Against the Clock: The Team Leader’s Pursuit of Glory

Chapter 166 - I’m going to use that legacy

Ma Param, the Guild Master of Northeast Wind guild, had just returned after dealing with a sudden outbreak of 'Wildfire Oxen' near Cheongjin City. These creatures looked like regular cattle, but they breathed fire from vents on their heads and sides. They could set everything in their path on fire. If they reached the city, they could easily cause a disaster by igniting power lines or gas mains.

Fortunately, the Hunters of Northeast Wind guild were experienced from countless battles in dungeons. They managed to take down the Wildfire Oxen before they reached the city. As usual, they completed the mission without any major problems. But, their expressions were serious.

Northeast Wind guild had originally been based in Hoeryong City, but the city fell after constant waves of monsters. The guild had to retreat to Cheongjin. Even though they were a small guild, they were proud of being an elite force. They had almost 100 successful hunts with very few casualties. But one hunt had been different. It cost them half of their members.

Most of the fallen were founding members, and their deaths left a heavy sadness.

"Damn it! Abomination! All because of that fucking lump of meat..."

"It killed Youngjae. I will take revenge."

Yet, the remaining members did not let their grief stop them. They sharpened their skills and started planning revenge on the abomination that caused the deaths. Even Hunters from Seoul's Tier Guild were impressed by their focus and determination.

While all of this was happening, the guild members noticed politicians walking through downtown Cheongjin. The politicians were 'comforting' the citizens, but it seemed more like they were on a sightseeing trip.

"Do these politicians even know how bad things are?"

"Fucking bastards. They don't send the support we asked for and here they are fucking taking pictures, not to help us."

"If they had done their jobs right, Cheongjin wouldn't be in this mess..."

"Hey, let's go throw some eggs at them."

A few of them got a carton of eggs, but Ma Param quickly stopped them.

"If you throw those, you might actually hurt someone. Do you want to spend the rest of your life in jail? Stop now."

Frustrated, the guild members turned their anger toward the person who invited the politicians to Cheongjin.

"Who brought these clowns here?"

"It's election season. Of course, they're crawling out like locusts."

"But it doesn't look like they came on their own."

"What do you mean?"

"Look over there, that guy."

The man that the guild member pointed to had just removed his sunglasses. The other Hunters didn't recognize him right away, but a few sharp-eyed ones did.

"Isn't that Kang Mu-hyuk?"

"Kang Mu-hyuk? The leader of Iron Will?"

"Yeah, what's he doing here? The guys from Iron Will fough pretty hard core. I thought they were pretty good. Don't tell me he invited these politicians."

"So, he's been playing both sides, huh? Just look at him, sucking up."

Kang Mu-hyuk wasn't bowing or scraping, but it was clear he was guiding the politicians. He looked like a polite and obliging Guild Leader.

"Don't let it bother you. He's not a Hunter. All he can deal with is politics. We have our work, and they have theirs," Ma Param said, trying to calm the guild members.

After the deaths of their comrades and a month of constant fighting, everyone was tense. One mistake could lead to big trouble, and when Hunters got into trouble, it was never a small issue.

"Before the next hunt, make sure you restock and check your gear."

As Ma Param turned to leave, his guild members followed him. Like clockwork, they headed to the central supply depot in Cheongjin City.

What they didn't know was that Kang Mu-hyuk was the one who had set up the supply depot.

Kang Mu-hyuk had designed a system where all Hunters, except those in the Tier Guild, could get potions and supplies from the central depot whenever needed. But, few people knew about this. Most Hunters saw fighting monsters as a personal battle. They viewed civilians as nothing more than people to protect.

So when something bothered them, their frustration naturally boiled over.

Kang Mu-hyuk, on the other hand, believed the monster war was everyone's fight. He thought civilians had a role to play, just like Hunters. For example, civilians gathered resources after a hunt, ran food stations, organized supplies, and evacuated the injured---tasks that Hunters didn't worry about.

Unaware of this, Hunters often dismissed Kang Mu-hyuk as someone who was just all talk. Even if they knew what he did, they likely would still see themselves as superior because they were the ones risking their lives. Even the Northeast Wind Guild, which prided itself on saving people, couldn't completely escape this elitist mindset that most Hunters shared. But of course, Kang Mu-hyuk never revealed how he felt about being treated this way. In fact, there was nothing to reveal---he simply didn't care.

To him, a useful Hunter was one who could do a good job slaying monsters. As long as they weren't harming civilians and could take down monsters, he didn't mind if they were a little arrogant. So, it wasn't by chance that, while smiling for photos with the politicians, Kang Mu-hyuk noticed the Northeast Wind Guild.

'They're... the Northeast Wind Guild, huh?'

A mid-sized but incredibly fierce guild in everyone's eyes who were making a name for themselves by taking down monsters like no one else. Even the Tier Guild had to admit their skill. There was no way Kang Mu-hyuk hadn't heard of them.

He remembered what he knew about the guild: Guild Master Ma Param and Vice Guild Master Park Jinseon.

They were a small, elite guild of 79 members. In the battle against the Abomination, they had lost 34 members. Five more were left disabled and had to retire.

With only 40 members left, they barely had enough to form a full raid team. Yet their exceptional skill---or perhaps their burning desire for revenge---allowed them to cover a significant portion of Cheongjin's defense.

Kang Mu-hyuk respected them.

'They're not just strong fighters. What's truly impressive is...'

Even after losing so many members to the Abomination, they didn't retreat from the frontlines.

The Abomination was a named monster evolved from an ogre.

