Against the Clock: The Team Leader’s Pursuit of Glory

Chapter 147 - This is uncomfortable even for a professional

"Guild Master, do you think I'm pathetic?"

"What are you talking about out of the blue?"

"Well, someone said my jokes aren't funny."

"I can't argue with that."

"Hmm, I don't know about other stuff, but it seems you share the same sense of humor."

"What are you talking about?"

"Never mind, just talking to myself."

"Regardless of what others say, it's true your jokes aren't funny, Guild Leader Kang. I don't see why you keep making them."

"In business, a light joke can diffuse tension. It's a useful skill."

"The problem is your jokes are like a blizzard, that freezes everyone. Unless you're aiming to give us frostbite, maybe tone it down."


"So, what's going on?"

"I had a showdown with the Chairman yesterday. He might still try to stab us in the back when he gets the chance, but we'll just have to stay alert."

"Not that. Did you get the injection?"

"Oh, yes. My father came by this morning. After the injection, I feel much better. No side effects, and my vitals are back to normal."

"I'm jealous."

"Of what?"

"Your father. He's working to cure incurable diseases."

"I respect him for that too. It's amazing to dedicate yourself to one field for so long without seeking wealth or fame."

"Not that. I mean, curing his own son's disease... Jeez, sometimes I think you're oblivious, Guild Leader Kang. Can't you read the room?"

"I'm quite quick at reading the room. You're just comparing our father-son relationship to yours with your father...."

"My god. Look at you talking. You really don't know how to read the room."


Today, Kang Mu-hyuk found himself at a loss for words more than usual.

Ju Se-ah, having made a successful jab at Kang Mu-hyuk, moved on to business with a satisfied expression.

"So, what's next?"

"We're going to stop the backdoor listing through Taesung Machinery."

"It's been a while, Guild Leader Kang Mu-hyuk."

Kang Mu-hyuk met with Oh Jungsu, a director from Hanju Group.

Oh Jungsu, claiming to be a fan of Kang Mu-hyuk, had been assisting the Iron Will Guild in various ways.

'Of course, it's not for free. He's helping because he wants something.'

Hanju Group aimed to learn the inner workings of Iron Will, which operated under the guild leader's system. They also wanted to strengthen Iron Will's position so that when Hanju Group officially entered the guild business, they could minimize resistance to the guild leader's system. With some luck, they might even get their hands on Iron Will.

'What's most needed is a guild that can be managed by non-Hunters.'

Such non-Hunters would need to feel like part of the family to feel secure. For a conglomerate always wary of Hunters' power, a family-run guild was an irresistible idea. Thus, Kang Mu-hyuk's guild leader system emerged as a viable alternative.

"Work is piling up, so let's get to the point."

"You're as direct as ever. Well, that's part of your charm, Guild Leader. Go ahead."

"The shares of Taesung Machinery that Hanju Group purchased. You'll need to sell them back."

"Sell them back? What about the backdoor listing?"

"The backdoor listing is off. A new issue has come up with the chairman."

"I don't know what the issue is, but Chairman Taesung won't back down easily."

"In my past position, I navigated the chronic risks linked to large guild shareholders. I chose to pursue a backdoor listing, assessing that Taesung's owner risk was more severe. With that issue now resolved, we must alter our plan."

"This isn't welcome news for us."

"Fortunately, there's been no change in the stock price since the acquisition of Taesung Machinery shares. If you release them slowly, according to market conditions, you won't incur any losses. I'm telling you this to prevent unnecessary losses."

Oh Jungsu folded his arms and let out a short groan, looking troubled. He rubbed his temples and spoke after some hesitation.

"The shares were purchased under a borrowed name, so getting rid of them isn't difficult. But making that decision isn't within my authority. I need to get approval as well...."

"So, you're saying it's hard to back out without any profit."

"I'm not sure what decision will be made at the top, but it's likely. Honestly, our chairman saw significant merit in gaining a stake in Iron Will, which is why he accepted your proposal. Asking him to give that up won't go over easily."

"I've heard that Chairman Oh of Hanju is no less formidable than Chairman Tae Jinsung."

"Haha! Since he's my father, agreeing to that is kind of, you know. But he certainly isn't an easy person."

"Simply because someone isn't easy to deal with doesn't mean you must opt for the tough road. I can think of a variety of responses you might get."

Oh Jungsu smiled, but his eyes were somber. Knowing how cold and calculating his father was, he worried about the repercussions.

"This might be the last time we laugh together."

"Don't be overly confident. Everywhere is much the same; there are no eternal adversaries or companions. One day you might laugh, the next you might cry, or the opposite. Always keep an open mind."

"Thank you for the advice."

"Well then, I've said what I came to say. The decision is up to the Hanju Group. I'll get going then."

Kang Mu-hyuk still couldn't return to Sinuiju. He had a mountain of tasks ahead of him. First, he had to deal with Lee Sookyoung, the only witness to the events in the Demonic Realm. He returned to North Pocheon and met with Lee Sookyoung.

"You have two options. One is to stay with our guild and have your safety guaranteed. You can remain here until things settle down."

"And the other option?"

"Join our guild. You'll receive a salary appropriate to your rank and bonuses based on your hunting results. You'll also get a South Korean resident registration card and a Hunter license."

"The second option is clearly better. What are the conditions?"

"You'll need to return to the Demonic Realm. We need you to gather information on the Gate you found there."


