment.

"I know they're thugs. But they're not brainless. They never act unless there's something to gain, which makes it even more suspicious."

"Regardless, we need to move quickly. We don't know what kind of danger Guild Leader Kang might be in. We have to decide whether to break through those bastards or destroy them."

Jang Deuk-goo had no intention of resolving things through dialogue.

Since his days as an executive, there had never been a case where White Tiger Guild's conflicts were resolved amicably. Whether the opponent was a Hunter or a guild, it didn't matter. The industry's consensus was that getting caught by them meant not even bones would be left.

Knowing well the White Tiger Guild's notorious reputation, Jang Deuk-goo considered 'fist over words' to be the top priority strategy.

His confidence in facing the Tier Guild came from Ju Se-ah's presence.

"No, I must stay at headquarters."

After a long contemplation, Ju Se-ah spoke, and Jang Deuk-goo asked curiously.

"I thought you cared about Guild Leader Kang. This is unexpected."

"As the Guild Master, I can't leave the guild, especially not with such a rogue guild in front of us."

"You've softened up a lot. Should I be impressed or disappointed?"

"Even Guild Leader Kang would have made the same judgment. Saying that protecting the guild is the top priority for a Guild Master."

As Ju Se-ah made up her mind, Jang Deuk-goo suggested another option.

"Then, how about sending a search team to Sinuiju, led by either me or Captain Lee Jin-joo?"

"Neither of you can go. No, we can't afford to take any of the guild's top fighters. Given the power disparity with the White Tiger Guild, we can't avoid sacrificing our members even if I reveal my power. One hand can't block ten thieves, and we don't know what tricks they might pull. They wouldn't openly challenge us in South Korea, but..."

"The problem is that our opponents are those madmen. They're masters at scheming behind the scenes."

"Yes, that's true. But I also believe that Guild Leader Kang would have managed to protect himself somehow."

"Then, you're saying we should wait until the White Tiger Guild withdraws?"

"Of course not. If I did nothing, I wouldn't be qualified as a Guild Master."

"What are you planning to do?"

Ju Se-ah placed her hand on the receiver and said,

"I'll use whatever cards I have. I'm going to call in some very reliable helpers."

The White Tiger Guild's vice master, Eum Youngjin, was on the phone with someone while looking at the fence that marked the boundary of North Pocheon.

"Mr. Jang, are you sure the person who met the troublemaker is really Kang Mu-hyuk?"

-There was a lot of noise about it on TV for a while. One of our guys recognized his face. It's definitely Kang Mu-hyuk.

"This is getting tangled in a strange way."

-We're searching now, so just buy us some time. It'll be troublesome if Ju Se-ah heads to Sinuiju.

"Ju Se-ah isn't just troublesome. Since she transferred to Taesung, she's been quiet, but she's not called a calamity or witch for nothing. There's a reason calamity is called calamity. It strikes like a bolt from the blue. Fortunately, it seems she's become more prudent since taking the Guild Master position. She's cautious about leaving her post."

-I don't like Hunters being exposed while chasing that North Korean Hunter woman, but it's more threatening that Kang Mu-hyuk might bring back some information from Hyun Junggeon.

"Handle it as quickly as possible. The government is already demanding an explanation."

-Understood. There are some hindrances, but it won't take long. Goodbye.

After ending the call, Eum Youngjin looked over the guild members who had set up a large tent and were settling in for the long haul.

Then, he noticed a vehicle speeding towards the special operations office.

The White Tiger Guild Hunters, who had been turning away visitors, stopped the vehicle. After a brief altercation, there was a dull thud followed by loud shouting.

Eum Youngjin approached the vehicle to see who had the audacity to challenge the White Tiger Guild.

Around the vehicle, Hunters lay sprawled out, groaning. Enraged, Eum Youngjin decided to confront the person responsible for knocking down his guild members.

"Who dares to cause a disturbance and ignore the warnings of the White Tiger Guild?!"

"That would be me, Eum Youngjin."

"Why are you here...?"

"Have you forgotten who I am? Just because you've moved up, does that mean you no longer recognize a senior? Are you making a mockery of the association Chairman?!"

"Oh, it seems Ju Se-ah is indeed becoming quite the Guild Master, calling in the association Chairman. You're not here to mediate and tell us to back off, are you?"

"Look at you. Wearing the Tier Guild badge and getting all cocky, are you?"

"We made you the association Chairman, so you should live out the rest of your days quietly, 'senior'."

Despite Eum Youngjin's provocation, Han Byung-gu only changed color without losing his temper, unusually suppressing his anger.

"I'm not here to mediate. This isn't a kids' fight; it's a fight among adults, and I'm too old for Hunters' fights."

"Then why are you here?"

"Why do you think so? I came to see my granddaughter."



At that moment, a voice came from near the fence, and Eum Youngjin turned to see a schoolgirl anxiously pacing by the fence. Behind her, riding a Rider Wolf, was...

"Ju Se-ah."

Eum Youngjin was startled to realize he had spoken her name aloud. Just her presence made him tense up.

"Because someone like you is blocking the way, my granddaughter, who was on a field trip, couldn't come home and got stuck there. Satisfied now?"

"Chairman, go ahead and take your granddaughter."

When Ju Se-ah waved and shouted, Han Byung-gu changed his frown to a smile and walked towards the fence.

Eum Youngjin couldn't stop him. He didn't even ask if the girl was really his granddaughter. They resembled each other enough. Even if she wasn't, he had no way to verify and no reason to stop them.

'She looks young enough to still be a student. Even if she's a Hunter, she can't go help Kang Mu-hyuk. They wouldn't use the Chairman for such a minor trick. It's better to let this be.'

Their appearance as a grandfather and granddaughter looked natural enough.

"Grandpa, why were you so late? I'm hungry."

"All right, all right. Let's go. Since we're in Pocheon, how about we get some ribs on the way?"

"Yay, eating out sounds great."

"Get in the car."

As the two got into the car, Eum Youngjin glared at Ju Se-ah across the fence.

"Guild master Ju, are you trying to show off your connections by bringing the association Chairman? Sorry, but his influence is a thing of the past. You've wasted your effort."

"I'm going to beat you."


"I'm definitely going to beat you up. Twice. Three times."

"Are you mocking me right now?"

"But not today. Later. I swear, I will."

Eum Youngjin laughed in disbelief but stopped when he saw the deadly intent in Ju Se-ah's eyes.

They were the eyes of a witch.

Eyes containing calamity.

The thought crossed his mind that this calamity could one day strike him out of nowhere.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Yes, hello. Oh! Guild master Ju Se-ah! How did you get this number? I guess Guild Leader Kang must have given it to you. So, how come you're calling me today instead of Guild Leader Kang? Huh? A job? Man, does this guild ever take a break from just ordering people aro-... How much? Say that again. How much? ...Whoa, ma'am. So, what do you want me to do? Oh my, of course. In this industry, there's no one more reliable than Mister Cho. Yes. Sinuiju. Okay. Ah, with Go Eul-ji? Alright. No. That won't work. We won't work with... What? Double? Hmm... What? Triple? Oh, our respected client. So, where do we meet? Sure. I won't cause any problems with that kid. I'm a pro. Then, about the payment... Huh? Hold on. A text... Oh my, an advance payment? Wow, you're so cool. Paying such a large sum all at once? As expected of Korea's best. You're so generous. Haha. Yes. I'll find him for sure. Don't worry. If he's not dead, I'll bring him back safely. Even if he's dead, I'll bring him back in a coffin. Yes, goodbye."


"Guys, wake up. We've got a job. Since we got an advance, let's get that motivation going and work hard, yeah?"

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