Even in the U.S., where Hunters were highly advanced, those who survived encounters with the Abomination often came away with serious trauma. Many couldn't hunt again for a long time, and some never recovered from the PTSD, forcing them into retirement.

That was how terrifying the Abomination was. But the Northeast Wind Guild, despite losing half their members, hadn't abandoned the battlefield.

One could attribute this to them frequenting the Demonic Realm for countless dungeon raids as if it were their own backyard, so one might think they were extraordinarily strong. But anyone who truly understood the fear caused by the Abomination wouldn't judge them based on such a simple mindset.

'The Northeast Wind Guild. They're definitely going to be a useful card.'

Kang Mu-hyuk repeated the guild's name in his mind, then flashed a wide smile at the politicians.

"Gentlemen, how about we take a trip to the frontlines for an inspection?"

The politicians hesitated. One of the senior members of the ruling party, who had served three terms, spoke up.

"Guild Leader Kang, are you sure it's safe?"

"Don't worry. You've seen the reports. Things have stabilized a lot, and we're pushing the monsters north. It'll be fine."

"Still... You know how unpredictable those monsters can be..."

"We've got Hunters from the Association here, haven't we? And don't forget, the chairman of the Association himself is with us. Even if something goes wrong, we've got Chairman Han Byunggu, the hero of the Great War, watching over us. Isn't that right, Chairman?"

Kang Mu-hyuk gave a playful wink at Han Byunggu, but Han Byunggu frowned, looking uncomfortable. Just then, Cha Gil-joo, standing beside him, nudged Han in the ribs and whispered, "Sidekick. Sidekick."


It finally clicked for Han Byunggu that Kang Mu-hyuk was setting him up. Clearing his throat, Han Byunggu quickly responded, "Protecting the assembly members? No problem at all. We've got this place completely locked down."

With Han's reassurance, the lawmakers started to relax. Seeing the mood shift, Kang Mu-hyuk stepped in to close the deal.

"And wouldn't it be a missed opportunity if we didn't go? We have all these reporters here. Showing the public that our lawmakers are inspecting the frontlines for their safety will put people's minds at ease. They'll be more eager to vote, don't you think, Assemblyman Kim?"

Kang smoothly turned to Assemblyman Kim, a veteran opposition politician aiming for his fourth term. Assemblyman Kim, always ready to seize a voter-friendly moment, clenched his fist for the cameras and timed his response perfectly.

"Of course! We in the opposition party will never shy away from danger when it comes to protecting our people's safety and well-being. That's the core value our party stands for."

Grinning and striking a seemingly well-rehearsed pose for the cameras, Kim delivered his words like he was campaigning. The ruling party couldn't just let him steal the spotlight. With the northern region already in chaos, community and civil groups were increasing pressure, and they couldn't keep using monster security as an excuse to avoid the media forever.

"Oh, absolutely. Assemblyman Kim has made an excellent point. Our ruling party takes great pride in stepping up during times like these, ensuring our people feel safe and secure so they can focus on their daily lives."

While the politicians exchanged compliments and posed for the cameras, Han Byunggu leaned closer to Kang Mu-hyuk and whispered, "What, are you trying to get yourself a nomination or something? Why are you doing them such a big favor?"

"If I wanted to get into politics, I'd be in Yeouido, not out here in Cheongjin."

"It's just that when you're being all nice, it makes me nervous."

"I'm often told I'm the kind of guy who doesn't need rules. I'd love to meet a Guild Leader who is nicer than me if he exists."

"You're the only Guild Leader in existence."

"...Fine, then, let's say I'd love to meet anyone else in this business who's nicer than me."

"Comparing yourself to hot-headed Hunters? What's the point? For a regular person to be able to figure out who's kinder, you or a Hunter, they'd have to be a sociopath to answer that question."

"Not all Hunters are bad, you know."

"The problem is, you look more like a villain than even those bad Hunters you're talking about."


As the politicians continued praising the Association's chairman, a few cameras shifted toward Kang Mu-hyuk. Han Byunggu gave a polite wave for appearances' sake.

Kang Mu-hyuk also offered a small smile that barely lifted the corners of his mouth from his expressionless face. As soon as the cameras turned away, his smile disappeared.

Han Byunggu resumed their conversation, "So, what's the plan?"

"It's nothing grand. Just simple. I just want people to see what's really happening here."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"This place gets hit by monsters multiple times a day. There's no Gate, no special hunting zone, no dungeon. So, filming everything shouldn't be a problem. And if we catch lawmakers freaking out, it'll make quite a show."

"And what's the point of humiliating the lawmakers?"

"We need to make them angry. And we'll show the public what happens when this place falls---how many lives are lost. Let them see the real horror."

"But why stir up trouble when things are quiet? What's the point in pissing them off? If you scare the public, airports will close, people will start hoarding, and chaos will break out."

"How much longer are we going to let politics get in the way while people die? The public needs to see the truth. The danger is growing, and we need to shatter the illusion that they're safe." Kang Mu-hyuk's voice turned cold.

Han Byunggu could feel that the situation was more serious than he had realized. So he had to ask.

"And after that? What's your next move?"

"They've been doing something interesting lately---summoning busy people as they wish."

"You mean the hearings?"

"Exactly. I plan to join in that fun. Publicly."

"And what will you gain from doing it publicly?"

"I'll promote myself."

Han blinked, surprised.

"Promote what?"

"That I'm the one who's going to end this war."


"I'm going to end the war, and in return, I'll demand full authority."

At that moment, Han finally understood the weight behind Kang Mu-hyuk's words.

"You don't mean... You're going to use that?!"

"Yes. I'm going to use the past legacy from the time of the Great War."

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