Against the Clock: The Team Leader’s Pursuit of Glory

Chapter 90 - I guess I don't have to just sit still after all, huh?

"You made that call on purpose, didn’t you?"

"Oh, you noticed that?"

At Kang Mu-hyuk's counter-question, Joo Se-ah frowned.

"It feels like you’re mocking me."

"No. I was impressed. Because now you're paying attention to things you never cared about before."

"Do you take me for a fool? I can't help but notice it when you’re being that obvious with it."

"I can tell you Chairman Han Byung-gu won’t feel that way. Because he’ll feel his weakness has been poked."

"That old man has always been a fool anyway. But, ‘weakness’?"

Then, a loud explosion was heard from somewhere. The sound was pretty faint perhaps due to the explosion being far in distance. Startled migratory birds were soaring through the sky outside the window. The sound of the explosion came once again, echoing like the bell of a mountain temple.

Joo Se-ah clicked her tongue, glancing in the direction of the explosion.

"I told her to find the mines, yet she’s practically plowing the land. Tsk, that habit of using brute force of hers needs to be fixed before anything else."

"That’s why I left her to you, Guild Master. No matter how harsh Chairman Han Byung-gu was in training her, he couldn't have grilled her mercilessly. Especially in terms of mental fortitude, it would’ve been difficult for him to push his own kin to the very limit."

"That's why the kid has so many screws loose. The weakness you mentioned earlier. It's her, isn’t it?"

"Yes. The reason why he didn't recruit a powerful Hunter like Go Eul-ji to the guild or expose her to the association's external activities, and treated her like a precious gem is because the chairman wanted to protect his granddaughter from external forces."

Joo Se-ah agreed with Kang Mu-hyuk's words since she herself had gone through similar experiences.

The only difference was that while she was a weed that had to endure harsh storms, Go Eul-ji was a flower in a greenhouse.

"Her talent is indeed undeniable. She might become an S-ranker someday. But of course, if she continues living as she is right now, she'll never overcome that wall."

"Being S-rank material means being exposed to just as much danger. If it weren’t for your unique traits, you might have encountered several assassins by now."

"I did, in the past. Quite a few. But I killed them all."

Joo Se-ah's eyes turned cold. Kang Mu-hyuk nodded as if he had guessed as much.

"In today’s time, unless they're S-rankers, they wouldn't even attempt to assassinate you. But, given that S-rankers are national-level assets, they can't just secretly enter Korea. So, this time, they're aiming for the chicken instead of the pheasant."

[TL/N: meaning the next best target]

"The chicken?"

"Yes, the chicken."

When Kang Mu-hyuk pointed to himself, Joo Se-ah burst into laughter.

"Pfft! Kekekeke, Hahaha, ah~ I’m pretty sure that chicken isn't usually that smart. Maybe the Japanese should rethink their use of the word 'birdbrain'?"

"'Birdbrain'...Are you trying to mock me right now?"

"Um, maybe a little?"

Joo Se-ah smiled, pinching a small gap between her thumb and index finger. Teasing Kang Mu-hyuk after such a long time was refreshing for her.

"It's a joke. I’m kidding. Why are you so serious?"

"That’s just how I usually look."

"I don't recall it being that way in the past."


"Nothing. I was just playing."

Joo Se-ah mumbled a response, trying to brush off her remark.

Kang Mu-hyuk spoke up, "Anyway, at present, even S-rankers can't be sure of victory. You’re a true S-ranker who lives up to her name after all, aren’t you? Certified by dignitaries of the World Federation."

"It feels like you're actually mocking me this time?"

"You’re right. That was a joke."

"That's too corny."

"It's genetic for me. Being bad at making jokes."

"…What a thing to inherit."

Joo Se-ah suddenly found herself at a loss for words because just the mention of genetics reflexively brought Kang Mu-hyuk's illness to her mind.

Since Kang Mu-hyuk first discovered his condition at Taesung Hospital, she knew as well that mana poisoning was hereditary.

Though it was a casual joke from him, Joo Se-ah found herself speechless.

Not minding the awkward atmosphere, Kang Mu-hyuk continued to speak.

"Anyway, watching over Japan's actions over the years, the Chairman must have felt a sense of danger. After all, Japan has a history of cutting off promising Hunters before they even get to grow. So, he’ll try to protect Go Eul-ji in any way possible. He might issue a direct warning to the Japan Guild Alliance, or he might step forward to show his power. Either way, we don't have to step in, so the risk is less."

"What about Team Leader Pyo Beomhee? We're also taking action."

"I’m saying we won’t be not stepping forward officially. Officially."

When Kang Mu-hyuk emphasized the end of his statement, Joo Se-ah's expression changed.

"Oh, officially? So, 'officially,' we're not taking any action?"

Her gaze turned cold as she looked towards the south.

Towards South Pocheon, Seoul, and somewhere across the sea, where conspirators might be plotting.

She sent a chilling gaze.

Joo Se-ah muttered softly, "This time, I guess I don't have to just sit still after all, huh?”

