Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 66- Excited

Chapter 66- Excited

"Professor Clara!" While she was on her way to the staff room, Clara heard a voice calling out for her.

"Student Logan? Do you need something from me?" Turning towards the raven-haired student of hers, Clara asked in her usual tone.

Logan, who was breathing a little heavily since he ran all the way to the upper floor, halted before Clara.

Once he calmed down a bit, which didn't take much long, he asked, "I heard about the incident...are you fine now?" Logan woke up today and heard the news of Ceaser's death from his new deskmate.

Upon hearing the news, Logan both felt agitated and worried. He had a good relationship with Professor Clara which is why he felt frustrated with himself that when this disaster befell her, he was lying in bed.

Clara's expression turned a little bitter—well she had to look like that—before she responded, "Well, I am doing fine. Thanks for asking."

Seeing her weak smile, Logan felt his heart turning heavy.

With his fist clenched and determination flaring up in his eyes, he said, "If you need to talk to someone, then I am here, Professor."

Clara's smile now became strained and her eyes turned crescent as she nodded stiffly, "Of course."

What she didn't notice nor did Logan was the prying eyes of a certain old man, who had been hearing their conversation since the beginning.


[In the Headmaster's office.]

The old man sighed and leaned back in his chair.

He has been tracking Clara since yesterday, from the moment she leaves her dorm to the point she returns home.

And from what he has seen, the only person who held strong emotions toward Clara was Logan.

Not only has he been enquiring about Clara's case with many other students but he has shown disgust at the mention of Ceaser as well.

'But if he had been there with Professor Clara in that dimension, then he wouldn't—hmm...' Suddenly, the headmaster had a thought.

The earlier conversation between Logan and Clara. Could it be, that they are pretending to be like that? Could it be that Logan purposely spoke like he didn't have any knowledge of the incident and only came to know through rumours? Because there was no one monitoring Logan in the infirmary when the incident occurred in the staff room, elevates the Headmaster's suspicion.

There are a lot of things that dictate Logan's involvement in this matter. And above all, his personal feelings for Clara were a strong factor to note.

'This needs a thorough perusal...'


Richard wasn't expecting someone at this hour, however, upon hearing the voice of the person from the other side, he didn't make them wait for long and said,

"Come in."

From the other side, a woman with grey short hair and black eyes walked in. Despite being in her late forties she looked quite beautiful and her slim figure makes her one of the most attractive instructors in the Academy.

Naturally, Richard didn't show any reaction and invited the lady to sit down.

"Norma, what can I do for you?" Richard asked since it wasn't usual for the instructor to ask for a meeting with him—especially, without any prior notice.

Norma remained silent and rather extended a file in Richard's direction.

Unsure, the old man took the file and raised his brows in surprise.

" do know we don't accept any student past the enrollment deadline, right?" Richard asked, unsure why the instructor suddenly brought the portfolio of a student.

The lady leaned forward and rested her arms on the table. The expression on her face never wavered as she asked, "When was the last time you heard a sixteen-year-old girl, defeating a B-rank monster? And not one but a bunch of them?"

Richard's expression shifted from confusion to surprise, "Are you sure about what you are saying?"

"Yes, I am, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you."

Richard removed his eyes from his employee and began to flip pages of the document he was given.

He went through the documents and took his time to study the experience and skills the potential student possesses.

After some careful contemplation, the white-haired man finally asked, "I want to meet this student. Today, if possible."

Norma showed a rare smile before nodding, "I will bring her by three."


Nearly two on the clock, Alatia was allowed to leave the council office. Today there were only three classes that's why Alatia was able to finish all her work for the week and leave the office without any pending work.

Just as she got up, the redhead President called out, "You are heading back to the capital tomorrow, right?"

There was no surprise that Isabella knew about it since the leave application Alatia submitted, clearly stated that she had to return home this weekend for some urgent work. Naturally, neither Isabella nor the Headmaster showed reluctance and immediately signed on the application.

"Yes, I am. Do you want me to bring something for you, President?" Alatia asked—in an unusually enthusiastic tone.

The others were as shocked as Isabella. However, the President didn't ask the reason for her excitement, but rather, brought up what she originally intended to let her know, "From next week, your practical classes will begin, as such, I would advise you to decide your team members as soon as you can."

Not as the President but as a senior, Isabella suggested. The on-ground training of the students is a very crucial part of the tutelage in this Academy. And to participate in the raids, one must have the assistance of their teammates.

Alatia's excitement didn't subdue hearing that as she politely bowed and responded, "I will do as you suggest, President."

Seeing the girl being so polite and acting so adorable, made Isabelle smile and urged her to pinch Alatia's cheeks. But she restrained her desires and hummed in response.

Alatia didn't wait long in the council room before making her way out. And outside awaited the face that she could never get tired of gazing at.

"Good work." Kyle took her bag and greeted his lady. That soft smile on his face melted all her stress in an instant as with loose shoulders, she replied,

"It was a long day...I want nothing more than a hug now." Seeing her extending her hands, Kyle panicked before he reminded the girl,

"We are still in school and you still are a princess. Hold your horses, my lady."

Alatia's hands, which were extending for a hug, fell lifelessly as she gathered her lips in a pout and with a strong 'hmph' began to walk away.

Kyle low-key rejects her advances to see this childish side. But naturally, he wouldn't tell her that.

He also began to walk behind her as the duo left the main school building—heading towards their love nest a.k.a dorm.

Alatia didn't chat with Kyle en route since in the academy she has to pretend to be the same Alatia which everyone knows. Showing over-familiarity with Kyle would create rumours and those rumours would reach the Capital in no time.

Until 'that' happens, Alatia doesn't want her father to know about her relationship with Kyle. So for now, she has to keep herself in check.

While carrying her bag, Kyle silently walked behind her and thought about what he would prepare for lunch.

Just as they were turning towards their left and entering the dorm section, a certain person passed by them—and for some reason, Kyle found this scent quite familiar.

However, just as he turned his head to look at the person, they disappeared.



A/N:- Ig everyone knows who this person could be. More drama? Alatia turning a full yan? What drama awaits in the capital? A lot to know.

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