"Of course, we won't send you alone. One of our top Hunters will accompany you."

"Who would that be?"

"Someone you know."

"Someone I know?"

"Yes, a person you saw in Sinuiju."

"I came since you called me. This place is pretty well set up. Might even be better than Titan. Wow, the Guild Leader's office is definitely nicer."

Hyun Junggeon admired North pocheon, having seen the harsh environments of special operation zones filled with monsters. The Hunter Village was quite intriguing to him.

"A village right in the middle of where monsters roam? Interesting."

"Looks fun, doesn't it? What do you think of our guild?"

"Why ask such an obvious question? I can see right through your intentions."

"What do you mean?"

"This is an invitation to join, isn't it?"

"You're impressive indeed, seeing right through me."

"Don't flatter me. Come on and show your true colors already. It's flustering to see someone who doesn't like working with me act like this."

Instead of answering, Kang Mu-hyuk picked up a remote control from the conference table in his office. He operated it, and a projector displayed an image on the white wall.

"It's a map of the Demonic Realm."

Hyun Junggeon looked at the map without a word. It wasn't a detailed map of the new terrain but an old map showing the former cities and landmarks.

"The Gate discovered by Hunter Lee Sookyoung is estimated to be here, between the old cities of Changchun and Jilin."

"I knew it. You want to use me."

"It's about 320 kilometers from the frontline base in the Demonic Realm along the Tumen River line to this location. Currently, you're the only one who can discreetly and safely cover this distance."

"This is far from fun. It's just a hassle."

Hyun Junggeon frowned, hesitant to outright reject the task.

Sensing his reluctance, Kang Mu-hyuk continued, "Hunter Hyun Junggeon, you mentioned that something serious was happening in Sinuiju. You must've noticed the connection between those chasing Hunter Lee Sookyoung, the Chinese guilds in Sinuiju, and the Demonic Realm, right? And that's why you called me."

"Well, kind of? But I'm not sure what it is."

"I do."

"You do?!"

Hyun Junggeon jumped up from his seat. It felt like just yesterday they were struggling together in Sinuiju, and now Kang Mu-hyuk already knew about the situation in the Demonic Realm. He knew Kang Mu-hyuk was capable, but this was beyond his expectations.

"I got the information from a Russian friend. Have you heard about the 'Blagoveshchensk' incident?"

"I was part of the strategy team when you led it, remember? I had to know the details of major incidents. I studied a lot of history back then---it was a headache."

"Then you know what kind of incident it was."

"Isn't that the one where the Chinese blew up a Gate near the Russian border in the Demonic Realm?"

"Do you remember the resource deposits in that Gte?"

"I don't know the exact amount, but wasn't it around 60 to 70 trillion won?"

"In today's terms, it was close to 100 trillion won in raw materials alone."

As Kang Mu-hyuk recounted the history of world Hunters, a realization struck Hyun Junggeon.

"Don't tell me another 'gold mine' has appeared?"

"Yes. A resource-rich Gate has been discovered. In fact, there are five of them."

Five Gates.

Using the Blagoveshchensk Gate as a reference, the total value exceeded 500 trillion won. Considering the value of processed Gate resources, the potential worth was astronomical.

"Sinuiju was just a distraction."

"The issue isn't just the Gate explosion. Resources can always regenerate, but we can't predict what might happen in the 24 hours following the explosion."

"Because the Gate will remain open, you mean? Gate bosses can emerge at any time."

"Depending on the situation, a monster of Red grade or higher could appear."

"I heard during the Blagoveshchensk incident, the nearby Russian border was destroyed. Even one of those monsters would be a nightmare."

"The boss is a problem, but the biggest concern is the mass migration of monsters. Monsters displaced by those emerging from the Gate could start a domino effect. They might swarm into Korea. It could lead to war."

Hyun Junggeon sighed. This wasn't optional. Despite his reckless lifestyle and years as an assassin hunting other Hunters, he didn't want to see innocent people die.

'Is this because I worked with Kang Mu-hyuk?  He's affected me without me realizing it. Damn it.'

Kang Mu-hyuk didn't push or persuade further, simply waiting for Hyun Junggeon's decision.

Finally, Hyun Junggeon spoke.

"Why now? Why choose me? Why not form a team once Sinuiju stabilizes?"

"Having lost Sinuiju, we don't know what the Chinese guilds might do next. We need information to prepare. It's hard to pull forces away now, and to avoid being detected, we need a small, elite team. Surviving in the Demonic Realm isn't easy either. I know you received survival training during your time as an assassin with Titan. There's no better candidate than you, Hunter Hyun Junggeon."

Hyun Junggeon raised his hands in surrender.

"I don't know the Demonic Realm's geography well. Even for me, wandering unknown places is risky. It'll take time."

"Hunter Lee Sookyoung will be your guide."

"What? Can't you use someone from the prison village instead?"

"Why? Because you did something wrong to her?"

"By now, she probably knows I used her as bait to meet you."

"She knows. I told her."

"And you still want me to go with her?"

"She's the only one who knows the exact location of the Gate."

"Is she okay with this?"

"She is. We promised her ample compensation. She's a professional, and so are you, Hunter Hyun Junggeon."

"This is uncomfortable even for a professional."

"If your conscience bothers you that much, do your best to ensure Hunter Lee Sookyoung returns safely."

Thus, Hyun Junggeon's exploration of the Demonic Realm was decided.

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