"Oh my! Chief Pyo?!"

"It's been a while, Team Leader Lee. How is everyone?"

"Of course, they're doing well. Had I known you were coming, I would've told everyone to clear their schedules. They would've loved to meet you."

Wearing a visitor's badge, Pyo Beomhee entered the marketing team's office and was greeted warmly by her former colleagues.

The enthusiastic response from the staff was not only because they were glad to see her but also due to the stable popularity she had earned while working with them.

The marketing team leader led her to the conference room and personally brewed some whole bean coffee for her.

"Did you come here because of that meal voucher? The President has already approved it, so you don't have to worry about it."

"You think I came here for work? I just came to visit you guys."

"My goodness, yet you didn’t get in touch with us even once after you left."

"Try being stuck in North Pocheon. You can't even make a phone call there, let alone access the internet."

"Ah, right, I saw the news last time. I'm glad you didn't seem to be hurt. It was fascinating seeing a former colleague fighting monsters."

"All I did was take down a few orcs. And come on, you saw me at the festival back then too."

"But you were working at Titan back then."

As they chatted, Pyo Beomhee, who sipped her now lukewarm coffee, casually asked, "Speaking of the festival, I heard BTA has a concert booked in LA for next year. I heard they're going to release a new song there."

"The word gets around really fast. It hasn't even been officially announced yet. But no wonder. It's all over the fan clubs, so it's not exactly a secret."

"I also heard rumors about a concert in Japan. When is that happening?"

"That got out already? But they haven't even signed the contract yet."

"As if there are any secrets in this industry. The fan clubs are super fast these days. I tell you, they’re almost CIA agents."

"By fan club, do you mean that the kid from the guild? The one who got the meal voucher this time."

"Yeah. Her damn captain keeps telling us to give her concert tickets and everything. She's from a well-off family in our industry, but she's pretty talented, so we scouted her by using BTA."

"Pfftha! I can’t believe you lured a Hunter into a guild using idols! Maybe our entertainment company should start a guild."

"So, about the concert in Japan? It must be tough for the company to handle it directly there, with the place being so tight-knit. Are you working with a partner company?"

"From what I know, probably yeah. They mentioned Jace's office or something. It’s a Japanese idol company."

Pyo Beomheei's eyes sparkled at the marketing team leader's words. She was about to ask another question when she felt a heavy energy behind her back to the right. She glanced through the door.

"Hello, Mr. President?!"


That energy was getting closer along with the voices of the marketing team members.

Knock, knock!

The conference room door opened with a knock, and a familiar face popped in.

"Oh my, Chief Pyo, or should I say Hunter Pyo now? I heard you were here. You should have come up. What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you, President Yu."

And the person following behind him.

Unlike her nervousness within, Pyo Beomhee looked at him with a carefree expression.


The man looked at Pyo Beomhee as well, their eyes meeting. A chill ran through the room as if an air conditioner had been turned on. Yet Pyo Beomhee felt her back getting damp. Though she was calm on the outside, an invisible war of nerves unfolded between the two.

As an awkward silence ensued, President Yu laughed heartily, attempting to defuse the tension.

"Oh my, I have a guest with me, yet I'm all over the place. I was just showing him around the company. Right! Let me introduce you. This is Chief Pyo, who used to be a part of our company. Now, she's with the Iron Will Guild. We may not work directly with Hunters, but it's good to have connections here and there so- Haha."

The man’s eyebrows twitched at the mention of ‘Iron Will.’

Just as the interpreter next to President Yu was about to translate his words, Pyo Beomhee greeted him first with a smile.

“Hajimete o ai shimashō. aian'uxo-rugirudo no pyobomuhyi desu. (Nice to meet you. I'm Pyo Beomhee from the Iron Will Guild.)"

The man looked down at Pyo Beomhee's extended hand and then firmly grasped it.

"I’m Handa Ryushin."

"About that woman we met today, she's with Iron Will, right? Did you look into her?"

"Yes, according to the intel from Kim Myung-jun, it seems to be a coincidence."

"On what basis do you say that?"

Ryushin carefully listened to his subordinate's report.

Pyo Beomhee was a former employee of BigBro Entertainment. And before that, she was a Hunter affiliated with the Titan Guild.

According to the facts known, she got acquainted with BigBro and other entertainment officials after rescuing them from a monster intrusion during the Yeoju Festival performance.

One of their guild members was a huge fan of BTA, so she came for their concert tickets while also moving forward with the meal event.

"Considering the date set for the idol meeting, it was arranged long before our arrival in Korea."

"What did the intelligence officer from the alliance say?"

"Nothing much different from Kim Myung-jun."

"So, we can rely on the information."

Ryushin felt something was off.

Given the circumstances, it didn't seem like she was sent after they caught onto their presence. Yet, the timing was way too perfect to be mere coincidence.

'Besides, for her to have been a former colleague from Titan. Her close connection with the target is pricking me. To think we’d encounter her there. Was I too careless?'

Ryushin was a cautious man. He couldn't rush into an operation with suspicions bothering him.

