Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 1: Im the fifteenth child?

Chapter -5: Continents, Rulers, Currency, Religions and Politics.

This is a "short" rundown of the world Lumiere lives in. A somewhat, quintessential compendium of how the world works. Notwithstanding its likely unwholesome disclosure of information, that will be done as the story progresses.


The world is divided into four main continents: The Human Continent, The Demon Continent, The Dragon Continent and The God's Domain, mostly called The Welkin or God Continent .

The Human Continent is the western continent where most of the humans live, and it's ruled by monarchs and nobles who govern the different kingdoms.

The Demon Continent, on the other hand, is the southern continent where demons and monsters live, and it's ruled by the Demon Emperor and his wives, the nine Demon Empresses who oversee the various territories.

The Dragon Continent is the eastern continent, home to dragons and the Dragon faithful the overall ruler is the Dragon god Elzard who has four Dragon Generals. They don't interact much with the other continents but are friendly to travelers.

And finally, The Welkin Continent which is far north, is where the gods live, overseeing the world from their own domain.

「The Human Continent...」

(It is home to humans, demihumans, beastpeople, elves and a number of acceptable races that can pass as humans.)

There are several kingdoms in the Human Continent, including the Kingdom of Cross, the Kingdom of Shield, the Kingdom of Sword, and the Kingdom of Spear.

Cross and Shield kingdoms have a feudal system where the lords and ladies of the land uphold the law and maintain order within their territories. They also operate on Male Primogeniture.

Sword and Spear Kingdom prefer to operate on Primogeniture. As such, anyone of the monarch's children could become the next ruler irrespective of gender.

Additionally, there are also countries that have formed unions and federations. The Union of Free Cities is a federation of independent city-states in the central part of the continent. The Free City of Archia is the most powerful of the cities, and the union's capital is located in the Free City of Naxos. There is also the Free City of Elgard and the Free City of Duranzia.

The Allied Duchies are another federation, consisting of several duchies that have banded together for mutual protection and trade. They are located in the northwest of the continent and have formed an alliance with the Kingdom of Shield.

In the south, there is an empire known as the Empire of Zelos. It is a highly centralized state, led by a powerful emperor who has complete control over the government. The Empire of Zelos is known for its vast army and formidable navy, and it wields significant influence over the surrounding kingdoms and countries. As such, the Emperor of said Empire rules over the Kingdom of Sword and Spear.

Despite their differences, these nations have managed to come to a peace treaty with the Demon and Dragon Continents. The treaty encompasses several key points, including a pledge to end all hostilities and a commitment to collaborate on matters of trade and diplomacy. All sides of the treaty also agree to extradite any criminals who may have fled to the other side of the treaty.

The peace treaty also involves the establishment of a joint council, composed of representatives from the three continents, which will meet periodically to discuss issues of mutual concern. Finally, the treaty mandates the creation of a temporary buffer zone among the three continents, where military forces are not permitted to enter.

「The Demon Continent...」

The political system in the Demon Continent is highly complex and hierarchical. At the top of the hierarchy is the Demon Emperor, who has absolute power over the entire continent. Below him are the nine Demon Empresses, each of whom governs a different territory.

The territories of the Demon Continent are named after the various types of demons and monsters that inhabit them. They include the territories of the Succubi, the Vampires, the Werewolves, the Gargoyles, the Incubi, the Harpies, the Demons, the Imps, and the Hellhounds.

Each Demon Empress is responsible for overseeing the administration of her territory and ensuring that the demons and monsters living there are loyal to the Demon Emperor. However, there is also a complex system of alliances and rivalries between the different territories, and the Demon Empresses must constantly navigate these competing interests to maintain their power.

The geography of the Demon Continent is varied and diverse, with different regions characterized by their own unique flora and fauna. Some parts of the continent are covered in dense forests of twisted, gnarled trees, while others are barren wastelands of ash and brimstone. In some areas, there are vast swamps teeming with monstrous creatures, while in others there are towering mountain ranges that are home to ferocious predators. Overall, the Demon Continent is an unforgiving and dangerous place, where survival depends on strength, cunning, and loyalty to the Demon Emperor.

The nine Demon Empresses have the following names:

1. Lilith, Empress of the Succubi

2. Carmilla, Empress of the Vampires

3. Fenrir, Empress of the Werewolves

4. Stheno, Empress of the Gargoyles

5. Asmodeus, Empress of the Incubi

6. Aello, Empress of the Harpies

7. Belphegor, Empress of the Demons

8. Mammon, Empress of the Imps

9. Cerberus, Empress of the Hellhounds

Basically, the Demon Emperor just likes a Harem.

Beneath the Demon Emperor and his wives, the four Demon Kings reign supreme over the Blackcrest Region. Their names were Varvatos, Barbatos, Garmatos, and Arceiatos. Descended directly from the essence of the Demon Emperor, they were not considered offsprings of his wives. In fact, they were older than them, and their powers were unmatched.

The Blackcrest Region was divided into sectors or villages, each ruled by a respective Demon King. Each sector possessed unique climates tailored to the taste of their ruler. Varvatos, the first Demon King, ruled over the frigid north, where blizzards and snowstorms raged on endlessly. Barbatos, the second Demon King, held sway over the sun-scorched deserts of the south, where sandstorms and heatwaves were the norm.

Garmatos, the third Demon King, was the lord of the dense jungles and forests in the east. It was said that the trees and vines here moved at his command, and that the animals bowed to his every whim. Finally, Arceiatos, the fourth Demon King, ruled over the rugged mountains in the west. Here, the winds howled fiercely, and the peaks were so high that only the bravest could climb them.

Together, these four Demon Kings commanded immense power and ruled over the Blackcrest Region with an iron fist. None dared to challenge their authority, for to do so would be to invite certain doom upon oneself. Such was the might of the Demon Kings, and such was the fear they inspired in the hearts of all who lived beneath their rule.

