Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 5- Anger

Chapter 5- Anger

In this world very few...around one in every ten thousand people awaken their Heavenly trait. A set of skills that allow them to wield the powers of a true angel of the heavens.

Angels and Devils have been rivaling to gain ultimate supremacy since ancient times. Those who were on the side of the devils were commonly known as demons and those on the side of purity and justice were being supported by the angels.

Unlike Demons who could wield the powers of pure devil wholly, humans weren't that capable and tolerant of angelic powers. That was why only specific body parts of Heavenly awakened people get transformed into a deity class.

Some individuals experience this divine transformation in their limbs, voice, and senses, among others. But wings... to manifest the wings of an angel is akin to acquiring a legacy of immense worth. Such wings are coveted treasures that many would risk their lives to possess.

Individuals who awaken their angelic wings gain not only a plethora of abilities and the power of flight but are also believed to be true incarnations of celestial entities themselves. Nonetheless, many seek to manifest these heavenly wings primarily for the vast array of skills they bestow, and little else.

No individual can manage more than two Heavenly traits, and those who bear two such attributes are considered prodigious among prodigies. Take Alatia, for instance, with her Unique Eyes and the ability to summon her two pairs of wings in critical moments. However, invoking these wings consumes the bulk of her energy.

The number of wings determines one's stature among others with similar awakenings. More wings signify greater authority and a stronger celestial aura. While a single pair of heavenly wings is a typical manifestation for the awakened, bearing two pairs is a rarity. Indeed, Alatia's status as a heroine was well-deserved.

Then what makes the hero, Logan, so special?

While the prevailing belief was that there existed a limit to the number of Heavenly awakenings one could undergo, with two being the established maximum, Logan defied convention, possessing the constitution to endure more than just two awakenings.

Yes, Logan's whole body could morph into a Heavenly one and the pair of wings he possessed is four.

Not only does he hold authority over the other heavenly awakeners but his range of skills was enough to make him an SS-rank demon hunter just after graduation—a feat which only fingers countable amount of people have achieved.

Although he could control his powers somehow as the story progresses it would take some time for him to awaken all the components.

In conclusion, it was an inescapable truth that Logan was destined to eclipse every mortal on this planet, emerging as the savior everyone yearned for.


"Hup! " With a swing that created a small just which disappeared soon after, I rested my spear in my clutch while panting slightly because of the strenuous exercise I have been going through for long four hours now.

I sprinted, somersaulted, leaped, stumbled, and exerted every effort to keep myself in motion. I aimed to recall the techniques Kyle had perfected over the years and to determine my current physical boundaries.

'I don't feel completely fatigued.... ' I have the sense of being tired of my previous life and this definitely wasn't the limit of my body.

I feel like I could go for another four hours yet it would only just provide me a good sleep at night, and no lasting pain would be inflicted.

'Well, I should stop for today before Alatia arrives... ' She has instructed me to take it easy for some days that was why she didn't take me with her shopping but....

'Well, she wouldn't know if I just walked back in and-' My inner voice choked on a hard breath as I suddenly found a pair of violet eyes looking at me.

But the most worrying factor was the emotion she held in them.



I didn't know someone could be so domineering without behaving or saying anything in particular.

I put down the spear on the weapon stand before making my way to the lady at a hastened pace. Thankfully I wore my shirt some moments ago or this would have been incredibly awkward for me.

"My lady...I apologize for not noticing you earlier."

I stood at the ground level while Alatia stood on the stairs which led to the open training ground.

She was looking down at me with an expression that said she was extremely displeased with something. And I didn't have to think too deeply to discern what fouled her mood.

"I see that you are working hard for the sake of being a perfect butler for me...but is it worth it, Kyle?"

"My lady?" I lifted my head to match her gaze as I asked in an uncertain tone, clearly not able to comprehend what she meant.

There was a sense of mockery that I felt her eyes held for me as the lady spoke, "I much you train yourself and become stronger, in the end, in front of an awakened you would crushed within moments. " she meant it like that. Well, can't blame her since Kyle's powers were something nobody knew about so in her eyes I must be looking like a weakling.

I could have felt hurt hearing such things from the person whom my previous self had adorned so much, but someone who knows the reason for such behavior, I smiled before replying, "Even though I would prove to be useless in front of a superhuman...when it comes to my lady, I at least could present myself as a meat shield and protect you as long as my lady allows me."

It wasn't a lie. After the favor she did for me and considering the emotions the old Kyle had for her, I now know that besides surviving in this world, I want to take care of her too.

And I was happy with such a resolution of mine.

Alatia's expression shifted back to its usual demeanor. Any trace of mockery or indifference vanished in an instant, leaving only a neutral, unreadable gaze.

"....why?" I saw her lips moving and a very thin voice reaching up to me but since I wasn't able to understand it, I asked, "Pardon?"

Alatia's head hung low and her fist balled up suddenly before she nearly vented her frustration on me, "Why aren't you getting angry at me?! You idiot! "

And with that...she walked away.

I was left speechless by the turn of events over which I never had control. She just came, vented, and wooosh.....

'...why is she behaving out of character all of a sudden? '


A/N: - Note that Kyle played the game some years ago so he doesn't remember the small details of every character.

And don't hate her based on her current behavior. She would go through character development sooner than you think.

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