"Send some men to keep an eye in North Pocheon."

"We have an intelligence officer, so why..."

"Iron Will’s location is way too secluded. As hard as it is for people to leave the place, it’s just as hard to get information out of there as well. I mean, we don't know much about Iron Will, do we?"

"There's no need to worry about a C-class guild like—Urgh"


With a pain akin to his stomach being blasted through, the subordinate flew through the air and crashed into a wall, which partially crumbled, sending concrete dust flying. He staggered, trying to get to his feet, wincing.

"Since when did you start questioning what I say?"

"I-I'm sorry, clan leader. It's just that they seemed too insignificant for you to worry about..."

"A tiger gives its all even when hunting a single rabbit. Not to mention, if a real tiger needs to drag a rabbit out of a cramped hole, shouldn't it be prepared to put in this much effort?"

Ryushin resolved to reevaluate his plan from the beginning.

‘It seems my men are taking this too lightly, since they think it's just an assassination of a civilian who’s not a Hunter. This is a good opportunity. I need to use this chance to rein them in.’

Ryushin stood up.

"Tell everyone to gather at the dojo. I’m gonna teach them myself."

"Y-yes, sir!"

"I could tell just by looking. He's a notch above me. Must be A+ ranker. He didn't have any intention of hiding his strength at all. Anyway, he must have recognized me too. I couldn't avoid him since we met so suddenly. So I just laid it all out that I'm from the Iron Will Guild. I bet he's probably wondering whether I came there on purpose, or if it was a coincidence."

Hearing Pyo Beomhee, Kang Mu-hyuk thought they avoided the worst-case scenario. The worst would be them finding out Iga Clan's identity had been revealed.

"Just in case, I've asked Kim Myung-jun to run some information. Hide what needs to be hidden, show what needs to be shown. The Japanese alliance might have several information lines, but nothing's as fast and accurate as getting it from a local informant."

"Do you trust him?"

"His position and life are on the line, so he wouldn't betray us. If he wants to keep me in check, he'll play his tricks in a way that doesn't involve the Iga Clan."

"So we've bought some time for now, huh?"

"Not for long. The Slayer Guild will start moving soon."

"Huff huff huff..."

Tanaka desperately ran through the alleyways. The Embassy Road in Seongbuk area, was usually deserted at night, but it felt even particularly devoid of people tonight.

‘Damn it! I shouldn't have taken that money... I can't believe they even camped out in front of the embassy.’

That monster blocked the car with his bare body.

Even when he reversed, he didn’t even budge. Tanaka sensed the terrifying reality of the Hunters to his bones.

Left with no choice, he abandoned the car and ran, driven by instinct even though he thought he’d get caught soon.

‘If I can just make it inside the embassy somehow...’

But that was as far as Tanaka's wish went.

A man suddenly appeared, blocking his path.

"Mr. Tanaka, where are you running off to?"


"I told you to speak up while we’re being nice, didn’t I?"


"Yes, that’s right. At least you know. Then you must know you can't run, right? Don't force me so your family has to see something unpleasant. Let's get this done smoothly, yeah?"

"I’m a personnel of the embassy. If you harass me, this could escalate to a diplomatic issue."

Tanaka squeezed out his voice to threaten him, but the man just ignored him, blowing air at his fingers after cleaning out his ears.

"Pretty big bluff for someone who’s not even an ambassador. So tell me why’d the _oh-so-dignified _embassy personnel gamble himself into debt. You tried to cover for the embezzled operation funds by taking our money, didn’t you?"


"If you knew you’d end up choking on the money you stole, you shouldn’t have taken it. Or you should’ve taken more and just went with it. At least make your stance clear. You did a shitty job stealing it and then ran away. That’s why you’re in this mess. Honestly, I don’t give a rat’s ass. Just informing the Japanese alliance that you leaked Iga Clan’s information is enough to end all of this."

Tanaka hung his head low, his face gaunt. His sweat ran cold, and he felt dizzy.

'If that gets out, I’m...dead.'

He had no choice but to make a decision.

The man stepped closer to Tanaka.

"Where are they?"

Instead of answering him, Tanaka pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over to him.

Written on the paper was an address.

"You stingy man. You were all prepared to give it up, yet you go around playing hide and seek with me in the middle of the night. Hahaha!"

The man, satisfied, tucked the note into his pocket and in return, threw an envelope to Tanaka.

Tanaka, somewhat bewildered, caught the envelope and looked back and forth between it and the man, as if asking what it was.

"Who do you think we are? Butchers? Did you really think we were going to kill you? You said it yourself, you're a personnel of the embassy. You did a good deed, so of course, you should be rewarded for your effort."

Tanaka realized the meaning of this money. It was a bribe, basically asking for his future cooperation. Rather, it was a shackle.

Without any further ado, the man turned away and walked out of the alley. He pressed his smartphone to his ear, checking the note.

"It’s me, Woo Byung-gi. Please tell Team Leader Seong that the location of the goods has been confirmed."

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