「Dragon Continent...」

The Dragon Continent is a vast land filled with diverse cultures and traditions. In the north, near the frozen tundra, lies the Ice Tribe. This tribe is known for their white fur clothing and their impressive ice sculptures. They worship the Northern Lights as a deity and believe that they bring good fortune to their tribe.

Moving south, towards the center of the continent, is the Mountain Tribe. They reside in the highest peaks of the Dragon Continent and are skilled in mining and metalwork. They worship the god of the mountains and believe that he provides them with the precious metals and gems that they use to adorn themselves and their weapons.

Further south, near the lush forests, resides the Forest Tribe. They are skilled hunters and gatherers and are known for their intricate tattoos and jewelry made from the bones of animals. They worship the goddess of the forest and believe that she provides them with bountiful harvests and protects them from harm.

At the eastern coast of the Dragon Continent lies the Sea Tribe. They are skilled fishermen and sailors, and their boats are known for their intricate carvings and colorful sails. They worship the god of the sea and believe that he provides them with a bountiful catch and safe voyages.

Lastly, in the southwest corner of the continent, lies the Desert Tribe. They are skilled in navigating the harsh desert terrain and are known for their colorful clothing and intricate pottery. They worship the god of the sun and believe that he provides them with the warmth and light needed to survive in the desert.

Each tribe has its own unique culture and traditions, but they all share a deep reverence for the dragons that roam the continent. They believe that dragons are the protectors of the land and that they bring good fortune and prosperity to those who show them respect.

「The God Continent...」

In the God continent, a complex political system governed the various gods and goddesses. There were different factions, each with their own agenda. The most powerful gods formed an organization known as the Council of Divinity. This council included the gods of creation, destruction, knowledge, war, and love.

The leader of this council was the god of creation, known as Ryxlogius. He was the most respected among the gods due to his immense power and wisdom. The council made all major decisions regarding the God continent and kept the other continents in check.

The reason other continents feared the God continent was due to its immense power. The gods had the ability to create and destroy entire worlds with a mere thought. The other continents knew that if the gods ever decided to interfere in their affairs, it would lead to catastrophic consequences.


Each continent also had its own religion. The humans worshipped either pantheon of gods and goddesses or Saint Rinbars, while the demons had their own dark deities. The gods of the God continent were worshipped by a select few, chosen ones who had been blessed by the divinity.


The economic system of the Human Continent is based on a currency system using copper, silver, gold, platinum, and white platinum.

1 copper can buy:

- a loaf of bread

- a single vegetable

- a small bottle of ink

- a candle

10 copper can buy:

- a pint of ale

- a small bunch of flowers

- a wooden spoon

- a quill pen

100 copper (1 silver) can buy:

- a chicken or rabbit

- a large loaf of bread

- a small bag of flour

- a new set of clothes

1000 copper (10 silver) can buy:

- a decent-sized pig

- a barrel of ale

- a large bed

- a horse or mule

10000 copper (100 silver or 1 gold) can buy:

- a small boat

- a cart and horse

- a draft animal

- a set of plate armor

100000 copper (1000 silver or 10 gold) can buy:

- a small property

- a small castle or estate

- a trained warhorse

- a grand feast for a hundred people

1 million copper (10,000 silver or 100 gold or 1 platinum) can buy:

- a small fleet of ships

- a sprawling estate

- a small army of soldiers

- a royal coronation feast for an entire kingdom

10 million copper (100,000 silver or 1,000 gold or 10 platinum) can buy:

- the services of a powerful dragon

- a legendary artifact

- the loyalty of a powerful wizard

100 million copper (1,000,000 silver or 10,000 gold or 100 platinum or 1 white platinum) can buy:

- a massive empire

- a squad of powerful dragon riders

| For the Demon Continent. |

The Demon Continent has a much higher standard of living and economy, the exchange rate for the currency from the kingdom would likely be:

1 Demon Continent Currency (DCC) = 1000 Copper Coins

This means, if someone from the Human Continent wanted to exchange their currency for DCC, they would get much less value for their money. For example, if they wanted to buy a horse that cost 1000 DCC, they would need to exchange 1 gold coin (10,000 copper coins) for 10 DCC to be able to afford it.

Similarly, if someone from the Demon Continent wanted to buy something from the Human Continent, they would need to exchange their DCC for a much larger amount of copper coins. For example, if they wanted to buy a loaf of bread that cost 1 copper coin, they would need to exchange 1 DCC for 1000 copper coins.

This exchange rate would help balance the economy and ensure that people from the Demon Continent would not be able to purchase everything at a much lower cost in the kingdom.

| For the Dragon Continent. |

The Dragon Continent's currency has a moderate standard of living and economy compared to the Human Continent and Demon Continent.

As for the five levels of currency, here are the names and their relative values:

1. Copper Coins - The basic unit of the Dragon Continent's currency, used for everyday transactions and small purchases.

2. Silver Bars - A larger denomination used for larger purchases and savings, worth 100 Copper Coins.

3. Gold Ingots - A highly valuable denomination used for buying luxury goods, investments, and paying high-level taxes, worth 100 Silver Bars or 10,000 Copper Coins.

4. Platinum Plates - An exclusive denomination reserved for nobles, wealthy merchants, and high-level government officials, worth 10 Gold Ingots or 1,000,000 Copper Coins.

5. Dragon Scales - The rarest and most valuable denomination only used in rare occasions such as commemorative coins, ceremonial gifts, or store of wealth, worth 100 Platinum Plates or 100,000,000 Copper Coins.

With this currency system, it encourages more people to save up their money for larger purchases and investments, while also keeping the economy stable and balanced.

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